changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/rootserver/rootsrv/rootsess.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "rsstd.h"
+#include "bindmgr.h"
+#include <elements/cfmacro.h>
+#include <cflog.h>
+__CFLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KLogSubSysRS, "RootServer");) // subsystem name
+EXPORT_C CRootServerSession::CRootServerSession(const CRootServer* aRootServer)
+    :iActiveHandlers(_FOFF(CSessionHandler, iLink))
+    {
+    iRootServer = (CRootServer*) aRootServer;
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::CancelLoadCPM(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Attempt to cancel a load cpm request.
+     If a pending request is not found, we check that the module
+	 is running already.  We cannot actually cancel a request as we cannot
+	 guarantee that it will not be completed just after we delete the request,
+	 which will therefore lead to a stray event - bad!
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+    {
+    TCFModuleNameF name;
+    TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, name);
+    if(result==KErrNone)
+		{
+		__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession - CancelLoadCPM: %S"), &name);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession - CancelLoadCPM: error %d reading module name"), result);
+        return result;
+		}
+	TDblQueIter<CSessionHandler> handlerIter(iActiveHandlers);
+    CSessionHandler* handler;
+	result = KErrNotFound;
+    while(result != KErrNone && (handler = handlerIter++) != NULL)
+        {
+		if(handler->HandlerType() == CSessionHandler::ESHTypeLoadCPM)
+			{
+			CSessionHandlerLoadCPM* loadHandler = static_cast<CSessionHandlerLoadCPM*>(handler);
+			if(loadHandler->MatchPending(name))
+				{
+				// Complete with KErrCancel
+				if(loadHandler->CancelHandler(ETrue))
+					{
+					delete loadHandler;
+					}
+				result = KErrNone;
+				}
+			}
+        }
+    return result;
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::LoadCPML(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Load a module.
+     Generic load function for both servers and providers.  Simply reads data from
+	 message and uses aModuleRequest to decide which type of load to kick off
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+	{
+	iMessage = aMessage;
+    TRSStartModuleParams params;
+	aMessage.ReadL(0, params);
+	__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRSModule, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession - LoadCPML: %S"), &params.iParams.iName);
+    if((params.iParams.iName.Length()>KCFMaxModuleName) ||
+       (params.iParams.iName.Length()<1) ||	// magic number 1 - name must have at least one character
+       (params.iParams.iName.MaxLength()!=KCFMaxModuleName))
+        {
+        return (KErrRSInvalidParameterName);
+        }
+    if((params.iParams.iFilename.Length()>KMaxFileName) ||
+       (params.iParams.iFilename.Length()<5) || // magic number 5 - one character plus "." plus 3 letter file extension
+       (params.iParams.iFilename.MaxLength()!=KMaxFileName))
+        {
+        return (KErrRSInvalidParameterFile);
+        }
+    if(params.iParams.iThreadFunctionOrdinal<0)
+        {
+        return (KErrRSInvalidParameterThreadFuncOrdinal);
+        }
+    if(params.iParams.iStackSize<0)
+        {
+        return (KErrRSInvalidParameterStackSize);
+        }
+	if(params.iParams.iHeapType==ENewHeap)
+		{
+		if(params.iParams.iMinHeapSize<KMinHeapSize)
+    		{
+    		return (KErrRSInvalidParameterHeapSize);
+    		}
+		if(params.iParams.iMaxHeapSize<params.iParams.iMinHeapSize)
+    		{
+    		return (KErrRSInvalidParameterHeapSize);
+    		}
+		}
+    HBufC8* inidata = NULL;
+  	TInt size = 0;
+	if(aMessage.Ptr1())
+		{
+	  	size = aMessage.GetDesLength(1);
+		User::LeaveIfError(size);
+		}
+  	if (size>0)
+  		{
+  		inidata = HBufC8::NewLC(size);
+    	TPtr8 tpInidata(inidata->Des());
+    	aMessage.ReadL(1, tpInidata);
+    	}
+	__CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,
+				_L8("CRootServerSession - Load request in LoadModuleL"));
+	iRootServer->LazyLoadL();
+	CCommsProviderModule* pModule = iRootServer->CreateCpmL(params, inidata);
+	if(inidata)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::Pop(inidata);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pModule);
+	pModule->CreateThreadL();
+	CSessionHandlerLoadCPM* pHandler =
+			CSessionHandlerLoadCPM::NewL(this, iRootServer->BindManager(), aMessage);
+	RegisterHandler(*pHandler);
+	pHandler->SetHandler(pModule->GetName());
+	TInt result = pHandler->Start();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(pModule);	// pModule
+	return result;
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::CancelUnloadCPM(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Cancel an unload cpm request.
+     If a pending unload request is found, then we still
+	 cannot cancel it, otherwise we may have a stray event as we
+	 cannot guarantee that the request would not be completed
+	 just after we attempt to cancel it.
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+	{
+    TCFModuleNameF name;
+    TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, name);
+    if(result==KErrNone)
+		{
+		__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession - CancelUnloadCPM: %S"), &name);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession - CancelUnloadCPM: error %d reading module name"), result);
+        return result;
+		}
+	TDblQueIter<CSessionHandler> handlerIter(iActiveHandlers);
+    CSessionHandler* handler;
+	result = KErrNotFound;
+    while(result != KErrNone && (handler = handlerIter++) != NULL)
+        {
+		if(handler->HandlerType() == CSessionHandler::ESHTypeUnLoadCPM)
+			{
+			CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM* unLoadHandler = static_cast<CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM*>(handler);
+			if(unLoadHandler->MatchPending(name))
+				{
+				// Complete with KErrCancel
+				if(unLoadHandler->CancelHandler(ETrue))
+					{
+					delete unLoadHandler;
+					}
+				result = KErrNone;
+				}
+			}
+        }
+    #ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+	    if(result != KErrNone)
+	    	{
+	 		__CFLOG_2(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::CancelUnloadCPM - error %d trying to cancel unload of module %S"), result, &name);
+	 	  	}
+	#endif
+    return result;
+	}
+TInt CRootServerSession::UnloadCPML(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Unload a cpm.
+     If the cpm requested to unload is found, then
+	 the bindmgr is called to shutdown the module
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return TInt - whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+    {
+	CCommsProviderModule* pModule = NULL;
+    TCFModuleNameF name;
+    aMessage.ReadL(0, name);
+	TRSUnLoadType unloadType = (TRSUnLoadType) aMessage.Int1();
+	#if defined _DEBUG || defined __CFLOG_ACTIVE || defined SYMBIAN_TRACE_ENABLE
+		TPtrC8 unloadTypePtr = CCommsProviderModule::GetUnloadTypeName(unloadType);
+		__CFLOG_2(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession - UnloadCPML: %S, unload type %S"), &name, &unloadTypePtr);
+		// Warn the programmer that forced module unloads are unsafe.
+		if((unloadType == EImmediate) || (unloadType == EUnGraceful))
+			{
+			_LIT8(KForcedModuleUnloadWarning, "WARNING: An %S unload of the %S module has been initiated.  This may cause panics or memory leaks/corruption, especially if any sessions are still open. Any error reported from now until server shutdown may be spurious.");
+			#ifdef _DEBUG
+				RDebug::Printf(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(TPtrC8(KForcedModuleUnloadWarning).Ptr()), &unloadTypePtr, &name);
+			#endif
+			// Log the warning to UTrace if available.
+			    enum
+			        {
+			        KPrimaryFilter = 194, // server den
+			        KMaxLogTextLength = 250
+			        };
+			    class TLogIgnoreOverflow8 : public TDes8Overflow
+			        {
+			        public:
+			            void Overflow(TDes8& /*aDes*/) { }
+			        };
+				// Format the log text into a buffer for UTrace.
+			    TBuf8<KMaxLogTextLength> buf;
+		    	TLogIgnoreOverflow8 overflowHandler;
+			    buf.AppendFormat(KForcedModuleUnloadWarning, &overflowHandler, &unloadTypePtr, &name);
+				UTracePfAny(KPrimaryFilter, KText, ETrue, EFalse, buf.Length(), buf.Ptr(), buf.Length());
+			#endif
+			__CFLOG_2(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, KForcedModuleUnloadWarning, &unloadTypePtr, &name);
+			}
+	#endif
+	pModule = iRootServer->FindCpm(name);
+	if( !pModule )
+		{
+		__CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("Couldn't find cpm"));
+		return KErrRSModuleNotLoaded;
+		}
+	if(pModule->IsSticky())
+		{
+		return KErrLocked;
+		}
+	CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM* pHandler =
+			CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM::NewL(this, iRootServer->BindManager(), aMessage);
+	RegisterHandler(*pHandler);
+	pHandler->SetHandler(pModule->GetName(), unloadType);
+	return pHandler->Start();
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::CancelBind(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Cancel a bind request.
+     Attempt to cancel a pending bind request between two modules. Simply
+	 looks for a match in the list of pending session handler requests.
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return TInt - whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+	{
+	__CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootSession - CancelBind"));
+	TRSSubModuleAddress binfo;
+	TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, binfo);
+    if(result!=KErrNone)
+    	{
+        return result;
+        }
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleFrom = binfo.iAddress;
+	result = aMessage.Read(1, binfo);
+    if(result!=KErrNone)
+	    {
+        return result;
+        }
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleTo = binfo.iAddress;
+	if(moduleFrom.Module().Length()>KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	if(moduleTo.Module().Length()>KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	TDblQueIter<CSessionHandler> handlerIter(iActiveHandlers);
+    CSessionHandler* handler;
+	result = KErrNotFound;
+    while(result != KErrNone && (handler = handlerIter++) != NULL)
+        {
+		if(handler->HandlerType() == CSessionHandler::ESHTypeBinding)
+			{
+			CSessionHandlerBinding* bindingHandler = static_cast<CSessionHandlerBinding*>(handler);
+			if(bindingHandler->MatchPending(moduleFrom, moduleTo))
+				{
+				// Complete with KErrCancel
+				bindingHandler->Cancel();
+				result = KErrNone;
+				}
+			}
+        }
+    return result;
+	}
+TInt CRootServerSession::BindL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Bind two submodules.
+     Binds two modules together by prompting the binding manager in the right way.
+	 If the top module is a server, then the bind type must be a hierarchical bind!
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return TInt - whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+    {
+	TRSBindingInfo params;
+	aMessage.ReadL(0, params);
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleFrom(params.iParams.iAddress1);
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleTo(params.iParams.iAddress2);
+	TRSBindType bindType = params.iParams.iType;
+    __CFLOG_3(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - BindL: binding %S with %S, bind type %d"), &moduleFrom, &moduleTo, bindType);
+	if(moduleFrom.Module().Length() > KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+	    __CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - BindL KErrBadName"));
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	if(moduleFrom.SubModule().Length() > KCFMaxSubModuleName)
+		{
+	    __CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - BindL KErrBadName"));
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	if(moduleTo.Module().Length() > KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+	    __CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - BindL KErrBadName"));
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	if(moduleTo.SubModule().Length() > KCFMaxSubModuleName)
+		{
+	    __CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - BindL KErrBadName"));
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	if(params.iParams.iForwardQLength < TRSBindingInfo::EMinQueueLength ||
+	   params.iParams.iReverseQLength < TRSBindingInfo::EMinQueueLength ||
+	   params.iParams.iForwardQLength > TRSBindingInfo::EMaxQueueLength ||
+	   params.iParams.iReverseQLength > TRSBindingInfo::EMaxQueueLength)
+		{
+	    __CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - BindL KErrRSInvalidQueueLength"));
+		return KErrRSInvalidQueueLength;
+		}
+   __CFLOG_4(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession. Binding %S with %S. Queues[%d,%d]"), &moduleFrom, &moduleTo, params.iParams.iForwardQLength, params.iParams.iReverseQLength);
+	// do checking here
+	CCommsProviderModule* pModuleFrom = iRootServer->FindCpm(moduleFrom.Module());
+	CCommsProviderModule* pModuleTo = iRootServer->FindCpm(moduleTo.Module());
+	if( !pModuleFrom )
+		{
+		return KErrRSModuleNotLoaded;
+		}
+	if( !pModuleTo )
+		{
+		return KErrRSModuleNotLoaded;
+		}
+	if(bindType == EHierarchical && pModuleTo->IsServer())
+		{
+		return KErrRSInvalidBinding;
+		}
+	CSessionHandlerBinding* pHandler =
+			CSessionHandlerBinding::NewL(this, iRootServer->BindManager(), aMessage);
+	RegisterHandler( *pHandler );
+	pHandler->SetHandler(moduleFrom, moduleTo, bindType,
+	  					 params.iParams.iForwardQLength,
+						 params.iParams.iReverseQLength);
+    return pHandler->Start();
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::CancelUnbind(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Cancel an unbind request.
+     Attempt to cancel a previous request to unbind two submodules.
+	 Again tries to match a pending session handler request.
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+	{
+	__CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession - CancelUnbind"));
+	TRSSubModuleAddress binfo;
+	TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, binfo);
+    if(result!=KErrNone)
+    	{
+        return result;
+        }
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleFrom = binfo.iAddress;
+	result = aMessage.Read(1, binfo);
+    if(result!=KErrNone)
+    	{
+        return result;
+        }
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleTo = binfo.iAddress;
+	if(moduleFrom.Module().Length()>KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	if(moduleTo.Module().Length()>KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	TDblQueIter<CSessionHandler> handlerIter(iActiveHandlers);
+    CSessionHandler* handler;
+	result = KErrNotFound;
+    while(result != KErrNone && (handler = handlerIter++) != NULL)
+        {
+		if(handler->HandlerType() == CSessionHandler::ESHTypeUnBinding)
+			{
+			CSessionHandlerUnBinding* unbindingHandler = static_cast<CSessionHandlerUnBinding*>(handler);
+			if(unbindingHandler->MatchPending(moduleFrom, moduleTo))
+				{
+				// Complete with KErrCancel
+				unbindingHandler->Cancel();
+				result = KErrNone;
+				}
+			}
+        }
+    return result;
+	}
+TInt CRootServerSession::UnbindL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Unbind two submodules.
+     Unbinds two modules by asking the bind manager to deal with request.
+	 Uses rootserver findProvider() and findServer() functions to check if requested modules are loaded
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message which will be completed.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+    {
+    __CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - Unbind"));
+	TRSUnBindingInfo params;
+	aMessage.ReadL( 0, params );
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleFrom = params.iParams.iAddress1;
+	TCFSubModuleAddress moduleTo = params.iParams.iAddress2;
+	if(moduleFrom.Module().Length()>KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	if(moduleTo.Module().Length()>KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+	// do checking here
+	CCommsProviderModule* pModuleFrom = iRootServer->FindCpm(moduleFrom.Module());
+	CCommsProviderModule* pModuleTo = iRootServer->FindCpm(moduleTo.Module());
+	if((!pModuleFrom) || (!pModuleTo))
+		{
+		return KErrRSModuleNotLoaded;
+		}
+	CSessionHandlerUnBinding* pHandler =
+			CSessionHandlerUnBinding::NewL(this, iRootServer->BindManager(), aMessage);
+	RegisterHandler(*pHandler);
+	pHandler->SetHandler(moduleFrom, moduleTo);
+    return pHandler->Start();
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::EnumerateBindings(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Get binding info for a module.
+     We fill a descriptor with bindInfo objects
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message to be filled with bindInfo.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+    {
+	TRSSubModuleAddress moduleAddr;
+	TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, moduleAddr);
+	if(KErrNone == result)
+		{
+		TPckgBuf<TRSIter> ipcPosition;
+		result = aMessage.Read(1, ipcPosition);
+		if(KErrNone == result)
+			{
+			TInt& position = ipcPosition()();
+			// Locate the right one
+			CBindManager* const bindMgr = iRootServer->BindManager();
+			CBindManager::TBindingInfo info;
+			result = bindMgr->EnumerateBindings(moduleAddr.iAddress, ETrue, info);
+			for(TInt cursor = 0; (cursor < position) && (KErrNone == result); cursor++)
+				{
+				result = bindMgr->EnumerateBindings(moduleAddr.iAddress, EFalse, info);
+				}
+			if(KErrNone == result)
+       			{
+				// Got one, copy the information to the client
+				TRSBindingInfo bindInfo;
+				bindInfo.iParams.iType = info.iType;
+				bindInfo.iParams.iAddress1 = info.iSubModuleAddr1;
+				bindInfo.iParams.iAddress2 = info.iSubModuleAddr2;
+				bindInfo.iParams.iState1 = info.iSubModuleState1;
+				bindInfo.iParams.iState2 = info.iSubModuleState2;
+				result = aMessage.Write(2, bindInfo);
+				if(KErrNone == result)
+       				{
+					++position;
+					result = aMessage.Write(1, ipcPosition);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+TInt CRootServerSession::GetModuleInfo(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Get info for a module.
+     Fills a descriptor with information regarding the
+	 module specified in the message
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message to be filled with moduleInfo.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+    {
+    TCFModuleNameF name;
+    TRSModuleInfo info;
+    TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, name);
+    if(result!=KErrNone)
+        {
+        return result;
+        }
+	if(name.Length()>KCFMaxModuleName)
+		{
+		return KErrBadName;
+		}
+    result = iRootServer->GetModuleInfo(name, info);
+    if(result!=KErrNone)
+        {
+        return result;
+        }
+  	result = aMessage.Write(1, info);
+    return result;
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::EnumerateModules(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Enumerate the rootserver.
+     Finds loaded modules in the root server and fills a descriptor
+	 list in the message
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The client message.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+	 */
+    {
+	TPckgBuf<TRSIter> ipcPosition;
+	TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, ipcPosition);
+	if(KErrNone == result)
+		{
+		TInt& position = ipcPosition()();
+		TCFModuleNameF moduleName;
+		result = iRootServer->EnumerateModules(position, moduleName);
+		if(KErrNone == result)
+       		{
+			result = aMessage.Write(1, moduleName);
+			if(KErrNone == result)
+       			{
+				++position;
+				result = aMessage.Write(0, ipcPosition);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+    return result;
+    }
+TInt CRootServerSession::EnumerateSubModules(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+    /** Enumerate the rootserver.
+     Finds loaded modules in the root server and fills a descriptor
+	 list in the message
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aMessage The message to be filled with list of modules found.
+     @return Whether the function was successful or not.
+     */
+    {
+	TCFModuleNameF moduleName;
+	TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, moduleName);
+	if(KErrNone == result)
+		{
+		if(!iRootServer->FindCpm(moduleName))
+			{
+ 			return KErrNotFound;
+ 			}
+		TPckgBuf<TRSIter> ipcPosition;
+		result = aMessage.Read(1, ipcPosition);
+		if(KErrNone == result)
+			{
+			TInt& position = ipcPosition()();
+		    TCFSubModuleNameF subModuleName;
+			result = iRootServer->EnumerateSubModules(moduleName, position, subModuleName);
+			if(KErrNone == result)
+       			{
+				result = aMessage.Write(2, subModuleName);
+				if(KErrNone == result)
+       				{
+					++position;
+					result = aMessage.Write(1, ipcPosition);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRootServerSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	/** Messages are handled here.
+	 @internalComponent
+	 */
+    {
+    TInt result = KErrGeneral;
+    TBool completeNow = ETrue;
+    switch ((aMessage.Function()))
+		{
+		case RSIsCallerConfigurator:
+			result = IsCallerConfigurator(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSLoadModule:
+			TRAP(result, result = LoadCPML(aMessage));
+			#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+				if( result != KErrNone )
+					{
+					__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::ServiceL: RSLoadModule - error %d starting to load CPM"), result);
+					}
+			#endif
+			completeNow = (result != KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case RSUnloadModule:
+			TRAP(result, result = UnloadCPML(aMessage));
+			#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+				if( result != KErrNone )
+					{
+					__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::ServiceL: RSUnloadModule - error %d starting to unload CPM"), result);
+					}
+			#endif
+			completeNow = (result != KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case RSGetModuleInfo:
+			result = GetModuleInfo(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSEnumerateModules:
+			result = EnumerateModules(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSEnumerateSubModules:
+			result = EnumerateSubModules(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSCancelLoadModule:
+			result = CancelLoadCPM(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSCancelUnloadModule:
+			result = CancelUnloadCPM(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSCloseSession:
+			CloseSession();
+			result = KErrNone;
+			break;
+		case RSShutdown:
+			result = Shutdown();
+			break;
+		case RSSendMessage:
+			result = Forward( aMessage );
+			completeNow = (result != KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case RSBind:
+			TRAP(result, result = BindL(aMessage));
+			#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+				if( result != KErrNone )
+					{
+					__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::ServiceL: RSBind - error %d starting to bind modules"), result);
+					}
+			#endif
+			completeNow = (result != KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case RSUnbind:
+			TRAP(result, result = UnbindL(aMessage));
+			#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+				if( result != KErrNone )
+					{
+					__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::ServiceL: RSUnbind - error %d starting to unbind modules"), result);
+					}
+			#endif
+			completeNow = (result != KErrNone);
+			break;
+		case RSEnumerateBindings:
+			result = EnumerateBindings(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSCancelBind:
+			result = CancelBind(aMessage);
+			break;
+		case RSCancelUnbind:
+			result = CancelUnbind(aMessage);
+			break;
+			// Server debug messages
+		case RSDbgMarkHeap:
+			result = KErrNone;
+			break;
+		case RSDbgCheckHeap:
+			result = KErrNone;
+			__UHEAP_CHECK(aMessage.Int0());
+			break;
+		case RSDbgMarkEnd:
+			result = KErrNone;
+			__UHEAP_MARKENDC(aMessage.Int0());
+			break;
+		case RSDbgFailNext:
+			result = KErrNone;
+			if(aMessage.Int0() >= 0)
+				{
+				__UHEAP_FAILNEXT(aMessage.Int0());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				}
+			break;
+#endif		// DEBUG }
+		default:
+			result = KErrNotSupported;
+			break;
+		}
+    if(completeNow)
+        {
+        aMessage.Complete(result);
+        }
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CRootServerSession::SuddenDeath(const TInt aError)
+	/** Handles Sudden Death completion events
+	 @internalComponent
+	 */
+    {
+    if(iSuddenDeathListener)
+        {
+        iSuddenDeathMessage.Complete(aError);
+        iSuddenDeathListener = EFalse;
+        }
+    };
+void CRootServerSession::RegisterHandler(CSessionHandler& aHandler)
+    /** Register session handlers.
+     @internalComponent
+     @param aHandler Reference to handler to be registered to allow deletion
+     */
+	{
+	__CFLOG( KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,_L8("CRootServerSession - Registering handler"));
+	iActiveHandlers.AddLast(aHandler);
+    }
+EXPORT_C CRootServerSession::~CRootServerSession()
+	/** RootserverSession destructor.
+     @internalComponent
+     */
+    {
+	TDblQueIter<CSessionHandler> handlerIter(iActiveHandlers);
+    CSessionHandler* pHandler;
+    // cancel handlers without completing their RMessages
+    while((pHandler = handlerIter++)!=NULL)
+		{
+		if(pHandler->CancelHandler(EFalse, ETrue))
+			{
+			delete pHandler;
+			}
+        }
+    }
+void CRootServerSession::CloseSession()
+    /** Close session to rootserver.
+     @internalComponent
+     */
+	{
+	// cancel all the client's handlers before we die
+    __CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::CloseSession"));
+	TDblQueIter<CSessionHandler> handlerIter(iActiveHandlers);
+    CSessionHandler* pHandler;
+    // release any pending messages
+    while((pHandler = handlerIter++)!=NULL)
+		{
+		__CFLOG_1(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode,
+			_L8("CRootServerSession::CloseSession cancelling handle %X"), pHandler);
+		if(pHandler->CancelHandler(ETrue, ETrue))
+			{
+			delete pHandler;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt CRootServerSession::Shutdown()
+	/** Shutdown root server
+	 If there are any modules running, it creates a new handler
+	 for each one, which unload their module.  When there are no
+	 more modules left running, the root server is shutdown
+	 @internalComponent
+	 */
+	{
+	__CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::Shutdown"));
+	return iRootServer->Shutdown();
+	}
+TInt CRootServerSession::Forward(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	/** Forwards a message to a module
+	 @internalComponent
+	 */
+	{
+	__CFLOG(KLogSubSysRS, KLogCode, _L8("CRootServerSession::Forward"));
+	TCFModuleNameF name;
+	TInt result = aMessage.Read(0, name);
+	if(result!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		return result;
+		}
+   return iRootServer->Forward(name, aMessage);
+	}
+CRootServer* CRootServerSession::RootServer()
+	{
+	return iRootServer;
+	}
+TInt CRootServerSession::IsCallerConfigurator(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	return (TInt) iRootServer->IsCallerConfigurator(this, aMessage);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRootServerSession::Disconnect(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	iRootServer->DisconnectSession(this);
+	CSession2::Disconnect(aMessage);
+	}