changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
child 1 21d2ab05f085
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# To Do:
+# - excludeByAddr{} and multiple objects using same memory address ?
+# - distinguish between threads for context, eg $lastDispatchDestination
+# [<arguments>] <log file>
+# Arguments:
+# -x <ini file>		Specify ini file containing, amongst other things, names of classes and/or messages
+# to exclude.  Contains sections named "[ExcludeClass]", "[ExcludeMessage]",
+# "[ExcludeShortName]" and "[ExcludeIpc]" each followed by the names
+# to exclude, one per line.  Note that "ExcludeShortName" section refers
+# to the shortened class name as displayed on the output, whereas "ExcludeClass"
+# refers to original full class names.  Also contains a "[MessageArguments]" section
+# for describing which arguments to display for specified messages.
+# -p			Include posted messages in the output as well as received messages
+# -X<n>			Exclude certain information from the display.  <n> is a decimal number which
+# is composed of one or more of the following values logical-or'ed together:
+# 1	exclude activities being started
+# 2	exclude activity transitions
+# 4	exclude parking+unparking
+# 8	mark source .LOG line milestones in left column
+# -s<n>			Include additional information.  <n> is a decimal number which
+# is composed of one or more of the following values logical-or'ed together:
+# 1	include client IPC requests
+# 2	include client IPC completions (async requests only)
+# 4	include ESOCK session creation
+# 8 display activity name along with each tuple line (e.g. "(IpCprNoBearer) (CoreNetStates::TSendBindTo, CoreNetStates::TAwaitingBindToComplete)")
+# 16 display AddClient/RemoveClient operations
+use strict;
+require '';
+my $version = "2.1 (24/02/09)";
+# Internal Options
+# BUG BEWARE: A timestamp or milestone displayed on lefthand side overwrites any fast count delta that would have been displayed there
+my $fastCount = 0;	# Add fast count delta on lefthand side.
+my $globalIndex = 1;
+my $lifeStage = 0;	# 0 = not running or shutting down, 1 = during boot, 2 = main phase
+### to get 1st line of latest log: type log.txt | perl -e "while(<>){if(/^#Logging started/){$a=$.;print $a.' '}};print $a"
+# objectNameParse is an array of hashes used to shorten class names and specify left-to-right
+# object placement order.  It is an array of:
+# { SubString => <sub-string>, Replacement =>  <sub-string replacement>, Order => <order> }
+# For each object name, the array is scanned.  Any occurrences of <sub-string> are
+# replaced with <sub-string replacement>.  The first non-zero value of <order> is taken
+# to be the placement order.
+# Note that order of hashes within the array is important - for example, "ConnectionProvider" must appear after all
+# entries that specify sub-strings that themselves contain the string "ConnectionProvider".
+my @objectNameParse;
+# Variables/constants concerned with Arguments file.
+use constant ArgumentSignedDecimal => 0;
+use constant ArgumentNode => 1;
+my %argumentFormatToConstant = ( "node" => ArgumentNode );	# used to have several other options
+my %arguments;
+# Support for AddClient/RemoveClient
+my %clients;
+my %clientTypeToDirection = ( "100" => "<", "200" => "^", "400" => "v", "800" => ">");
+# Support for EThreadIdentification
+my $pendingProcessCreate;
+my %NThreadToName;
+my %DProcessToName;
+my %processUsingESock = ( "DhcpServ" => 1, "TE_RConnectionSuite" => 1, "dnd" => 1 );
+my $sessionGenerationCount = 1;
+my %uniqueProcessName;
+my $logline = 1;
+my $mileStoneInterval = 250;
+my $lastMileStone = 1;
+my $lastDispatchDestination;
+my $excludeAllSingleTuples;
+my $lastTimestamp;
+my $lastFastCount;
+my %excludeByAddr;
+my %excludeMessage;
+my %excludeClass;
+my %excludeShortName;
+my %excludeSingleTuple;
+my %activityNode;
+my %activityName;
+my %msgAddrToIpc;
+my %msgAddrToExe;
+my %symtab;
+my %excludeIpc;
+my %uniqueNames;
+my %deadList;
+my %subSessTab;	# maps subsession addr to node addr
+my @notableText;
+my @mangled;
+while (<>) {
+	if(!($opt_X & 8) && ($logline - $lastMileStone) > $mileStoneInterval)
+	{
+		$lastMileStone += $mileStoneInterval;
+		print "l #$lastMileStone\n";
+	}
+	print stderr "WARNING: Probable deleted heap at $logline:\n$_\n" if(m/-555819298|dededede/i);
+	print stderr "WARNING: Probable uninitialised stack at $logline:\n$_\n" if(m/-858993460|cccccccc|690563369|29292929/i);
+#esock	Mesh	a	47	W6: TCFSignatureBase:	DispatchL(): Sender=0c181b9c, Recipient=0c181b9c, Message=ECFStateChange, Activity=ECFActivityNull [0000] 1000,0
+#12362,194,2,3745950947,0,0x00a1c488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=TransportReceiver::DispatchMessage]  aSender:  [Address=[iPtr=0x0d9fa138] ]  aRecipient:  [Address=[iPtr=0x0db79148] [iNodeCtx=ActivityNoBearer] ]  aMessage:  [Signature=TSigAddrUpdate] [iMessageId=0x10285a57:DataClientRouted] [iAddrUpdate=[iSrcSockAddr=] [iDestSockAddr=] [iProtocolId=0x00000011] [iIapId=0x00000001] ]  [ENDBLOCK=TransportReceiver::DispatchMessage]
+	if (/.*BLOCK=Dispatch/) {
+		doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+		parsePostDispatchMessageLine("BLOCK=Dispatch", "r");
+	}
+#esock	DCMsgs	a	47	W6: RClientII:	PostMessage(): Sender=0c18241c, Recipient=0c182374, Message=ECFSelect, Activity=ECFActivityNull [0000]
+#5072,194,2,4009228503,0,0x00a1b628,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=TransportSender::PostMessage]  aPostFrom:  [Address=[iPtr=0x0d925558] ]  aPostTo:  [Address=[iPtr=0x0d925558] ]  args:  [Signature=TSigStateChange] [Message=StateChange] [iMessageId=[iMessageId=EStateChange] [iRealmId=0x10285a56] ] [iStateChange=[iStage=0x000009c5] [iError=0x00000000] ]  [ENDBLOCK=TransportSender::PostMessage]
+	elsif ($opt_p == 1 && (/.*BLOCK=Post/)) {
+		doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+		parsePostDispatchMessageLine("BLOCK=Post", "p");
+		}
+#CFNode	MetaConn	a	47	W6: CIpTierManagerFactory 0c1822d0:	created [MCFNode 0c1822d8] [96]
+#250,194,1,1864213751,0,0x00f3e114,ENodeMessages: CFactoryContainerNode 0e571204:	created [MNode 0e571220] [44]
+	elsif (/.*created \[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\]/) {
+		my ($name,$realaddr,$nodeaddr) = m/(\w+) ([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}):\tcreated \[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\]/;
+		$realaddr =~ s/^0x//;
+		$nodeaddr =~ s/^0x//;
+		my $doExclude = 1;
+		if (! defined $excludeClass{$name})
+			{
+			my $order = parseObjectName(\$name);
+			$name = uniquifyName($name);
+			if (!defined $excludeShortName{$name})
+				{
+#				if (defined $symtab{$nodeaddr})
+#					{
+#					print "**** SYMTAB already defined - $nodeaddr, $name, $symtab{$nodeaddr}\n";
+#					}
+				$symtab{$nodeaddr} = $name;
+				doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+				print "oc $name $order $nodeaddr\n";
+				print "t $name ($nodeaddr created)\n";
+				$doExclude = 0;
+				delete $deadList{$nodeaddr} if defined($deadList{$nodeaddr});
+				$subSessTab{$realaddr} = $nodeaddr;
+				}
+			}
+		if ($doExclude)
+			{
+			$excludeByAddr{$nodeaddr} = 1;
+			}
+		}
+	elsif (/:\t~.*\[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\]/) {
+		my ($name,$realaddr,$nodeaddr) = m/(\w+) ([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}):\t~.*\[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\]/;
+		$realaddr =~ s/^0x//;
+		$nodeaddr =~ s/^0x//;
+		if (! defined $excludeClass{$name} && defined($symtab{$nodeaddr}) && !defined($deadList{$nodeaddr}))
+			{
+			$deadList{$nodeaddr} = 1;
+			$name = $symtab{$nodeaddr};
+			doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+			print "od $name $nodeaddr\n";
+			print "t $name ($nodeaddr destroyed)\n";
+			delete $subSessTab{$realaddr};
+			}
+		}
+	elsif (/^#Time = (.*)$/)
+		{
+		print "l $1\n";
+		}
+	elsif (/W0: SocketServer::InitL\(\) Done/)
+		{
+		print "l ^Booting\n";
+		$lifeStage = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($lifeStage == 1 && /CDealer::ProcessConfigurationComplete\(\)/)
+		{
+		print "l ^Booted\n";
+		$lifeStage = 2;
+		}
+	elsif ($lifeStage == 2 && /CFUnbindMessageReceived/)
+		{
+		print "l ^Shutting-down\n";
+		$lifeStage = 0;
+		}
+#1061,194,2,1212990838,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Context]  CNodeActivityBase 0d922584:	StartL->starting activity Node:  [MNode=0x0d9229e0]  Sender:  [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d922338] ]  Recipient:  [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d9229e0] ]  aContext.iMessage:  [Signature=0x00000000:0xfdfdfdfd]  [STARTBLOCK=Activity]   [Activity=MCprControlClientJoin] [CurrentTriple=Idle]  [ENDBLOCK=Activity]  [ENDBLOCK=Context]
+	elsif (/starting activity.*?\[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w*)\]/)
+		{
+		if (!($opt_X & 1))
+			{
+			my $dest = $1;
+			my $activity = $2;
+			if ($activity eq "Undefined") {
+				# An activity name of "Undefined" may mean that the non-debug macros for defining
+				# the activity and triples have been used, as these do not compile-in the activity name.
+				$activity = "Activity name unknown"
+			}
+			if (! defined $excludeByAddr{$dest})
+				{
+				if (m/C\w+ ([0-9a-fA-F]{8}):/) {
+					my $activityAddr = $1;
+					$activityNode{$activityAddr} = $dest;
+					$activityName{$activityAddr} = $activity;
+					# emit activity create tag
+					doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+					print "ac ", objectName($dest), " $activityAddr $activity\n";
+					print "t ", objectName($dest), " {0,200,0} ($activity)\n";
+					}
+				else {
+					# OLD OLD OLD
+					# Hackery - "Node=" in the "starting activity" line actually contains the
+					# address of the ACFNodeBase rather than the MCFNode - the latter of which we work
+					# with in this script - hence the use of $lastDispatchDestination.  However, sanity check
+					# whether the two addresses are at least within 8 bytes of each other.
+					#
+					#if (abs(hex($dest) - hex ($lastDispatchDestination)) <= 8)
+					#	{
+					#	print "t ", objectName($lastDispatchDestination), " {0,200,0} ($activity)\n";
+					#	}
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+#				print "Ignored $logline - $_\n";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	elsif ($opt_s != 0 && (/CSockSession[\(\s]/ || /CSockSubSession\(.*\):/ || /CWorkerSubSession\(/ ||
+						   /RSafeMessage\(/) || /RMessage2::Complete/)
+		{
+		if (($opt_s & 1) && /CSockSession\(.{8}\):\s+ServiceL, Message\((.{8})\) \[(\w+)\] "(.*)" int3=(.{8})/)
+			{
+			my $msgAddr = $1;
+			my $exe = $3;
+			my $ipc = $2;
+			my $subSessNode = $subSessTab{$4};
+			$ipc .= "($symtab{$subSessNode})" if defined $subSessNode;	# append the name of the node
+			$msgAddrToIpc{$msgAddr} = $ipc;
+			$msgAddrToExe{$msgAddr} = $exe;
+			if (! excludeIpc($ipc))
+				{
+				$exe = truncateExeName($exe);
+				$exe = uniqueProcessName($exe);
+				# adding "!" to beginning of object name forces the script to display
+				# the object despite the fact that it would normally hide objects from the final display
+				# that have no actual messages to/from them.
+				doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+				print "pn line $logline\n";
+				print "t !$exe $ipc\n";
+				}
+			}
+		elsif (($opt_s & 4) && /CSockSession\s*(.{8}):\s+ConstructL.*"(.*)"/)
+			{
+			# W0: CSockSession 0be839a8:	ConstructL() pid=4c "Te_Cap_RConnDHCP_sc.exe"
+			my $session = $1;
+			my $exe = $2;
+			$exe = truncateExeName($exe);
+			$exe = uniqueProcessName($exe);
+#			print "oc !$exe\n";
+			if ($opt_s & 32) {
+				print "ac !$exe $session Session-$session-$sessionGenerationCount\n";
+				++$sessionGenerationCount;
+				}
+			print "t !$exe CSockSession $session\n";
+			$processUsingESock{$exe} = 1;
+			}
+		elsif (($opt_s & 4) && /~CSockSession\s*\((.{8})\):\s*"(.*)"/)
+			{
+			#W0: ~CSockSession(00682bf0):	"Te_RConnectionSuite.exe"
+			my $session = $1;
+			my $exe = $2;
+			$exe = truncateExeName($exe);
+			$exe = uniqueProcessName($exe);
+			print "t !$exe ~CSockSession $session\n";
+			if ($opt_s & 32) {
+				print "ad $session\n";
+				}
+			}
+		elsif (($opt_s & 2) &&
+			(/CWorkerSubSession\(.{8}\):\s*CompleteMessage\((.{8})\) with (.+), session .{8}/ ||
+#			 /ProcessMessageL, session=.{8}, RMessage2::Complete \((.{8})\) with ([-\d]+)\./ ||
+			 /~CESockClientActivityBase..{8}.\s*RMessage2::Complete \((.{8})\) with ([-\d]+)\./ ||
+			 /RSafeMessage\((.{8})\)::Complete\((\d+)\) - session .{8}/))
+			{
+			# W6: CPlayer:	ProcessMessageL, session=0be839a8, RMessage2::Complete (00de5538) with 0.
+			# W0: CWorkerSubSession(0c941bc4):	CompleteMessage(00de1a6c) with -3, session 0be839a8.
+			# W6: ~CESockClientActivityBase=0c941f8c, RMessage2::Complete (00de5538) with 0.
+			my $msgAddr = $1;
+			my $ret = $2;
+			my $exe = $msgAddrToExe{$msgAddr};
+			my $ipc = $msgAddrToIpc{$msgAddr};
+			if($ipc =~ /^E.+Create$/)
+				{
+				# For subsession creation try to add the generated name of the object (which necessarily wasn't available when the request arrived)
+				my $subSessNode = $subSessTab{$4};
+				$ipc .= "($symtab{$subSessNode})" if defined $subSessNode;	# append the name of the node
+				}
+			$exe = truncateExeName($exe);
+			$exe = uniqueProcessName($exe);
+			if ($ipc ne "")
+				{
+				doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+				print "pn line $logline\n";
+				print "t !$exe $ipc = $ret\n";
+				$msgAddrToIpc{$msgAddr} = "";
+				$msgAddrToExe{$msgAddr} = "";
+				}
+			 if (/~CESockClientActivityBase.(.{8})/) {
+				print "ad $1\n";
+				ClearActivity($1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	elsif (/stray message received.*\[iMessageId=.*?:(.*)\]/i)
+		{
+		print "t ", objectName($lastDispatchDestination), " (STRAY $1)\n";
+		}
+#1077,194,2,1212991263,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Context]  CNodeActivityBase 0d922584:	StartL->activity started Node:  [MNode=0x0d9229e0]  Sender:  [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d922338] ]  Recipient:  [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d9229e0] ]  aContext.iMessage:  [Signature=0x00000000:0xfdfdfdfd]  [STARTBLOCK=Activity]   [Activity=MCprControlClientJoin] [CurrentTriple=MCprStates::TDecrementBlockingDestoryAndAddControlClientAndSendJoinCompleteIfRequest->NULL]  [ENDBLOCK=Activity]  [ENDBLOCK=Context]
+#843,195,1,1212618492,0,0x00a1b488,EMeshMachine: CNodeActivityBase:	Accept->First transition: ConnStates::TProcessStateChange->MeshMachine::TAwaitingStateChange [MNode=0x0b1ff948]
+#897,194,2,1212884309,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Activity]  CNodeActivityBase 0d921eb8:	Next->transition happened [MNode=0x0b1ff948] [Activity=ConnectionStart] [CurrentTriple=ConnStates::TSelectMetaPlane->TECABState<CoreNetStates::TAwaitingBindTo>]  [ENDBLOCK=Activity]
+#1237,195,1,2340065279,0,0x00dfff38,EMeshMachine: CNodeActivityBase 0cb427ec:	Next->match [ANode=0x0cb42c48] [Activity=MCprBinderRequest] [Triple=PRStates::TCreateDataClient->CoreNetStates::TAwaitingDataClientJoin]
+	elsif (($opt_X & 2) == 0 && (/(StartL)->activity started.*?\[ANode=0x([0-9a-f]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\S*)\].*\[Triple=(\S*)\]/ ||
+				     /(Accept)->first transition.*?\[ANode=0x([0-9a-f]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\S*)\].*\[Triple=(\S*)\]/) ||
+				     /(Next)->transition\s*\[ANode=0x([0-9a-f]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\S*)\].*\[Triple=(\S*)\]/ ||
+					 /(Next)->match\s*\[ANode=0x([0-9a-f]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\S*)\].*\[Triple=(\S*)\]/)
+		{
+		# $2 = ANode, $3 = Activity, $4 = Triple
+		my $matchType = $1;
+		my $text;
+		my $objAddr;
+		my $prefix = "";
+		if ($matchType eq "Accept") {
+			if ($excludeAllSingleTuples || $excludeSingleTuple{$3}) {
+				# skip any excluded single tuples
+				next;
+			}
+			$objAddr = $2;
+			$text = $4;
+			$prefix = "($3) ";
+			# for first transitions, the normal activity creation/idle log lines don't appear
+			# so prefix the transition line with the activity name: "activity: (transition, state)"
+		} else {
+			$objAddr = $2;
+			$text = $4;
+			if ($opt_s & 8) {
+				$prefix = "($3) ";
+			}
+		}
+		if ($text ne "" && $text ne "Idle" && $text ne "Undefined")
+			{
+			$text =~ s/->/, /;
+			if ($objAddr ne "")
+				{
+				doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+				print "t ", objectName($objAddr), " $prefix", "($text)\n";
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				print "t ", objectName($lastDispatchDestination), " $prefix","($text)\n";
+				}
+			}
+		if (m/C\w+ ([0-9a-fA-F]{8}):/) {
+			my $actAddr = $1;
+#			if (defined $activityToNode{$actAddr})
+#				{
+				# map activity address to object address for "t" tag
+#				$objAddr = $activityToNode{$actAddr};
+#				}
+			if ($text eq "Idle" || $text =~ m/, NULL/)
+				{
+				print "ad $actAddr\n";
+				ClearActivity($actAddr);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+#1044,195,1,322007694,0,0x00a1c5e4,EMeshMachine: CNodeActivityBase 0dbe2584:	SetIdle
+#1044,195,1,322007694,0,0x00a1c5e4,EMeshMachine: CNodeActivityBase 0dbe2584:	Abort
+# CAREFUL: this catches all "CNodeActivityBase" log lines not captured earlier - carefulof positioning of this!
+	elsif (($opt_X & 2) == 0 && /CNodeActivityBase ([0-9a-fA-F]{8}):\s*(\S+)\s*/) {
+		my $actAddr = $1;
+		my $action = $2;
+		doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+		if ($action eq "SetIdle") {
+			print "ad $actAddr\n";
+			ClearActivity($actAddr);
+			}
+		elsif ($action eq "Abort") {
+			print "t ", objectName($activityNode{$actAddr}), " (Abort ", $activityName{$actAddr}, ")\n";
+			}
+		elsif ($action eq "Next->cancel") {
+			my $tuple = "";
+			if (m/\[Triple=([^]]+)\]/) {
+				$tuple = $1;
+				print "t ", objectName($activityNode{$actAddr}), " (Cancel $activityName{$actAddr}, $tuple)\n";
+				}
+			else {
+				print "t ", objectName($activityNode{$actAddr}), " (Cancel ", $activityName{$actAddr}, ")\n";
+				}
+			}
+	}
+	elsif (($opt_X & 4) == 0 && /UnparkState->unparked\s+\[MNode=0x([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w+)\].*\[Triple=(.*?)\]/)
+ 	            {
+	            print "t ", objectName($1), " {50,200,50} (Unparked $2, $3)\n";
+ 	            }
+	elsif (($opt_X & 4) == 0 && /ParkState->parked\s+\[MNode=0x([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w+)\].*\[Triple=(.*?)\]/) {
+	            print "t ", objectName($1), " {50,200,50} (Parked $2, $3)\n";
+ 	            }
+	elsif (/Synchronous call:/) {
+		my ($src,$dest,$msg) = m/Synchronous call: From=(\S+)\s*To=(\S+) Func=(.+)$/;
+		$lastDispatchDestination = $dest;
+		if ((! defined $excludeByAddr{$src}) && (! defined $excludeByAddr{$dest}) && !defined($excludeMessage{$msg}))
+			{
+			doFastCount() if ($fastCount);
+			print "pn line $logline\n";
+			print "sc \"$msg ()\" ", objectName($src), " ", objectName($dest), "\n";
+			}
+		}
+	elsif (($opt_s & 16) && (/AddClient/ || /RemoveClient/)) {
+# ... ANodeBase 00983774:	AddClientL(00982c74, flags=0000, type=0200)
+		if (/ANodeBase ([0-9a-f]{8}):\s*(\w*)\(([0-9a-f]{8}), flags=([0-9a-f]{4}), type=([0-9a-f]{4})\)/) {
+			my ($node,$op,$client,$flags,$type) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
+			$flags =~ s/^0+(\d)/\1/;			# remove leading zeroes
+			$type =~ s/^0+(\d)/\1/;				# remove leading zeroes			
+			$node = objectName($node);
+			$client = objectName($client);
+			if ($op eq "AddClientL") {
+				$op = "added";
+				$clients{$node}{$client} = $type;
+			}
+			elsif ($op eq "RemoveClient") {
+				$op = "removed";
+				delete $clients{$node}{$client};
+			}
+			my $clientList = "";
+			foreach $client (keys %{$clients{$node}}) {
+				my $direction = $clientTypeToDirection{$clients{$node}{$client}};
+				$clientList .= " $client$direction";
+				}
+			if ($clientList) {
+				$clientList = ": $clientList";
+				}
+			print "t ", $node, " {35,60,110} (${op} client ", $client, ", flags $flags, type $type)$clientList\n";
+			}
+		}
+	elsif (($opt_s & 32) && /EThreadIdentification/) {
+		if (/Process Create:\s*\[DProcess=0x(.{8})\]/) {
+			# Process Create: [DProcess=0xc8057f38]
+			$pendingProcessCreate = $1;
+			}
+		elsif (/Process Name:\s*\[NThread=0x(.{8})\] \[DProcess=0x(.{8})\] \[Name=(.*)\]/) {
+			# Process Name: [NThread=0xc805b050] [DProcess=0xc8057f38] [Name=centralrepositorysrv.exe[10202be9]0001]
+			my $NThread = $1;
+			my $DProcess = $2;
+			my $processName = $3;
+			$processName =~ s/\[[0-9a-f]{8}\][0-9a-f]{4}$//;
+			$processName = truncateExeName($processName);
+			if ($pendingProcessCreate && processUsingESock($processName)) {
+				#print STDERR "Process Name: NThread $NThread (($NThreadToName{$NThread})), DProcess $DProcess ($processName)\n";
+				$processName = createUniqueProcessName($processName);
+				print "oc !$processName 0 $DProcess\n";
+				print "t !$processName (Process Created)\n";
+			}
+			$pendingProcessCreate = "";
+			$DProcessToName{$DProcess} = $processName;
+			}
+		elsif (/Thread Create: \[NThread=0x(.{8})\] \[DProcess=0x(.{8})\] \[Name=(.*)\]\s*$/) {
+			# Thread Create: [NThread=0xc805b050] [DProcess=0xc8057f38] [Name=Main] 
+			if ($3 ne "Main" && DProcessUsingESock($2)) {
+				#print STDERR "Thread Create: NThread $1 ($3), DProcess $2 ($DProcessToName{$2})\n";
+				my $name = $DProcessToName{$2};
+				if ($name) {
+					print "t !$name (Thread \"$3\" Created)\n";
+					}
+				}
+			$NThreadToName{$1} = $3;
+			}
+		elsif (/Thread Destroy: \[NThread=0x(.{8})\] \[DProcess=0x(.{8})\]/) {
+			# Thread Destroy: [NThread=0xc8057140] [DProcess=0xc80561d0] 
+			if (DProcessUsingESock($2)) {
+				#print STDERR "Thread Destroy: NThread $1 ($NThreadToName{$1}), DProcess $2 ($DProcessToName{$2})\n";
+				my $processName = $DProcessToName{$2};
+				my $threadName = $NThreadToName{$1};
+				if ($processName && $threadName ne "Main") {
+					print "t !$processName (Thread \"$threadName\" Destroyed)\n";
+					}
+				}
+			delete $NThreadToName{$1};
+			}
+		elsif (/Process Destroy: \[DProcess=0x(.{8})\]/) {
+			# Process Destroy: [DProcess=0xc80561d0] 
+			if (DProcessUsingESock($1)) {
+				#print STDERR "Process Destroy: $1 ($DProcessToName{$1})\n";
+				my $name = $DProcessToName{$1};
+				if ($name) {
+					$name = uniqueProcessName($name);
+					print "od !$name $1\n";
+					print "t !$name (Process Destroyed)\n";
+					}
+				}
+			delete $DProcessToName{$1};
+			# do not delete the $processUsingESock{} entry - it identifies processes that use ESock and whose
+			# process/thread activity is worth display.  It is both statically initialised and dynamically built up.
+			}
+		}
+	else {
+		my $text = matchNotableText($_);
+		if ($text ne "") {
+			print "t ", objectName($lastDispatchDestination), " $text\n";
+		}
+	}
+} continue {
+	++$logline;
+sub uniqueProcessName($)
+	my $name = $_[0];
+	if (! ($opt_s & 32)) {
+		return $name;
+	}
+	my $unique = $uniqueProcessName{$name};
+	if (!$unique || $unique == 1) {
+		return $name;
+	} else {
+		return $name . "-" . $uniqueProcessName{$name};
+	}
+sub createUniqueProcessName($)
+	my $name = $_[0];
+	if (! ($opt_s & 32)) {
+		return $name;
+	}
+	if (!defined($uniqueProcessName{$name})) {
+		$uniqueProcessName{$name} = 1;
+		return $name;
+	} else {
+		return $name . "-" . ++$uniqueProcessName{$name};
+	}
+sub DProcessUsingESock($)
+	return processUsingESock($DProcessToName{$_[0]});
+sub processUsingESock($)
+	return $processUsingESock{$_[0]};
+sub doFastCount()
+	if (m/^\d+,\d+,\d+,(\d+),/) {
+		if ($lastFastCount) {
+			print "l ", $1 - $lastFastCount, "\n";
+			$lastFastCount = $1;
+		} else {
+			$lastFastCount = $1;
+		}
+	}
+# Parse log lines related to posting and dispatching messages and output appropriate command in log.seq file.
+# Arguments:
+#	$type		String at beginning of line to match (either "TransportReceiver::DispatchMessage" or "TransportSender::PostMessage")
+#	$cmd		Type of command to output to log.seq file (either "r" for dispatch or "p" for post).
+sub parsePostDispatchMessageLine($$)
+	my ($type, $cmd) = @_;
+	my ($mark,$src, $srcAfter, $dest, $rest) = m/$type\s*(.*?)iPtr=0x([^\]]+)(.*?)iPtr=0x([^\]]+)(.*)/;
+	$_ = $rest;
+	my ($destAfter, $msgRealm, $msg, $args) = m/(.*?)iMessageId=(.+?):(.+?)\]\s*(.*)/;
+	if ($msgRealm eq "" || ($msgRealm eq "0x00000000" && $msg eq "0x0000")) {
+		# If message is not available, try extracting the signature, which can be decoded or not
+		# (e.g. "... aMessage:  [Signature=0x102822da:0x00000003] ..." or "... aMessage: [Signature=TCprRetrieveProgress] ...")
+		# Use the signature as the message.
+		($destAfter, $msg, $args) = m/(.*?)\[Signature=(.+?)\]\s*(.*)/;
+		if ($msg =~ m/(.+?):(.+)/) {
+			# undecoded signature - arrange to display hex values
+			$msgRealm = $1;
+			$msg = $2;
+		}
+	}
+	# For decoded signatures with undecoded messages
+	# (e.g. "... aMessage:  [Signature=TSigNumber] [iMessageId=0x10281ded:0x0001] ... ")
+	# display message realm and id in hex.
+	if ($msg =~ s/^0x//) {
+		$msgRealm =~ s/^0x//;
+		$msg = "$msgRealm:$msg";
+	}
+	my $activity = parseActivityIds(\$srcAfter, \$destAfter);
+	$lastDispatchDestination = $dest;
+	# Deal with any markers (which are added to the popup after the line number) and timestamps
+	# (which are displayed on the left).
+	my $popup;
+	if ($mark =~ s/(w\d+\:\d+)//) {
+		$popup = ", $1";
+		if ($mark =~ m/(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d)/) {
+			# remove duplicate times
+			if ($lastTimestamp ne $1) {
+				$lastTimestamp = $1;
+				print "l $1\n";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	outputMessageSequenceCommand($cmd, $msg, $src, $dest, $activity, \$args, $popup);
+# Output command to log.seq file
+# Arguments:
+#	$cmd		Command to output to log.seq ("r" or "p")
+#	$msg		Message name (e.g. "Stop")
+#	$src		Source node address in hex
+#	$dest		Destination node address in hex
+#	$activity	Activity name (e.g. "CprBindToRequest")
+#	$lineRef	Reference to original log line.
+#	$popup		Additional string to add to popup
+sub outputMessageSequenceCommand($$$$$$)
+	my ($cmd,$msg,$src,$dest,$activity,$lineRef,$popup) = @_;
+	if ((! defined $excludeByAddr{$src}) && (! defined $excludeByAddr{$dest}) && !defined($excludeMessage{$msg})) {
+		print "pn line $logline$popup\n";
+		# extract any arguments from the end of the log line
+		my $args = getArguments($lineRef, $msg);
+		if ($args ne "") {
+			if ($activity) {
+				$cmd .= " \"$msg ($activity, $args)\"";
+			} else {
+				$cmd .= " \"$msg ($args)\"";
+			}
+		} else {
+			$cmd .= " \"$msg ($activity)\"";
+		}
+		print "$cmd ", objectName($src), " ", objectName($dest), "\n";
+	}
+# Extract message arguments from the log and return them in a formatted string ready to be displayed
+# Arguments:
+#	$lineRef	Reference to original log line
+#	$msg		Name of message (e.g. "Start").
+# Return:
+#	String containing comma-seperated arguments of the message (e.g. "-3, 0")
+sub getArguments($$)
+	my $args;
+	my ($lineRef, $msg) = @_;
+	# Check if arguments are to be displayed for this message.
+	if (exists($arguments{$msg})) {
+		# Extract arguments:
+		# "... args:  [Signature=TSigStateChange] [iMessageId=0x10285a56:StateChange] <arguments>  [ENDBLOCK=TransportSender::PostMessage]"
+#		if (${$lineRef} =~ m/(.*?)\s*\[ENDBLOCK=/) {
+		if (${$lineRef} =~ m/(.*)\s*\[ENDBLOCK=/) {
+			# place message argument values into a hash
+			my $valuesHashRef = convertDecoderArgumentsToPerlHash($1);
+			if ($valuesHashRef) {
+				$args = formatArguments($arguments{$msg}, $valuesHashRef);
+			} else {
+				handleMangleError($logline, $lineRef, $msg);
+			}
+			# hash should be deleted when $valuesHashRef goes out of scope (?)
+		}
+	}
+	return $args;
+# Parse the "[iNodeCtx=...]" strings to extract activity ids.  Return a string of the form:
+# [<src activity>] "->" [<dest activity>]
+# Source and/or destination activity may not be present.  Examples: "Start->", "->NoBearer", "Start->NoBearer"
+sub parseActivityIds($$)
+	my ($srcRef,$destRef) = @_;
+	my $activity;
+	if (${$srcRef} =~ m/\[iNodeCtx=(\S*)\]/) {
+		$activity = $1;
+		$activity =~ s/^Activity//;
+	}
+	if (${$destRef} =~ m/\[iNodeCtx=(\S*)\]/) {
+		my $ctx = $1;
+		$ctx =~ s/^Activity//;
+		$activity .= "->$ctx";
+	}
+	elsif ($activity) {
+		$activity .= "->";
+	}
+	return $activity;
+# Return a string containing containing comma-seperated arguments of the message (e.g. "-3, 0")
+# Arguments:
+#	$formatRef	Reference to a hash containing the arguments to be displayed for each message  (see processArgumentLine())
+#	$h		Reference to a hash containing the argument values (see convertDecoderArgumentsToPerlHash())
+# Returns:
+#	String containing message arguments
+sub formatArguments($$)
+	my ($formatRef, $h) = @_;
+	my $index = 0;
+	my $buf;
+	while ($index < scalar(@{$formatRef})) {
+		# extract the argument value from the hash
+		if ($index > 0) {
+			$buf .= ", ";
+		}
+		my $hashAccess = "\$h->" . $formatRef->[$index++]; 	# "$h" refers to argument variable passed in
+		my $value  = eval $hashAccess;
+		my $format = $formatRef->[$index++];
+		if ($format == ArgumentNode) {
+			# for ":node" arguments, convert node address to node name via symbol table
+			my $hexval;
+			if ($value =~ s/^0x//) {
+				$hexval = $value;
+			} else {
+				$hexval = sprintf "%08x", $value;
+			}
+			if (defined $symtab{$hexval}) {
+				$buf .= $symtab{$hexval};
+			} else {
+				# if we couldn't convert node address to node name, just show hex value
+				# (display "00000000" as "0".  We could also do "$hexval = sprintf "%x" $value")
+				if ($value == 0) {
+					$hexval = "0";
+				}
+				$buf .= $hexval;
+			}
+		} elsif ($value =~ m/^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/ || $value =~ m/^[\-\d]\d+$/) {
+			# hex or decimal number - convert to signed decimal
+			if ($value =~ m/^0x/) {
+				$value = hex($value);
+			}
+			$buf .= sprintf "%d", $value;
+		} else {
+			$buf .= $value;
+		}
+	}
+	return $buf;
+sub uniquifyName()
+	{
+	my ($name) = @_;
+	my $index = 0;
+	my $proposedName = $name;
+	while (defined $uniqueNames{$proposedName})
+		{
+		$proposedName = $name . ++$index;
+		}
+	$uniqueNames{$proposedName} = 1;
+	return $proposedName;
+	}
+# Shorten object name and return its placement order
+sub parseObjectName($)
+	my ($nameRef) = @_;
+	my $ref;
+	my $order = 0;
+	foreach $ref (@objectNameParse) {
+		if (${$nameRef} =~ s/$ref->{SubString}/$ref->{Replacement}/) {
+			if ($order == 0 && $ref->{Order} != 0) {
+				$order = $ref->{Order};
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	${$nameRef} =~ s/^C//;			# remove leading 'C', if any
+	return $order;
+sub objectName($) {
+	my ($name) = @_;
+	if (defined ($symtab{$name})) {
+		return $symtab{$name};
+	} else {
+		return $name;
+	}
+sub readIniFile()
+	my $sectionName;
+	if ($opt_x) {
+		open (INI, $opt_x) || die "Cannot open ini file $opt_x\n";
+		while (<INI>) {
+			chomp;
+			# remove leading and trailing blanks and ignore blank lines
+			s/^\s+//;
+			s/\s+$//;
+			if (! $_|| m/^#/)
+				{ next;	};
+			if (/^\[(.+)\]/) {
+				# parse section name from "[<section>]" lines
+				$sectionName = $1;
+			}
+			else {
+				if ($sectionName eq "ExcludeClass") {
+					$excludeClass{$_} = 1;
+				}
+				elsif ($sectionName eq "ExcludeMessage") {
+					$excludeMessage{$_} = 1;
+				}
+				elsif ($sectionName eq "ExcludeShortName") {
+					$excludeShortName{$_} = 1;
+				}
+				elsif ($sectionName eq "ExcludeIpc") {
+					$excludeIpc{$_} = 1;
+				}
+				elsif ($sectionName eq "ExcludeSingleTuple") {
+					if ($_ eq "*") {
+						$excludeAllSingleTuples = 1;
+					} else {
+						$excludeSingleTuple{$_} = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				elsif ($sectionName eq "MessageArguments") {
+					processArgumentLine($_);
+				}
+				elsif ($sectionName eq "ObjectNameTruncateAndOrder") {
+					print $_;
+					processObjectNameTruncateAndOrder($_);
+				}
+				elsif ($sectionName eq "NotableTextToDisplay") {
+					processNotableText($_);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		close INI;
+	}
+sub excludeIpc($)
+	{
+	my $ipc = $_[0];
+	$ipc =~ s/\(.*\)$//;		# "ESoGetOpt(Socket1)" => "ESoGetOpt"
+	return $excludeIpc{$ipc};
+	}
+sub printMangleErrors()
+	{
+	if (scalar(@mangled) > 0) {
+		print STDERR "\n", scalar(@mangled), " possibly mangled log lines:\n";
+		foreach my $i (@mangled) {
+			print STDERR "$i->{num} ";
+			}
+		}
+		print STDERR "\n\n";
+		foreach my $i (@mangled) {
+			my $line = $i->{line};
+			# decode node and activity names when printing out the mangled log lines
+			$line =~ s/\[Address=\[iPtr=0x([0-9a-f]{8})\]/&objectName($1)/ge;
+			$line =~ s/CNodeActivityBase ([0-9a-f]{8})/"CNodeActivityBase " . $activityName{$1}/ge;
+			print STDERR $line, "\n\n";
+		}
+	}
+sub handleMangleError($$$)
+	{
+	my ($logline, $lineRef, $msg) = @_;
+	push @mangled, { num => $logline, line => "($msg @ $logline): ..." . ${$lineRef} };
+	}
+sub truncateExeName($)
+	{
+	my ($exeName) = @_;
+	$exeName =~ s/\.exe$//;
+	$exeName =~ s/\.EXE$//;
+	return $exeName;
+	}
+sub outputSymbols()
+	{
+	open SYM, ">logsym.html" || die "Cannot open logsym.html for writing\n";
+	print SYM "<html>\n<body><code>\n";
+	my @keys = sort keys %symtab;
+	for my $i (@keys) {
+		print SYM "$i\t$symtab{$i}<br>\n";
+		}
+	print SYM "</code></body></html>\n";
+	close SYM;
+	}
+# Process a single line from the "[Arguments]" section of the config file.
+# This section contains a list of messages and the corresponding message arguments to display.
+# Format:
+#	<message> <argument> [<argument>]*
+# where:
+#	<argument> := <member>[.<member>]*[:<output format>]
+#	<output format> := "node"
+#	<member> := class data member name (e.g. iStateChange.iError)
+# Output format values:
+#	node		take the hex address as a node address and display the human readable node name (e.g. "IPCPR2")
+#			By default, display as signed decimal.
+# For example:
+# [Arguments]
+# StateChange iStateChange.iStage iStateChange.iError
+# BindTo iCommsBinder.iCommsId.iPtr:node iProviderInfo.iAPId
+# SelectComplete iNodeId.iPtr:node
+# Each line is read into the hash %argument which is keyed on message name and contains a (mixed type) array
+# giving each argument (in corresponding Perl hash access format) and output format (constant ArgumentSignedDecimal,
+# ArgumentNode).  For example:
+#	%arguments:	StateChange => [ "{iStateChange}->{iStage}", ArgumentSignedDecimal, "{iStateChange}->{iError}", ArgumentSignedDecimal ]
+#			BindTo => [ "{iCommsBinder}->{iCommsId}->{iPtr}", ArgumentNode, "{iProviderInfo}->{iAPId}", ArgumentSignedDecimal ]
+sub processArgumentLine($)
+	my $line = $_[0];
+	if (!($line =~ s/^(\w+)\s*//)) {
+		die "Incorrectly formatted arguments file\n";
+	}
+	my $msg = $1;
+	if (exists $arguments{$msg}) {
+		die "Duplicate line for message $msg in arguments file\n";
+	}
+	my @args = split ' ', $line;
+	my $format;
+	foreach my $i (@args) {
+		# extract the output format specifier after the ":" (if any) - e.g. "iPtr:node".
+		# Default to signed decimal, if not specified.
+		if ($i =~ s/:(\w+)//) {
+			$format = $argumentFormatToConstant{$1};
+		} else {
+			$format = ArgumentSignedDecimal;
+		}
+		# convert from period seperated fields to Perl hash access format, e.g. "a.b.c" to "$h->{a}->{b}->{c}"
+		$i =~ s/(\w+)/{\1}/g;
+		$i =~ s/\./->/g;
+		# add hash access string and output format to array associated with the message
+		push @{$arguments{$msg}}, ($i,$format);
+	}
+#	printArguments();
+# Convert the nested bracketted field/value format used by the decoder into a Perl hash.
+# For example:
+#	"[A=[B=[C=x1][D=x2]][E=x3]][F=[G=x4]]"
+# becomes:
+#	"{A => { B=C => x1, D => x2, }, E => x3, }, F => {G => x4, }, }"
+# Note: extraneous commas are harmless and hence not removed.
+# This is then passed to "eval" to become an actual hash.  Accessing any field is then via standard Perl hash access,
+# e.g. "$hash->{A}->{B}->{D}" for accessing A.B.D.
+# Arguments:
+#	- decoder nested bracketted format string for arguments
+# Return:
+#	- reference to hash
+sub convertDecoderArgumentsToPerlHash($)
+	my $arg = "{" . $_[0];
+	# Remove any empty fields, e.g. "[Bad=]" as these will result in us generating hash initialisers without a value
+	# (e.g. "..., Good => Value,  Bad => , Good2 => Value2, ...") which causes undefined behaviour when initialising
+	# the hash.
+	$arg =~ s/\[\w+=\]\s*//g;
+	# NOTE: order in which the substitutions happens below is important
+	# "[X=[" -> "X => { "
+	$arg =~ s/\[(\w+)=\[/\1 => { /g;
+	# "X=["	-> "X => { "
+	$arg =~ s/(\w+)=\[/\1 => { /g;
+	# "[X=Y]" -> "X => Y, "
+	# Note: allows for empty values, e.g. "[A=]"
+#	$arg =~ s/\[(\w+)=(\w*)\]/\1 => \2, /g;
+	$arg =~ s/\[([^\]=]+)=([^\]=]*)\]/\1 => \2, /g;
+	# "X=Y]" -> "X => Y, "
+	# Note: allows for empty values, e.g. "[A=]"
+#	$arg =~ s/[^[](\w+)=(\w*)\]/\1 => \2, /g;
+#	$arg =~ s/[^\[]([^\]\=]+)\=([^\>][^\]\=]*)\]/\1 \=> \2, /g;
+	$arg =~ s/([\w\d_]+)\s*\=([^\>][^\]\=]*)\]/\1 \=> \2, /g;
+	# "]" -> "}, "
+	$arg =~ s/\]/}, /g;
+	# "[" -> "{ "
+	$arg =~ s/\[/{ /g;
+	# KLUDGE: " , " becomes " } ".  This is mainly to deal with placing the correct number
+	# of "}" at the end.
+	$arg =~ s/ , / } /g;
+	$arg .= "}";
+	# we must quote any non-numeric values.  Not an ideal expression - just looks at first character.
+#	$arg =~ s/=> ([^{][a-zA-Z]+),/=> "\1",/g;
+	$arg =~ s/=> ([^{,]+),/=> "\1",/g;
+	return eval $arg;
+# Process Object name truncation and ordering lines from ini file.
+# Each line contains:
+# 	<sub string>	<replacement>	<order>
+# each occurrence of <string> in any object name is replaced with <replacement>.
+# <order> indicates how objects containing <string> are placed on the display.
+sub processObjectNameTruncateAndOrder($_)
+	my $line = $_[0];
+	my ($substr, $replacement, $order) = split ' ', $line;
+	push @objectNameParse, { SubString => $substr, Replacement => $replacement, Order => $order };
+sub printRecursiveHash($)
+	print "Printing hash: ";
+	printRecursiveHashWorker($_[0]);
+	print "\n\n";
+sub printRecursiveHashWorker($)
+	my $hashRef = $_[0];
+	foreach my $i (keys %{$hashRef}) {
+		print "$i => ";
+		my $type = ref($hashRef->{$i});
+		if ($type eq "HASH") {
+			print "{ ";
+			printRecursiveHashWorker($hashRef->{$i});
+			print "}, ";
+		} else {
+			print $hashRef->{$i}, ", ";
+		}
+	}
+sub printArguments()
+	print "Arguments:\n";
+	foreach my $key (keys %arguments) {
+		print "$key: @{$arguments{$key}}\n";
+	}
+sub processNotableText($)
+	my $text = $_[0];
+	my ($matchText,$displayText) = m/"(.*)"\s*"(.*)"/;
+	push @notableText, [ $matchText, $displayText ];
+sub matchNotableText($)
+	my $text = $_;
+	foreach my $ref (@notableText) {
+		if ($text =~ m/$ref->[0]/) {
+			return $ref->[1];
+		}
+	}
+	return "";
+sub ClearActivity($)
+	my $actAddr = $_[0];
+	if (defined $activityNode{$actAddr}) {
+		delete $activityNode{$actAddr};
+	}
+	if (defined $activityName{$actAddr}) {
+		delete $activityName{$actAddr};
+	}
\ No newline at end of file