changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/src/CommsDatMapper.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Mapping and data validation rules for CommsDat data
+// CCDMapper and derived classes implement mapping rules for elements in the database
+// wherever elements have been deprecated
+// There are Mapping rules for every supported deprecated data schema version translating 
+// to the current data schema.
+// Mapping of deprecated elements is necessary for every operation (read, write and delete)
+// - Every rule will need renaming whenever new version of Comms Data format is adopted.
+// - Many rules will need updating whenever new version of CommsData format is adopted
+// - Rules for deprecated data version need to be deleted when data version not supported.
+ @file 
+ @internalTechnology
+#if (!defined COMMSDATMAPPER_H)
+#define       COMMSDATMAPPER_H
+#include <cdbcols.h>
+#include "CommsDatMapperAndValidatorUtils.h"
+// Forward declarations of mapped elements
+namespace CommsDat
+class CCDAccessPointRecord;
+class CCDBearerTypeRecord;
+class CCDIAPRecord;
+class CCDTierRecord;
+class CCDMCprRecord;
+class CCDCprRecord;
+class CCDSCprRecord;
+class CCDSCprRecord;
+class CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord;
+namespace CommsDatInternal
+ ******************************************************************************************/
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCDMapper) : public CMDBRecordBase
+Base class for mapping rules
+Records and Fields can be mapped, but not Tables
+Generic Records are never mapped (fields, records or tables)
+NB Mapping class must only hold data that is a direct map of the original
+Other data can be created or modified during a map but must not be held
+in the mapper class as if it need not be directly loaded, deleted or stored 
+via MMetaDatabase operations
+0/  The mapper class is created via a factory if there is anything to map
+    in the input element.
+1/  First the mapper is constructed.  
+Any changed data in the input element is copied into the mapper element.
+2/  When storing, a mapper client is then prepared with PrepareToStoreL
+which may call CMDBSessionImpl::MaybeCreateNodeL for mapper elements
+3/  VCT - When deleting a mapper client will call MaybeDeleteNode
+It may sometimes be necessary to do a custom operation on delete especially 
+to delete a whole node if this has been created.
+Often this function will be a no-op as the general algorithm
+will handle normal deletion of mapped fields
+4/  A mapper client can then use the mapped data directly during database operations
+5/  When the client has finished the database operations it calls MapResults
+    which transfers changed data from the map back to the original element following
+    the individual mapper class's rules
+6/  The mapper can now be deleted
+    {
+public :
+    // Creates a mapping class of the appropriate type
+    static CCDMapper* MaybeCreateMapperLC(CMDBElement& aElement,CMDBSessionImpl& aSession, const TOperation& aOperation);
+    virtual ~CCDMapper();
+    // Constructs the mapper by finding the id of each field
+    // Populates the mapper with data from the input element
+    virtual void ConstructL();
+    // Prepares the mapper for storage
+    // will use data from the input element and may read the database too
+    // Populates the mapper with data from the input element
+    virtual void PrepareToStoreL();
+    // Maps the data the result of the mapping after the database operation
+    // into related element
+    // Should be called after a database operation has been performed
+    virtual void MapResultsL();
+    // With this method some post mappings can be done after storing the mapper object.
+    // By default it just returns but in the case of the IAPPrioritySelectionPolicy mapper
+    // the IPProto layer generation happens here - as this requires the already mapped and 
+    // stored APPrioritySelectionPolicy table.
+    virtual void PostMappingsL();
+    // With this method some pre mappings can be done before the actual mapping takes place.
+    // Usually this method just returns however in the case of IAPPriotySelPol mapping this method
+    // loads the original and yet unchanged mapped APPriotySelPol table. 
+    virtual void PreMappingsL();
+    // Return ETrue if there is a map for this element id
+    // else return EFalse
+    virtual TBool Mapped(TMDBElementId aElementId) =0;
+    // Return ETrue if mapping is needed for this element
+    // else return EFalse
+    virtual TBool NeedsMapping(CMDBElement& aElement) =0;
+    // only ever constructed from the factory
+    CCDMapper(TMDBElementId aElementId, CMDBElement& aElement,CMDBSessionImpl& aSession, const TOperation& aOperation);
+    CCDMapper();
+    TInt FindLinkElementIdL(TInt aVal, TInt aTargetTable);
+    TMDBElementId CheckIsSnapL(TMDBElementId aInputId);
+    CMDBElement& iElement; // A reference to the element that needs mapping
+    CMDBSessionImpl& iSession;
+    const TOperation iOperation;
+    };
+ ****************************************************************************************/
+/************************* 2 a) Mapper for GlobalSettings Table ************************************
+ * KCDTIdGlobalSettingsRecord
+ *
+ * These 2 fields are now stored against the Default Tier record in the Tier table
+ *      DefaultSnap     KCDTIdDefaultSnap    CCDGlobalSettingsRecord::iDefaultSnap
+ *      PromptUser      KCDTIdPromptForSnap  CCDGlobalSettingsRecord::iPromptForSnap
+ *
+ * Corresponding fields in the Tier table (KCDTIdTierRecord) are
+ *      DefaultSnap     KCDTIdDefaultAccessPoint  CCDTierRecord::iDefaultAccessPoint
+ *	    PromptUser      KCDTIdPromptUser          CCDTierRecord::iPromptUser
+ *
+ * The mapping relies on the presence of the DefaultTier field in the GlobalSettings Table
+ *      DefaultTier     KCDTIdDefaultTier    CCDGlobalSettingsRecord::iDefaultTier
+ *
+ * The DefaultTier must always be present as a real or default value in the GlobalSettings
+ * Table.  A preface configuration file for Ced may be the best way to set this value.
+ * 
+ * If KCDTIdDefaultTier field is not present, these fields cannot be mapped
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCDMapperGlobalSettingsRecord) : public CCDMapper
+    {
+    void ConstructL();
+    virtual TBool NeedsMapping(CMDBElement& aElement);
+    virtual TBool Mapped(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+    /*virtual*/ void PrepareToStoreL();
+    void MapResultsL();
+    virtual ~CCDMapperGlobalSettingsRecord(){}
+    CCDMapperGlobalSettingsRecord(CMDBElement& aElement,CMDBSessionImpl& aSession, const TOperation& aOperation);
+    void CreateMapL();
+    CMDBField<TBool>                        iPromptUser;          // Whether or not to prompt the user during selection.
+	CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord>    iDefaultAccessPoint;  // Tier's default access point.
+    };
+/************************* 2 b) Mapper for IAPPrioritySelectionPolicy Table **************
+ * KCDTIdIapPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord   CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord
+ * 
+ * The IAP Selection table is deprecated and completely replaced by the APSelectionTable,
+ *
+ * KCDTIdApPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord  CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord
+ *
+ * As IAPs map directly to APs, the IAP Selection Table that links to IAPs can map directly to 
+ * an AP selecton Table that points to APs that each map to a single IAP
+ * 
+ * The mapping can be very simple because the record id, name, tag and so on can be identical
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCDMapperIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord) : public CCDMapper
+    {
+    void ConstructL();
+    virtual TBool NeedsMapping(CMDBElement& aElement);
+    virtual TBool Mapped(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+    /*virtual*/ void PrepareToStoreL();
+    /*virtual*/ void PostMappingsL();
+    /*virtual*/ void PreMappingsL();
+    void MapResultsL();
+    virtual ~CCDMapperIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord();
+    CCDMapperIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord(CMDBElement& aElement,CMDBSessionImpl& aSession, const TOperation& aOperation);
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp1;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp2;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp3;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp4;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp5;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp6;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp7;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp8;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp9;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp10;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp11;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp12;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp13;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp14;
+		CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord> iAp15;
+		CMDBField<TUint32>  iApCount;
+        CMDBField<TInt>     iRecordTag;
+        CMDBField<TDesC>    iRecordName;
+	    /*
+	     * this field here is needed for example when mapping an IAPPrioritySelPol table modification. In this 
+	     * case we need to know what was the original AP link in the APPrioritySelPol recrod because when someone
+	     * deletes an IAP record link form the IAPPriotitySelPol record we have to have some information that what
+	     * is the mapped AP link in the APPrioritySelPol record to be able to modify the linked IPProto level AP.
+	     */ 
+	    CMDBElement* origMappedDataInDB;
+        //Checks that the AP record, given as an ElementId, is a Network, IPProto or Link level AP
+        CommsDatMapperAndValidator::TAPTypes CheckLinkLevelAPL(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+        void GenerateIPProtoAPL(CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord>*& aAPPriorityFieldToModify,
+                                TInt aLinkNumber,
+                                TBool aIsDefaultAP);
+        void CheckIPProtoAPL(CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord>*& aAPPriorityField,
+                             TInt aLinkNumber,
+                             TBool aIsDefaultAP);
+        void DeleteIPProtoAPL(CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord>*& aAPPriorityField);
+        /* There is a little trick here. If there are 2 APPrioritySelPol records where
+         * 1 link in each record is linking against the same IPProto AP then the situation 
+         * can be the following:
+         * APPrioritySelPolRec_1:
+         * 		AP1 = IPProto_link_record1
+         * 
+         * APPrioritySelPolRec_2:
+         * 		AP1 = IPProto_link_record1
+         * 
+         * 1 APPrioritySelPol record can be already deleted (by the MaybeDeleteNodeL call).
+         * So when the program logic tries to find that how many reference does a given
+         * IPProto AP have (IPProto_link_record1) then it finds that it's only 1 because the
+         * other record from which it was linked the 2nd time is already deleted. That's why
+         * we give for the search algorithm the original (already deleted) APPrioritySelPol record.
+         */ 
+        void DeleteIPProtoAPL(CMDBRecordLink<CCDAccessPointRecord>*& aAPPriorityField,
+        									 CCDAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord* aTheAlreadyDeletedRecord);
+        TInt GetTheLinkAPTagIdL(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+        TInt GetTheLinkAPTagIdL(CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord* aOrigIAPPrioritySelPolRec,
+                                TInt aLinkNumber);
+        TInt GetTheLinkAPTagIdL(CMDBRecordLink<CCDIAPRecord>* aOrigIAPPrioritySelPolField/*,
+                                                                           TInt aLinkNumber*/);
+        TBool IsItTheDefaultAPPrioritySelPolRec(/*CCDAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord* aDefAPPrioritySelPolRec*/);
+        TInt ForcedCountAPLinks();
+/************************* 2 c) Mapper for AccessPoint Table ***************************************
+ * KCDTIdAccessPointRecord      CCDAccessPointRecord
+ *
+ * The following fields are deprecated
+ *   APGID                  CCDAccessPointRecord::iAccessPointGID
+ * 
+ * They map to new fields within the AccessPointRecord
+ *   APTier                 CCDAccessPointRecord::iTier
+ *   
+ * The following fields have some deprecated usage which is mapped 
+ * though the same field remains
+ *   APSelectionPolicy      CCDAccessPointRecord::iSelectionPolicy
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCDMapperAccessPointRecord) : public CCDMapper
+    {
+    void ConstructL();
+    void PrepareToStoreL();
+    TBool NeedsMapping(CMDBElement& aElement);
+    TBool Mapped(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+    /*virtual*/ void PreMappingsL();
+    void MapResultsL();
+    /*virtual*/ void FinalPreparationsL();
+    virtual ~CCDMapperAccessPointRecord(){}
+    CCDMapperAccessPointRecord(CMDBElement& aElement,CMDBSessionImpl& aSession, const TOperation& aOperation);
+	CMDBRecordLink<CCDTierRecord> iTier;		//Tier. The type of the access point. The tier this AP belongs to. Links to a record in the Tier table.
+	CMDBRecordLink<CCDMCprRecord> iMCpr;		//MCPR to load for this AP.  Links to a record in the MCPR table.
+	CMDBRecordLink<CCDCprRecord>  iCpr;			//CPR to load for this AP. Links to a record in the CPR table.
+	CMDBRecordLink<CCDSCprRecord> iSCpr;		//SCPR to load for this AP. Links to a record in the SCPR table.
+	CMDBRecordLink<CCDSCprRecord> iProtocol;	//CFP to load for this AP. Links to a record in teh CFProtocol table.
+	CMDBField<TUint32>            iCprConfig;   //MCPR's config id. Value interpreted by an MCPR to configure the AP.
+	CMDBField<TUint32>            iAppSID;		//Application SID. Marks this AP for use by single Application only
+	CMDBField<TDesC>              iConfigAPIdList;   //List of additional SCprs (from ConfigAccessPoint table) 
+	/**
+	The selection policy which links to the APPrioritySelectionPolicy record. As this is a mapper object
+	we can be sure that this AP will be a network level AP which has to have a valid APPrioritySelPol link.
+	The problem is that the linked record is not inserted (will be generated when the IAPPrioritySelPol record
+    will be inserted), we just know from the input record that what will be the elementID of it, that's why
+    it's a numeric field and not a linked one.
+	*/
+    CMDBField<TUint32>            iSelectionPolicy;
+    /* The mapper has to have its own TagId. If the input container doesn't
+     * contain any this will be used to hold the generated TagId.
+     */
+    CMDBField<TInt>	 			  iRecordTag;
+   };
+} //end namespace CommsDatInternal