--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgrimpl/src/MB_MAN.CPP Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Buffer Manager for Protocols
+#include <comms-infras/cfperfmetrics.h>
+#include "mbufmanager.h"
+#include "es_prot.h" // for ESocketTimerPriority
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <comms-infras/cfmacro.h>
+#include "MBufPoolChain.h"
+#include "MBufTimer.h"
+#include "MBufPool.h"
+#include "MBufSizeAllocator.h"
+#include "MBufPoolManager.h"
+#include "MBufMemoryAllocator.h"
+#include <cflog.h>
+#include <comms-infras/commsbufpond.h>
+#include <comms-infras/commsbufpondop.h>
+#include <comms-infras/mbufasyncrequest.h>
+#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+__CFLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent, "Manager");)
+__CFLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KSubsysMBufMgr, "MBufMgr");) // subsystem name
+MBuf Private Heap Limits
+static const TInt KMBufFreePriority = 20;
+// The asynchronous allocations have to be requested by the thread that created the MBufMgr
+// This we do by having a requester object in that thread which gets completed by the other
+// threads to trigger the request
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRequestAsyncAlloc) : public CActive
+ {
+ static CRequestAsyncAlloc* NewL();
+ virtual ~CRequestAsyncAlloc();
+ void StartWaitForRequest();
+ void MakeRequest();
+ CRequestAsyncAlloc();
+ void ConstructL();
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ virtual void RunL();
+ RCriticalSection iCritSec;
+ RThread iMBufMgrOwnerThread;
+ TBool iSignalled;
+ };
+: CActive(0)
+ {
+ }
+CRequestAsyncAlloc* CRequestAsyncAlloc::NewL()
+ {
+ CRequestAsyncAlloc* This = new(ELeave) CRequestAsyncAlloc;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(This);
+ This->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(This);
+ return This;
+ }
+void CRequestAsyncAlloc::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iCritSec.CreateLocal());
+ iMBufMgrOwnerThread.Duplicate(RThread());
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Deque();
+ iCritSec.Close();
+ iMBufMgrOwnerThread.Close();
+ }
+void CRequestAsyncAlloc::StartWaitForRequest()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsActive(), CMBufManager::Panic(EMBuf_AlreadyActive));
+ iStatus = KRequestPending;
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CRequestAsyncAlloc::MakeRequest()
+ {
+ NETWORKING_ATOMIC(;) // Codepattern below may have SMP implications
+ // This is being most likely being called from the context of some thread other than the
+ // MBufMgr owner, and there's a distinct risk of more than one thread being OOB at the same
+ // time since it's a common pool. So here we have to guard against being completed multiple
+ // times, using a critical section because there's a tiny but real risk of a completion from
+ // another thread in between a test upon IsActive() and our completion of it, which could give
+ // a stray event panic
+ if(!iSignalled)
+ {
+ // We're almost certainly the only thread doing this; now check again inside the critsec to be sure
+ iCritSec.Wait();
+ if(!iSignalled)
+ {
+ iSignalled = ETrue;
+ TRequestStatus* pStatus = &iStatus;
+ iMBufMgrOwnerThread.RequestComplete(pStatus, KErrNone);
+ }
+ iCritSec.Signal();
+ }
+ }
+void CRequestAsyncAlloc::DoCancel()
+ {
+ NETWORKING_ATOMIC(;) // Codepattern below may have SMP implications
+ if(!iSignalled)
+ {
+ // We're almost certainly the only thread doing this; now check again inside the critsec to be sure
+ iCritSec.Wait();
+ if(!iSignalled)
+ {
+ iSignalled = ETrue;
+ TRequestStatus* pStatus = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(pStatus, KErrCancel);
+ }
+ iCritSec.Signal();
+ }
+ }
+void CRequestAsyncAlloc::RunL()
+ {
+ // Now that we're in the thread that owns the timer we can reset it
+ CMBufManager::Context()->WatchDogReset();
+ // Ready for the next cry of OOB distress
+ iStatus = KRequestPending;
+ iSignalled = EFalse;
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ {
+#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+ __CFLOG_1(KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufManager %x:\tCMBufManager()"), this);
+ iAllocsPending.SetOffset(_FOFF(CCommsBufAsyncRequest,iLink));
+ CommsFW::CPerfMetricStore::AddClient(this, AddToPerfLog);
+ }
+void CMBufManager::Panic(TMBufPanic aPanic)
+For use by mbuf related classes
+ {
+ _LIT(mbuf,"MBuf");
+ User::Panic(mbuf, aPanic);
+ }
+ {
+ CommsFW::CPerfMetricStore::RemoveClient(this);
+ if (iRequestAsyncAlloc)
+ {
+ iRequestAsyncAlloc->Cancel();
+ delete iRequestAsyncAlloc;
+ iRequestAsyncAlloc = NULL;
+ }
+ while (!iAllocsPending.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CancelRequest(*iAllocsPending.First());
+ }
+ if (iFreeCB!=NULL)
+ {
+ delete iFreeCB;
+ }
+ iAsynAllocLock.Close();
+ delete iTimer;
+ if (iMBufPoolManager)
+ {
+ delete iMBufPoolManager;
+ }
+ Dll::SetTls(NULL);
+ }
+EXPORT_C MCommsBufPondIntf* CMBufManager::New(RArray <TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo>& aPoolInfo, RLibrary& aLibrary, TInt aMaxHeapSize)
+ {
+ CMBufManager* self = new CMBufManager(aLibrary);
+ if (self)
+ {
+ Dll::SetTls(self);
+ TRAPD( err, self->ConstructL(aPoolInfo, aMaxHeapSize));
+ if( err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ Dll::SetTls(NULL);
+ delete self;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+void CMBufManager::ConstructL(RArray <TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo>& aPoolInfo, TInt aMaxHeapSize)
+ {
+ // Calculate the total heapsize
+ TInt totalHeapSize = aMaxHeapSize;
+ if(aMaxHeapSize == 0)
+ {
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < aPoolInfo.Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ totalHeapSize += (aPoolInfo[i].iCeiling * (ALIGN_UP(sizeof(RMBuf)) + ALIGN_UP(aPoolInfo[i].iBufSize)));
+ }
+ }
+ ConstructL(totalHeapSize);
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < aPoolInfo.Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ iMBufPoolManager->AddL(aPoolInfo[i].iBufSize, aPoolInfo[i].iInitialBufs, aPoolInfo[i].iGrowByBufs, aPoolInfo[i].iMinFreeBufs, aPoolInfo[i].iCeiling * aPoolInfo[i].iBufSize);
+ }
+ }
+CMBufManager::CMBufManager(RLibrary& aLibrary)
+: iLibrary(aLibrary)
+ {
+#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+ __CFLOG_1(KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufManager %x:\tCMBufManager()"), this);
+ iAllocsPending.SetOffset(_FOFF(CCommsBufAsyncRequest,iLink));
+ CommsFW::CPerfMetricStore::AddClient(this, AddToPerfLog);
+ }
+void CMBufManager::ConstructL(TInt aMaxHeapSize)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iAsynAllocLock.CreateLocal());
+ TCallBack c(FreeCallBack, this);
+ // create an instance of the mbuf pool manager
+ // - used to handle all pool allocation manipulation, also used as a concrete class for limited public interfaces exposed
+ // to the client
+ iMBufPoolManager = CMBufPoolManager::NewL(aMaxHeapSize, *this);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(iMBufPoolManager);
+ iFreeCB = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(c, KMBufFreePriority);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(iFreeCB);
+ iTimer=CDeltaTimer::NewL(EMBufMgrTimerPriority, KMbufManTimerGranularity);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(iTimer);
+ iTimerThreadId = RThread().Id();
+ iRequestAsyncAlloc = CRequestAsyncAlloc::NewL();
+ iRequestAsyncAlloc->StartWaitForRequest();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(iTimer);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(iFreeCB);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(iMBufPoolManager);
+ }
+CMBufManager* CMBufManager::Context()
+ // There is a single system-wide MBuf manager.
+ {
+ CMBufManager* pMgr = STATIC_CAST(CMBufManager*, Dll::Tls());
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(pMgr != NULL, Panic(EMBuf_NoManager));
+ return pMgr;
+ }
+void CMBufManager::SetContext()
+ // There is a single system-wide MBuf manager.
+ {
+ Dll::SetTls(this);
+ }
+void CMBufManager::Release(RLibrary& aLib)
+ {
+ aLib = iLibrary;
+ delete this;
+ }
+MCommsBufPondDbg& CMBufManager::CommsBufPondDbg()
+ {
+ return *this;
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::BytesAvailable() const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMBufPoolManager!=NULL, Panic(EMBuf_NoPoolManager));
+ return iMBufPoolManager->BytesAvailable();
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::BytesAvailable(TInt aSize) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMBufPoolManager!=NULL, Panic(EMBuf_NoPoolManager));
+ return iMBufPoolManager->BytesAvailable(aSize);
+ }
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+// misc. sanity checks - all pool chains
+void CMBufManager::__DbgCheckChain(RMBuf* aMBuf, TMBufType aType, TInt aLength, TInt aSize)
+// Check that an MBuf chain if of the required length and that all bufs are
+// of the requred type.
+ {
+ CMBufManager* mgr = CMBufManager::Context();
+ TInt siz=0, len=0;
+ RMBuf* m;
+ RMBuf* p = NULL;
+ TMBufIter iter(aMBuf);
+ while (m = iter++, m!=NULL)
+ {
+ mgr->__DbgCheckBuffer(m);
+ len += m->Length();
+ siz += m->Size();
+ if (m->Type()!=aType)
+ Panic(EMBuf_CheckFailType);
+ p = m; // so we know what the previous one was when it panics under the debugger
+ (void)p->Last();
+ }
+ if (aSize!=0 && siz!=aSize)
+ Panic(EMBuf_CheckFailSize);
+ if (aLength!=0 && len!=aLength)
+ Panic(EMBuf_CheckFailLength);
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::__DbgCheckBuffer(RMBuf* aBuf)
+// For each pool within the corresponding chain, try to locate aBuf
+ {
+ return iMBufPoolManager->__DbgCheckBuffer(aBuf);
+ }
+#else //#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+void CMBufManager::__DbgCheckChain(RMBuf* /*aMBuf*/, TMBufType /*aType*/, TInt /*aLength*/, TInt /*aSize*/)
+ return;
+TInt CMBufManager::__DbgCheckBuffer(RMBuf* /*aBuf*/)
+ return KErrNone;
+void CMBufManager::WatchDogReset()
+ {
+ if (iWatchDogIsPending)
+ {
+ iWatchDogIsPending=EFalse;
+ MBufTimer::Remove(iWatchDog);
+ }
+ if(!iAllocsPending.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ TCallBack c(WatchDogExpire, this);
+ iWatchDogIsPending=ETrue;
+ iWatchDog.Set(c);
+ MBufTimer::Queue(KMBufWatchDogTime,iWatchDog);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::WatchDogExpire(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ ((CMBufManager*)aPtr)->iWatchDogIsPending=EFalse;
+ ((CMBufManager*)aPtr)->CompleteAsyncAllocs(EFalse); // if required, do not allocate new pools
+ ((CMBufManager*)aPtr)->CompleteAsyncAllocs(ETrue); // if required, do allocate new pools
+ return 0;
+ }
+void CMBufManager::StartRequest(CCommsBufAsyncRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ iAsynAllocLock.Wait();
+ iAllocsPending.AddLast(aRequest);
+ iAsynAllocLock.Signal();
+ iRequestAsyncAlloc->MakeRequest();
+ }
+void CMBufManager::CancelRequest(CCommsBufAsyncRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ aRequest.iLink.Deque();
+ aRequest.Complete(KErrCancel);
+ if (iRequestAsyncAlloc)
+ {
+ iRequestAsyncAlloc->MakeRequest();
+ }
+ }
+// attempt to complete outstanding asynchronous allocation requests
+// - typically called after some mbufs have been freed
+void CMBufManager::CompleteAsyncAllocs(TBool aIsAllocPool)
+ {
+ TBool reset = ETrue;
+ CCommsBufAsyncRequest *req;
+#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+ __CFLOG_1(KSubsysMBufMgr, KComponent, _L8("CMBufManager %x:\tCompleteAsyncAllocs() called"), this);
+ // first lock the pending list
+ iAsynAllocLock.Wait();
+ TDblQueIter<CCommsBufAsyncRequest> iter(iAllocsPending);
+ // attempt to allocate each outstanding asynchronous allocation request
+ // - deliberately so, the request is attempted without extending the pool (as this is done from a watchdog timer as a last resort)
+ while (req = iter++, req != NULL)
+ {
+ // if null size specified, then allocate a default sized mbuf
+ // - to avoid a SC break, the default size is hard coded to K_MBufSmallSize for consumers that assume that this length will be returned
+ TInt reqSize = req->iSize;
+ if (reqSize == 0) // trs; does it make sense to request an allocation without specifying a length? kept as is to avoid a SC break
+ reqSize = KMBufSmallSize;
+ RMBuf* mBufs = Alloc(reqSize, req->iMinSize, req->iMaxSize, aIsAllocPool);
+ if (mBufs)
+ {
+ RMBufQ& q = static_cast<RMBufQ&>(req->iBufQ);
+ q = mBufs;
+ req->Complete(KErrNone);
+ if (aIsAllocPool) // not done for pool allocation growth to ensure FC with the factored out implementation; CompleteLargeRequests()
+ reset = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ iAsynAllocLock.Signal();
+ // only reset the watch dog if there are no pending requests left or a request was completed, otherwise big pending requests might
+ // be stalled by a continual trickle of small allocs and frees.
+ if (iAllocsPending.IsEmpty() || reset)
+ WatchDogReset();
+ }
+// refer RMBufChain::AllocL notes regarding the deliberate decision not to provide an overloaded min/max mbuf size variant
+RMBuf* CMBufManager::AllocL(TInt aSize)
+// Allocate and initialise a chain of MBufs
+// Total data length is set to exact size.
+ {
+ RMBuf* buf = Alloc(aSize);
+ if(!buf)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMBufs);
+ }
+ return buf;
+ }
+void CMBufManager::Free(RCommsBuf* aBuf)
+ {
+ iMBufPoolManager->Free(static_cast<RMBuf*>(aBuf), EFalse);
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::LargestBufSize() const
+ /** Returns the size of the largest MBuf that the manager can provide.
+ @return the size of the largest MBuf that the manager can provide.
+ */
+ {
+ // iLargestMBufSize is needed for legacy functionallity when the MBufSize is not specified
+ // in RMBufChain::Align(TInt aSize). It is updated in MBufPoolManager as new pools are created
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMBufPoolManager!=NULL, Panic(EMBuf_NoPoolManager));
+ return iMBufPoolManager->LargestMBufSize();
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::NextBufSize(TInt aSize) const
+ /** Used to obtains the sizes of the MBufs that the manager can provide.
+ @param the size to start searching from.
+ @return the size of the next MBuf that is greater than aSize, KErrNotFound if there is no MBuf bigger than aSize.
+ */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iMBufPoolManager!=NULL, Panic(EMBuf_NoPoolManager));
+ return iMBufPoolManager->NextMBufSize(aSize);
+ }
+// allocate and initialise a chain of MBufs
+// - total data length is set to exact size
+// - overloaded variants are deliberately not exported because;
+// a. likely that this interface will be deprecated in the future and thus we don't want to unnecessarily extend it (ie. more maintenance)
+// b. easy to export them down the track, but not so easy to go the other way
+RMBuf* CMBufManager::Alloc(TInt aSize, const RMBufChain& aMBufChain)
+ {
+ // select min/max mbuf size constraints based upon an existing mbuf
+ if (aMBufChain.First())
+ return Alloc(aSize, aMBufChain.First()->Size(), aMBufChain.First()->Size());
+ else
+ return Alloc(aSize);
+ }
+RMBuf* CMBufManager::Alloc(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ return Alloc(aSize, 0, KMaxTInt);
+ }
+RMBuf* CMBufManager::Alloc(TInt aSize, TInt aMinMBufSize)
+ {
+ return Alloc(aSize, aMinMBufSize, KMaxTInt);
+ }
+RMBuf* CMBufManager::Alloc(TInt aSize, TInt aMinMBufSize, TInt aMaxMBufSize)
+ {
+ return Alloc(aSize, aMinMBufSize, aMaxMBufSize, ETrue);
+ }
+RMBuf* CMBufManager::Alloc(TInt aSize, TInt aMinMBufSize, TInt aMaxMBufSize, TBool aIsAllocPool)
+ {
+ // check args
+ // - regarding use of TInt instead of TUint, refer comments in CMBufPoolManager::AddL
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSize >= 0, Panic(EMBuf_SillyAlloc));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMinMBufSize >= 0, Panic(EMBuf_NegativeMinMBufSize));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxMBufSize >= 0, Panic(EMBuf_NegativeMaxMBufSize));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxMBufSize >= aMinMBufSize, Panic(EMBuf_MinExceedsMaxMBufSize));
+ TInt bucket = Min(aSize / KBucketSize, KNumBuckets - 1);
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+// Silly value here - the point is that the value won't be changed by this, so we can
+// emulate what happens if the system repeatedly fails to allocate the memory.
+ if (iDbgFailAfter != 0 && --iDbgFailAfter == 0)
+ {
+// REQ7862 fix up the iLock this might be free list lock from pool manager - perhaps all this goes to pool manager
+ iLock.Wait();
+ ++iBuckets[bucket];
+ ++iNumOOBs;
+// REQ7862 fix up the iLock this might be free list lock from pool manager - perhaps all this goes to pool manager
+ iLock.Signal();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ++iBuckets[bucket];
+ return iMBufPoolManager->Alloc(aSize, aMinMBufSize, aMaxMBufSize, aIsAllocPool);
+ }
+RMBuf* CMBufManager::FromHandle(TInt /* aHandle */)
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::Store(TDes8& /*aStore*/) const
+ {
+ // Not supported
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+void CMBufManager::CallBackAfterFree()
+ {
+ if (!iAllocsPending.IsEmpty())
+ iFreeCB->CallBack();
+ }
+TInt CMBufManager::FreeCallBack(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ ((CMBufManager*)aPtr)->CompleteAsyncAllocs(EFalse); // attempt allocation without attempting to allocate any new pools
+ return 0;
+ }
+CDeltaTimer* CMBufManager::Timer()
+// return context for the global timer.
+ {
+ return Context()->iTimer;
+ }
+// retrieve free space for all pool chains
+TUint CMBufManager::__DbgGetBufSpace()
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ return iMBufPoolManager->__DbgGetBufSpace();
+ return 0;
+ }
+// get free space for pool chain with matching mbuf size
+TUint CMBufManager::__DbgGetBufSpace(TUint aMBufSize)
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ return iMBufPoolManager->__DbgGetBufSpace(aMBufSize);
+ aMBufSize = aMBufSize;
+ return 0;
+ }
+// get used space for all pool chains
+TUint CMBufManager::__DbgGetBufTotal()
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ return iMBufPoolManager->__DbgGetBufTotal();
+ return 0;
+ }
+// get used space for pool chain with matching mbuf size
+TUint CMBufManager::__DbgGetBufTotal(TUint aMBufSize)
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ return iMBufPoolManager->__DbgGetBufTotal(aMBufSize);
+ aMBufSize = aMBufSize;
+ return 0;
+ }
+// return the first mbuf in the free list belong to the first chain
+RCommsBuf* CMBufManager::__DbgBufChain()
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ return iMBufPoolManager->__DbgMBufChain();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// return the first mbuf in the free list belonging to the chain of the specified mbuf size
+RCommsBuf* CMBufManager::__DbgBufChain(TUint aMBufSize)
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ return iMBufPoolManager->__DbgMBufChain(aMBufSize);
+ aMBufSize = aMBufSize;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// update the max pool limit (debug only) - use the first pool chain if none specified
+void CMBufManager::__DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt aCount)
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ iMBufPoolManager->__DbgSetPoolLimit(aCount);
+ aCount = aCount;
+ }
+// update the max pool limit (debug only) - for the specified mbuf size
+void CMBufManager::__DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt aCount, TUint aMBufSize)
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ iMBufPoolManager->__DbgSetPoolLimit(aCount, aMBufSize);
+ aCount = aCount;
+ aMBufSize = aMBufSize;
+ }
+// set a fail allocation count
+void CMBufManager::__DbgSetFailAfter(TInt aCount)
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ iDbgFailAfter = aCount;
+ aCount = aCount;
+ }
+// get the allocation size - note only valid if called from the CMBufManager owner thread
+TInt CMBufManager::__DbgGetHeapSize()
+ {
+#ifdef _MBUF_TEST
+ if (iMBufPoolManager)
+ return iMBufPoolManager->BytesAllocated();
+ else
+ return 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+TBool CMBufManager::AddToPerfLog(TAny* aSelf, TDes8& aBuffer, TDes8Overflow* aOverflowHandler)
+ {
+ CMBufManager* self = static_cast<CMBufManager*>(aSelf);
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(KNumBuckets == 13); // cross-check against below
+ _LIT8(KFormat, "MBuf OOB:%u, reqs:%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u");
+ aBuffer.AppendFormat(KFormat, aOverflowHandler, self->iNumOOBs, self->iBuckets[0],
+ self->iBuckets[1], self->iBuckets[2], self->iBuckets[3], self->iBuckets[4], self->iBuckets[5], self->iBuckets[6],
+ self->iBuckets[7], self->iBuckets[8], self->iBuckets[9], self->iBuckets[10], self->iBuckets[11], self->iBuckets[12]);
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+#ifndef __NOT_OWN_MBUFMGR_DLL // Used by t_esock in the PPP testsuite