changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
child 24 00c6709d25aa
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/es_prot_internal.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @InternalTechnology
+#ifndef __ES_PROT_INTERNAL_H__
+#define __ES_PROT_INTERNAL_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+enum TConnStartType 
+	{
+	EConnStartExplicit,
+	EConnStartImplicit
+	};
+enum TESOCKActivePriority
+	{
+	ESSExclusivePriority=100000,
+	ECommReceivePriority=200,		//< Must always run.
+	ECommTransmitPriority=100,
+	ECAsyncImmediatePriority=75,	//< I.e. before a timer event goes off.
+	ESocketTimerPriority=50,
+	EActiveIpcPriority=20,
+	EActiveHighPriority=10,
+	EActiveMedPriority=0,
+	EActiveLowPriority=-10,
+	ECAsyncDeferredPriority=-20,
+	EShutDownPriority=-100000,		//< Lowest priority for shutdown, so that other async cleanup behaviours can complete first
+	};
+enum TProtocolServiceInfo
+	{
+	ESocketSupport=0x00000001,		//< Can make sockets
+	ETransport=0x00000002,			//< Can act as a transport - ie can be bound to
+	EPreferMBufChains=0x00000004,	//< Will process MBufChains (I.e. won't convert them to descriptors)
+	EPreferDescriptors=0x00000008,	//< Will process Descriptors (I.e. won't convert them to MBufChains)
+	ECantProcessMBufChains=0x00000010,	//< Will Panic if asked to process an MBufChain
+	ENeedMBufs=0x00000020,			//< Uses MBufChains internally.
+	EUseCanSend=0x00000040,			//< Uses the inter-protocol CanSend upcall.
+	EInterface=0x00000080,			//< Is a CInterfaceBase rather than CProtocolBase
+	};
+enum TProtocolType
+	{
+	ENormalProtocol,				//< Normal protocol
+	EInterfaceProtocol				//< Has EInterface flags set and supports GetBinderL()
+	};
+/** Ensure that the requested length for datagrams is bigger than any real one. This ensures that
+naive providers deliver them without truncation, so allowing the client to perform continuation reads.
+const TUint KGetDataWholeDatagram = 0x40000000;
+Definition of argument to CConnectionProvdBase::SetUsageProfile()
+Bitmap masks
+const TUint KConnProfileNone = 0;
+Definition of argument to CConnectionProvdBase::SetUsageProfile()
+Bitmap masks
+const TUint KConnProfileLong = 1;
+Definition of argument to CConnectionProvdBase::SetUsageProfile()
+Bitmap masks
+const TUint KConnProfileMedium = 2;
+class SocketTimer 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static void Queue(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeInMicroSeconds,TDeltaTimerEntry& aTimer);
+	IMPORT_C static void Remove(TDeltaTimerEntry& aTimer);
+	};
+class CProtocolBase;
+class SocketServExt
+    {
+	IMPORT_C static CProtocolBase* FindAndLoadProtocolL(const TDesC& aName, TProtocolType aType=ENormalProtocol);
+	IMPORT_C static CProtocolBase* FindAndLoadProtocolL(TUint aAddrFamily, TUint aSockType, TUint aProtocol);
+	IMPORT_C static void InstallExtensionL(const TDesC& aDllName, const TDesC& aArgs);
+	IMPORT_C static void OpenSession();
+	IMPORT_C static void CloseSession();
+	IMPORT_C static void InstallSchedulerWaitHook(TCallBack* aCall);
+	};
+class CSocketServExtRef;
+class CSocketServExtBase : public CBase
+Base class for extensions
+	{
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CSocketServExtBase();
+	IMPORT_C CSocketServExtBase();
+	virtual void InstallL(const TDesC& aArgs)=0;
+	virtual void Remove()=0;
+	//
+	friend class CSocketServExtRef;
+	CSocketServExtRef* iExtRef;
+	};
+Definition for internal SetOption() from ESock to Provider to communicate
+socket owner information.
+const TInt KSOLProvider = 2;
+const TUint KSoOwnerInfo = 1 | KSocketInternalOptionBit;
+Definition for internal SetOption() from ESock to Provider to communicate
+connection selection information.  Note that the information is opaque
+to ESock and comes from Nifman in the form of a TSoIfConnectionInfo class.
+const TInt KSoConnectionInfo = 2 | KSocketInternalOptionBit;
+Definition for internal GetOption() from ESock to Host Resolver Provider to retrieve
+any specific error code needed to error the subsession with in certain
+const TUint KSoGetErrorCode = 3 | KSocketInternalOptionBit;
+Definition for internal SetOption() from ESock to Socket/Host Resolver Provider to send
+a class instance that can be used to dynamically retrieve thread and process id information.
+const TUint KSoSetPlatSecApi = 4 | KSocketInternalOptionBit;
+UID of Unicode Protocol Modules
+const TInt KUidUnicodeProtocolModule = 0x10003d38;
+/** @internalTechnology */
+const TInt KUidEsockExtension = 0x10000387;
+#endif // __ES_PROT_INTERNAL_H__