changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_subconnflow.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent 
+#if !defined(__SS_SUBCONNFLOW_H__)
+#define __SS_SUBCONNFLOW_H__
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_subconnprov.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodeinterfaces.h>
+class TSockAddr;
+class CPlayer;
+namespace ESock
+class CConnectionProviderBase;
+class CSubConnectionProviderBase;
+class CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase;
+class CSubConnectionFlowBase;
+// =========================================================================================
+class CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer : public CCommsFactoryContainer
+/** Container for sub-connection flow factories
+@released Since 9.2 */
+	{
+#ifdef __X86GCC__
+ 	// gcc-mingw does not support declaring friends from different namespaces so we define proxy
+ 	// functions to do the cast.
+    friend CSubConnectionFlowBase* __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject);
+    friend const CSubConnectionFlowBase* __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(const Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject);
+    enum
+        {
+        EId = ESubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer
+        };
+#elif defined(__GCCXML__)
+    enum
+        {
+        EId = ESubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer
+        };
+    friend CSubConnectionFlowBase* Factories::factoryobject_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase>(Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject);
+    friend const CSubConnectionFlowBase* Factories::factoryobject_cast<const CSubConnectionFlowBase>(const Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject);
+    enum
+        {
+        EId = ESubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer
+        };
+	static CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer* NewL();
+	~CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer();
+	CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer();
+	virtual void ReceivedL(const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, Messages::TSignatureBase& aMessage);
+	};
+const TInt KSubConnectionFlowFactoryInterfaceUid = 0x10281C33;
+class CSubConnectionProviderBase;
+class CProtocolIntfFactoryBase;
+class CProtocolIntfBase;
+class CProtocolIntfFactoryContainer;
+// =========================================================================================
+class CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase : public CCommsFactoryBase
+/** Base class for all flow factories. Specifies the interface
+    that all flow factories must implement. It also providers the
+	ECOM framework (via CCommsFactoryBase) to load flow factories
+	from other Dynamic Linked Libraries.
+@released Since 9.2 */
+	{
+    friend class CProtocolIntfFactoryContainer;
+	friend class CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer;
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase();
+	/** Obtain protocol description of the flow - caller takes custody
+	@param aProtocol Protocol id of the flow type for which a description is being requested.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TServerProtocolDesc* CreateFlowDescriptionL(TInt aProtocol);
+	IMPORT_C CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase(TUid aFactoryId, CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer& aParentContainer);
+	/**	Override this to provide your own implementation for creating a flow
+	@param aSubConnectionProviderBase The sub-connection provider for the flow to be attached to could be NULL
+			meaning that sub-connection is yet be found(selected).
+			Until than all calls are KErrNotReady except JoinL
+	@param aSubConnType The creation type */
+	IMPORT_C virtual ACommsFactoryNodeId* DoCreateObjectL(TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery);
+	virtual CSubConnectionFlowBase* DoCreateFlowL(CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf, TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery) =0;
+	/**	Override this to provide your own implementation of the ProtocolInft factory.
+	@param aParentContainer The protocol factory container 'this' is expected to insert self to */
+    IMPORT_C virtual CProtocolIntfFactoryBase* CreateProtocolIntfFactoryL(CProtocolIntfFactoryContainer& aParentContainer);
+	/** Override this to provide flow specific "protocol" description
+	@param aProtocol Protocol id of the flow type for which a description is being requested.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual TServerProtocolDesc* DoCreateFlowDescriptionL(TInt aProtocol);
+	};
+// =========================================================================================
+// =========================================================================================
+class MFlowBinderControl;
+//!!!instance goes down when iSubConnection instance goes down => all clients of iSubConnection leave
+class CSubConnectionFlowBase : public CCommsProviderBase,                           
+								public ACommsFactoryNodeId
+/**	Base class specifying the interfaces required to implement a flow.
+	Contains collections of sub connection control and data clients and defines operations on them
+	Instance of the object dies when the coresponding instance of CSubConnectionProvider goes
+@released Since 9.2 */
+	{
+	friend class CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase;
+	friend class CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer;
+#ifdef __X86GCC__
+ 	// gcc-mingw does not support declaring friends from different namespaces so we define proxy
+ 	// functions to do the cast.
+    friend  CSubConnectionFlowBase* __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(Messages::ANode* aNode);
+    friend  CSubConnectionFlowBase& __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(Messages::ANode& aNode);
+#elif !defined(__GCCXML__)
+    friend  CSubConnectionFlowBase* mcfnode_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase>(Messages::ANode* aNode);
+    friend  CSubConnectionFlowBase& mcfnode_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase>(Messages::ANode& aNode);
+	// Downcalls from clients
+	IMPORT_C MFlowBinderControl* GetBinderControlL();
+    CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& Factory() const
+        {
+        return static_cast<CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase&>(AFactoryObject::Factory());
+        }
+	const Messages::RNodeInterface& ControlProvider() const
+		{
+		return iSubConnectionProvider;
+		}
+	/** Legacy flows have no permanent control plane, giving them more responsibility for the layer below
+	*/
+	TBool HasControlPlane() const
+		{
+		return iSubConnectionProvider.IsOpen();
+		}
+	IMPORT_C CSubConnectionFlowBase(CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConnId,
+	                                CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf);
+	// Don't allow clients to invoke the destructor.
+	// (Only the CCommsFactoryBase should do this)
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CSubConnectionFlowBase();
+	virtual MFlowBinderControl* DoGetBinderControlL() = 0;
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteThisFlow();
+	IMPORT_C CProtocolIntfBase* ProtocolIntf() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ReceivedL(const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, Messages::TSignatureBase& aMessage);
+	IMPORT_C virtual NetInterfaces::TInterfaceControl* FetchNodeInterfaceControlL(TInt aInterfaceId);
+    IMPORT_C void SubConnectionGoingDown();
+	Messages::RNodeInterface iSubConnectionProvider;
+	Messages::RRequestOriginator iLastRequestOriginator;
+	CProtocolIntfBase* iProtocolIntf;
+	};
+#ifdef __X86GCC__
+ 	// gcc-mingw does not support declaring friends from different namespaces so we define proxy
+ 	// functions to do the cast.
+	inline CSubConnectionFlowBase* __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(Messages::ANode* aNode)
+    	{
+    	return static_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase*>(aNode);
+    	}
+	inline CSubConnectionFlowBase& __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(Messages::ANode& aNode)
+    	{
+    	return static_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase&>(aNode);
+    	}
+	inline CSubConnectionFlowBase* __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject)
+    	{
+	    return ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer::EId == static_cast<ESock::CCommsFactoryContainer&>(aFactoryObject->Factory().ParentContainer()).iId?
+	    	static_cast<ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase*>(aFactoryObject) : NULL;
+    	}
+	inline const CSubConnectionFlowBase* __x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(const Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject)
+    	{
+	    return ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer::EId == static_cast<ESock::CCommsFactoryContainer&>(aFactoryObject->Factory().ParentContainer()).iId?
+	    	static_cast<const ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase*>(aFactoryObject) : NULL;
+    	}
+} //namespace ESock
+#ifdef __X86GCC__
+	namespace Messages
+	{
+ 	// gcc-mingw does not support declaring friends from different namespaces so we define proxy
+ 	// functions to do the cast.
+	template <>
+	inline ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* mnode_cast<ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase>(Messages::ANode* aNode)
+		{
+		return ESock::__x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(aNode);
+		}
+	template <>
+	inline ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase& mnode_cast<ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase>(Messages::ANode& aNode)
+		{
+		return ESock::__x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(aNode);
+		}
+	}
+namespace Factories
+#ifdef __X86GCC__
+ 	// gcc-mingw does not support declaring friends from different namespaces so we define proxy
+ 	// functions to do the cast.
+	template<>
+	inline ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* factoryobject_cast<ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase>(Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject)
+	    {
+		return ESock::__x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(aFactoryObject);
+	    }
+	template<>
+	inline const ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* factoryobject_cast<const ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase>(const Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject)
+	    {
+		return ESock::__x86gcc_subconnection_flow_base_cast(aFactoryObject);
+	    }
+	// RVCT does not allow the specialisation of template functions in a different namespace from the original
+	// so we declare them in the Factories namespace...
+	template<>
+	inline ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* factoryobject_cast<ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase>(Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject)
+	    {
+	    return ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer::EId == static_cast<ESock::CCommsFactoryContainer&>(aFactoryObject->Factory().ParentContainer()).iId?
+	    	static_cast<ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase*>(aFactoryObject) : NULL;
+	    }
+	template<>
+	inline const ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* factoryobject_cast<const ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase>(const Factories::AFactoryObject* aFactoryObject)
+	    {
+	    return ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer::EId == static_cast<ESock::CCommsFactoryContainer&>(aFactoryObject->Factory().ParentContainer()).iId?
+	    	static_cast<const ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase*>(aFactoryObject) : NULL;
+	    }
+} //namespace Factories
+#endif	// __SS_SUBCONNFLOW_H__