changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/networkcontroller/ts_common/etel.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __ETEL_H__
+#define __ETEL_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+/** Major version number.*/
+const TUint KEtelMajorVersionNumber=1;
+/** Minor version number. */
+const TUint KEtelMinorVersionNumber=0;
+/** Build number. */
+const TUint KEtelBuildVersionNumber=606;
+IMPORT_C void PanicClient(TInt aFault);
+// Etel Core Error Definitions
+const TInt KErrEtelCoreBase = -2000;
+/** The client is not the call owner and has attempted to perform an operation 
+that requires ownership.*/
+const TInt KErrEtelNotCallOwner=KErrEtelCoreBase;
+/** An attempt has been made to load an ETel (TSY) module which contains a phone 
+with the same name as one already loaded. */
+const TInt KErrEtelDuplicatePhoneName=KErrEtelCoreBase-1;
+/** An attempt has been made to acquire call ownership when the requesting client 
+is already the call owner. */
+const TInt KErrEtelAlreadyCallOwner=KErrEtelCoreBase-2;
+/** A connection has been terminated because the carrier has been lost. */
+const TInt KErrEtelNoCarrier=KErrEtelCoreBase-3;
+/** An attempt to establish a connection with the RCall::Dial() function has failed 
+because the remote party's line was busy. */
+const TInt KErrEtelBusyDetected=KErrEtelCoreBase-4;
+/** An attempt has been made to transfer call ownership, but no other clients are 
+interested in acquiring ownership. */
+const TInt KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall=KErrEtelCoreBase-5;
+/** The TSY has failed to initialise the modem. This may be occur if the modem 
+is disconnected during initialisation, or if an attempt is made to initialise 
+an unsupported modem. */
+const TInt KErrEtelInitialisationFailure=KErrEtelCoreBase-6;
+/** An attempt has been made to perform an operation which requires the call to 
+be connected - when the call is not connected. E.g. RCall:LoanDataPort(). */
+const TInt KErrEtelCallNotActive=KErrEtelCoreBase-7;
+/** A connection request has failed because there is no answer. */
+const TInt KErrEtelNoAnswer=KErrEtelCoreBase-8;
+/** A connection request has failed because there is no dial tone. For example, 
+if there is no connection between the modem and the network. */
+const TInt KErrEtelNoDialTone=KErrEtelCoreBase-9;
+/** An attempt to configure the port has failed because the hardware cannot match 
+the desired configuration. For example, if an attempt is made to configure 
+the comms port to a baud rate it cannot support. */
+const TInt KErrEtelConfigPortFailure=KErrEtelCoreBase-10;
+/** Out of memory error - global chunk cannot be created. */
+const TInt KErrEtelFaxChunkNotCreated=KErrEtelCoreBase-11;
+/** The client is not the fax owner and has attempted to perform an operation that 
+requires fax ownership.
+The fax client should be used to access fax functionality. Consequently, client 
+code should not return this error. */
+const TInt KErrEtelNotFaxOwner=KErrEtelCoreBase-12;
+/** An attempt has been made to perform an operation which requires port ownership. 
+However, the client does not own the port. */
+const TInt KErrEtelPortNotLoanedToClient=KErrEtelCoreBase-13;
+/** An operation has failed because the modem has been incorrectly configured. */
+const TInt KErrEtelWrongModemType=KErrEtelCoreBase-14;
+/** An operation has failed because the modem does not understand the request - 
+possible bug in modem. */
+const TInt KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability=KErrEtelCoreBase-15;
+/** The call has already placed an 'answer incoming call' request. Only 1 request 
+of a type (e.g. fax, voice, data) can be outstanding on the server at a time. */
+const TInt KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding=KErrEtelCoreBase-16;
+/** An attempt to establish a connection with the modem has failed because the 
+modem cannot be detected. */
+const TInt KErrEtelModemNotDetected=KErrEtelCoreBase-17;
+/** Operation failed because the modem settings are corrupt. */
+const TInt KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt=KErrEtelCoreBase-18;
+/** The Data port is in use by another call or application. */
+const TInt KErrEtelPortAlreadyLoaned=KErrEtelCoreBase-19;
+/** Another call active. Close it before opening a new one. */
+const TInt KErrEtelCallAlreadyActive=KErrEtelCoreBase-20;
+class CEtelBehaviourBase;
+// RTelSubSessionBase
+A base class used in the derivation of RCall, RLine, and RPhone. It has no user
+accessible functions. 
+class RTelSubSessionBase 
+	{
+	inline RTelSubSessionBase() {};
+	};
+class RTelServer : public CBase
+	{
+	TInt Connect();
+	void Close();
+	enum TNetworkType
+		{
+		ENetworkTypeWiredAnalog,
+		ENetworkTypeWiredDigital,
+		ENetworkTypeMobileAnalog,
+		ENetworkTypeMobileDigital,
+		ENetworkTypeUnknown
+		};
+	struct  TPhoneInfo
+		{
+		TNetworkType iNetworkType;
+		TName iName;
+		TUint iNumberOfLines;
+		TUint iExtensions;
+		};
+	TInt EnumeratePhones(TInt& aNoOfPhones) const;
+	TInt GetPhoneInfo(const TInt aIndex,TPhoneInfo& aInfo) const;
+	TInt GetTsyName(const TInt aIndexOfPhone, TDes& aTsyName) const;
+	TInt LoadPhoneModule(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	TInt UnloadPhoneModule(const TDesC& aFileName) const;
+	CEtelBehaviourBase* TestBehaviour() const;
+	static CEtelBehaviourBase* CreateTestBehaviourL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	CEtelBehaviourBase* iTestBehaviour;
+	};
+class RPhone
+	{
+	TInt Open(RTelServer& aSession,const TDesC& aName);
+	void Close();
+	void CancelAsyncRequest(TInt aReqToCancel) const;
+	enum TCapsFlags
+		{
+		KCapsUnknown=0x00000001,
+		KCapsData=0x00000002,
+		KCapsFaxClassOne=0x0000004,
+		KCapsFaxClassOnePointZero=0x0000008,
+		KCapsFaxClassTwo=0x00000010,
+		KCapsFaxClassTwoPointZero=0x00000020,
+		KCapsFaxClassTwoPointOne=0x00000040,
+		KCapsVoice=0x00000080,
+		KCapsEventModemDetection=0x00010000,
+		KCapsStealCommPort=0x00020000
+		};
+	struct TCaps
+		{
+		TUint iFlags;
+		};
+	TInt GetCaps(TCaps& aCaps) const;
+	CEtelBehaviourBase* TestBehaviour() const;
+	CEtelBehaviourBase* iTestBehaviour;
+	};
+class RCall
+	{
+	struct  TCommPort
+		{
+		TFileName iCsy;
+		TName iPort;
+		};
+	};
+#endif // __ETEL_H__