changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Handler Mediator objects (domains, categories and 
    15 *                commands/events)
    16 *
    17 */
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include "MediatorCommon.h"
    25 #include "MediatorServerObjects.h"
    26 #include "MediatorServiceDefs.h"
    29 class CDomain;
    30 class CCategory;
    31 class MMediatorCommandObserver;
    32 class MMediatorServerEventObserver;
    34 // NAMESPACE
    35 using namespace MediatorService;
    40 /**
    41 *  An observer interface for receiving Mediator Service notifications.
    42 *
    43 *  @since S60 3.1
    44 */
    45 class MMediatorServerNotificationObserver
    46     {
    47     public: 
    49         /**
    50         * Events have been registered. The events can now be subscribed.
    51         * The list can contain 1-n new events into the category.
    52         *
    53         * @since S60 3.1
    54         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
    55         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
    56         * @param aEvents    The list of events that have been registered.
    57         * @return None.
    58         */
    59         virtual void MediatorEventsAddedL( TUid aDomain, 
    60                                            TUid aCategory, 
    61                                            const REventList& aEvents ) = 0;
    63         /**
    64         * New commands have been registered. The commands can now be subscribed.
    65         * The list can contain 1-n new commands into the category.
    66         *
    67         * @since S60 3.1
    68         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
    69         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
    70         * @param aCommands  List of commands that have been registered.
    71         * @return None.
    72         */
    73         virtual void MediatorCommandsAddedL( TUid aDomain, 
    74                                              TUid aCategory,
    75                                              const RCommandList& aCommands ) = 0;
    77         /**
    78         * A category has been removed. All subscriptions are cancelled.
    79         *
    80         * @since S60 3.1
    81         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
    82         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.        
    83         * @return None.
    84         */
    85         virtual void MediatorCategoryRemovedL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory ) = 0;
    87         /**
    88         * List of events has been removed. All subscriptions are cancelled.
    89         * List can contain 1-n events from the specified category.
    90         *
    91         * @since S60 3.1
    92         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
    93         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
    94         * @param aEvents    The list of events removed.
    95         * @return None.
    96         */
    97         virtual void MediatorEventsRemovedL( TUid aDomain, 
    98                                              TUid aCategory,
    99                                              const REventList& aEvents ) = 0;
   101         /**
   102         * List of commands have been removed. All subscriptions are cancelled.
   103         * List can contain 1-n commands from the specified category.
   104         *
   105         * @since S60 3.1
   106         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
   107         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
   108         * @param aCommands  The list of commands removed
   109         * @return None.
   110         */
   111         virtual void MediatorCommandsRemovedL( TUid aDomain, 
   112                                                TUid aCategory,
   113                                                const RCommandList& aCommands ) = 0;
   114     };
   117 /**
   118 *  Object handler class for Mediator Server.
   119 *
   120 *  @lib MediatorServer
   121 *  @since S60 3.1
   122 */
   123 class CMediatorServerObjectHandler : public CBase
   124     {
   125     public:  // Constructors and destructor
   127         /**
   128         * Two-phased constructor.
   129         */
   130         static CMediatorServerObjectHandler* NewL();
   132         /**
   133         * Destructor.
   134         */
   135         virtual ~CMediatorServerObjectHandler();
   137     public: // New functions
   139         /**
   140         * Adds new observer to get events about registration changes
   141         *
   142         * @since S60 3.1
   143         * @param aObserver pointer to observer instance
   144         * @return None.
   145         */
   146         void AddObserverL( MMediatorServerNotificationObserver* aObserver );
   148         /**
   149         * Removes observer.
   150         *
   151         * @since S60 3.1
   152         * @param aObserver pointer to observer instance
   153         * @return None.
   154         */
   155         void RemoveObserverL( MMediatorServerNotificationObserver* aObserver );
   157         /**
   158         * Finds domain from the domain list
   159         * @since S60 3.1
   160         * @param aDomain identifying the domain
   161         * @return CDomain pointer to found domain. Null if not found
   162         */      
   163         CDomain* FindDomain( const TUid aDomain );
   165         /**
   166         * Adds new domain to domain list
   167         * @since S60 3.1
   168         * @param aDomain identifying the domain
   169         * @return CDomain pointer to new domain.
   170         */      
   171         CDomain* AddDomainL( const TUid aDomain );
   173         /**
   174         * Returns pointer to category specified
   175         * @since S60 3.1
   176         * @param aCategory structure defining domain and category
   177         * @return CCategory pointer to category
   178         */      
   179         CCategory* CategoryL( TMediatorCategory aCategory );
   182         /**
   183         * Gets all domains
   184         * @since S60 3.1
   185         * @param aDomains   Array where list of registered domains is written
   186         * @return none.
   187         */
   188         void GetDomainsL( RDomainList& aDomains );  
   190         /**
   191         * Gets all categories from the domains
   192         * @since S60 3.1
   193         * @param aCategory      Information for the domain
   194         * @param aCategories    Array for the registered categories
   195         * @return none.
   196         */
   197         void GetCategoriesL( TMediatorCategory aCategory, 
   198                              RCategoryList& aCategories );     
   200         /**
   201         * Gets registered commands from the category
   202         * @since S60 3.1
   203         * @param aCategory  Information for the domain & category
   204         * @param aCommands  Array where list of registered commands is written
   205         * @return none.
   206         */
   208         void GetCommandsL( TMediatorCategory aCategory, 
   209                            RCommandList& aCommands );    
   211         /**
   212         * Gets registered events from the category
   213         * @since S60 3.1
   214         * @param aCategory  Information for the domain & category
   215         * @param aEvents    Array where list of registered events is written
   216         * @return none.
   217         */
   219         void GetEventsL( TMediatorCategory aCategory, 
   220                          REventList& aEvents );     
   223         /**
   224         * Events have been registered. The events can now be subscribed.
   225         * The list can contain 1-n new events into the category.
   226         *
   227         * @since S60 3.1
   228         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
   229         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
   230         * @param aEvents    The list of events that have been registered.
   231         * @return None.
   232         */
   233         void EventsAdded( TUid aDomain, 
   234                           TUid aCategory, 
   235                           const REventList& aEvents );
   237         /**
   238         * New commands have been registered. The commands can now be subscribed.
   239         * The list can contain 1-n new commands into the category.
   240         *
   241         * @since S60 3.1
   242         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
   243         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
   244         * @param aCommands  List of commands that have been registered.
   245         * @return None.
   246         */
   247         void CommandsAdded( TUid aDomain, 
   248                             TUid aCategory,
   249                             const RCommandList& aCommands );
   251         /**
   252         * List of events has been removed. All subscriptions are cancelled.
   253         * List can contain 1-n events from the specified category.
   254         *
   255         * @since S60 3.1
   256         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
   257         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
   258         * @param aEvents    The list of events removed.
   259         * @return None.
   260         */
   261         void EventsRemoved( TUid aDomain, 
   262                             TUid aCategory,
   263                             const REventList& aEvents );
   265         /**
   266         * List of commands have been removed. All subscriptions are cancelled.
   267         * List can contain 1-n commands from the specified category.
   268         *
   269         * @since S60 3.1
   270         * @param aDomain    The identifier of the domain.
   271         * @param aCategory  The identifier of the category.
   272         * @param aCommands  The list of commands removed
   273         * @return None.
   274         */
   275         void CommandsRemoved( TUid aDomain, 
   276                               TUid aCategory,
   277                               const RCommandList& aCommands );
   279         /**
   280         * Clears all registrations made by this observer
   281         *
   282         * @since S60 3.1
   283         * @param aEventObserver     Pointer to event observer.
   284         * @param aCommandObserver   Pointer to command observer.
   285         * @param aNotifObserver     Pointer to notifications observer.
   286         * @return None.
   287         */
   288         void ClearRegistrations( MMediatorServerEventObserver* aEventObserver, 
   289                                  MMediatorCommandObserver* aCommandObserver,
   290                                  MMediatorServerNotificationObserver* aNotifObserver );                              
   293         /**
   294         * Gets statistical information about owned objects..
   295         *
   296         * @since S60 3.1
   297         * @param aDomainCount     domain count (OUT)
   298         * @param aCategoryCount   category count (OUT)
   299         * @param aEventCount      count of events in all categories (OUT)
   300         * @param aCommandCount    count of commands in all categories (OUT)
   301         * @param aObserverCount   observer count (OUT)
   302         * @return None.
   303         */
   304         void GetStatistics(TInt& aDomainCount, 
   305                            TInt& aCategoryCount,
   306                            TInt& aEventCount,
   307                            TInt& aCommandCount,
   308                            TInt& aObserverCount);
   310     private:
   312          /**
   313         * Compares two domains according to their UIDs. User in array finds.
   314         * @since S60 3.1
   315         * @param aLeftDomain reference to left domain
   316         * @param aRightdomain reference to right domain
   317         * @return TBool indicating if items are same or not.
   318         */      
   319         static TBool CompareDomains( const CDomain& aLeftDomain, 
   320                                      const CDomain& aRightDomain );
   322         /**
   323         * Checks whether category has any events and commands
   324         * @since S60 3.1
   325         * @param aDomain UID for the domain
   326         * @param aCategory UID for the category
   327         * @return TBool ETrue if empty, EFalse if not
   328         */      
   329         TBool IsCategoryEmptyL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory);
   331         /**
   332         * Removes category if it was empty
   333         * @since S60 3.1
   334         * @param aDomain UID for the domain
   335         * @param aCategory UID for the category
   336         * @return TBool ETrue if removed, EFalse if not
   337         */      
   338         TBool RemoveCategoryIfEmptyL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory);
   340     private:
   342         /**
   343         * C++ default constructor.
   344         */
   345         CMediatorServerObjectHandler();
   347         /**
   348         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   349         */
   350         void ConstructL();
   352     private:    // Data
   354         /**
   355         * List of domains (includes categories and then commands and events  
   356         */
   358         RPointerArray<CDomain>  iDomainList;
   360         /**
   361         * List of registration change observers
   362         */
   363         RPointerArray<MMediatorServerNotificationObserver> iObserverList;
   365         /**
   366         * A helper object for searches. Does not manage any other data than UID.
   367         * Own.
   368         */
   369         CDomain* iSearchDomain;
   371     };
   375 // End of File