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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 * This file contains the following sections:
    16 * - Command definitions for HWRM Light plugin API
    17 * - Command parameter definitions for HWRM Light plugin API
    18 * - Response parameter definitions for HWRM Light plugin API
    19 *
    20 */
    25 /**
    26  @file
    27  @publishedPartner
    28  @released
    29 */
    34 // Include plugin service so that including only this header is necessary to use Light plugin API.
    35 #include <hwrm/hwrmpluginservice.h>
    37 // CONSTANTS
    39 // Identifies the ECom implementation to be used.
    40 _LIT8(KHWRMLightApiEComMatch, "HWRMLight");
    44 /**
    45 *  Plugin interface class just encapsulates the Light command enumerations.
    46 *  Responsible for defining the command IDs for each message.
    47 */
    48 namespace HWRMLightCommand
    49     {
    50     /**
    51     * Enumeration for light targets.
    52     * If certain target is not supported by device,
    53     * plugin can either return KErrNotSupported or interpret
    54     * specified target in some device specific way.
    55     *
    56     * Light targets can be used as bitmask.
    57 	*
    58 	* @publishedPartner
    59 	* @released
    60     */
    61     enum TLightTarget
    62         {
    63         /**
    64         No target. Not a valid target value, used only for error checking.
    65         */
    66         ENoTarget                    = 0x0,      
    67         /**
    68         Primary display of the device.
    69         */
    70         EPrimaryDisplay              = 0x1,     
    71         /**
    72         Primary keyboard of the device. 
    73         */
    74         EPrimaryKeyboard             = 0x2,     
    75         /**
    76         Secondary display of the device.
    77         */
    78         ESecondaryDisplay            = 0x4,   
    79         /**
    80         Secondary keyboard of the device. 
    81         */
    82         ESecondaryKeyboard           = 0x8,  
    83         /**
    84         Device specific custom target 1.
    85         */                                    
    86         ECustomTarget1               = 0x10,   
    87         /**
    88         Device specific custom target 2.
    89         */
    90         ECustomTarget2               = 0x20,    
    91         /**
    92         Device specific custom target 3.
    93         */
    94         ECustomTarget3               = 0x40,    
    95         /**
    96         Device specific custom target 4.
    97         */
    98         ECustomTarget4               = 0x80,    
    99         /**
   100         Device specific custom target 5.
   101         */
   102         ECustomTarget5               = 0x100,   
   103         /**
   104         Device specific custom target 6.
   105         */
   106         ECustomTarget6               = 0x200,   
   107         /**
   108         Device specific custom target 7.
   109         */
   110         ECustomTarget7               = 0x400,   
   111         /**
   112         Device specific custom target 8.
   113         */
   114         ECustomTarget8               = 0x800,   
   115         /**
   116         Device specific custom target 9.
   117         */
   118         ECustomTarget9               = 0x1000, 
   119         /**
   120         Device specific custom target 10.
   121         */
   122         ECustomTarget10              = 0x2000,  
   123         /**
   124         Device specific custom target 11.
   125         */
   126         ECustomTarget11              = 0x4000,  
   127         /**
   128         Device specific custom target 12.
   129         */
   130         ECustomTarget12              = 0x8000,
   131         /**
   132         Device specific custom target 13.
   133         */
   134         ECustomTarget13              = 0x10000,
   135         /**
   136         Device specific custom target 14.
   137         */
   138         ECustomTarget14              = 0x20000,
   139         /**
   140         Device specific custom target 15.
   141         */
   142         ECustomTarget15              = 0x40000,
   143         /**
   144         Device specific custom target 16.
   145         */
   146         ECustomTarget16              = 0x80000,
   147         /**
   148         Device specific custom target 17.
   149         */
   150         ECustomTarget17              = 0x100000,
   151         /**
   152         Device specific custom target 18.
   153         */
   154         ECustomTarget18              = 0x200000,
   155         /**
   156         Device specific custom target 19.
   157         */
   158         ECustomTarget19              = 0x400000,
   159         /**
   160         Device specific custom target 20.
   161         */
   162         ECustomTarget20              = 0x800000,
   163         /**
   164         Device specific custom target 21.
   165         */
   166         ECustomTarget21              = 0x1000000,
   167         /**
   168         Device specific custom target 22.
   169         */
   170         ECustomTarget22              = 0x2000000,
   171         /**
   172         Device specific custom target 23.
   173         */
   174         ECustomTarget23              = 0x4000000,
   175         /**
   176         Device specific custom target 24.
   177         */
   178         ECustomTarget24              = 0x8000000,
   179         /**
   180         Device specific custom target 25.
   181         */
   182         ECustomTarget25              = 0x10000000,
   183         /**
   184         Device specific custom target 26.
   185         */
   186         ECustomTarget26              = 0x20000000,
   187         /**
   188         Device specific custom target 27.
   189         */
   190         ECustomTarget27              = 0x40000000,
   191         };
   193     /**
   194     * Data structure used to pass data with ELightsOnCmdId.
   195 	*
   196 	* @publishedPartner
   197 	* @released
   198     */ 
   199     struct TLightsOnData
   200         {
   201         /**
   202         Light target(s). TLightTargets can be used as bitmask.
   203         Command only affects selected targets.
   204         */
   205         TInt iTarget;
   207     	/**
   208         Intensity of light as percentage (1-100).
   209         If intensity is 0, default intensity is used.
   210 		Note: Some devices will not support user defined intensity,
   211 		in which case the device will behave in its default fashion.
   212 		*/
   213         TInt iIntensity;
   215         /**
   216         Is fade-in used or not when turning lights on.
   217 		Note: Some devices will not support fade-in, in which case 
   218 		       the device will behave in its default fashion.
   219 		*/
   220         TBool iFadeIn;
   221         };
   223     /**
   224     * Data structure used to pass data with ELightsOnSensorCmdId.
   225 	*
   226 	* @publishedPartner
   227 	* @released
   228     */ 
   229     struct TLightsOnSensorData
   230         {
   232         /**
   233         Light target(s). TLightTargets can be used as bitmask.
   234         Command only affects selected targets.
   235         */
   236         TInt iTarget;
   238         /**
   239         Sensitivity of light sensor as percentage (1-100)
   240         If sensitivity is 0, default sensitivity is used.
   241 		Note: Some devices will not support user defined sensitivity,
   242 		in which case the device will behave in its default fashion.
   243 		*/
   244         TInt iSensitivity;
   246         /**
   247         Is fade-in used or not when turning lights on.
   248 		Note: Some devices will not support fade-in, in which case 
   249 		the device will behave in its default fashion.
   250 		*/
   251         TBool iFadeIn;
   252         };
   254     /**
   255     * Data structure used to pass data with ELightsBlinkCmdId
   256 	*
   257 	* @publishedPartner
   258 	* @released
   259     */ 
   260     struct TLightsBlinkData
   261         {
   262         /**
   263         Light target(s). TLightTargets can be used as bitmask.
   264         Command only affects selected targets.
   265         If any of the selected targets doesn't support lights blink,
   266         none are affected and KErrNotSupported is returned.
   267         */
   268         TInt iTarget;
   270     	/**
   271         Intensity of light as percentage (1-100). 
   272         If intensity is 0, default intensity is used.
   273 		Note: Some devices will not support user defined intensity,
   274 		in which case the device will behave in its default fashion.
   275 		*/
   276         TInt iIntensity;
   278     	/**
   279         Light on cycle duration in milliseconds.
   280         If value is 0, use default cycle duration.
   281         In that case also iOffCycleDuration must be 0.
   282 		Note: Some devices will not support variable blink cycle times,
   283 		       in which case a device default blink cycle duration is used.
   284 		*/
   285         TInt iOnCycleDuration;
   287         /**
   288         Light off cycle duration in milliseconds.
   289         If value is 0, use default cycle duration.
   290         In that case also iOnCycleDuration must be 0.
   291 		Note: Some devices will not support variable blink cycle times,
   292 		       in which case a device default blink cycle duration is use.     
   293 		*/
   294         TInt iOffCycleDuration;
   295         };
   298     /**
   299     * Data structure used to pass data with ELightsOffCmdId.
   300 	*
   301 	* @publishedPartner
   302 	* @released
   303     */
   304     struct TLightsOffData
   305         {
   306         /**
   307         Light target(s). TLightTargets can be used as bitmask.
   308         Command only affects selected targets.
   309         */
   310         TInt iTarget;
   312         /**
   313         Is fade-out used or not when turning lights off.
   314 		Note: Some devices will not support fade-out, in which case 
   315 		       the device will behave in its default fashion.
   316 		*/
   317         TBool iFadeOut;
   318         };
   320     /**
   321     * Data structure used to pass data with ESetLightsIntensityCmdId.
   322 	*
   323 	* @publishedPartner
   324 	* @released
   325     */
   326     struct TLightsIntensityData
   327         {
   329         /**
   330         Light target(s). TLightTargets can be used as bitmask.
   331         Command only affects selected targets.
   332         */
   333         TInt iTarget;
   335         /**
   336         Intensity to be set for specifies targets.
   337 		Note: Some devices will not support user defined intensity,
   338 		       in which case the device will behave in its default fashion.
   339 		*/
   340         TInt iIntensity;
   341         };
   343     struct TLightsColorData 
   344         {
   345         /**
   346         Light target(s). TLightTargets can be used as bitmask.
   347         Command only affects selected targets.
   348         */
   349         TInt iTarget;
   351         TUint8 iRed;
   353         TUint8 iGreen;
   355         TUint8 iBlue;
   357         /**
   358         * Set default color if True. R G B values are ignored.
   359         */
   360         TBool  iDefaultColor; 
   361         };
   364     // Data packages for commands
   366     /** A typedef'd packaged TLightsOnData */ 
   367     typedef TPckgBuf<TLightsOnData>        TLightsOnCmdPackage;
   368     /** A typedef'd packaged TLightsOnSensorData */
   369     typedef TPckgBuf<TLightsOnSensorData>  TLightsOnSensorCmdPackage;
   370     /** A typedef'd packaged TLightsBlinkData */
   371     typedef TPckgBuf<TLightsBlinkData>     TLightsBlinkCmdPackage;
   372     /** A typedef'd packaged TLightsOffData */
   373     typedef TPckgBuf<TLightsOffData>       TLightsOffCmdPackage;
   374     /** A typedef'd packaged TLightsIntensityData */
   375     typedef TPckgBuf<TLightsIntensityData> TLightsIntensityCmdPackage;
   376     /** A typedef'd packaged TInt */
   377     typedef TPckgBuf<TInt>                 TLightsSensorSensitivityCmdPackage;
   378     /** A typedef'd packaged TLightsColorData */
   379     typedef TPckgBuf<TLightsColorData>     TLightsColorCmdPackage;
   381     /** A typedef'd packaged TInt */
   382     typedef TPckgBuf<TInt>                TErrorCodeResponsePackage;
   385     /**
   386     * Command definitions
   387     * All commands contain a command id and a set of parameters. The command ids
   388     * are defined first and after that parameters for each command.
   389     *
   390     * This interface is asynchronous. A command is interpreted of being completed
   391     * after a response for that command is received.
   392     *
   393     * The field input means the parameter for the command.
   394     * The field output means the parameter for the response.
   395 	*
   396 	* @publishedPartner
   397 	* @released
   398     */
   399     enum TLightCmd
   400         {
   401         /**
   402         * No command. May be used for sanity checks, but 
   403         * never as an actual command ID.
   404         *
   405         * input    None   
   406         * output   None   
   407         */
   408         ENoCommandId = 1000,
   410         /**
   411         * Turns lights on.
   412         *
   413         * input    TLightsOnCmdPackage         See description above 
   414         * output   TErrorCodeResponsePackage   Error code     
   415         *    KErrNone if operation succeeds.   
   416         *    KErrNotSupported if any target doesn't support lights.
   417         *    KErrGeneral if there is any problem.
   418         */
   419         ELightsOnCmdId,
   421         /**
   422         * Turns lights on using sensor for intensity control
   423         *
   424         * input    TLightsOnSensorCmdPackage   See description above 
   425         * output   TErrorCodeResponsePackage   Error code     
   426         *    KErrNone if operation succeeds.   
   427         *    KErrNotSupported if any target doesn't support lights.
   428         *    KErrGeneral if there is any problem.
   429         */
   430         ELightsOnSensorCmdId,
   432         /**
   433         * Turns lights on in blinking mode
   434         *
   435         * input    TLightsBlinkCmdPackage      See description above 
   436         * output   TErrorCodeResponsePackage   Error code     
   437         *    KErrNone if operation succeeds.   
   438         *    KErrNotSupported if any target doesn't support lights
   439         *        in general or just doesn't support blink.
   440         *    KErrGeneral if there is any problem.
   441         */
   442         ELightsBlinkCmdId,
   444         /**
   445         * Turns Lights off.
   446         *
   447         * input    TLightsOffCmdPackage        See description above 
   448         * output   TErrorCodeResponsePackage   Error code     
   449         *    KErrNone if operation succeeds.   
   450         *    KErrNotSupported if any target doesn't support lights.
   451         *    KErrGeneral if there is any problem.
   452         */
   453         ELightsOffCmdId,
   455         /**
   456         * Set default lights intensity.
   457         *
   458         * input    TLightsIntensityCmdPackage  Lights intensity percentage
   459         * output   TErrorCodeResponsePackage   Error code     
   460         *    KErrNone if operation succeeds.   
   461         *    KErrGeneral if there is any problem.
   462         */
   463         ESetLightsIntensityCmdId,
   465         /**
   466         * Set default lights sensor sensitivity.
   467         *
   468         * input    TLightsSensorSensitivityCmdPackage  Sensor sensitivity 
   469         *                                               percentage
   470         * output   TErrorCodeResponsePackage           Error code     
   471         *    KErrNone if operation succeeds.   
   472         *    KErrGeneral if there is any problem.
   473         */
   474         ESetLightsSensorSensitivityCmdId,
   477         /**
   478         * Set the color attribute of the light target.
   479         *
   480         * input    TLightsColorCmdPackage      See description above 
   481         * output   TErrorCodeResponsePackage   Error code     
   482         *    KErrNone if operation succeeds.   
   483         *    KErrNotSupported if any target doesn't support lights.
   484         *    KErrGeneral if there is any problem.
   485         */
   486         ELightsSetColorCmdId
   488         };
   489     }
   491 #endif      // HWRMLIGHTCOMMANDS_H   
   493 // End of File