changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     2 Apply these UIDs as necessary during development of SSMA. 
     3 Please note the target file to which each will be applied.
     5 These UIDs have been allocated from the protected range and are appropriate for production code.
     7 0x2000D759 	lafshutdowneventobserveradaptor.dll	// shutdown event observer
     8 0x2000D75A	ssmtestapppanic.exe
     9 0x2000D75B	ssmserver.exe // The one and only smm controller
    10 0x2000D75C	ssmsuscli.dll
    11 0x2000D75D	UID2 for SSM state policy DLLs
    12 0x2000D75E	ssmadaptationcli.dll // Client dll for the 5 adaptation classes
    13 0x2000D75F	ssm.state.policy.0000.dll	//GSA startup
    14 0x2000D760	ssm.state.policy.0001.dll	//GSA normal
    15 0x2000D761	ssmcmd.dll
    16 0x2000D762	ssmcmn.dll
    17 0x2000D763	cmdlistresourcereader.dll
    18 0x2000D764	UID2 for command list resource files
    19 0x2000D765	UID2 for SSM swp policy DLLs
    20 0x2000D766	ssmutilsrv.exe
    21 0x2000D767	UID2 for SSM Utility server plugins
    22 0x2000D768	ssmstartsafe.dll
    23 0x2000D769	StateAwareSession (named ssmnotifications.dll?)
    24 0x2000D76A  UID2 for SSM State Adaptation DLLs
    25 0x2000D76B  UID2 for SSM SIM Adaptation DLLs
    26 0x2000D76C  UID2 for SSM RTC Adaptation DLLs
    27 0x2000E657  UID2 for SSM Emergency Call RF Adaptation DLLs
    28 0x2000E658  UID2 for SSM Miscellaneous Adaptation DLLs
    29 0x2000E659  UID3 for SSM State Adaptation reference plugin
    30 0x2000E65A  UID3 for SSM SIM Adaptation reference plugin	
    31 0x2000E65B  UID3 for SSM RTC Adaptation reference plugin
    32 0x2000E65C  UID3 for SSM Emergency Call RF Adaptation reference plugin
    33 0x2000E65D  UID3 for SSM Miscellaneous Adaptation reference plugin
    34 0x2000E65E	Uid for startup P+S
    35 0x2000E65F	Central repository uid for startup
    36 0x2000E660	ssmtestapppaniczero.exe
    37 0x2000E661	CR SimlessOffline key uid
    38 0x2000E662	customcmds.dll
    39 0x2000E663	ssmcustomcmduid.dll
    40 0x2000E664	Used for Security Status property category in ssmuiproviderdlldefault.dll
    41 0x2000E665	ssmcustomcmduid_default.dll and ssmcustomcmduid_customised.dll
    42 0x2000E666	pinnotifierplugin.dll
    43 0x2000E667	pinnotifierplugin implementation uid
    44 0x2000E668	ssmtestprocgood.exe
    45 0x2000E669	ssmtestappslow.exe
    46 0x2000E66A	ssmtestapprverror.exe
    47 0x20010320	ssmtestapprvafterretry.exe
    48 0x20010321	ssmtestappnorv.exe
    49 0x20010322	ssmtestappgood.exe
    50 0x20010323	ssmtestprocwritetime.exe
    51 0x20010324  testprocslowlog.exe
    52 0x20010325	Not used
    53 0x20010326	startupadaptationadaptor.dll
    54 0x20010327	saamiscadaptation.dll
    55 0x20010328	saasimadaptation.dll
    56 0x20010329	saartcadaptation.dll
    57 0x2001032A	saastateadaptation.dll
    58 0x2001032B	saaemergencycallrfadaptation.dll
    59 0x2001032C	Uid for emergency call property category
    60 0x2001032D	ssm.state.policy.0002.dll	//GSA shutdown
    61 0x2001032E	Uid for loadsysmon.dll(shim dll for sysmon).
    62 0x2001032F	Uid for loadamastart.dll
    63 0x20010330	ssm.state.policy.0003.dll	//GSA fail
    64 0x20010331	tssm_ssmclient.dll
    65 0x20010332	ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry.exe
    66 0x20010333	Security event observer plugin
    67 0x100059CA	starterclient.dll	//S60 starterclient UID
    69 These UIDs are in the unprotected range (left over from SysStart work)
    71 0xA0002E9F	tssm_server.exe // smm server test
    72 0xA0002EA0	ssm.state.policy.009a.dll // bad example of a policy 
    73 0xA0002EA1	tcmd_server.exe
    74 0xA0002EA2	ssm.state.policy.009b.dll // test policy simple
    75 0xA0002EA3	ssm.state.policy.009c.dll // test policy fail
    76 0xA0002EA4	tcmn_server.exe
    78 0xA00056EB	tclayer_server.exe
    81 These UIDs are in the 'legacy' range (left over from SysStart work)
    82 0x10283578	ssm.swp.policy.simple.dll
    83 0x10283592	tss_server.exe
    84 0x10283593	tsus_ssmutilsrv.exe
    85 0x10283597	tadaptation_plugin.exe
    86 0x10283598	tssmgoodsup.dll
    87 0x1028359A	tssmbadsup.dll
    88 0x1028359B	tcle_server.exe
    89 0x1028359C	tgsa_server.exe
    90 0x1028359E	tadaptation_plugin.exe
    91 0x1028359F	ssm.swp.policy.bad.dll
    94 New valid UIDs booked for test purposes:
    95 0x10285A58	ssm.state.policy.009d.dll 		// invalid cmd list policy
    96 0x10285A59	ssm.swp.policy.invalidlist.dll
    97 0x10285A5A	ssm.swp.policy.common.dll
    98 0x10285A5B	shmatestprocgood.exe
    99 0x10285A5C	shmatestappgood.exe
   100 0x10285A5D	ssm.state.policy.createswp.dll		// createswp policy for cmd tests
   101 0x10285A5E	ssm.swp.policy.test.cmdreqswp.dll	// publishswp policy for cmd tests
   102 0x10285A5F	tcustom_cmd.dll 				// customcmd test dll
   103 0x10285A60	testapp_loadsysmon.exe	//loadsysmon test exe
   104 0x10285A61	tsysmon_app_failecnorcount1fail.exe
   105 0x10285BAD	ssmcletestapplication.exe
   106 0x10285BAE	ssmcletestproc.exe
   109 New valid UIDs (left over from Doug's work in Cone)
   110 0x10285A46	tcustom_cmd_badinit.dll				// customcmd test dll
   111 0x10285A47	ssm.state.policy.009e.dll 			// state panic cle policy
   112 0x10285A48	ssm.swp.policy.paniccle.dll
   113 0x10285A49	tssm_customcmd.dll				// custom cmd for ssm tests
   114 0x10285A4A	ssm.swp.policy.dependency.dll			// swp dependency policy
   115 0x10285A4B	ssm.state.policy.009f.dll 			// state dependency policy
   116 0x10285A4C	ssm.swp.policy.ssmincleret.dll			// swp SsmInCleRet policy
   117 0x10285A4D	ssm.state.policy.00aa.dll 			// state dependency policy for NextStateA
   118 0x10285A4E	ssm.state.policy.00bb.dll 			// state dependency policy for NextStateB
   119 0x10285A4F	ssm.state.policy.0090.dll 			// state dependency policy for capability
   120 0x10285A50	ssm.swp.policy.sustest.dll			
   121 0x10285A51	tcustomcmd_server.exe
   122 0x10285A52	tiadaptation_plugin.exe
   123 0x10285A53	tssmswpchangesup.dll
   124 0x10285A54	ssm.state.policy.00cc.dll 			// state dependency policy for NextStateC
   126 0xA000633E	apstart_testappgood.exe
   127 0x2001773D	tcustom_cmd_rleak.dll				// customcmd test dll for DEF120548
   128 0x20016FF5	tipcfuzz.exe					// ipcfuzz test for DEF121552
   129 0x2001CF2D	tutilityplugin_server.exe		// test SSM graceful shutdown
   131 UId's booked for CR1452
   132 2001D2A5	testdefinesecuritycheckps.exe
   133 2001D2A6	tunitconditionevaluator.exe
   134 2001D2A7	tintconditionevaluator_swppolicy.dll
   135 2001D2A8	tintconditionevaluator_server.exe
   137 2001D2A9	rfstatusswppolicy.dll
   138 2001D2AA	tcmd_runcletestserver.exe
   139 2001D2AB	tclayer_serverwithssm.exe
   140 2001D2AC
   141 2001D2AD	tcmn_gracefulnotify.exe
   142 2001D2AE