changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //These tests are only for the Cleserver when it reconstructs the 
    15 //commands from the commandlist. 
    17 /**
    18  @file
    19  @test
    20  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code  
    21 */
    23 #include <ssm/ssmstartupproperties.h>
    24 #include <f32file.h>
    25 #include <e32property.h>
    27 #include "clesrv.h"
    28 #include "clecli.h"
    29 #include "cmdpublishswp.h"
    30 #include "ssmcustomcommandinfo.h"
    31 #include "cmdcustomcommand.h"
    32 #include "cmdloadsup.h"
    33 #include "cmdpublishsystemstate.h"
    34 #include "cmdreqswpchange.h"
    35 #include "ssmtestapps.h"
    36 #include "cmdstartapp.h"
    37 #include "cmdstartprocess.h"
    38 #include "ssmtestprocgoodsession.h"
    39 #include "cmdpoweroff.h"
    40 #include "cmdamastarter.h"
    41 #include "cmdmultiplewait.h"
    42 #include "cmdcreateswp.h"
    43 #include "cmdpersisthalattributes.h"
    44 #include "cmdfinalisedrives.h"
    45 #include "cmdsetpandskey.h"
    46 #include "cmdwaitforapparcinit.h"
    47 #include "tcmd_runclecmdtest.h"
    49 static const TUint KSwpNullUid = {0};
    50 static const TUint KNewSwpKey = 0xAEAE;
    51 static const TUint KNewSwpKey2 = 0xEAEA;
    52 const TUid KTestPropertyCat={0x1234};
    53 const TUint KTestKey = 678;
    54 const TUid KTestDscId = {0x1234};
    55 const TInt KNumOfRetries = 5;
    56 const TInt KThrottleTime = 10000000; //10s
    58 _LIT(KBadFileName, "c:\\badfile.exe");  //this file does not exist
    59 _LIT(KSlowStartApp, "ssmtestappslow.exe");
    60 _LIT(KEmptyArgs, "");
    61 _LIT(KGoodProc, "ssmtestprocgood.exe");
    62 _LIT(KPolicyFilename, "ssm.swp.policy.test.cmdreqswp");
    63 _LIT(KNoSuchDll, "nosuchdll.dll");
    66 typedef TDmTraverseDirection TTestSsmDirection;
    67 TTestSsmDirection testTraverseDefault = ETraverseDefault;
    69 typedef TSsmDmTraverseDirection TTestSsmDirection;
    70 TTestSsmDirection testTraverseDefault = ESsmTraverseDefault;
    73 CCmdRunCleTest::CCmdRunCleTest()
    74     {
    75     }
    77 CCmdRunCleTest::~CCmdRunCleTest()
    78     {
    79     delete iActiveScheduler;
    80     delete iAsyncStopScheduler;
    81     delete iStartupProperties;
    82     iStartupProperties = NULL;
    83     iSem.Close();
    84     }
    86 static TInt StopScheduler(TAny* /*aCCmdRunCleTest*/)
    87     {
    88     CActiveScheduler::Stop();
    89     return KErrNone;
    90     }
    92 TVerdict CCmdRunCleTest::doTestStepPreambleL()
    93     {
    94     iStartupProperties = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
    96     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting scheduler..."));
    97     iActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
    98     CActiveScheduler::Install( iActiveScheduler );
   100     iAsyncStopScheduler = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(CActive::EPriorityIdle);
   101     TCallBack stop(StopScheduler, this);
   102     iAsyncStopScheduler->Set(stop);
   104     return CTestStep::doTestStepPreambleL();
   105     }
   107 TVerdict CCmdRunCleTest::doTestStepPostambleL()
   108     {
   109     delete iStartupProperties;
   110     iStartupProperties = NULL;
   111     return CTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL();
   112     }
   114 TVerdict CCmdRunCleTest::doTestStepL()
   115     {
   116     __UHEAP_MARK;
   117     TRAPD(err, doTestRunClePublishSwpL());
   118     TEST(err == KErrNone);
   119     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   121     __UHEAP_MARK;
   122     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleCustomCommandL());
   123     TEST(err == KErrNone);
   124     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   126     __UHEAP_MARK;
   127     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleCmdLoadSupL());
   128     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   129     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   131     __UHEAP_MARK;
   132     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleCmdpublishSystemStateL());
   133     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   134     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   136     __UHEAP_MARK;
   137        TRAP(err,  doTestRunCmdCreateSwpL());
   138        TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   139    __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   141     __UHEAP_MARK;
   142     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleCcmdreqSwpchangeL());
   143     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   144     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   146     __UHEAP_MARK;
   147     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleCmdAmaStarterL());
   148     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   149     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   151     __UHEAP_MARK;
   152     TRAP(err, doTesTRunCleCmdMultipleWaitL());
   153     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   154     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   156     __UHEAP_MARK;
   157     TRAP(err, doTestRunCmdPowerOffL());
   158     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   159     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   161     __UHEAP_MARK;
   162     TRAP(err,  doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL());
   163     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   164     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   166     __UHEAP_MARK;
   167     TRAP(err,  doTestRunCleCmdStartProcessL());
   168     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   169     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   171     __UHEAP_MARK;
   172     TRAP(err,  doTestRunCleCmdPersistHalAttributesL());
   173     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   174     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   176     __UHEAP_MARK;
   177     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleCmdFinaliseDrivesL());
   178     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   179     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   181     __UHEAP_MARK;
   182     TRAP(err,  doTestRunCleCmdSetPAndSKeyL());
   183     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   184     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   186     __UHEAP_MARK;
   187     TRAP(err,  doTestRunCleCmdWaitForApparcInitL());
   188     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   189     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   191     err = iSem.CreateGlobal(KStartAppSignalSemaphore, 0);
   192     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Created semaphore with err %d"),err);
   194     __UHEAP_MARK;
   195     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleFandFAppWithMonitorL());
   196     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   197     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   199     iSem.Close();
   201     err = iSem.CreateGlobal(KStartProcSignalSemaphore, 0);
   202     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Created semaphore with err %d"),err);
   203     TEST(err == KErrNone);
   205     __UHEAP_MARK;
   206     TRAP(err,  doTestRunCleFandFProcWithMonitorL());
   207     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   208     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   210     __UHEAP_MARK;
   211     TRAP(err, doTestRunCleFandFAlreadyRunWithMonitorL());
   212     TEST(err ==  KErrNone);
   213     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
   215    iSem.Close();
   216    return TestStepResult();
   217    }
   219 //create cle server in separate thread within the Test server process
   220 TInt CCmdRunCleTest::RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(MSsmCommand* aCommand, TBool aMultipleWait)
   221     {
   222     _LIT(KCleSrver, "TestCleSrv");
   223     RCleSession cleSession;// CLE session to execute commands
   224     CleanupClosePushL(cleSession);
   225     cleSession.ConnectL(KCleSrver);
   226     CSsmCommandList* iCmdList = CSsmCommandList::NewL();
   227     CleanupStack::PushL(iCmdList);
   228     iCmdList->AppendL(aCommand);
   229     if(aMultipleWait)
   230         {
   231         TInt32 timeout = 10000;
   232         CCmdMultipleWait* iCmd = CCmdMultipleWait::NewL(timeout);
   233         CleanupStack::PushL(iCmd);
   234         iCmdList->AppendL(iCmd);
   235         CleanupStack::Pop(iCmd);
   236         }
   237     //run engine, stop when there are no further transition
   238     iAsyncStopScheduler->CallBack();
   239     iActiveScheduler->Start();
   240     TRequestStatus trs;
   241     TCmdErrorSeverity severity;
   242     cleSession.ExecuteCommandList(*iCmdList, trs, severity);
   244     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Waiting for syscle command to finish..."));
   245     User::WaitForRequest(trs);
   247     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iCmdList);
   248     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//for cle session
   249     return trs.Int();
   250     }
   252 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdWaitForApparcInitL()
   253     {
   254     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;    
   255     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   257     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdWaitForApparcInitL, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   258     iCmd = CCmdWaitForApparcInit::NewL(severity);
   259     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   260     iCmd = NULL;
   261     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   263     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   264     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdWaitForApparcInitL, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   265     iCmd = CCmdWaitForApparcInit::NewL(severity);
   266     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   267     iCmd = NULL;
   268     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   269     }
   271 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdSetPAndSKeyL()
   272     {
   273     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;    
   274     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   275     TInt actualValue;
   277     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdSetPAndSKeyL, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   278     iCmd = CCmdSetPAndSKey::NewL(severity, KTestPropertyCat, KTestKey, 589);
   279     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   280     iCmd = NULL;
   281     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   282     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   283     err = RProperty::Get(KTestPropertyCat,KTestKey,actualValue);
   284     TEST(actualValue == 589);
   286     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   287     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdSetPAndSKeyL, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   288     iCmd = CCmdSetPAndSKey::NewL(severity, KTestPropertyCat, KTestKey, 589);
   289     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   290     iCmd = NULL;
   291     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   292     TEST(actualValue == 589);
   293     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   294     err = err = RProperty::Get(KTestPropertyCat,KTestKey,actualValue);
   295     TEST(actualValue == 589);
   296     }
   298 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdFinaliseDrivesL()
   299     {
   300     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;    
   301     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   303     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdFinaliseDrivesL, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   304     iCmd = CCmdFinaliseDrives::NewL(severity);
   305     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   306     iCmd = NULL;
   307     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   309     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   310     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdFinaliseDrivesL, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   311     iCmd = CCmdFinaliseDrives::NewL(severity);
   312     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   313     iCmd = NULL;
   314     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   315     }
   317 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdPersistHalAttributesL()
   318     {
   319     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;    
   320     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   322     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdPersistHalAttributesL, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   323     iCmd = CCmdPersistHalAttributes::NewL(severity);
   324     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   325     iCmd = NULL;
   326     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   328     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   329     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdPersistHalAttributesL, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   330     iCmd = CCmdPersistHalAttributes::NewL(severity);
   331     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   332     iCmd = NULL;
   333     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   334     }
   336 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCmdCreateSwpL()
   337     {
   338     TInt expectedType = ESsmCmdCreateSwp;
   339     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;    
   340     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   341     TSsmSwp swpInfo(KNewSwpKey, 876);
   342     TPtrC filename = KPolicyFilename();
   344     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCmdCreateSwpL, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   345     iCmd = CCmdCreateSwp::NewL(severity, swpInfo, filename);
   346     TEST(iCmd->Type() == expectedType);
   347     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   348     iCmd = NULL;
   349     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   351     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   352     swpInfo.Set(KNewSwpKey2, 767);
   353     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCmdCreateSwpL, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   354     iCmd = CCmdCreateSwp::NewL(severity, swpInfo, filename);
   355     TEST(iCmd->Type() == expectedType);
   356     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   357     iCmd = NULL;
   358     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   359     }
   361 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCmdPowerOffL()
   362     {
   363     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   364     TInt err = KErrNone;
   365     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   366     TPowerState powerEvent = EPwActive;
   368     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCmdPowerOffL, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure, powerEvent:EPwActive"));
   369     iCmd = CCmdPowerOff::NewL(severity, powerEvent);
   370     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   371     iCmd = NULL;    //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   372     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   373     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   375     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   376     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCmdPowerOffL, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity, powerEvent:EPwActive"));
   377     iCmd = CCmdPowerOff::NewL(severity, powerEvent);
   378     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   379     iCmd = NULL;    //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   380     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, KErrArgument);
   381     TEST(err == expectedErr | KErrArgument);//we are not testing the power event functionality 
   382     }
   384 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTesTRunCleCmdMultipleWaitL()
   385     {
   386     TInt err = KErrNone;
   387     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   388     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   389     TBool multipleWait = TRUE;
   391     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTesTRunCleCmdMultipleWaitL, Test:ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   392     SetStartupPropertiesL(KBadFileName, KEmptyArgs, ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal, ESsmCmdStartApp);
   393     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   394     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd,multipleWait);
   395     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   396     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   398     Reset();
   399     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   400     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   401     }
   403 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdAmaStarterL()
   404     {
   405     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   406     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   408     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdAmaStarterL, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   409     iCmd = CCmdAmaStarter::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, KTestDscId);
   410     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   411     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   412     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   413     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   415     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   416     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdAmaStarterL, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   417     iCmd = CCmdAmaStarter::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, KTestDscId);
   418     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   419     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   420     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   421     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   422     }
   424 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunClePublishSwpL()
   425     {
   426     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   427     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   428     TSsmSwp info(KSwpNullUid, 0);
   430     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunClePublishSwp, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   431     iCmd = CCmdPublishSwp::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, info);
   432     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   433     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server 
   434     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   435     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   437     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   438     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunClePublishSwp, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   439     iCmd = CCmdPublishSwp::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, info);
   440     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   441     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   442     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   443     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   445     severity = ECmdHighSeverity;
   446     TSsmSwp info2(KNewSwpKey, 789);
   447     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunClePublishSwp, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdHighSeverity"));
   448     iCmd = CCmdPublishSwp::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, info2);
   449     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   450     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   451     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   452     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   453     }
   455 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCustomCommandL()
   456     {
   457     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   458     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   459     TPtrC filename = KNoSuchDll();
   460     TInt32 ordinal = 1;
   461     TPtrC8 params = KNullDesC8();
   462     TCmdCustomCommandLibUnloading unloading = EUnloadOnCommandCompletion;
   464     CSsmCustomCommandInfo* info = new (ELeave) CSsmCustomCommandInfo();
   465     CleanupStack::PushL(info);
   466     info->SetL(filename, ordinal, unloading, KNumOfRetries, params);
   468     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCustomCommand, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   469     iCmd = CCmdCustomCommand::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, *info);
   470     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   471     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server 
   472     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   473     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   475     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   476     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCustomCommand, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   477     iCmd = CCmdCustomCommand::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, *info);
   478     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   479     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   480     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   481     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   483     severity = ECmdHighSeverity;
   484     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCustomCommand, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdHighSeverity"));
   485     iCmd = CCmdCustomCommand::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, *info);
   486     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   487     iCmd = NULL; //ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   488     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(info);
   489     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   490     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   491     }
   493 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdLoadSupL()
   494     {
   495     TInt err = KErrNone;    
   496     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   497     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   499     TUid uid;
   500     uid.iUid = 0;
   501     TInt32 ordinal = 1;
   502     TSsmSupInfo info;
   503     _LIT(KFileName, "tiCmdgoodsup.dll");
   504     info.SetL(KFileName, ordinal, uid);
   506     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleiCmdLoadSup, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   507     iCmd = CCmdLoadSup::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, KNumOfRetries, info);
   508     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   509     iCmd = NULL;//ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   510     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   511     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   513     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   514     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleiCmdLoadSup, Test:ESsmFireAndForget, severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   515     iCmd = CCmdLoadSup::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, KNumOfRetries, info);
   516     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   517     iCmd = NULL;//ownership of iCmd is with Cle server
   518     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   519     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   520     }
   522 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdpublishSystemStateL()
   523     {
   524     TInt err = KErrNone;
   525     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   526     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   527     TSsmPublishSystemStateInfo info;
   528     TSsmState state(ESsmEmergencyCallsOnly, 0);
   529     TTestSsmDirection direction = testTraverseDefault;
   531     info.Set(state, direction, KNumOfRetries);
   533     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdpublishSystemState Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   534     iCmd = CCmdPublishSystemState::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, info);
   535     err =  RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   536     iCmd = NULL;
   537     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   538     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   540     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   541     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdpublishSystemState Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   542     iCmd = CCmdPublishSystemState::NewL(severity, ESsmFireAndForget, info);
   543     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   544     iCmd = NULL;
   545     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   546     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   547     }
   549 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCcmdreqSwpchangeL()
   550     {
   551     TInt err = KErrNone;
   552     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   553     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   554     TSsmExecutionBehaviour executionBehaviour = ESsmWaitForSignal;
   555     TSsmSwp info(KNewSwpKey, 876);
   557     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestRunCleCiCmdreqSwpchangeL Test:ESsmWaitForSignal severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   558     iCmd = CCmdReqSwpChange::NewL(severity, executionBehaviour, info);
   559     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   560     iCmd = NULL;
   561     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   562     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   564     severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity;
   565     info.Set(KNewSwpKey2, 767);
   566     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestRunCleCiCmdreqSwpchangeL Test:ESsmWaitForSignal severity:ECmdCriticalSeverity"));
   567     iCmd = CCmdReqSwpChange::NewL(severity, executionBehaviour, info);
   568     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   569     iCmd = NULL;
   570     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Command execution finished with error : %d, expectedErr : %d. "), err, expectedErr);
   571     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   572     }
   574 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL()
   575     {
   576     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   577     TInt expectedErr = KErrNone;
   579     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure"));
   580     SetStartupPropertiesL(KBadFileName, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartApp);
   581     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   582     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   583     iCmd = NULL;
   584     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   585     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   586     Reset();
   588     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure and retries %d"), KNumOfRetries);
   589     SetStartupPropertiesL(KBadFileName, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartApp, KNumOfRetries);
   590     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   591     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   592     iCmd = NULL;
   593     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   594     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   595     Reset();
   597     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdIgnoreFailure and timeout %d "), 10);
   598     SetStartupPropertiesL(KSlowStartApp, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartApp, 0, 10);   //time out is given 10ms so that F&F iCmd finishes before below tests are finished 
   599     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   600     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   601     iCmd = NULL;
   602     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   603     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   604     Reset();
   606     severity = ECmdHighSeverity;
   607     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdHighSeverity"));
   608     SetStartupPropertiesL(KBadFileName, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartApp);
   609     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   610     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   611     iCmd = NULL;
   612     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   613     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   614     Reset();
   616     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdHighSeverity and retries %d"), KNumOfRetries);
   617     SetStartupPropertiesL(KBadFileName, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartApp, KNumOfRetries);
   618     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   619     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   620     iCmd = NULL;
   621     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   622     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   623     Reset();
   625     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartAppL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdHighSeverity and timeout %d "), 10);
   626     SetStartupPropertiesL(KSlowStartApp, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartApp, 0, 10);   //time out is given 10ms so that F&F iCmd finishes before below tests are finished 
   627     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   628     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   629     iCmd = NULL;
   630     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   631     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   632     Reset();
   633     }
   635 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleFandFAppWithMonitorL()
   636     {
   637     // The KIntervalForReLaunchRateOfFailure time interval is 30mins by default, its patched to 25secs on emulator in epoc.ini file
   638     // and for hardware in iby file.
   639     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("For test to pass in Winscw - (patchdata_sysmon_exe_KIntervalForReLaunchRateOfFailure 25) should be added to epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini file"));
   641     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestRunCleFandFAppWithMonitorL - command ECmdIgnoreFailure Severity"));
   642     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   643     SetStartupPropertiesL(KTestAppGood, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartApp, 1, 0);
   644     TSsmMonitorInfo monitorInfo;
   645     monitorInfo.iRestartPolicy = ESsmIgnoreOnFailure;
   646     monitorInfo.iRestartMode = 0;
   647     monitorInfo.iRetries = 1;
   648     monitorInfo.iTimeout = 0;   
   649     iStartupProperties->SetMonitorInfoL(monitorInfo);
   650     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleFandFAppWithMonitorL:Start a application with execution behaviour as ESsmFireAndForget"));
   651     iCmd = CCmdStartApp::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   652     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   654     //Waiting to decrement the count of the semaphore which is being signalled as the application is started first time 
   655     iSem.Wait();
   657     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Find and Kill now - instances should be one"));
   658     User::After(1000000);
   659     //find and kill the application
   660     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood));
   662     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   663     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for one second and call Find and Kill again - instances should be zero"));
   664     User::After(KThrottleTime);
   665     // system monitor waits for 15secs(throttle time) before restarting the application
   666     TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood)); 
   668     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   669     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for Throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   670     //Waiting for the application to restart using semaphore
   671     iSem.Wait();
   673     // application is restarted by system monitor
   674     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood));
   676     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   677     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for one second and call Find and Kill again - instances should be zero"));
   678     User::After(KThrottleTime);
   679     // application is restarted by system monitor
   680     TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood));
   682     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   683     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for Throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   684     //Waiting for the application to restart using semaphore
   685     iSem.Wait();
   687     // application is restarted by system monitor
   688     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood));
   690     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   691     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for more than throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   692     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Done to ensure that the app is closed and not hanging around"));
   693     //Waiting for the application to restart using semaphore
   694     iSem.Wait();
   696     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood));
   697     //As this test case is successfully executed, reset all data
   698     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Waiting simply now - just to check no proc is leftover"));
   699     User::After(KThrottleTime);
   700     TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood));
   701     iCmd = NULL;
   702     Reset();
   703     }
   705 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleCmdStartProcessL()
   706     {
   707     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdHighSeverity;
   708     TInt expectedErr = KErrNotFound;
   710     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartProcessL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdHighSeverity"));
   711     // FireAndForget execution behaviour does not dependent on completion code so it will always return KErrNone
   712     expectedErr = KErrNone;
   713     SetStartupPropertiesL(KBadFileName, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartProcess);
   714     iCmd = CCmdStartProcess::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   715     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   716     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   717     iCmd = NULL;
   718     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   719     Reset();
   721     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartProcessL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdHighSeverity and retries %d"), KNumOfRetries);
   722     SetStartupPropertiesL(KBadFileName, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartProcess, KNumOfRetries);
   723     iCmd = CCmdStartProcess::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   724     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   725     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   726     iCmd = NULL;
   727     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   728     Reset();
   730     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("doTestRunCleCmdStartProcessL Start a non existing application Test:ESsmFireAndForget severity:ECmdHighSeverity and timeout %d "), 10);
   731     SetStartupPropertiesL(KSlowStartApp, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartProcess, 0, 10);
   732     iCmd = CCmdStartProcess::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   733     err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   734     iCmd = NULL;
   735     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err: %d. Expected err : %d "), err,expectedErr);
   736     TEST(err == expectedErr);
   737     Reset();
   738     }
   740 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleFandFProcWithMonitorL()
   741     {
   742     // The KIntervalForReLaunchRateOfFailure time interval is 30mins by default, its patched to 25secs on emulator in epoc.ini file
   743     // and for hardware in iby file.
   744     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("For test to pass in Winscw - (patchdata_sysmon_exe_KIntervalForReLaunchRateOfFailure 25) should be added to epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini file"));
   746     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestRunCleFandFProcWithMonitorL - command ECmdIgnoreFailure Severity"));
   748     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   749     SetStartupPropertiesL(KGoodProc, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartProcess, 1, 0);
   750     TSsmMonitorInfo monitorInfo;
   751     monitorInfo.iRestartPolicy = ESsmIgnoreOnFailure;
   752     monitorInfo.iRestartMode = 0;
   753     monitorInfo.iRetries = 1;
   754     monitorInfo.iTimeout = 0;   
   755     iStartupProperties->SetMonitorInfoL(monitorInfo);
   756     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleFandFProcWithMonitorL:Start a process with execution behaviour as ESsmFireAndForget"));
   757     iCmd = CCmdStartProcess::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   758     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   759     iCmd = NULL;
   761     //Waiting to decrement the count of the semaphore which is being signalled as the application is started first time 
   762     iSem.Wait();
   764     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Find and Kill now - instances should be one"));
   765     User::After(1000000);
   766     //find and kill the process
   767     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   769     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   770     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for one second and call Find and Kill again - instances should be zero"));
   771     User::After(KThrottleTime);
   772     // system monitor waits for 15secs(throttle time) before restarting the process
   773     TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc)); 
   775     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   776     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for Throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   777     //Waiting for the process to restart using semaphore
   778     iSem.Wait();
   779     // Process is restarted by system monitor
   780     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   782     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   783     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for one second and call Find and Kill again - instances should be zero"));
   784     User::After(KThrottleTime);
   785     // application is restarted by system monitor
   786     TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   788     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   789     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for Throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   790     //Waiting for the process to restart using semaphore
   791     iSem.Wait();
   792     // application is restarted by system monitor
   793     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   795     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   796     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for more than throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   797     //INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Done to ensure that the app is closed and not hanging around"));
   798     //Waiting for the process to restart using semaphore
   799     iSem.Wait();
   800     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   802     //As this test case is successfully executed, reset all data
   803     Reset();
   804     }
   806 void CCmdRunCleTest::doTestRunCleFandFAlreadyRunWithMonitorL()
   807     {
   808     // The KIntervalForReLaunchRateOfFailure time interval is 30mins by default, its patched to 25secs on emulator in epoc.ini file
   809     // and for hardware in iby file.
   810     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("For test to pass in Winscw - (patchdata_sysmon_exe_KIntervalForReLaunchRateOfFailure 25) should be added to epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini file"));
   812     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestRunCleFandFAlreadyRunWithMonitorL - command ECmdIgnoreFailure Severity"));
   814     //Create and launch the process
   815     RProcess process;
   816     CleanupClosePushL(process);
   817     User::LeaveIfError(process.Create(KGoodProc, KLaunchServerCommandLineOption));
   819     TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure;
   820     SetStartupPropertiesL(KGoodProc, KEmptyArgs, ESsmFireAndForget, ESsmCmdStartProcess, 1, 0);
   821     TSsmMonitorInfo monitorInfo;
   822     monitorInfo.iRestartPolicy = ESsmIgnoreOnFailure;
   823     monitorInfo.iRestartMode = 0;
   824     monitorInfo.iRetries = 1;
   825     monitorInfo.iTimeout = 0;   
   826     iStartupProperties->SetMonitorInfoL(monitorInfo);
   827     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestRunCleFandFAlreadyRunWithMonitorL:Start an already running process with execution behaviour as ESsmFireAndForget"));
   829     //Try and launch the process again, SysMon will monitor already running process
   830     iCmd = CCmdStartProcess::NewL(severity,iStartupProperties);
   831     TInt err = RunTestWithCleAndWaitL(iCmd);
   832     iCmd = NULL;
   834     //Waiting to decrement the count of the semaphore which is being signalled as the application is started first time 
   835     iSem.Wait();
   837     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call Find and Kill now - instances should be two"));
   838     //find and kill both the processes
   839     User::After(1000000);
   840     TEST(2 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   842     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   843     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for one second and call Find and Kill again - instances should be zero"));
   844     User::After(KThrottleTime);
   845     // system monitor waits for 15secs(throttle time) before restarting the process
   846     TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc)); 
   848     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   849     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for Throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   850     //Waiting for the process to restart using semaphore
   851     iSem.Wait();
   852     // Process is restarted by system monitor
   853     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   855     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   856     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for one second and call Find and Kill again - instances should be zero"));
   857     User::After(KThrottleTime);
   858     // Process is restarted by system monitor
   859     TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   861     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   862     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for Throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   863     //Waiting for the process to restart using semaphore
   864     iSem.Wait();
   865     // Process is restarted by system monitor
   866     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   868     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"));
   869     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Wait for more than throttle time and call find and kill again - instances should be one"));
   870     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Done to ensure that the app is closed and not hanging around"));
   871     //Waiting for the process to restart using semaphore
   872     iSem.Wait();
   873     TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KGoodProc));
   875     //As this test case is successfully executed, reset all data
   876     Reset();
   877     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   878     }
   880 /**
   881 Helper functiosn to set specified values in iStartupProperties.
   882 */
   883 void CCmdRunCleTest::SetStartupPropertiesL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aArgs, TSsmExecutionBehaviour aExecutionBehaviour, TSsmCommandType aSsmCommandType, TInt aNumOfRetries, TInt32 aTimeout)
   884     {
   885     iStartupProperties->Reset();
   886     iStartupProperties->SetFileParamsL(aFileName, aArgs);
   887     iStartupProperties->SetCommandTypeL(aSsmCommandType);
   888     iStartupProperties->SetExecutionBehaviour(aExecutionBehaviour);
   889     iStartupProperties->SetRetries(aNumOfRetries);
   890     iStartupProperties->SetTimeout(aTimeout);
   891     }
   893 /**
   894 Resets iStartupProperties
   895 */
   896 void CCmdRunCleTest::Reset()
   897     {
   898     iStartupProperties->Reset();
   899     }
   901 //
   902 // Helper functions for StartApp and StartProcess commands
   903 //
   904 /**
   905 Helper function to find and kill the specified process
   906 */
   907 TInt CCmdRunCleTest::FindAndKill(const TDesC& aProcessName)
   908     {
   909     TFullName searchTerm(aProcessName);
   910     StripExtension(searchTerm);
   911     searchTerm += _L("*");
   912     TFindProcess find(searchTerm);
   913     TFullName name;
   914     TInt instancesFound = 0;
   915     while(find.Next(name) == KErrNone)
   916         {
   917         RProcess process;
   918         const TInt err = process.Open(find);
   920         if (KErrNone == err)
   921             {
   922             if (process.ExitType() == EExitPending)
   923                 {
   924                 instancesFound++;
   925                 process.Kill(KErrCancel);
   926                 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Process %S found and killed with Exit Reason = %d"), &aProcessName, process.ExitReason());
   927                 }
   928             process.Close();
   929             }
   930         }
   931     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("No of instances of process killed = %d"), instancesFound);
   932     return instancesFound;
   933     }
   935 /**
   936 Helper function to strip extension
   937 */
   938 void CCmdRunCleTest::StripExtension(TDes& aFilename)
   939     {
   940     TInt dot = aFilename.Find(_L("."));
   942     if(KErrNotFound != dot)
   943         {
   944         aFilename.SetLength(dot);
   945         }
   946     }