changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <barsc2.h>
    17 #include <barsread2.h>
    18 #include <e32property.h>
    19 #include <e32uid.h>
    20 #include <e32std.h>
    21 #include <bautils.h>
    23 #include <ssm/ssmcmd.hrh>
    24 #include <ssm/ssmsubstates.hrh>
    26 #include <ssm/ssmpatchableconstants.h>
    27 #include <ssm/conditiontypes.hrh>
    28 #endif
    30 #include <ssm/ssmstatetransition.h>
    31 #include <ssm/ssmcommandlistresourcereader.h>
    32 #include <ssm/ssmmaxbootattempts_patch.h>
    34 #include "gsastatepolicystartup.h"
    35 #include "ssmdebug.h"
    36 #include "ssmpanic.h" 
    37 #include "s32file.h" 
    39 _LIT(KBootUpFile, ":\\private\\2000d75b\\bootupinfo\\bootupcount.bin");
    41 /**
    42  Attempt to reboot the device (forever) on boot failure. Used when KSsmMaxBootAttempts is set to '0xFFFFFFFF'.
    43 */
    44 const TInt KSsmAttemptRebootForever = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    46 /**
    47 Panic used by Startup policy plug-in when resource reader is invalid.
    48 Strings must not be longer than 16 characters or they will be truncated by User::Panic()
    49 */
    50 _LIT(KPanicGsaStartupState, "StartupPolicy");
    52 /**
    53  Start-up state policy resource file path format : "z:/private/<SID of SSM>/startup/<Value of KSystemStartupModeKey>/"
    54 */
    55 _LIT(KCommandListPath, "z:\\private\\2000D75B\\startup\\%d\\");
    57 /**
    58  Commandlist path to launch 'sysstart.exe' when a resource file for 'start-up' is not found.
    59  fallback to 'sysstart.exe' resource file path format : "z:/private/<SID of SSM>/startup/fallback/"
    60 */
    61 _LIT(KFallbackCmdListPath, "z:\\private\\2000D75B\\startup\\fallback\\");
    63 /**
    64 Used to create an instance of MSsmStatePolicy class.
    66 @return A pointer to an instance of MSsmStatePolicy
    67 */
    68 EXPORT_C MSsmStatePolicy* CGsaStatePolicyStartup::NewL()
    69 	{
    70 	CGsaStatePolicyStartup* self = new (ELeave) CGsaStatePolicyStartup;
    71 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    72 	self->ConstructL();
    73 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    74 	return self;
    75 	}
    77 /**
    78 Gets the hardware reason for KSystemStartupModeKey and makes a RFs connection.
    79 Creates Command list path and the resource reader for startup.
    81 @leave One of the error value returned by 
    82 	    RProperty::Get() 
    83 	    RFs::Connect() 
    84 	    RArray::AppendL() 
    85 	    NewL()
    86 @see RProperty::Get
    87 */
    88 void CGsaStatePolicyStartup::ConstructL()
    89 	{
    90 	// Read the hardware reason
    91 	User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(KUidSystemCategory, KSystemStartupModeKey, iHardwareReason));
    92 	User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
    94 	// Add supported transitions from Startup 'ESsmStartup'
    95 	iCurrentlySupportedTransitions.AppendL(TSsmState(ESsmFail, KSsmAnySubState));
    96 	iCurrentlySupportedTransitions.AppendL(TSsmState(ESsmShutdown, KSsmAnySubState));
    97 	iCurrentlySupportedTransitions.AppendL(TSsmState(ESsmShutdown, ESsmShutdownSubStateCritical));
    99 	TFileName cmdListPath;
   100 	GetCommandListPath(iHardwareReason, cmdListPath);
   101 	DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Startup Policy : Startup command list path : %S"), &cmdListPath);
   103 	// create resource reader
   104 	iCommandListResourceReader = CSsmCommandListResourceReader::NewL(iFs, cmdListPath, *this);	
   105 	}
   107 /**
   108 default CTOR
   109 */
   110 CGsaStatePolicyStartup::CGsaStatePolicyStartup()
   111 	{
   112 	}
   114 /**
   115 DTOR
   116 */
   117 CGsaStatePolicyStartup::~CGsaStatePolicyStartup()
   118 	{
   119 	delete iCommandListResourceReader;
   120 	iSubStates.Close();
   121 	iFs.Close();
   122 	iCurrentlySupportedTransitions.Close();
   123 	}
   125 /**
   126 Initializes command list resource reader.
   128 @param aStatus to complete when the initialization operation has finished
   129 @panic EInvalidResourceReader if the command list resource reader is invalid
   131 @see MSsmStatePolicy::Initialize
   132 */
   133 void CGsaStatePolicyStartup::Initialize(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   134 	{
   135 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCommandListResourceReader, PanicNow(KPanicGsaStartupState, EInvalidResourceReader));
   137 	// initialise command list resource reader.
   138 	iCommandListResourceReader->Initialise(aStatus);
   139 	}
   141 /**
   142 Cancels an asynchronous Initialize operation.
   144 @see MSsmStatePolicy::InitializeCancel
   145 */
   146 void CGsaStatePolicyStartup::InitializeCancel()
   147 	{
   148 	iCommandListResourceReader->InitialiseCancel();
   149 	}
   151 /** 
   152 Deletes all resources and frees itself.
   154 @see MSsmStatePolicy::Release
   155 */
   156 void CGsaStatePolicyStartup::Release()
   157 	{
   158 	delete this;
   159 	}
   161 /** 
   162 Determines if an incoming startup state transition request should be accepted or rejected.
   163 Clients calling this API should posess 'ECapabilityPowerMgmt', else the API will return ENotAllowed.
   165 @param aRequest Contains information about the new request
   166 @param aCurrent Contains NULL or the first accepted but not yet completed transition request
   167 @param aQueued Contains NULL or a second accepted but not yet started transition request
   168 @param aMessage Message sent by SSM server, used to check if the client has 'ECapabilityPowerMgmt'
   170 @return one of the TResponse value
   171 @see MSsmStatePolicy::TransitionAllowed
   172 @see MSsmStatePolicy::TResponse
   173 */
   174 MSsmStatePolicy::TResponse CGsaStatePolicyStartup::TransitionAllowed(const TSsmStateTransition& aRequest, TSsmStateTransition const* aCurrent, 
   175 																TSsmStateTransition const* aQueued, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage)
   176 	{
   177 	TResponse response = ENotAllowed;
   178 	if (!aMessage.HasCapability(ECapabilityPowerMgmt))
   179 		{
   180 		DEBUGPRINT1(_L ("Startup Policy : Capability Check Failed."));
   181 		return response;
   182 		}
   184 	//Check if the requested transition is supported from current state
   185 	if(TransitionSupported(aRequest.State()))
   186 		{
   187 		if((NULL == aCurrent) && (NULL == aQueued))
   188 			{
   189 			// SsmServer is idle
   190 			response = EDefinitelyAllowed;
   191 			}
   192 		else if((aRequest.State().MainState() == ESsmFail) || (aRequest.State().MainState() == ESsmShutdown))
   193 			{
   194 			// Going into failed state or shutdown state will override anything currently ongoing or queued
   195 			response = EReplaceCurrentClearQueue;
   196 			}
   197 		}
   199 #ifdef _DEBUG
   200 	TSsmStateName name = aRequest.State().Name();
   201 	if(ENotAllowed == response)
   202 		{
   203 		DEBUGPRINT3(_L("Startup Policy : Transition (Requested State: %S) is not allowed (Response: %d)."), &name, response);
   204 		}
   205 	else
   206 		{
   207 		DEBUGPRINT3(_L("Startup Policy : Transition (Requested State %S) is allowed (Response %d)."), &name, response);		
   208 		}
   209 #endif
   210 	return response;
   211 	}
   213 /** 
   214 Create the command list associated with a sub state transition.
   216 @param aState Contains the state and substate that identifies the command list to create
   217 @param aReason Contains the reason as given by the request
   218 @param aStatus to complete when the operation has finished
   219 @panic EInvalidResourceReader if the command list resource reader is invalid
   220 @see MSsmStatePolicy::PrepareCommandList
   221 */ 
   222 void CGsaStatePolicyStartup::PrepareCommandList(TSsmState aState, TInt aReason, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   223 	{
   224 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCommandListResourceReader, PanicNow(KPanicGsaStartupState, EInvalidResourceReader));
   226 	iSoftwareReason = aReason;
   228 	//Let's start from the beginning if no specific minor state is selected
   229 	iRequestedSubState = ((aState.SubState() == KSsmAnySubState) ? ESsmStartupSubStateCriticalStatic : aState.SubState());
   230 	TSsmState publishState;
   231 	publishState.Set(aState.MainState(), iRequestedSubState);
   233 	const TInt commandListId = publishState.SubState();
   235 	//Build the commandlist from resource
   236 	iCommandListResourceReader->PrepareCommandList(commandListId, publishState, aStatus);
   237 	} //lint !e1746 Suppress parameter 'aState' could be made const reference
   239 /**
   240 Cancels asynchronous PrepareCommandList operation.
   242 @see MSsmStatePolicy::PrepareCommandListCancel
   243 */
   244 void CGsaStatePolicyStartup::PrepareCommandListCancel()
   245 	{
   246 	iCommandListResourceReader->PrepareCommandListCancel();
   247 	}
   249 /**	
   250 Return the command list once the  PrepareCommandList has completed.
   251 Ownership of the returned command list is transferred to the caller.
   252 @panic EInvalidResourceReader if the command list resource reader is invalid
   253 @return The command list created during the preceding PrepareCommandList step
   254 */
   255 CSsmCommandList* CGsaStatePolicyStartup::CommandList()
   256 	{
   257 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCommandListResourceReader , PanicNow(KPanicGsaStartupState, EInvalidResourceReader));
   259 	return iCommandListResourceReader->GetCommandList();
   260 	}
   262 /**
   263 Determines the next sub state transition.
   264 @param aCurrentTransition Contains the last executed state
   265 @param aReason Contains the reason as given by the request
   266 @param aError Contains the completion code from the last executed sub-state transition
   267 @param aSeverity Contains the severity of the failed command in case the sub-state transition ended with an error
   268 @param aNextState The next System State to head for, if there is one
   269 @panic EInvalidStartupstate if the current state is not startup
   270 @return 	ETrue if aNextState contains another System State to head for, or 
   271 		EFalse if there is no further transitions to do.
   272 @see MSsmStatePolicy::GetNextState
   273 */
   274 TBool CGsaStatePolicyStartup::GetNextState(TSsmState aCurrentTransition, TInt /*aReason*/, TInt aError, TInt /*aSeverity*/, TSsmState& aNextState)
   275 	{
   276 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aCurrentTransition.MainState() == ESsmStartup, PanicNow(KPanicGsaStartupState, EInvalidStartupState));
   278 	if (KErrNone != aError)	// Handle CLE error here
   279 		{
   280 		if (iLaunchSysStart)	// 'sysstart.exe' was launched unsuccessfully so launch 'sysagt2srv.exe' and 'wserv.exe'
   281 			{
   282 			iLaunchSysStart = EFalse;
   283 			iLaunchSysAgt2SrvAndWServ = ETrue;
   284 			DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Startup Policy : sysstart.exe launched with error : %d"), aError);
   285 			aNextState = TSsmState(ESsmStartup, ESsmStartupSubStateCriticalDynamic);
   286 			return ETrue;
   287 			}
   289 #ifdef __WINS__	// on emulator
   290 			{
   291 			DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Startup Policy : CLE returned with (error : %d), Panic on Emulator"), aError);
   292 			DEBUGPRINT1(_L("Startup Policy : Emulator (__WINS__) does not support a re-start, so Fail Policy is not invoked."));
   293 			PanicNow(KPanicGsaStartupState, EEmulatorPowerOff);
   294 			}
   295 #else	// on hardware/device
   296 			{
   297 			aNextState = TSsmState(ESsmFail, ESsmFailSubStateRestart);
   298 			if (KSsmAttemptRebootForever != KSsmMaxBootAttempts)
   299 				{
   300 				// Get number of boot attempts made till now from bootup log file
   301 				TInt bootCount = -1;
   302 				TRAPD(err, bootCount = GetBootupCountL());	// ignore failure and restart the device, we should get the value next time.
   303 				if (err!=KErrNone)
   304 					{
   305 					DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Startup Policy : GetBootupCountL() failed with (error: %d), error is deliberately ignored."), aError);
   306 					}
   307 				if (bootCount < KSsmMaxBootAttempts)
   308 					{
   309 					aNextState = TSsmState(ESsmFail, ESsmFailSubStateRestart);
   310 					}
   311 				else	// Maximum allowed boot attempts has been made. Device needs a poweroff. Probable candidate for a reset/reflash.
   312 					{
   313 					aNextState = TSsmState(ESsmFail, ESsmFailSubStatePowerOff);
   314 					}
   315 				}
   316 	#ifdef _DEBUG
   317 			TSsmStateName name = aNextState.Name();
   318 			DEBUGPRINT3(_L("Startup Policy : CLE returned with (error : %d) so moving to Fail State : %S."), aError, &name);
   319 	#endif
   320 			return ETrue;
   321 			}
   322 #endif
   323 		}
   324 	else if(iLaunchSysStart || iLaunchSysAgt2SrvAndWServ)	// If either sysstart or sysagt2srv and wserv was launched and CLE did not return an error
   325 		{
   326 		if (iLaunchSysStart)
   327 			{
   328 			iLaunchSysStart = EFalse;
   329 			DEBUGPRINT1(_L("Startup Policy : sysstart.exe launched successfully."));
   330 			}
   331 		if (iLaunchSysAgt2SrvAndWServ)
   332 			{
   333 			iLaunchSysAgt2SrvAndWServ = EFalse;
   334 			DEBUGPRINT1(_L("Startup Policy : sysagt2srv.exe and wserv.exe launched successfully."));
   335 			}
   336 		aNextState = TSsmState(ESsmNormal, KSsmAnySubState);	// move to Normal state
   337 		return ETrue;
   338 		}
   339 	else	// have to move one with the next substates in this state
   340 		{
   341 		// Get the sub states from resource reader only once
   342 		if (!iSubStatesCount)
   343 			{
   344 			// Get sub states list from resource reader
   345 			TRAPD(err, iCommandListResourceReader->GetCommandListIdsL(iSubStates));
   346 			if (err)
   347 				{
   348 				DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Startup Policy : Command list ids prepared with error: %d"), err);
   349 				}
   350 			else
   351 				{
   352 				iSubStatesCount = iSubStates.Count();
   353 				}
   354 			}
   356 		TInt index = iSubStates.Find(iRequestedSubState);
   358 		if (KErrNotFound == index)
   359 			{
   360 			DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Startup Policy : SubState for transition not found: %d"), index);
   361 			PanicNow(KPanicGsaStartupState, ESubStateIndexNotFound);
   362 			}
   363 		else if (index == (iSubStatesCount - 1))	// transition complete, move to Normal state
   364 			{
   365 			TInt retVal = EFalse;
   366 			// moving to next state as the transition is completed for ESsmStartup
   367 			if (iSubStatesCount && (iRequestedSubState == iSubStates[iSubStatesCount-1]))
   368 				{
   369 				aNextState = TSsmState(ESsmNormal, KSsmAnySubState);
   370 				retVal = ETrue;
   371 				}
   372 			return retVal;
   373 			}
   374 		else		// there is a substate available for transition, moved ahead
   375 			{
   376 			iRequestedSubState = iSubStates[++index];
   377 			aNextState = TSsmState(ESsmStartup, iRequestedSubState);
   378 #ifdef _DEBUG
   379 			TSsmStateName name = aNextState.Name();
   380 			DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Startup Policy : Transition to next state is : %S"), &name);
   381 #endif				
   382 			return ETrue;
   383 			}
   384 		}
   385 	return EFalse;
   386 	} //lint !e1746 Suppress parameter 'aCurrentTransition' could be made const reference
   388 /**
   389 Callback used by CSsmCommandListResourceReader when a decision needs to be made
   390 on whether to include a command in a command list or not.
   392 @param aResourceFile Instance of CResourceFile
   393 @param aResourceId Resource id of SSM_SYMBIAN_CONDITIONAL_INFORMATION struct for command
   394 @return ETrue in case the command needs to be included in command list, else EFalse.
   396 @see MSsmConditionalCallback::ConditionalCommandAllowedL
   397 */
   399 TBool CGsaStatePolicyStartup::ConditionalCommandAllowedL(CResourceFile& aResourceFile, TInt aResourceId)
   400 #else
   401 TBool CGsaStatePolicyStartup::ConditionalCommandAllowedL(CResourceFile& /*aResourceFile*/, TInt /*aResourceId*/)
   402 #endif
   403 	{
   404 	TBool isAllowed = EFalse;        
   406    	HBufC8* buf = aResourceFile.AllocReadLC(aResourceId);
   407    	TResourceReader reader; 
   408 	reader.SetBuffer(buf);
   409 	//Read the type of the command from the resource file
   410 	TUint16 type = reader.ReadUint16();
   411 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
   412 	// check that the type is equal to "EGracefulShutdown"
   413 	if(type == EGracefulShutdown)    
   414 		{
   415 		//Check whether SSM graceful shutdown is enabled or not
   416 		if(IsSsmGracefulShutdown())   
   417 			{
   418 			isAllowed = ETrue;
   419 			}
   420 		}
   421 #else
   422 	// no commands use 'conditional_information' in Startup state command list.
   423 	PanicNow(KPanicGsaStartupState, EConditionalInfoNotImplemented);
   424 #endif
   425 	return isAllowed;
   426 	}
   428 /*
   429 Helper function to check whether requested transition is supported or not.
   430 */
   431 TBool CGsaStatePolicyStartup::TransitionSupported(const TSsmState& aRequestedState) const
   432 	{
   433 	return (iCurrentlySupportedTransitions.Find(aRequestedState) > KErrNotFound);
   434 	}
   436 /*
   437 Helper function to create command list path for start-up.
   438 Implements fallback mechanism to launch 'sysstart.exe' if static command list for 'start-up' state is not found.
   439 This temporary implementation is required during migration from existing 'sysstart' to 'ssma start-up'.
   440 */
   441 void CGsaStatePolicyStartup::GetCommandListPath(TUint aBootMode, TDes& aCmdListPath)
   442 	{
   443 	aCmdListPath.Format(KCommandListPath, aBootMode);
   444 	TBool found = BaflUtils::FolderExists(iFs, aCmdListPath);
   446 	// This Fallback mechanism is used internally during migration from 'sysstart' to 'ssma start-up' and is not required otherwise.
   447 	if (!found)
   448 		{
   449 		aCmdListPath.Copy(KFallbackCmdListPath());
   450 		iLaunchSysStart = ETrue;	// launch 'sysstart.exe'
   451 		}
   452 	}
   454 /*
   455 Helper function to get the boot count
   456 */
   457 TInt CGsaStatePolicyStartup::GetBootupCountL()
   458 	{
   459 	RBuf bootupInfoPath;
   460 	CleanupClosePushL(bootupInfoPath);
   461 	const TChar drive = RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
   462 	TInt length = KBootUpFile().Length() + 1; /* for RFs::GetSystemDriveChar() */
   463 	bootupInfoPath.CreateL(length);
   464 	bootupInfoPath.Append(drive);
   465 	bootupInfoPath.Append(KBootUpFile());
   466 	TBool found = BaflUtils::FileExists(iFs, bootupInfoPath);
   467  	if(!found)
   468  		{
   469 		User::Leave(EBootupCountFileNotFound);
   470 		}
   472 	RFileReadStream file;
   473 	CleanupClosePushL(file);
   474 	User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFs, bootupInfoPath, EFileRead));
   475 	TInt bootCount = file.ReadUint8L();
   476 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
   477 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&bootupInfoPath);
   478 	return bootCount;
   479 	}