changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
child 5 1a73e8f1b64d
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-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Name        : strtsecurityeventobserver.cpp
    15 // Part of     : System Startup / StrtSecObs
    16 // Implementation of CStrtSecurityEventObserver class
    17 // Version     : %version: 1 % << Don't touch! Updated by Synergy at check-out.
    18 // This material, including documentation and any related computer
    19 // programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia.  All
    20 // rights are reserved.  Copying, including reproducing, storing,
    21 // adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
    22 // prior written consent of Nokia.  This material also contains
    23 // confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
    24 // without the prior written consent of Nokia.
    25 // Template version: 4.1.1
    26 // Nokia Core OS *
    27 // File renamed from strtsecurityeventobserver.cpp to ssmsecurityeventobserver.cpp as part of Core OS transfer.
    28 //
    32 #include "strtsecphaseobserver.h"
    33 #include "ssmsecurityeventobserver.h"
    34 #include "ssmsecuritynotecontroller.h"
    35 #include "ssmuiproviderdll.h"
    36 #include "ssmdebug.h"
    38 const TInt KDefaultPhoneIndex = 0;
    40 EXPORT_C MSsmUtility* CStrtSecurityEventObserver::NewL()
    41     {
    42     CStrtSecurityEventObserver* self = new( ELeave ) CStrtSecurityEventObserver();
    43     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    44     self->ConstructL();
    45     CleanupStack::Pop(self );
    46     return self;
    47     }
    49 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::InitializeL()
    50 	{
    52 	}
    53 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::StartL()
    54 	{
    55 	Activate();
    56 	}
    57 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::Release()
    58 	{
    59 	delete this;
    60 	}
    62 CStrtSecurityEventObserver::~CStrtSecurityEventObserver()
    63     {
    64     Cancel();
    65     iPhone.Close();
    67     if (iTelServer.Handle())
    68         {
    69         iTelServer.UnloadPhoneModule(*iTsyModuleName);
    70         iTelServer.Close();
    71         }
    72     delete iTsyModuleName;
    73     delete iController;
    74     delete iSecPhaseObserver;
    75     }
    77 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::DoCancel()
    78     {
    79     iPhone.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneNotifySecurityEvent);
    80     }
    82 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::RunL()
    83     {
    84     TInt errorCode = iStatus.Int();
    85     if (errorCode == KErrNone)
    86         {
    87         DEBUGPRINT2A("SecurityEvent %d occurred", iEvent);
    88         ProcessSecurityEvent();
    89         Activate();
    90         }
    91     else
    92     	{
    93     	DEBUGPRINT2A("Security Event Observer received error: %d - not reactivating", iStatus.Int());
    94     	}
    95     }
    97 CStrtSecurityEventObserver::CStrtSecurityEventObserver()
    98   : CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    99     iSecPhaseObserver(NULL),
   100     iController(NULL)    
   101     {
   102     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   103     }
   105 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::ConstructL()
   106     {
   107     iTsyModuleName = CSsmUiSpecific::GetTsyModuleNameL();
   109     TInt errorCode = iTelServer.Connect();
   110     User::LeaveIfError(errorCode);
   112     errorCode = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule(*iTsyModuleName);
   113     if (errorCode != KErrNone && errorCode != KErrAlreadyExists)
   114         {
   115         // KErrAlreadyExists may be returned if some other has already loaded
   116         // the TSY module.
   117         User::Leave(errorCode);
   118         }
   120     RTelServer::TPhoneInfo info;
   121     errorCode = iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo(KDefaultPhoneIndex, info);
   122     User::LeaveIfError(errorCode);
   124     errorCode = iPhone.Open(iTelServer, info.iName);
   125     User::LeaveIfError(errorCode);
   127     iSecPhaseObserver = CStrtSecPhaseObserver::NewL();
   128     iController = CStrtSecurityNoteController::NewL();
   129     }
   131 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::Activate()
   132     {
   133     iPhone.NotifySecurityEvent(iStatus, iEvent);
   134     SetActive();
   135     }
   137 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::ProcessSecurityEvent()
   138     {
   139     switch (iEvent)
   140         {
   141         case RMobilePhone::EPin1Required:
   142             SimCodeRequest(ESecCodePIN1);
   143             break;
   144         case RMobilePhone::EPuk1Required:
   145             SimCodeRequest(ESecCodePUK1);
   146             break;
   147         case RMobilePhone::EPin2Required:
   148             SimCodeRequest(ESecCodePIN2);
   149             break;
   150         case RMobilePhone::EPuk2Required:
   151             SimCodeRequest(ESecCodePUK2);
   152             break;
   153         case RMobilePhone::EPhonePasswordRequired:
   154             SecCodeRequest(ESecCodePasswd);
   155             break;
   156         case RMobilePhone::EPin1Verified:
   157             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodePIN1);
   158             break;
   159         case RMobilePhone::EPin2Verified:
   160             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodePIN2);
   161             break;
   162         case RMobilePhone::EPuk1Verified:
   163             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodePUK1);
   164             break;
   165         case RMobilePhone::EPuk2Verified:
   166             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodePUK2);
   167             break;
   168         case RMobilePhone::EPhonePasswordVerified:
   169             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodePasswd);
   170             break;
   171         case RMobilePhone::EUSIMAppPinRequired:
   172             OtherCodeRequest(ESecCodeAppPIN1);
   173             break;
   174         case RMobilePhone::EUSIMAppPinVerified:
   175             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodeAppPIN1);
   176             break;
   177         case RMobilePhone::ESecondUSIMAppPinRequired:
   178             OtherCodeRequest(ESecCodeAppPIN2);
   179             break;
   180         case RMobilePhone::ESecondUSIMAppPinVerified:
   181             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodeAppPIN2);
   182             break;
   183         case RMobilePhone::EUniversalPinRequired:
   184             SimCodeRequest(ESecCodeUPIN);
   185             break;
   186         case RMobilePhone::EUniversalPinVerified:
   187             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodeUPIN);
   188             break;
   189         case RMobilePhone::EUniversalPukRequired:
   190             SimCodeRequest(ESecCodeUPUK);
   191             break;
   192         case RMobilePhone::EUniversalPukVerified:
   193             CodeVerifyIndication(ESecCodeUPUK);
   194             break;
   195         default:
   196         	DEBUGPRINT2A("Event %d not handled", iEvent);
   197             break;
   198         }
   199     }
   201 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::SimCodeRequest(
   202     const TStrtSecurityNoteType aNoteType )
   203     {
   204     DEBUGPRINT2A("Sim code request: %d", aNoteType);
   205     if (iSecPhaseObserver->IsSecurityPhaseSimOk())
   206         {
   207         iController->SecurityNoteRequested(aNoteType);
   208         }
   209     else
   210         {
   211         DEBUGPRINT1A("Startup SIM phase is not over yet, discarding request");
   212         }
   213     }
   215 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::SecCodeRequest(
   216     const TStrtSecurityNoteType aNoteType )
   217     {
   218     DEBUGPRINT2A("Security code request: %d", aNoteType);
   219     if (iSecPhaseObserver->IsSecurityPhaseSecOk())
   220         {
   221         iController->SecurityNoteRequested(aNoteType);
   222         }
   223     else
   224         {
   225         DEBUGPRINT1A("Startup SEC phase is not over yet, discarding request");
   226         }
   227     }
   229 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::OtherCodeRequest(
   230     const TStrtSecurityNoteType aNoteType )
   231     {
   232     DEBUGPRINT2A("Other code request: %d", aNoteType);
   233     iController->SecurityNoteRequested(aNoteType);
   234     }
   236 void CStrtSecurityEventObserver::CodeVerifyIndication(
   237     const TStrtSecurityNoteType aNoteType )
   238     {
   239     DEBUGPRINT2A("Security code verified: %d", aNoteType);
   240     iController->SecurityCodeVerified(aNoteType);
   241     }