--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/server/plugininc/HWRMFmTxCommands.h Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Needs customer implementation
+* ==============================================================================
+* This file contains the following sections:
+* - Event definition for HWRM FM TX plugin API
+* - Command definitions for HWRM FM Tx plugin API
+* - Command parameter definitions for HWRM FM Tx plugin API
+* - Response parameter definitions for HWRM FM Tx plugin API
+* ==============================================================================
+* @publishedPartner
+* @released
+// Include plugin service so that including only this header is necessary to use FM Tx plugin API.
+#include <hwrm/hwrmpluginservice.h>
+// Identifies the ECom implementation to be used for plugin controlling FM Tx.
+_LIT8(KHWRMFmTxApiEComMatch, "HWRMFmTx");
+// Identifies the ECom implementation to be used for plugin observing FM Tx related events.
+// Default implementation monitoring accessory and USB connections.
+_LIT8(KHWRMFmTxWatcherApiEComMatch, "HWRMFmTxWatcher");
+* Plugin interface class just encapsulates the FM Tx command enumerations.
+* Responsible for defining the command IDs for each message.
+namespace HWRMFmTxCommand
+ {
+ //
+ // Data packages for requests
+ //
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ const TUint8 KRdsPsLength = 8;
+ typedef TBuf8<KRdsPsLength> TRdsPs;
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TRdsPs> TRdsPsPackage; // RDS PS ASCII String
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ const TUint8 KMaxRdsPtynLength = 8;
+ typedef TBuf8<KMaxRdsPtynLength> TRdsPtyn;
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TRdsPtyn> TRdsPtynPackage;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ struct TRtPlusTag
+ {
+ TUint8 iContentType; // 0 to 63
+ TUint8 iStartMarker; // Start marker 0: means first character in the RT.
+ TUint8 iLengthMarker; // The length marker is ranging from 1 to 63.
+ };
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ const TUint8 KMaxRtDataLength = 64;
+ struct TRtData
+ {
+ TBuf8<KMaxRtDataLength> iText;
+ TRtPlusTag iTag1;
+ TRtPlusTag iTag2;
+ };
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TRtData> TRtPackage;
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TUint32> TSetFrequencyPackage; // frequency units = kHz
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TUint8> TScanRequestPackage; // number of channels asked for (1 to 10)
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> TRdsPtyPackage;
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TBool> TRdsMsPackage;
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TUint32> TRdsLangIdPackage;
+ //
+ // Data packages for responses
+ //
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ struct TScanResponseData
+ {
+ TInt iErrorCode; // KErrNone if 1+ frequencies were found
+ TUint8 iFrequenciesFound; // 0-10
+ TFixedArray<TUint32, 10> iChannels; // kHz
+ };
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TScanResponseData> TScanResponsePackage;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ struct TFrequencyRangeData
+ {
+ TInt iErrorCode; // KErrNone if other values are valid
+ TUint32 iMinFrequency; // kHz
+ TUint32 iMaxFrequency; // kHz
+ TUint32 iStepSize; // kHz
+ };
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TFrequencyRangeData> TFrequencyRangePackage;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ struct TConnStatusData
+ {
+ TInt iErrorCode; // KErrNone if connection observation successfully ongoing
+ TBool iConnected; // Truth value indicating wired connection status
+ };
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TConnStatusData> TConnStatusPackage;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ enum TFmTxHwState
+ {
+ EFmTxHwStateOff,
+ EFmTxHwStateOn,
+ EFmTxHwStateScanning
+ };
+ /**
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ struct TFmTxStatusData
+ {
+ TFmTxHwState state; // New Tx state
+ TUint32 frequency; // New Tx frequency
+ };
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TFmTxStatusData> TStatusIndicationPackage;
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> TErrorCodeResponsePackage;
+ /*
+ * ==========================================================================
+ * Event definitions
+ * All events contain an event id and a set of parameters. The event ids
+ * are defined first and after that parameters for each event.
+ *
+ * The field @param means the parameter for the event.
+ *
+ * ==========================================================================
+ */
+ /***
+ * DOS(Domestic Operating System) originated events
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ enum TFmTxEvent
+ {
+ /**
+ * No command. May be used for sanity checks, but
+ * never as an actual command ID.
+ *
+ * @param None
+ */
+ ENoEventId = 0,
+ /**
+ * Status indication.
+ *
+ * @param TStatusIndicationPackage:
+ * 1. TFmTxStatusData
+ */
+ ETxStatusIndId,
+ /**
+ * Connection indication from watcher plugin.
+ *
+ * @param TConnStatusPackage
+ */
+ ETxWatcherConnIndId = 50
+ };
+ /*
+ * ==========================================================================
+ * Command definitions
+ * All commands contain a command id and a set of parameters. The command ids
+ * are defined first and after that parameters for each command.
+ *
+ * This interface is asynchronous. A command is interpreted of being completed
+ * after a response for that command is received.
+ *
+ * The field input means the parameter for the command.
+ * The field output means the parameter for the response.
+ * ==========================================================================
+ *
+ * @publishedPartner
+ * @released
+ */
+ enum TFmTxCmd
+ {
+ /**
+ * No command. May be used for sanity checks, but
+ * never as an actual command ID.
+ *
+ * input None
+ * output None
+ */
+ ENoCommandId = 4000,
+ /**
+ * Start FM Transmitter.
+ *
+ * input TSetFrequencyPackage Initial frequency
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrArgument if frequency is outside allowed range.
+ * - KErrInUse if Fm Tx is already enabled.
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ETxOnCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Stop FM Transmitter.
+ *
+ * input None
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled.
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ETxOffCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Set FM Transmitter frequency
+ *
+ * input TSetFrequencyPackage
+ * 1. The new frequency in kHz.
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage:
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrArgument if frequency is outside allowed range.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ESetTxFrequencyCmdId,
+ /**
+ * RSSI scan request
+ *
+ * input TScanRequestPackage
+ * 1. A request for clear frequencies.
+ * output TScanResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ * 2. A list of clear frequencies (if successful).
+ */
+ ETxScanRequestCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Tx frequency range request
+ *
+ * input None
+ * output TFrequencyRangePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ * 2. The frequency range
+ * - Max, Min, and step size (if successful).
+ */
+ EGetTxFrequencyRangeCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Set RDS PS data
+ *
+ * input TRdsPsPackage:
+ * 1. A package containing PS string.
+ * The lenght of the string is always 8
+ * character. If athe name of the RDS PS
+ * ASCII string is shorter than 8 character,
+ * then the rest of the ASCII string must be
+ * filled up with spaces(ASCII code 0x20).
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ESetTxRdsPsCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Set RDS PTY data
+ *
+ * input TRdsPtyPackage:
+ * 1. A package containing PTY number.
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ESetTxRdsPtyCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Set RDS PTYN data
+ *
+ * input TRdsPtynPackage:
+ * 1. A package containing PTYN string
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ESetTxRdsPtynCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Set RDS MS data
+ *
+ * input TRdsMsPackage:
+ * 1. A package containing Music/Speech flag.
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ESetTxRdsMsCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Set RDS language ID data
+ *
+ * input TRdsLangIdPackage:
+ * 1. A package containing language ID.
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ESetTxRdsLangIdCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Set Radiotext data
+ *
+ * input TRtPackage:
+ * 1. A package containing Radiotext.
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ ESetTxRtCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Clears the previously set Radiotext data
+ *
+ * input None
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrNotReady if Fm Tx is not enabled
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ EClearTxRtCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Fetch connection status.
+ *
+ * input None
+ * output TConnStatusPackage
+ */
+ EConnStatusCmdId = 4500,
+ /**
+ * Start observing fmtx state affecting connections.
+ *
+ * input None
+ * output TConnStatusPackage
+ */
+ EStartObservingCmdId,
+ /**
+ * Stop observing fmtx state affecting connections.
+ *
+ * input None
+ * output TErrorCodeResponsePackage
+ * 1. Error code
+ * - KErrNone if operation succeeds.
+ * - KErrGeneral if there is any other problem.
+ */
+ EStopObservingCmdId
+ };
+ }
+// End of File