--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/server/src/HWRMPowerService.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2338 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "HWRMServer.h"
+#include "HWRMService.h"
+#include "HWRMPowerService.h"
+#include "HWRMPluginHandler.h"
+#include "HWRMPowerCommands.h"
+#include "HWRMPowerClientServer.h"
+#include "HWRMPower.h"
+#include "HWRMtrace.h"
+_LIT( KPanicCategory, "HWRMPowerService" );
+//All the measurements from the plugin are sent to client.
+const TUint KRemainingChargingTimeInterval(1);
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::CHWRMPowerService
+// C++ constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CHWRMPowerService::CHWRMPowerService(CHWRMPowerCommonData& aPowerCommonData)
+ : iPowerCommonData(aPowerCommonData)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CHWRMPowerService()" ));
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CHWRMPowerService - return" ));
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::ConstructL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ConstructL(0x%x)" ), aPluginHandler);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPluginHandler, User::Panic(KPanicCategory, EPanicBadHandle));
+ BaseConstructL(aPluginHandler, NULL);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData = new(ELeave) TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData();
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData = new(ELeave) TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData();
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData = new(ELeave)TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData();
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple = KRemainingChargingTimeInterval;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ConstructL - return " ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CHWRMPowerService* CHWRMPowerService::NewL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler, CHWRMPowerCommonData& aPowerCommonData)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::NewL(0x%x)" ), aPluginHandler);
+ CHWRMPowerService* self = new( ELeave ) CHWRMPowerService(aPowerCommonData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL(aPluginHandler);
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::NewL - return 0x%x" ), self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::~CHWRMPowerService()" ) );
+ iPowerCommonData.CancelPendingGetBatteryInfo(*this);
+ iPowerCommonData.CancelPendingGetBatteryVoltageInfo(*this);
+ if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData)
+ {
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientData(iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ delete iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData;
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData = NULL;
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty() &&
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, iPowerCommonData.DoStopPowerMeasurementsL());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Cannot do anything here. Just trace it
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::~CHWRMPowerService() - Stopping power(currentAndvoltage) measurement failed: %d" ), err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData)
+ {
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientData(iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ delete iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData;
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData = NULL;
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty() &&
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, iPowerCommonData.DoStopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Cannot do anything here. Just trace it
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::~CHWRMPowerService() - Stopping charging current measurement failed: %d" ), err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData)
+ {
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientData(iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData);
+ delete iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData;
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData = NULL;
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty() &&
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, iPowerCommonData.DoStopChargingTimeMeasurementsL());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Cannot do anything here. Just trace it
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::~CHWRMPowerService() - Stopping charging time measurement failed: %d" ), err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Base class cleanup
+ BaseDestruct();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::~CHWRMPowerService - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL
+// Handles Power requests. Called from the client session via CSession2::ServiceL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL(0x%x)" ), aMessage.Function());
+ if ( aMessage.IsNull() )
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrBadHandle);
+ }
+ // All messages are by default asynchronous because of the nature of the plugin API
+ TBool completeMessage(EFalse);
+ switch ( aMessage.Function() )
+ {
+ case EHWRMCleanupBattery:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMCleanupBattery") );
+ CleanupPowerL();
+ completeMessage = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMGetBatteryInfo:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMGetBatteryInfo") );
+ // The plugin command will be issued by the service belonging to the PowerCommonData. The PowerCommonData
+ // keep a list of all the pending requests. A plugin command is issued only for the first request. If a client
+ // requests the same data and finds that there is a pending plugin request it won't issue a new one.
+ // Will be completed all together when the plugin responds to the service.
+ iPowerCommonData.DoGetBatteryInfoL(aMessage, *this);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMGetBatteryVoltageInfo:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMGetBatteryVoltageInfo") );
+ // The plugin command will be issued by the service belonging to the PowerCommonData. The PowerCommonData
+ // keep a list of all the pending requests. A plugin command is issued only for the first request. If a client
+ // requests the same data and finds that there is a pending plugin request it won't issue a new one.
+ // Will be completed all together when the plugin responds to the service.
+ iPowerCommonData.DoGetBatteryVoltageInfoL(aMessage, *this);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMStartAverageBatteryPowerReporting:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMStartAverageBatteryPowerReporting") );
+ if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> intervalMultiplePckg;
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,intervalMultiplePckg);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple = intervalMultiplePckg();
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMStartAverageBatteryPowerReporting: Power Reporting is already On") );
+ // plugin is already ON.
+ // Just add it to the list and (if needed) update the plugin Interval Multiple
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->NeedPluginIntervalAdjustment(iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple))
+ {
+ TUint currentPluginIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->GetPluginIntervalMultiple(currentPluginIntervalMultiple);
+ TUint currentGCD = currentPluginIntervalMultiple;
+ TUint newPluginIntervalMultiple;
+ TUint clientsInterval = intervalMultiplePckg();
+ TUint newGCD = iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->CalculateGCD(currentGCD, clientsInterval);
+ newPluginIntervalMultiple = newGCD;
+ // save the message so that the message is completed when the plugin responds
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = aMessage;
+ SetPluginIntervalMultipleL(HWRMPowerCommand::ESetPowerReportingIntervalMultipleCmdId, newPluginIntervalMultiple);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // won't issue a plugin request. Accesses the common data
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // send command to the plugin to start Average Battery measurements
+ // if successful client will be added on the plugin response
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = aMessage;
+ StartAverageBatteryPowerReportingL(aMessage);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMStartAverageChargingCurrentReporting:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMStartAverageChargingCurrentReporting") );
+ if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> intervalPckg;
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,intervalPckg);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple = intervalPckg();
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMStartAverageChargingCurrentReporting: is already On") );
+ // plugin is already ON.
+ // Just add it to the list and (if needed) update the plugin Interval Multiple
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->NeedPluginIntervalAdjustment(iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple))
+ {
+ TUint currentPluginIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->GetPluginIntervalMultiple(currentPluginIntervalMultiple);
+ TUint currentGCD = currentPluginIntervalMultiple;
+ TUint newPluginIntervalMultiple;
+ TUint clientsInterval = intervalPckg();
+ TUint newGCD = iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->CalculateGCD(currentGCD, clientsInterval);
+ newPluginIntervalMultiple = newGCD;
+ // save the message so that the message is completed when the plugin responds
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = aMessage;
+ SetPluginIntervalMultipleL(HWRMPowerCommand::ESetChargeCurrentIntervalMultipleCmdId, newPluginIntervalMultiple);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // won't issue a plugin request. Accesses the common data
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // send command to the plugin to start Average Battery measurements
+ // if successful client will be added on the plugin response
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = aMessage;
+ StartAverageChargingCurrentReportingL(aMessage);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting") );
+ if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ //Set to 1, as all measurements are sent to client.
+ //The time interval is determined by plugin.
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple = 1;
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting: Charging Time Reporting is already On") );
+ // plugin is already ON.
+ // Just add it to the list as no plugin interval update is required.
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // won't issue a plugin request. Accesses the common data
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // send command to the plugin to start Battery Full Charging Time reporting
+ // if successful client will be added on the plugin response
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = aMessage;
+ StartChargingTimeReportingL(aMessage);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMGetPowerMeasurements:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMGetPowerMeasurements") );
+ if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // Not allowed to have more than one pending getBatch messages.
+ User::Leave(KErrServerBusy);
+ }
+ if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ // if there is a measurement ready the message is completed.
+ // if not the commondata will complete the message when ready
+ completeMessage = iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->GetMeasurementsL( aMessage );
+ }
+ else if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // else waiting for plugin to start measurements. Don't complete message just save it.
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage = aMessage;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Measurements have been stoped by client or because Max Reporting period was reached
+ // Need to issue a start before retrieving measurements
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMGetAverageChargingCurrentMeasurements:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMGetAverageChargingCurrentMeasurements") );
+ if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // Not allowed to have more than one pending getBatch messages.
+ User::Leave(KErrServerBusy);
+ }
+ if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ // if there is a measurement ready the message is completed.
+ // if not the commondata will complete the message when ready
+ completeMessage = iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->GetMeasurementsL( aMessage );
+ }
+ else if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // else waiting for plugin to start measurements. Don't complete message just save it.
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage = aMessage;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Measurements have been stoped by client or because Max Reporting period was reached
+ // Need to issue a start before retrieving measurements
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMGetBatteryFullChargingTimeMeasurements:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMGetBatteryFullChargingTimeMeasurements") );
+ if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // Not allowed to have more than one pending getBatch messages.
+ User::Leave(KErrServerBusy);
+ }
+ if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ // if there is a measurement ready the message is completed.
+ // if not the commondata will complete the message when ready
+ completeMessage = iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->GetMeasurementsL( aMessage );
+ }
+ else if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // else waiting for plugin to start measurements. Don't complete message just save it.
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage = aMessage;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Measurements have been stoped by client or because Max Reporting period was reached
+ // Need to issue a start before retrieving measurements
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMStopAverageBatteryPowerReporting:
+ {
+ if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // will leave if client is not found in the list. Hence, no client that has not issued
+ // a start can call stop for a measurements session
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientL(iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrNone);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompletePendingStart(KErrNone);
+ //if there are no registered clients stop the plugin measurements
+ if(iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty())
+ {
+ // send command to the plugin to stop Average Battery power measurements
+ iPowerCommonData.DoStopPowerMeasurementsL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint newIntervalMultiple;
+ TUint currentIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->RecalculatePluginInterval(newIntervalMultiple);
+ TUint newGCD = newIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->GetPluginIntervalMultiple(currentIntervalMultiple);
+ TUint currentGCD = currentIntervalMultiple;
+ if( newGCD != currentGCD)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.DoSetPluginIntervalMultipleL(HWRMPowerCommand::ESetPowerReportingIntervalMultipleCmdId, newIntervalMultiple);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // plugin request. is issued by the common data service
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMStopAverageChargingCurrentReporting:
+ {
+ if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // will leave if client is not found in the list. Hence, no client that has not issued
+ // a start can call stop for a measurements session
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientL(iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrNone);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompletePendingStart(KErrNone);
+ //if there are no registered clients stop the plugin measurements
+ if(iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty())
+ {
+ // send command to the plugin to stop Average charge current measurements
+ iPowerCommonData.DoStopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint newIntervalMultiple;
+ TUint currentIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->RecalculatePluginInterval(newIntervalMultiple);
+ TUint newGCD = newIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->GetPluginIntervalMultiple(currentIntervalMultiple);
+ TUint currentGCD = currentIntervalMultiple;
+ if( newGCD != currentGCD)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.DoSetPluginIntervalMultipleL(HWRMPowerCommand::ESetChargeCurrentIntervalMultipleCmdId, newIntervalMultiple);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // plugin request. is issued by the common data service
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMStopBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting:
+ {
+ if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ // will leave if client is not found in the list. Hence, no client that has not issued
+ // a start can call stop for a measurements session
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientL(iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrNone);
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->CompletePendingStart(KErrNone);
+ //if there are no registered clients stop the plugin measurements
+ if(iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty())
+ {
+ // send command to the plugin to stop Average Battery voltage measurements
+ iPowerCommonData.DoStopChargingTimeMeasurementsL();
+ }
+ }
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // plugin request. is issued by the common data service
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMCancelAveragePowerReporting:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMCancelAveragePowerReporting") );
+ if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ }
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // no responses from plugin cancel commands
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMCancelAverageChargingCurrentReporting:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMCancelAverageChargingCurrentReporting") );
+ if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ }
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // no responses from plugin cancel commands
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMCancelBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMCancelBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting") );
+ if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->IsMeasuringOn() ||
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ }
+ completeMessage = ETrue; // no responses from plugin cancel commands
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHWRMGetBatteryChargerType:
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L("HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - EHWRMGetBatteryChargerType") );
+ // The plugin command will be issued by the service belonging to the PowerCommonData. The PowerCommonData
+ // keep a list of all the pending requests. A plugin command is issued only for the first request. If a client
+ // requests the same data and finds that there is a pending plugin request it won't issue a new one.
+ // Will be completed all together when the plugin responds to the service.
+ iPowerCommonData.DoGetChargerTypeL(aMessage, *this);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Cannot identify the message, panic the client
+ default:
+ {
+ CHWRMServer::PanicClient(aMessage, EPanicIllegalFunction);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecuteMessageL - return 0x%x" ), completeMessage );
+ return completeMessage;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryInfoL
+// Sends a plug-in command to query the battery info
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryInfoL" ) );
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryInfoCmdId, EFalse/*not split*/ );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryInfoL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryVoltageInfoL
+// Sends a plug-in command to query the battery voltage info
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryVoltageInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryVoltageInfoL" ) );
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryVoltageInfoCmdId, EFalse/*not split*/ );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::GetBatteryVoltageInfoL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageBatteryVoltageReportingL
+// Sends a plug-in command to start the average charge rate reporting
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageBatteryPowerReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageBatteryPowerReportingL" ) );
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> intervalMultiplePckg;
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,intervalMultiplePckg);
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EStartAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId, EFalse, intervalMultiplePckg);
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageBatteryPowerReportingL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageBatteryPowerReportingL
+// Sends a plug-in command to stop the average power reporting
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageBatteryPowerReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageBatteryPowerReportingL" ) );
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EStopAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId, EFalse/*not split*/ );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageBatteryPowerReportingL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageBatteryVoltageReportingL
+// Sends a plug-in command to start the average charge rate reporting
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageChargingCurrentReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageChargingCurrentReportingL" ) );
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> intervalMultiplePckg;
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,intervalMultiplePckg);
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EStartAverageBatteryChargingCurrentReportingCmdId, EFalse, intervalMultiplePckg);
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StartAverageChargingCurrentReportingL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageChargingCurrentReportingL
+// Sends a plug-in command to stop the average battery voltage reporting
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageChargingCurrentReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageChargingCurrentReportingL" ) );
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EStopAverageBatteryChargingCurrentReportingCmdId, EFalse/*not split*/ );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopAverageChargingCurrentReportingL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StartChargingTimeReportingL
+// Sends a plug-in command to start the battery full charging time reporing
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StartChargingTimeReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StartChargingTimeReportingL" ) );
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId, EFalse);
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StartChargingTimeReportingL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeReportingL
+// Sends a plug-in command to stop the battery full charging time reporing
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeReportingL" ) );
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EStopBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId, EFalse/*not split*/ );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeReportingL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL
+// Handles responses to Power requests.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL( TInt aCommandId, TUint8 aTransId, TDesC8& aData, TBool aTimeout )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE4( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL(%d , %d, <data>, %d)" ), aCommandId, aTransId, aTimeout );
+ TInt pluginErr(KErrNone); // Error came from plugin as data (or timeout). Used to complete RMessage.
+ TInt contextErr(KErrNone); // Error in context, i.e. bad handle or descriptor. Used to leave.
+ TBool completeRequest(ETrue); // All messages by default are completed by the HWRMService. The data stored
+ // in the transaction list for each plugin request are also deleted by
+ // the HWRMService.In the case that the request was not initiated by a client
+ // but by the PowerCommonData (using a dummy RMessage2) we handle the
+ // completion of the request and destruction of the data locally.
+ if ( aTimeout)
+ {
+ pluginErr = KErrTimedOut;
+ }
+ else if ( CheckResponseDataSize(aCommandId, aData) == EFalse )
+ {
+ pluginErr = KErrBadDescriptor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Handle the response
+ switch ( aCommandId )
+ {
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryInfoCmdId:
+ {
+ completeRequest = EFalse;
+ // The message will be completed here so remove and delete the data from the transaction list.
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, ETrue));
+ if (data)
+ {
+ delete data;
+ data = NULL;
+ }
+ // Unpack the battery info
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryConsumptionResponsePackage consumptionDataPckg;
+ consumptionDataPckg.Copy(aData);
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryConsumptionResponseData consumptionData = consumptionDataPckg();
+ pluginErr = consumptionData.iErrorCode;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EGetBatteryConsumptionInfoCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr );
+ if ( pluginErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ CHWRMPower::TBatteryConsumptionData clientConsumptionData;
+ clientConsumptionData.iNominalCapacity = consumptionData.iNominalCapacity;
+ clientConsumptionData.iRemainingCapacity = consumptionData.iRemainingCapacity;
+ clientConsumptionData.iRemainingPercentageCapacity = consumptionData.iRemainingPercentageCapacity;
+ TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryConsumptionData> clientConsumptionPckg(clientConsumptionData);
+ // Complete and remove from the respective list all the clients (if any, beacuse some may have closed the session)
+ // that have requested Battery Info.
+ iPowerCommonData.CompletePendingGetBatteryInfo(pluginErr, clientConsumptionPckg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Complete the the clients with the plugin error
+ CHWRMPower::TBatteryConsumptionData clientConsumptionData;
+ TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryConsumptionData> emptyDes(clientConsumptionData);
+ iPowerCommonData.CompletePendingGetBatteryInfo(pluginErr, emptyDes);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryVoltageInfoCmdId:
+ {
+ completeRequest = EFalse;
+ // The message will be completed here so remove and delete the data from the transaction list.
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, ETrue));
+ if (data)
+ {
+ delete data;
+ data = NULL;
+ }
+ // Unpack the battery info
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryVoltageResponsePackage voltageDataPckg;
+ voltageDataPckg.Copy(aData);
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryVoltageResponseData voltageData = voltageDataPckg();
+ pluginErr = voltageData.iErrorCode;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EGetBatteryVoltageInfoCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr );
+ if ( pluginErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ CHWRMPower::TBatteryVoltageData clientVoltageData;
+ clientVoltageData.iMaximumVoltage = voltageData.iMaximumVoltage;
+ clientVoltageData.iMinimumVoltage = voltageData.iMinimumVoltage;
+ clientVoltageData.iRemainingVoltage = voltageData.iRemainingVoltage;
+ TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryVoltageData> clientVoltagePckg(clientVoltageData);
+ // Complete and remove from the respective list all the clients (if any, beacuse some may have closed the session)
+ // that have requested Battery Info.
+ iPowerCommonData.CompletePendingGetBatteryVoltageInfo(pluginErr, clientVoltagePckg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Complete the the clients with the plugin error
+ CHWRMPower::TBatteryVoltageData clientVoltageData;
+ TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryVoltageData> emptyDes(clientVoltageData);
+ iPowerCommonData.CompletePendingGetBatteryVoltageInfo(pluginErr, emptyDes);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStartAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId:
+ {
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EStartAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr );
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, EFalse));
+ if ( data )
+ {
+ // client is added to the voltage clients' list
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->UpdatePluginIntervalMultiple(iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = dummy;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // complete any pending GetMeasurement request with KErrGeneral
+ if (iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrGeneral);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStartAverageBatteryChargingCurrentReportingCmdId:
+ {
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EStartAverageBatteryVoltageReportingCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr );
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, EFalse));
+ if ( data )
+ {
+ // client is added to the voltage clients' list
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->UpdatePluginIntervalMultiple(iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = dummy;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // complete any pending GetMeasurement request with KErrGeneral
+ if (iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrGeneral);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId:
+ {
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr );
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, EFalse));
+ if ( data )
+ {
+ // client is added to the voltage clients' list
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->UpdatePluginIntervalMultiple(iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedIntervalMultiple);
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = dummy;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // complete any pending GetMeasurement request with KErrGeneral
+ if (iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrGeneral);
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStopAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId:
+ {
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EStopAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr);
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->SetMeasuringOff();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStopAverageBatteryChargingCurrentReportingCmdId:
+ {
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EStopAverageBatteryChargingCurrentReportingCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr);
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->SetMeasuringOff();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStopBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId:
+ {
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EStopBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr);
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->SetMeasuringOff();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::ESetPowerReportingIntervalMultipleCmdId:
+ {
+ completeRequest = EFalse;
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, ESetPowerReportingIntervalMultipleCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr);
+ TUint prevIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->GetPluginIntervalMultiple(prevIntervalMultiple);
+ THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, ETrue));
+ if (data)
+ {
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // the new interval is smaller ==> client was added that caused a drop of the GCD.
+ // Else no message needs to be completed since the client's stop command was
+ // completed earlier
+ if (prevIntervalMultiple >= data->iRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple)
+ {
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompletePendingStart(KErrNone);
+ if(iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iMeasurementsCount > 0)
+ {
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrNone);
+ }
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = dummy;
+ }
+ // in all cases update the plugin interval
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->UpdatePluginIntervalMultiple(data->iRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (prevIntervalMultiple >= data->iRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple)
+ {
+ //Complete both the pending Start and GetMeasurements with Error
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompletePendingStart(pluginErr);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrGeneral);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ delete data;
+ data = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::ESetChargeCurrentIntervalMultipleCmdId:
+ {
+ completeRequest = EFalse;
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TErrorCodeResponsePackage respPckg;
+ respPckg.Copy(aData);
+ pluginErr = respPckg();
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, ESetChargeCurrentIntervalMultipleCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr);
+ TUint prevIntervalMultiple;
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->GetPluginIntervalMultiple(prevIntervalMultiple);
+ THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, ETrue));
+ if (data)
+ {
+ if (pluginErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // the new interval is smaller ==> client was added that caused a drop of the GCD.
+ // Else no message needs to be completed since the client's stop command was
+ // completed earlier
+ if (prevIntervalMultiple >= data->iRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple)
+ {
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->SetMeasuringOn();
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompletePendingStart(KErrNone);
+ if(iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iMeasurementsCount > 0)
+ {
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrNone);
+ }
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->AddMeasurementsClientL(*iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->iRequestedStartMessage = dummy;
+ }
+ // in all cases update the plugin interval
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->UpdatePluginIntervalMultiple(data->iRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (prevIntervalMultiple >= data->iRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple)
+ {
+ //Complete both the pending Start and GetMeasurements with Error
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompletePendingStart(pluginErr);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrGeneral);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ delete data;
+ data = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryChargerTypeCmdId:
+ {
+ completeRequest = EFalse;
+ // The message will be completed here so remove and delete the data from the transaction list.
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(iTransactionList->FindTransaction(aTransId, ETrue));
+ if (data)
+ {
+ delete data;
+ data = NULL;
+ }
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryChargerTypeResponsePackage chargerTypePckg;
+ chargerTypePckg.Copy(aData);
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryChargerTypeData chargerTypeData = chargerTypePckg();
+ pluginErr = chargerTypeData.iErrorCode;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL, EGetBatteryConsumptionInfoCmdId error = %d" ), pluginErr );
+ if ( pluginErr == KErrNone )
+ {
+ CHWRMPower::TBatteryChargerType chargerType;
+ //client interface and plugin interface are same.
+ chargerType = (CHWRMPower::TBatteryChargerType)chargerTypeData.iChargerType;
+ TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryChargerType> clientChargerTypePckg(chargerType);
+ // Complete and remove from the respective list all the clients (if any, beacuse some may have closed the session)
+ // that have requested charger type Info.
+ iPowerCommonData.CompletePendingGetChargerType(pluginErr, clientChargerTypePckg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Complete the the clients with the plugin error
+ CHWRMPower::TBatteryChargerType chargerType(CHWRMPower::EBatteryChargerUnKnown);
+ TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryChargerType> emptyDes(chargerType);
+ iPowerCommonData.CompletePendingGetChargerType(pluginErr, emptyDes);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (completeRequest)
+ {
+ contextErr = CompleteRequest(aTransId, pluginErr);
+ }
+ // Leave if there is error in context
+ User::LeaveIfError(contextErr);
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ProcessResponseL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::CheckResponseDataSize
+// Helper for ProcessResponseL. Checks data size returned in plugin responses.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CHWRMPowerService::CheckResponseDataSize( TInt aCommandId, TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CheckResponseDataSize(0x%x)" ), aCommandId);
+ TInt requiredDataSize;
+ switch ( aCommandId )
+ {
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStartAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId:
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStopAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId:
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::ESetPowerReportingIntervalMultipleCmdId:
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStartAverageBatteryChargingCurrentReportingCmdId:
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId:
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStopAverageBatteryChargingCurrentReportingCmdId:
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EStopBatteryFullChargingTimeReportingCmdId:
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::ESetChargeCurrentIntervalMultipleCmdId:
+ {
+ requiredDataSize = sizeof(TInt); // TErrorCodeResponseData
+ }
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryInfoCmdId:
+ requiredDataSize = sizeof(HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryConsumptionResponseData);
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryVoltageInfoCmdId:
+ requiredDataSize = sizeof(HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryVoltageResponseData);
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryChargerTypeCmdId:
+ requiredDataSize = sizeof(HWRMPowerCommand::TBatteryChargerTypeData);
+ break;
+ case HWRMPowerCommand::ENoCommandId:
+ default:
+ requiredDataSize = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( aData.Size() != requiredDataSize )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE3( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CheckResponseDataSize error 0x%x, 0x%x" ), aData.Size(), requiredDataSize );
+ return EFalse; // Data size is invalid
+ }
+ return ETrue; // Data size is ok
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StopPowerMeasurementsL
+// Issues a plugin command to stop the power measurements.
+// Used when we need to stop the plugin without associating the plugin command
+// with a client message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StopPowerMeasurementsL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMLightService::StopPowerMeasurementsL()" ) );
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ StopAverageBatteryPowerReportingL(dummy );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopPowerMeasurementsL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL
+// Issues a plugin command to stop the Charging Current measurements.
+// Used when we need to stop the plugin without associating the plugin command
+// with a client message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL()" ) );
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ StopAverageChargingCurrentReportingL(dummy );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeMeasurementsL
+// Issues a plugin command to stop the BatteryFull charging time measurements.
+// Used when we need to stop the plugin without associating the plugin command
+// with a client message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeMeasurementsL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeMeasurementsL()" ) );
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ StopChargingTimeReportingL(dummy );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::StopChargingTimeMeasurementsL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::SetPluginIntervalMultipleL
+// Sets the Measurements Interval Multiple at the plugin
+// Used when we need to stop the plugin without associating the plugin command
+// with a client message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::SetPluginIntervalMultipleL(HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId, TUint aIntervalMultiple)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::SetPluginIntervalMultipleL(0x%x)" ), aIntervalMultiple);
+ TPckgBuf<TUint> intervalMultiplePackage(aIntervalMultiple);
+ // Create new data
+ THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData* data = new (ELeave) THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData(aIntervalMultiple, aCommandId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( data );
+ data->iTransId = iPluginHandler->ProcessCommandL(aCommandId, intervalMultiplePackage, this);
+ // data still needed, do not destroy, just pop
+ CleanupStack::Pop( data );
+ // Add data to list
+ iTransactionList->AddTransaction( data );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::SetPluginIntervalMultipleL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::SuspendSubResource
+// Suspends Power target
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::SuspendSubResource(TInt /*aSubResource*/)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::SuspendSubResource" ) );
+ iSuspended = ETrue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::ResumeSubResource
+// Resumes suspended Power target
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::ResumeSubResource(TInt /*aSubResource*/)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ResumeSubResource" ) );
+ iSuspended = EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::ActivateSubResource
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::ActivateSubResource(TInt /*aSubResource*/, TBool /*aActivate*/)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ActivateSubResource" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::DoRelease
+// Helper for releasing Power resource
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::CleanupPowerL() //DoRelease
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CleanupPowerL" ) );
+ // Cancel any pending requests of the client and remove all the
+ // related data
+ iPowerCommonData.CancelPendingGetBatteryInfo(*this);
+ iPowerCommonData.CancelPendingGetBatteryVoltageInfo(*this);
+ iPowerCommonData.CancelPendingGetChargerType(*this);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientData(iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty() &&
+ iPowerCommonData.iPowerReportClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.DoStopPowerMeasurementsL();
+ }
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientData(iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty() &&
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingCurrentClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.DoStopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL();
+ }
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->RemoveMeasurementsClientData(iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData);
+ iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData->Reset();
+ if (iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->IsClientsQueEmpty() &&
+ iPowerCommonData.iChargingTimeClientsData->IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ iPowerCommonData.DoStopChargingTimeMeasurementsL();
+ }
+ iSuspended = EFalse;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CleanupPowerL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL
+// Executes a plugin command and handles related transaction.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL(const RMessage2& aMessage,
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId,
+ TBool aSplitCommand )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL" ) );
+ // Create new data (TransId is updated later)
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = new (ELeave) THWRMPluginRequestData(aMessage, 0, aCommandId, aSplitCommand);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( data );
+ TBuf8<1> emptyDes;
+ data->iTransId = iPluginHandler->ProcessCommandL(aCommandId, emptyDes, this);
+ // data still needed, do not destroy, just pop
+ CleanupStack::Pop( data );
+ // Add data to list
+ iTransactionList->AddTransaction( data );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL
+// Executes a plugin command and handles related transaction.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL(const RMessage2& aMessage,
+ HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId,
+ TBool aSplitCommand,
+ TDesC8& aPckg )
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL with pckg" ) );
+ // Create new data (TransId is updated later)
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = new (ELeave) THWRMPluginRequestData(aMessage, 0, aCommandId, aSplitCommand);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( data );
+ data->iTransId = iPluginHandler->ProcessCommandL(aCommandId, aPckg, this);
+ // data still needed, do not destroy, just pop
+ CleanupStack::Pop( data );
+ // Add data to list
+ iTransactionList->AddTransaction( data );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::ExecutePluginCommandL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::GetChargerTypeL
+// Sends a plug-in command to query the charger type.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::GetChargerTypeL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::GetChargerTypeL" ) );
+ ExecutePluginCommandL(aMessage, HWRMPowerCommand::EGetBatteryChargerTypeCmdId, EFalse/*not split*/ );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::GetChargerTypeL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::TPowerMeasurementsClientData
+// C++ Constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::TPowerMeasurementsClientData()" ) );
+ iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 0;
+ iMeasuring = EFalse;
+ iMeasurementsCount = 0;
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iRequestedBatchMessage= dummy;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::TPowerMeasurementsClientData - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerMeasurementsClientData
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerMeasurementsClientData()" ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerMeasurementsClientData - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::IsMeasuringOn
+// Check if voltage measuring is on.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool TPowerMeasurementsClientData::IsMeasuringOn()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::IsMeasuringOn()" ) );
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::IsMeasuringOn - return %d" ), iMeasuring );
+ return iMeasuring;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOn
+// Set the measuring flag on.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOn()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOn()" ) );
+ iMeasuring = ETrue;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOn - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOff
+// Set the measuring flag off.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOff()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOff()" ) );
+ iMeasuring = EFalse;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::SetMeasuringOff - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage
+// If there exists a cached message of the client requesting measuremnts,
+// it is completed with Error code aReason
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage()" ) );
+ if (iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ TRAP(err, WriteMeasurementsInMessageL());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Error in updating the reply. Pass it to the client
+ aReason = err;
+ }
+ iRequestedBatchMessage.Complete(aReason);
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iRequestedBatchMessage = dummy;
+ //reset the data to be ready for gathering the next batch pf measurements
+ iMeasurementsCount = 0;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage
+// Cancels a pending GetMeasurements requests that belongs to the client that sent aMessage.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage()" ) );
+ if (iRequestedBatchMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iRequestedBatchMessage.Complete(KErrCancel);
+ //reset the data to be ready for gathering the next batch pf measurements
+ iMeasurementsCount = 0;
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iRequestedBatchMessage = dummy;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CClientsData::CompletePendingStartWithError
+// If there exists a cached message of the client requesting to Start measuremnts,
+// it is completed with Error code aReason
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CompletePendingStart(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CompletePendingStart()" ) );
+ if (iRequestedStartMessage.Handle())
+ {
+ iRequestedStartMessage.Complete(aReason);
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iRequestedStartMessage = dummy;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::CompletePendingStart - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CClientsData::CompletePendingStartWithError
+// Resets the object in order to be ready for a new measurements session.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerMeasurementsClientData::Reset()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::Reset()" ) );
+ iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 0;
+ iMeasuring = EFalse;
+ iMeasurementsCount = 0;
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iRequestedBatchMessage= dummy;
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::Reset - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData
+// C++ Constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :iMeasurementsQue(_FOFF(TPowerIntMeasurement,iSglQueLink)),
+ iMeasurementsQueIter(iMeasurementsQue)
+ {
+ iAccumulator = 0;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData()" ) );
+ TPowerIntMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ iMeasurementsQueIter.SetToFirst();
+ while ((powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQueIter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ delete powerMeasurement;
+ };
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurementL
+// Adds an integer measurement to the Measurements List. If list is full it
+// overwrites the oldest value.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurementL(TDesC8& aMeasurement)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurement()" ) );
+ TPowerIntMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ TIntMeasurementsPckg intMeasurementPckg;
+ intMeasurementPckg.Copy(aMeasurement);
+ TInt measurement = intMeasurementPckg();
+ if(IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ if (iMeasurementsCount < KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize)
+ {
+ iMeasurementsCount++;
+ powerMeasurement = new(ELeave) TPowerIntMeasurement();
+ powerMeasurement->iAverageValue = measurement;
+ iMeasurementsQue.AddLast(*powerMeasurement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQue.First();
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ powerMeasurement->iAverageValue = measurement;
+ iMeasurementsQue.AddLast(*powerMeasurement);
+ }
+ CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrNone);
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurement - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerCommonData::CClientsData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL
+// The Measurements collected are written in the message area of the message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL()" ) );
+ typedef TFixedArray<TInt,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> TMeasurementsArray;
+ TMeasurementsArray measurementsArray;
+ TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(measurementsArray);
+ TPckg<TMeasurementsArray> measurementsArrayPckg(measurementsArray);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRequestedBatchMessage.Write(0,measurementsArrayPckg));
+ TPckg<TUint> countPckg( iMeasurementsCount );
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRequestedBatchMessage.Write(1,countPckg));
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::Reset
+// Resets the object in order to be ready for a new measurements session.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::Reset()
+ {
+ TPowerMeasurementsClientData::Reset();
+ iAccumulator = 0;
+ TPowerIntMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ iMeasurementsQueIter.SetToFirst();
+ while ((powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQueIter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ delete powerMeasurement;
+ };
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL
+// Called if the client has registerd for measurements and a new measurement
+// is sent by the plugin.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL(TDesC8& aValue, TUint aPluginInterval)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL()" ) );
+ // Example of the way tuples are used. Assume the client receives the following tuples:
+ // (100,2), (101,2), (100, 8) and has requested Interval = 9
+ // then it calculatesfor the first 2 measurements:
+ // iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 2 + 2 = 4
+ // iAccumulator = 100*2 + 101*2 = 402
+ //
+ // For the final measurement:
+ // numIntervalsNeeded = iRequestedIntervalMultiple - iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 9 - 4 = 5
+ // numIntervalsNeeded(5) < aPluginInterval(8)
+ // iAccumulator += aValue * numIntervalsNeeded = 402 + 100 * 5 = 902
+ // iAverage = iAccumulator / iRequestedIntervalMultiple = 902 / 9 = 100.222222
+ TPckgBuf<TPluginIntMeasurementFormat> pluginMeasurementPckg;
+ pluginMeasurementPckg.Copy(aValue);
+ TInt measurement = pluginMeasurementPckg().iMeasurement;
+ TInt numIntervalsNeeded = iRequestedIntervalMultiple - iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed;
+ if (numIntervalsNeeded <= aPluginInterval)
+ {
+ iAccumulator += measurement * numIntervalsNeeded;
+ TInt average = iAccumulator / iRequestedIntervalMultiple;
+ TIntMeasurementsPckg measurementPckg(average);
+ AddMeasurementL(measurementPckg);
+ iAccumulator = 0;
+ iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed += aPluginInterval;
+ iAccumulator += measurement * aPluginInterval;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL
+// If at least one measurement is collected the data is written to
+// the messasge and the client is completed. If not the
+// message hanlde is stored and the client is completed
+// when data is ready
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL(RMessage2 aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL()" ) );
+ TBool complete(EFalse);
+ if (IsMeasuringOn() == EFalse)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ else if(iMeasurementsCount > 0)
+ {
+ // if measurements are ready write to message and let ExecuteMessageL complete it
+ typedef TFixedArray<TInt,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> TMeasurementsArray;
+ TMeasurementsArray measurementsArray;
+ TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(measurementsArray);
+ TPckg<TMeasurementsArray> measurementsArrayPckg(measurementsArray);
+ User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.Write(0,measurementsArrayPckg));
+ TPckg<TUint> countPckg( iMeasurementsCount );
+ User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.Write(1,countPckg));
+ iMeasurementsCount = 0;
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iRequestedBatchMessage = dummy;
+ complete = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if not ready save message handle and complete it when data is ready
+ iRequestedBatchMessage = aMessage;
+ complete = EFalse;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL - return %d" ), complete );
+ return complete;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL
+// Trasnfers the measurements from the list to a TFixedArray (used to trasnfer
+// the data to the client).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(TFixedArray<TInt,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> &aFixedArray)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL()" ) );
+ TPowerIntMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ aFixedArray.Reset();
+ for(TInt i=0;(i<KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize && iMeasurementsQue.IsEmpty() == EFalse);i++)
+ {
+ powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQue.First();
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ aFixedArray[i] = powerMeasurement->iAverageValue;
+ delete powerMeasurement;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData
+// C++ Constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :iMeasurementsQue(_FOFF(TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement,iSglQueLink)),
+ iMeasurementsQueIter(iMeasurementsQue)
+ {
+ iVoltageAccumulator = 0;
+ iCurrentAccumulator = 0;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData()" ) );
+ TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ iMeasurementsQueIter.SetToFirst();
+ while ((powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQueIter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ delete powerMeasurement;
+ };
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::~TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurementL
+// Adds an voltage and current measurement to the Measurements List. If list is full it
+// overwrites the oldest value.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurementL(TDesC8& aMeasurement)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurement()" ) );
+ TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ TVoltageCurrentMeasurementsPckg voltageCurrentMeasurementPckg;
+ voltageCurrentMeasurementPckg.Copy(aMeasurement);
+ TInt voltageMeasurement = voltageCurrentMeasurementPckg().iAverageVoltage;
+ TInt currentMeasurement = voltageCurrentMeasurementPckg().iAverageCurrent;
+ if(IsMeasuringOn())
+ {
+ if (iMeasurementsCount < KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize)
+ {
+ iMeasurementsCount++;
+ powerMeasurement = new(ELeave) TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement();
+ powerMeasurement->iAverageVoltageValue = voltageMeasurement;
+ powerMeasurement->iAverageCurrentValue = currentMeasurement;
+ iMeasurementsQue.AddLast(*powerMeasurement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQue.First();
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ powerMeasurement->iAverageVoltageValue = voltageMeasurement;
+ powerMeasurement->iAverageCurrentValue = currentMeasurement;
+ iMeasurementsQue.AddLast(*powerMeasurement);
+ }
+ CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(KErrNone);
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::AddMeasurement - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerCommonData::CClientsData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL
+// The Measurements collected are written in the message area of the message.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL()
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL()" ) );
+ typedef TFixedArray<TPowerVoltageCurrent,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> TMeasurementsArray;
+ TMeasurementsArray measurementsArray;
+ TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(measurementsArray);
+ TPckg<TMeasurementsArray> measurementsArrayPckg(measurementsArray);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRequestedBatchMessage.Write(0,measurementsArrayPckg));
+ TPckg<TUint> countPckg( iMeasurementsCount );
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRequestedBatchMessage.Write(1,countPckg));
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData::WriteMeasurementsInMessageL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::Reset
+// Resets the object in order to be ready for a new measurements session.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::Reset()
+ {
+ TPowerMeasurementsClientData::Reset();
+ iVoltageAccumulator = 0;
+ iCurrentAccumulator = 0;
+ TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ iMeasurementsQueIter.SetToFirst();
+ while ((powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQueIter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ delete powerMeasurement;
+ };
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL
+// Called if the client has registerd for measurements and a new measurement
+// is sent by the plugin.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL(TDesC8& aValue, TUint aPluginInterval)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL()" ) );
+ // Example of the way tuples are used. Assume the client receives the following tuples:
+ // (100,2), (101,2), (100, 8) and has requested Interval = 9
+ // then it calculatesfor the first 2 measurements:
+ // iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 2 + 2 = 4
+ // iAccumulator = 100*2 + 101*2 = 402
+ //
+ // For the final measurement:
+ // numIntervalsNeeded = iRequestedIntervalMultiple - iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 9 - 4 = 5
+ // numIntervalsNeeded(5) < aPluginInterval(8)
+ // iAccumulator += aValue * numIntervalsNeeded = 402 + 100 * 5 = 902
+ // iAverage = iAccumulator / iRequestedIntervalMultiple = 902 / 9 = 100.222222
+ TPckgBuf<TPluginVoltageCurrentMeasurementFormat> pluginMeasurementPckg;
+ pluginMeasurementPckg.Copy(aValue);
+ TInt voltageMeasurement = pluginMeasurementPckg().iAverageVoltageMeasurement;
+ TInt currentMeasurement = pluginMeasurementPckg().iAverageCurrentMeasurement;
+ TInt numIntervalsNeeded = iRequestedIntervalMultiple - iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed;
+ if (numIntervalsNeeded <= aPluginInterval)
+ {
+ iVoltageAccumulator += voltageMeasurement * numIntervalsNeeded;
+ iCurrentAccumulator += currentMeasurement * numIntervalsNeeded;
+ TPowerVoltageCurrent averagePowerMeasurement;
+ averagePowerMeasurement.iAverageVoltage = iVoltageAccumulator / iRequestedIntervalMultiple;
+ averagePowerMeasurement.iAverageCurrent = iCurrentAccumulator / iRequestedIntervalMultiple;
+ TVoltageCurrentMeasurementsPckg measurementPckg(averagePowerMeasurement);
+ AddMeasurementL(measurementPckg);
+ iVoltageAccumulator = 0;
+ iCurrentAccumulator = 0;
+ iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed += aPluginInterval;
+ iVoltageAccumulator += voltageMeasurement * aPluginInterval;
+ iCurrentAccumulator += currentMeasurement * aPluginInterval;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::NewBatteryMeasurementL - return" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL
+// If at least one measurement is collected the data is written to
+// the messasge and the client is completed. If not the
+// message hanlde is stored and the client is completed
+// when data is ready
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL(RMessage2 aMessage)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL()" ) );
+ TBool complete(EFalse);
+ if (IsMeasuringOn() == EFalse)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ else if(iMeasurementsCount > 0)
+ {
+ // if measurements are ready write to message and let ExecuteMessageL complete it
+ typedef TFixedArray<TPowerVoltageCurrent,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> TMeasurementsArray;
+ TMeasurementsArray measurementsArray;
+ TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(measurementsArray);
+ TPckg<TMeasurementsArray> measurementsArrayPckg(measurementsArray);
+ User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.Write(0,measurementsArrayPckg));
+ TPckg<TUint> countPckg( iMeasurementsCount );
+ User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.Write(1,countPckg));
+ iMeasurementsCount = 0;
+ // Ignore Coverity false positive as uninitialized variable.
+ // Since no response is sent back to the client, only a empty message is created here.
+ // Message handle of this will be initialized to NULL in the default constructor.
+ // coverity[var_decl]
+ RMessage2 dummy;
+ iRequestedBatchMessage = dummy;
+ complete = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if not ready save message handle and complete it when data is ready
+ iRequestedBatchMessage = aMessage;
+ complete = EFalse;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::GetMeasurementsL - return %d" ), complete );
+ return complete;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL
+// Trasnfers the measurements from the list to a TFixedArray (used to trasnfer
+// the data to the client).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(TFixedArray<TPowerVoltageCurrent,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> &aFixedArray)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL()" ) );
+ TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement* powerMeasurement;
+ aFixedArray.Reset();
+ for(TInt i=0;(i<KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize && iMeasurementsQue.IsEmpty() == EFalse);i++)
+ {
+ powerMeasurement = iMeasurementsQue.First();
+ iMeasurementsQue.Remove(*powerMeasurement);
+ aFixedArray[i].iAverageVoltage = powerMeasurement->iAverageVoltageValue;
+ aFixedArray[i].iAverageCurrent = powerMeasurement->iAverageCurrentValue;
+ delete powerMeasurement;
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData::TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL - return" ) );
+ }
+ * For Future Use
+ *
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMPowerService::CancelPluginCommandL
+// Cancels a plugin command and handles the related transaction(s).
+// Note that plug-in handler CancelCommandL's will not cause client requests to complete
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMPowerService::CancelPluginCommandL(HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId)
+ {
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CancelPluginCommandL" ) );
+ THWRMPluginRequestData* data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(iTransactionList->GetFirstItem());
+ // Cancel each transaction with the cancelled command ID
+ while ( data )
+ {
+ if ( data->iCommandId == aCommandId &&
+ data->iRequestMessage.Handle() )
+ {
+ // Cancel transaction
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMService::CancelPluginCommandL() - Canceling pending message" ) );
+ data->iRequestMessage.Complete(KErrCancel);
+ // Record transaction ID, and move to next item
+ TUint8 cancelTransId = data->iTransId;
+ data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(data->iNextData);
+ // Remove cancelled transaction items
+ // First cancel plugin command. If successful, then no call to ProcessResponseL
+ iPluginHandler->CancelCommandL( cancelTransId );
+ iTransactionList->FindTransaction( cancelTransId, ETrue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Move to next item
+ data = static_cast<THWRMPluginRequestData*>(data->iNextData);
+ }
+ }
+ COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMPowerService::CancelPluginCommandL - return" ) );
+ }
+ */
+// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
+// End of File