changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/server/src/HWRMVibraCommonData.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include "HWRMtrace.h"
+#include "HWRMVibraSDKCRKeys.h"
+#include "HWRMVibraCommonData.h"
+#include "HWRMClientServer.h"
+#include "HWRMPrivatePSKeys.h"
+#include "HWRMPrivateCRKeys.h"
+#include "HWRMConfiguration.h"
+#include "HWRMVibraService.h"
+#include "HWRMDomainPSKeys.h"
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::CHWRMVibraCommonData
+// C++ constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CHWRMVibraCommonData::CHWRMVibraCommonData(CHWRMVibraCommonService& aCommonService)
+    : iPulseSupported(EFalse),
+    iLastPublishedStatus(CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusNotAllowed),
+    iCommonService(aCommonService)
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::CHWRMVibraCommonData()" ) );
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::CHWRMVibraCommonData - return" ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler,
+                                      CHWRMReservationHandler* aReservationHandler)
+    {    
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL()" ) );
+    // Get read only values from cenrep
+    CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidVibraCtrl);
+    TInt value(0);
+    User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(KVibraMinOffTime, value));
+    iMinimumOffTime = value * 1000; // milliseconds -> microseconds
+    if ( iMinimumOffTime.Int() < 0 )
+        {
+        iMinimumOffTime = 0;  // do not allow negative value
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iMinimumOffTime: %d" ), iMinimumOffTime.Int() );
+    User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(KVibraCtrlMaxTime, value));
+    iMaximumOnTime = value * 1000; // milliseconds -> microseconds
+    if ( iMaximumOnTime.Int() < 0 )
+        {
+        iMaximumOnTime = 0;  // do not allow negative value
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iMaximumOnTime: %d" ), iMaximumOnTime.Int() );
+    User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(KVibraCtrlProfileVibraEnabled, value));
+    iVibraSetting = (value == 0 ) ? CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeOFF : CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeON;
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iVibraSetting: %d" ), iVibraSetting );
+    User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(KVibraCtrlProfileFeedbackEnabled, value));
+    iVibraFeedbackSetting = (value == 0 ) ? CHWRMVibra::EVibraFeedbackModeOFF : CHWRMVibra::EVibraFeedbackModeON;
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iVibraFeedbackSetting: %d" ), iVibraFeedbackSetting );
+    User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(KVibraCtrlFeedbackIntensity, iFeedbackIntensity));
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iFeedbackIntensity: %d" ), iFeedbackIntensity );
+    User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(KVibraCtrlFeedbackDuration, iFeedbackDuration));
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iFeedbackDuration: %d" ), iFeedbackDuration );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
+    // Get privileged SID
+    CRepository* hwrmRep = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidHWRMSettings);
+    TInt sidValue(0);
+    User::LeaveIfError(hwrmRep->Get(KHWRMAudioVibraSID, sidValue));
+    iPrivilegedSid = new (ELeave) TSecureId(sidValue);    
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iPrivilegedSid: 0x%x" ), iPrivilegedSid->iId );
+    // Initiate and get vibra blocking mask
+    iConfVibraBlockMask =
+        KHWRMInternalSettingsChargerBlockVibra |
+        KHWRMInternalSettingsChargerBlockFeedback |
+        KHWRMInternalSettingsAccessoryBlockFeedback |
+        KHWRMInternalSettingsCoolOffBlockFeedback;
+    TInt err = hwrmRep->Get(KHWRMInternalSettings, value);
+    if ( err == KErrNone )
+        {
+        iConfVibraBlockMask = value;
+        // clear bits, which do not mean block-mask
+        iConfVibraBlockMask &= ~KHWRMInternalSettingsDeviceSupportsPulse;
+        // set pulse support value
+        iPulseSupported = value & KHWRMInternalSettingsDeviceSupportsPulse;
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hwrmRep);
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - iPrivilegedSid: 0x%x" ), iPrivilegedSid->iId );
+    // Set up status P&S value
+    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Define(KPSUidHWResourceNotification, KHWRMVibraStatus, RProperty::EInt, KNoCapability, KHWRMSidOnlyPolicy));
+    User::LeaveIfError(iProperty.Attach(KPSUidHWResourceNotification, KHWRMVibraStatus));
+    // Set up profile observer (Will also initialize the P&S value indirectly on callback)
+    iProfileObserver = CHWRMVibraProfileObserver::NewL(this);
+    // Construct vibra service last so that the common data is in order to be used
+    // in service construction.    
+    iVibraService = CHWRMVibraService::NewL(aPluginHandler, aReservationHandler, iCommonService, *this, EFalse);
+    // Set up P&S observers for vibra blocking
+    iAccessoryBlockObserver = CHWRMPSChangeObserver::NewL(*this, KPSUidHWRM, KHWRMAccessoryVibraBlocked);
+    iInternalBlockObserver = CHWRMPSChangeObserver::NewL(*this, KPSUidHWRMPrivate, KHWRMInternalVibraBlocked);
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::ConstructL - return" ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CHWRMVibraCommonData* CHWRMVibraCommonData::NewL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler,
+                                                 CHWRMReservationHandler* aReservationHandler,
+                                                 CHWRMVibraCommonService& aCommonService)
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::NewL()" ) );
+    CHWRMVibraCommonData* self = new( ELeave ) CHWRMVibraCommonData(aCommonService);
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL(aPluginHandler, aReservationHandler);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::NewL - return 0x%x" ), self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::~CHWRMVibraCommonData()" ) );
+    delete iProfileObserver;    
+    iProperty.Close();
+    delete iAccessoryBlockObserver;
+    delete iInternalBlockObserver;
+    delete iVibraService;
+    delete iPrivilegedSid;
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::~CHWRMVibraCommonData - return" ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraState
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CHWRMVibra::TVibraModeState CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraState()
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::TVibraModeState()" ) );
+    // If there has been a problem in the profile observer, try recreating it.
+    if ( iVibraSetting == CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeUnknown )
+        {
+        COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibra::VibraState - Restarting profile observer") ); 
+        delete iProfileObserver;
+        iProfileObserver = NULL;
+        TRAP_IGNORE(iProfileObserver = CHWRMVibraProfileObserver::NewL(this));
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::TVibraModeState - return 0x%x" ), iVibraSetting );
+    return iVibraSetting;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraModeChange
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraModeChange(CHWRMVibra::TVibraModeState aNewState)
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraModeChange(0x%x)"), aNewState); 
+    iVibraSetting = aNewState;
+    if ( iVibraSetting == CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeON )
+        {
+        // if just coming out of mode change, vibra can be assumed to be stopped
+        // except if vibra is set on by privileged client.
+        if ( !iPrivilegedVibraOn )
+            {            
+            PublishVibraStatus( CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusStopped );
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( !iPrivilegedVibraOn )
+        {
+        PublishVibraStatus( CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusNotAllowed );
+        // If vibra service is initialized, stop vibra.
+        // Service will be uninitialized on first startup mode change, but 
+        // vibra will not be on at that point anyway, as nobody could have
+        // started it yet.
+        if ( iVibraService )
+            {
+            iVibraService->ForceVibraStop();
+            }        
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // nothing
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraModeChange - return") ); 
+    }
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackState
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CHWRMVibra::TVibraFeedbackModeState CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackState()
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackState()" ) );
+    // If there has been a problem in the profile observer, try recreating it.
+    if ( iVibraFeedbackSetting == CHWRMVibra::EVibraFeedbackModeUnknown )
+        {
+        COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibra::VibraState - Restarting profile observer") ); 
+        delete iProfileObserver;
+        iProfileObserver = NULL;
+        TRAPD( err, iProfileObserver = CHWRMVibraProfileObserver::NewL(this) );
+        if ( err != KErrNone )
+            {
+            // Unable to recreate profile observer. Memory probably low. Must recreate observer next time some
+            COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibra::VibraFeedbackState - Unable to restart profile observer") ); 
+            }
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackState - return 0x%x" ), iVibraFeedbackSetting );
+    return iVibraFeedbackSetting;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackModeChange
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackModeChange(CHWRMVibra::TVibraFeedbackModeState aNewState)
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackModeChange(0x%x)"), aNewState); 
+    iVibraFeedbackSetting = aNewState;
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraFeedbackModeChange - return") ); 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::PSValueChanged
+// Act on observed PS value changes
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMVibraCommonData::PSValueChanged(const TUid& aUid, TUint32 aKey, TInt aValue)
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE4(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PSValueChanged(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)"), aUid, aKey, aValue); 
+    //We are currently listening to is the Accessory server and charger statuses
+    if ( ( aUid == KPSUidHWRM && aKey == KHWRMAccessoryVibraBlocked ) ||
+         ( aUid == KPSUidHWRMPrivate && aKey == KHWRMInternalVibraBlocked ) )
+        {
+        if ( aValue )
+            {
+            // Set bit in blockmask
+            iVibraBlockMask |= aKey;
+            COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PSValueChanged - Vibra block set, mask: 0x%x"), iVibraBlockMask );
+            // Explicitly shut down the vibra
+            if ( iVibraService )
+                {
+                iVibraService->ForceVibraStop();
+                PublishVibraStatus( CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusNotAllowed );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PSValueChanged - Error: Service not initialized, cannot stop vibra!") ); 
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Clear bit in blockmask
+            iVibraBlockMask &= ~aKey;
+            COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PSValueChanged - Vibra block cleared, mask: 0x%x"), iVibraBlockMask );
+            // Status must be stopped if vibra block was just cleared
+            if ( !iVibraBlockMask )
+                {
+                PublishVibraStatus( CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusStopped );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PSValueChanged - return") ); 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraLocked
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraLocked() const
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraLocked()")); 
+    TBool retval(EFalse);
+    // Vibra is considered also locked if it is blocked
+    if ( iVibraBlockMask )
+        {
+        retval = ETrue;
+        }
+    else
+        {        
+        TTime currentTime;
+        currentTime.UniversalTime();
+        if ( currentTime < iVibraLockedUntil )
+            {
+            retval = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraLocked - return 0x%x"), retval );     
+    return retval;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraBlocked
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraBlocked() const
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1( (_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraBlocked()")) ); 
+    TInt retval(EFalse);
+    if ( iVibraBlockMask )
+        {
+        retval = iVibraBlockMask;
+        }
+    return retval;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraBlocked
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CHWRMVibraCommonData::VibraBlocked( TInt aMask ) const
+    {
+    TBool retval(EFalse);
+    if ( iConfVibraBlockMask & aMask )
+        {
+        retval = ETrue;
+        }
+    return retval;
+    }    
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::LockVibra
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMVibraCommonData::LockVibra()
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::LockVibra()")); 
+    iVibraLockedUntil.UniversalTime();
+    iVibraLockedUntil += iMinimumOffTime;
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::LockVibra - return") );     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::PublishVibraStatus
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CHWRMVibraCommonData::PublishVibraStatus(CHWRMVibra::TVibraStatus aStatus,
+                                              TBool aPrivilegedClient)
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE3(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PublishVibraStatus(0x%x, 0x%x)"), aStatus, aPrivilegedClient ); 
+    CHWRMVibra::TVibraStatus publishStatus(aStatus);
+    // If vibra is on by a priviledged client, or privileged client is publishing status,
+    // deciding published status requires some extra manouvering.
+    // -> Check if actual status should be whatever is being set or not allowed 
+    if ( ( (iPrivilegedVibraOn || aPrivilegedClient)
+         && aStatus != CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusOn 
+         && (VibraLocked() || iVibraSetting == CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeOFF) )
+         || VibraBlocked() ) // Blocked vibra will always set EVibraStatusNotAllowed
+        {
+        publishStatus = CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusNotAllowed;
+        }
+    if ( aStatus == CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusOn )
+        {
+        if ( aPrivilegedClient )
+            {            
+            iPrivilegedVibraOn = ETrue;  
+            }
+        // Note: Vibra on-call from non-privileged client will not change iPrivilegedVibraOn state.
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        iPrivilegedVibraOn = EFalse;
+        }
+    // Publish vibra status to P&S. If publishing fails, something is very wrong
+    // with P&S, so ignore it. If it is memory issue, hopefully it will work 
+    // next time. If it is not, we can't do anything about it anyway.
+    TInt err(KErrNone);
+	err = iProperty.Set(publishStatus);
+    if ( err != KErrNone )
+        {
+        COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PublishVibraStatus - Set failed: %d"), err );  
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // In order to avoid publishing status for every short pulses, store last
+        // published status.
+        iLastPublishedStatus = publishStatus;
+        COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PublishVibraStatus - Set ok: %d"), publishStatus ); 
+        }        
+    COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::PublishVibraStatus - return") );     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CHWRMVibraCommonData::IsPrivilegedSid
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CHWRMVibraCommonData::IsPrivilegedSid(const TSecureId& aClientSid)
+    {
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::IsPrivilegedSid(0x%x)"), aClientSid.iId ); 
+    TBool retval(EFalse);
+    if ( iPrivilegedSid )
+        {
+        if ( *iPrivilegedSid == aClientSid )
+            {
+            retval = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L("HWRM Server - CHWRMVibraCommonData::IsPrivileged - return 0x%x"), retval );        
+    return retval;
+    }
+// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
+//  End of File