changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysstatemgmt/systemstateplugins/gsapolicy/src/gsastatepolicyfail.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <barsread2.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include <ssm/ssmcmd.hrh>
+#include <ssm/ssmsubstates.hrh>
+#include <ssm/ssmcommandlistresourcereader.h>
+#include "gsastatepolicyfail.h"
+#include "ssmdebug.h"
+#include "ssmpanic.h"
+Panic used by Fail policy plug-in when resource reader is invalid.
+Strings must not be longer than 16 characters or they will be truncated by User::Panic()
+_LIT(KPanicGsaFailState, "FailStatePolicy");
+ Fail state policy resource file path. "z:/private/<SID of SSM>/fail/"
+_LIT(KCommandListPath, "z:\\private\\2000D75B\\fail\\");
+Used to create an instance of MSsmStatePolicy class.
+@return A pointer to an instance of MSsmStatePolicy
+EXPORT_C MSsmStatePolicy* CGsaStatePolicyFail::NewL()
+	{
+	CGsaStatePolicyFail* self = new (ELeave) CGsaStatePolicyFail;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+ /**
+default CTOR
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	delete iCommandListResourceReader;
+	iFs.Close();	
+	}
+Makes a RFs connection.
+Creates Command list path and the resource reader.
+@leave One of the error value returned by RFs::Connect() or NewL()
+@see RFs::Connect()
+void CGsaStatePolicyFail::ConstructL()
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
+	// create resource reader
+	iCommandListResourceReader = CSsmCommandListResourceReader::NewL(iFs, KCommandListPath(), *this);
+	}
+Initializes command list resource reader.
+@param aStatus to complete when the initialization operation has finished
+@panic EInvalidResourceReader if the command list resource reader is invalid
+@see MSsmStatePolicy::Initialize
+void CGsaStatePolicyFail::Initialize(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCommandListResourceReader, PanicNow(KPanicGsaFailState, EInvalidResourceReader));
+	// initialise command list resource reader.
+	iCommandListResourceReader->Initialise(aStatus);
+	}
+Cancels an asynchronous Initialize operation.
+@see MSsmStatePolicy::InitializeCancel
+void CGsaStatePolicyFail::InitializeCancel()
+	{
+	iCommandListResourceReader->InitialiseCancel();
+	}
+Deletes all resources and frees itself.
+@see MSsmStatePolicy::Release
+void CGsaStatePolicyFail::Release()
+	{
+	delete this;
+	}
+No transition is allowed from Fail state. Requests for transition to any state is returned as ENotAllowed.
+@param aRequest Contains information about the new request
+@param aCurrent Contains NULL or the first accepted but not yet completed transition request
+@param aQueued Contains NULL or a second accepted but not yet started transition request
+@param aMessage Message sent by SSM server
+@return always ENotAllowed
+@see MSsmStatePolicy::TransitionAllowed
+MSsmStatePolicy::TResponse CGsaStatePolicyFail::TransitionAllowed(const TSsmStateTransition& /*aRequest*/, TSsmStateTransition const* /*aCurrent*/, 
+															TSsmStateTransition const* /*aQueued*/, const RMessagePtr2& /*aMessage*/)
+	{
+	return ENotAllowed;
+	}
+Create the command list associated with a sub state transition.
+@param aState Contains the state and substate that identifies the command list to create
+@param aReason Contains the reason as given by the request
+@param aStatus to complete when the operation has finished
+@panic EInvalidResourceReader if the command list resource reader is invalid
+@see MSsmStatePolicy::PrepareCommandList
+void CGsaStatePolicyFail::PrepareCommandList(TSsmState aState, TInt /*aReason*/, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCommandListResourceReader , PanicNow(KPanicGsaFailState, EInvalidResourceReader));
+	//Let's start from the beginning if no specific sub state is selected
+	const TUint16 substate = aState.SubState();
+	const TSsmState state(aState.MainState(), (substate==KSsmAnySubState) ? ESsmFailSubStateRestart : substate);
+	const TInt commandListId = state.SubState();
+	//Build the commandlist from resource
+	iCommandListResourceReader->PrepareCommandList(commandListId, state, aStatus);
+	} //lint !e1746 Suppress parameter 'aState' could be made const reference
+Cancels asynchronous PrepareCommandList operation.
+@see MSsmStatePolicy::PrepareCommandListCancel
+void CGsaStatePolicyFail::PrepareCommandListCancel()
+	{
+	iCommandListResourceReader->PrepareCommandListCancel();
+	}
+Return the command list once the PrepareCommandList has completed.
+Ownership of the returned command list is transferred to the caller.
+@panic EInvalidResourceReader if the command list resource reader is invalid
+@return The command list created during the preceding PrepareCommandList step
+CSsmCommandList* CGsaStatePolicyFail::CommandList()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCommandListResourceReader , PanicNow(KPanicGsaFailState, EInvalidResourceReader));
+	return iCommandListResourceReader->GetCommandList();
+	}
+Determines the next sub state transition.
+Will never reach GetNextState() if transition to Fail is sucessful as the device would be shutdown/restarted. 
+Only case when GetNextState is executed is due to a failure in executing Fail transition.
+This would cause a panic and thereby causing a device restart.
+@param aCurrentTransition Contains the last executed state
+@param aReason Contains the reason as given by the request
+@param aError Contains the completion code from the last executed sub-state transition
+@param aSeverity Contains the severity of the failed command in case the sub-state transition ended with an error
+@param aNextState The next System State to head for, if there is one
+@panic EInvalidFailState if the main state is not Fail
+@panic ERestartDevice if the value returned by CLE is null
+@return 	ETrue if aNextState contains another System State to head for, or 
+		EFalse if there is no further transitions to do.
+@see MSsmStatePolicy::GetNextState
+TBool CGsaStatePolicyFail::GetNextState(TSsmState aCurrentTransition, TInt /*aReason*/, TInt aError, TInt /*aSeverity*/, TSsmState& /*aNextState*/)
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Fail Policy : CLE returned completion code : %d after executing the Fail command list."), aError);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aCurrentTransition.MainState() == ESsmFail, PanicNow(KPanicGsaFailState, EInvalidFailState));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((KErrNone == aError), PanicNow(KPanicGsaFailState, ERestartDevice));
+	return EFalse;	// no more substates to execute
+	} //lint !e1746 Suppress parameter 'aCurrentTransition' could be made const reference
+Callback used by CSsmCommandListResourceReader when a decision needs to be made
+on whether to include a command in a command list or not.
+@param aResourceFile Instance of CResourceFile
+@param aResourceId Resource id of SSM_SYMBIAN_CONDITIONAL_INFORMATION struct for command
+@return ETrue in case the command needs to be included in command list, else EFalse.
+@see MSsmConditionalCallback::ConditionalCommandAllowedL
+TBool CGsaStatePolicyFail::ConditionalCommandAllowedL(CResourceFile& /*aResourceFile*/, TInt /*aResourceId*/)
+	{
+	// no commands use 'conditional_information' in Fail state command list.
+	PanicNow(KPanicGsaFailState, EConditionalInfoNotImplemented);
+	return EFalse; // keeping compiler happy
+	}