changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/sysmonsrc/sysmonclisess.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <startupproperties.h>
+#include <ssm/ssmstartupproperties.h>
+#include "sysmonclisess.h"
+#include "sysmoncliserv.h"
+#include "shmadebug.h"
+Default constructor.
+Creates an instance of the RSysMonSession class
+EXPORT_C RSysMonSession::RSysMonSession() : RSessionBase()
+	{
+	}
+Opens connection with SysMonServer
+@return returns KErrNone or an error code.
+EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::OpenL()
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Opening session"));
+	User::LeaveIfError(CreateSession(KSysMonServerName, TVersion(0,0,0), 1));
+	}
+Closes connection with SysMonServer
+EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::Close()
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Closing session"));
+	RSessionBase::Close();
+	}
+Used to initiate the monitoring of a started component using CStartupProperties.
+Example use:
+	CStartupProperties* prop = CStartupProperties::NewLC(KFilename, KNullDesC);
+	prop->SetMonitored(ETrue);
+	prop->SetStartupType(EStartApp);
+	prop->SetStartMethod(EWaitForStart);
+	prop->SetNoOfRetries(1);
+	prop->SetTimeout(1000);
+	prop->SetRecoveryParams(EIgnoreOnFailure, 0);
+	iMySysMonSession.MonitorL(*prop, process);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prop);
+@param aStartupProperties Properties for the component to be monitored.
+		Number of retries and timeout in @c aStartupProperties should only be used with 
+		start-method @c EWaitForStart or @c EFireAndForget. 
+		Start-method @c EDeferredWaitForStart can not be used for monitoring.
+@param aProcess The running instance of the component to be monitored.
+@param aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure Gives the option to initiate monitoring on an already 
+		dead process. If the process is already dead, the monitor will be scheduled to recover 
+		the process. The default behaviour is to leave and not allow monitoring to be setup if 
+		the process is already dead.
+@capability ECapabilityProtServ
+@capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
+@deprecated Instead of this use RSysMonSession::MonitorL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties, const RProcess& aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
+@leave KErrDied if @c aProcess is no longer running and @c aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure is false
+@leave KErrArgument if @c aStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
+@leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
+EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorL(const CStartupProperties& aStartupProperties, const RProcess& aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor process using StartupProperties"));
+	DoMonitorL(aStartupProperties, &aProcess, aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure);
+	}
+Used by a started component to initiate self-monitoring using CStartupProperties.
+@param aStartupProperties Properties for itself.
+		Number of retries and timeout in @c aStartupProperties should only be used with 
+		start-method @c EWaitForStart or @c EFireAndForget.
+		Start-method @c EDeferredWaitForStart can not be used for monitoring.		
+@capability ECapabilityProtServ for ERestartOS ,ERestartOSWithMode and ECriticalNoRetries
+@capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
+@deprecated Instead of this use RSysMonSession::MonitorSelfL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties)
+@leave KErrArgument if @c aStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
+@leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
+EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorSelfL(const CStartupProperties& aStartupProperties)
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor self StartupProperties"));
+	DoMonitorL(aStartupProperties, NULL, EFalse);
+	}
+Used to initiate the monitoring of a started component using CSsmStartupProperties
+Example use:
+	CSsmStartupProperties* prop = CSsmStartupProperties::NewLC(KFilename, KNullDesC);
+	prop->SetCommandTypeL(ESsmCmdStartApp);
+	prop->SetExecutionBehaviour(ESsmWaitForSignal);	
+	prop->SetMonitorInfo(ESsmIgnoreOnFailure, 0, 1000, 1);
+	iMySysMonSession.MonitorL(*prop, process);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prop);
+@param aSsmStartupProperties Properties for the component to be monitored.
+		Number of retries and timeout in @c aSsmStartupProperties should only be used with 
+		start-method @c ESsmWaitForSignal or @c ESsmFireAndForget. 
+		Start-method @c ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal can not be used for monitoring.
+@param aProcess The running instance of the component to be monitored.
+@param aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure Gives the option to initiate monitoring on an already 
+		dead process. If the process is already dead, the monitor will be scheduled to recover 
+		the process. The default behaviour is to leave and not allow monitoring to be setup if 
+		the process is already dead.
+@capability ECapabilityProtServ
+@capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
+@leave KErrDied if @c aProcess is no longer running and @c aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure is false
+@leave KErrArgument if @c aSsmStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
+@leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
+EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties, const RProcess& aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor process using SsmStartUpProperties"));
+	// Create an old style startupproperties instance using the SsmStartupProperties
+	CStartupProperties* startupProperties = ChangeToOldStylePropertiesL(aSsmStartupProperties);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(startupProperties);
+	DoMonitorL(*startupProperties, &aProcess, aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(startupProperties);
+	}
+Used by a started component to initiate self-monitoring using CSsmStartupProperties
+@param aSsmStartupProperties Properties for itself.
+		Number of retries and timeout in @c aSsmStartupProperties should only be used with 
+		start-method @c ESsmWaitForSignal or @c ESsmFireAndForget. 
+		Start-method @c ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal can not be used for monitoring.		
+@capability ECapabilityProtServ for ERestartOS ,ERestartOSWithMode and ECriticalNoRetries
+@capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
+@leave KErrArgument if @c aSsmStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
+@leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
+EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorSelfL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties)
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor self using SsmStartUpProperties"));
+	// Create an old style startupproperties instance using the SsmStartupProperties
+	CStartupProperties* startupProperties = ChangeToOldStylePropertiesL(aSsmStartupProperties);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(startupProperties);
+	DoMonitorL(*startupProperties, NULL, EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(startupProperties);
+	}
+void RSysMonSession::DoMonitorL(const CStartupProperties& aStartupProperties, const RProcess* aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(Validate(aStartupProperties));
+	CBufFlat* const propsBuf = CBufFlat::NewL(aStartupProperties.Size());
+    CleanupStack::PushL(propsBuf);
+    aStartupProperties.ExternalizeL(*propsBuf);
+    TPtr8 propsPtr(propsBuf->Ptr(0));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	TPtrC fileName = aStartupProperties.FileName();
+	DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysMonCli: Initiating monitor for %S"), &fileName);
+	if (aProcess)
+		{
+		if (aProcess->Handle() == KNullHandle)
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+			}
+		TPckg<TProcessId> pidPckg(aProcess->Id());
+		TIpcArgs ipcArgs(&propsPtr, &pidPckg, aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure);
+		User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(EMonitor, ipcArgs));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TIpcArgs ipcArgs(&propsPtr);
+		User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(EMonitorSelf, ipcArgs));
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(propsBuf);
+	}
+Used to cancel self-monitoring of a component.
+This function is to be called by the component being monitored either by calling 
+MonitorL() or MonitorSelfL() function. By calling this function before exiting, 
+System Monitor will cancel the monitor request of the component so that System Monitor 
+will not restart it after it exit.
+EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::CancelMonitorSelfL()
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Cancelling monitor"));
+	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECancelSelf));
+	}
+/** Validate CStartupProperties parameter
+TInt RSysMonSession::Validate(const CStartupProperties& aProp)
+	{
+	if ((aProp.FileName().Length() > 0) && (aProp.Monitored()) && (aProp.StartupType() == EStartProcess || aProp.StartupType() == EStartApp))
+		{
+		if((aProp.StartMethod() == EFireAndForget) || (aProp.StartMethod() == EWaitForStart))
+			{
+			if(((aProp.NoOfRetries() >= 0) && (aProp.Timeout() >= 0)) && 
+				(aProp.RecoveryMethod() >= EIgnoreOnFailure && aProp.RecoveryMethod() <= ECriticalNoRetries))
+				{
+				return KErrNone;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrArgument;
+	}
+Used to cancel monitoring of all the components during device shutdown/fail
+This function is to be called only by the ssm server. By calling this function early during device shutdown/fail,
+System Monitor will cancel all the outstanding monitor requests for all the components so that it will 
+not restart them after the application\process finally exit during the device shutdown.
+EXPORT_C TInt RSysMonSession::CancelAllMonitors()
+    {
+    DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Cancelling all the monitors"));
+    return SendReceive(ECancelAllMonitors);
+    }
+Creates old style startup properties from the given CSsmStartupProperties.
+@param aSsmStartupProperties Ssm Startup properties.
+@return Pointer to newly created CStartupProperties object
+CStartupProperties* RSysMonSession::ChangeToOldStylePropertiesL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties) const
+	{
+	CStartupProperties* startupProperties = CStartupProperties::NewL(aSsmStartupProperties.FileName(), aSsmStartupProperties.Args());
+	CleanupStack::PushL(startupProperties);
+	const TSsmCommandType cmdType = aSsmStartupProperties.CommandType();
+	switch (cmdType)
+		{
+		case ESsmCmdStartApp:
+			startupProperties->SetStartupType(EStartApp);
+			//also copy the app specific info
+			startupProperties->SetViewless(aSsmStartupProperties.Viewless());
+			startupProperties->SetStartInBackground(aSsmStartupProperties.StartInBackground());
+			break;
+		case ESsmCmdStartProcess:
+			startupProperties->SetStartupType(EStartProcess);
+			break;
+		default:
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	startupProperties->SetStartMethod(static_cast<TStartMethod>(aSsmStartupProperties.ExecutionBehaviour()));
+	startupProperties->SetTimeout(aSsmStartupProperties.Timeout());
+	startupProperties->SetNoOfRetries(aSsmStartupProperties.Retries());
+	startupProperties->SetMonitored(aSsmStartupProperties.IsMonitoringRequired());
+	if (aSsmStartupProperties.IsMonitoringRequired())
+		{
+		TSsmMonitorInfo monitorInfo = aSsmStartupProperties.MonitorInfo();
+		startupProperties->SetNoOfRetries(monitorInfo.iRetries);
+		startupProperties->SetRecoveryParams(static_cast<TRecoveryMethod>(monitorInfo.iRestartPolicy), monitorInfo.iRestartMode);
+		startupProperties->SetTimeout(monitorInfo.iTimeout);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::Pop(startupProperties);
+	return startupProperties;
+	}