changeset 22 8cb079868133
parent 21 ccb4f6b3db21
--- a/sensorservices/orientationssy/src/SsyProperty.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:29:05 2010 +0300
+++ b/sensorservices/orientationssy/src/SsyProperty.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:34:26 2010 +0100
@@ -52,11 +52,7 @@
     for ( TInt index = 0; index < aNumberOfProperties ; index++ )
-        if(iChannelProperties.Append( aProperties[ index ])!= KErrNone )
-        {
-         iChannelProperties.Reset();
-         break;
-        }
+        iChannelProperties.Append( aProperties[ index ] );
@@ -301,13 +297,14 @@
     else if ( aProperty.GetPropertyId() == KSensrvPropIdDataRate )
-        // Since Orientation is an event, the data rate property is made readonly.
-        // In ssyconfiguration.h file, the datarate property is defined as writable,
-        // it is not modified due to backward compatibility. 
-        // Now it is changed and the orientation channel property is made readonly always.
+        SSY_TRACE( EExtended, "ORIENTATIONSSY: Updating data rate property" );
+        // Data rate property is replaced in a different way than others.
+        // Note that this can be done only once as this property is set to read only.
+        aProperty.GetValue( intValue );
+        // Leave value to 0, update only max value because that is the only value we can provide
         if( iChannelProperties.Count() >= index )
+            iChannelProperties[index].iIntMaxValue = intValue;
             iChannelProperties[index].iReadOnly = ETrue;