* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implements Target Selector Plugin used by Symbian's Remote
* Control Framework. TSP controls sending of operations between
* Series 60 components and remote targets (e.g. headset).
* This version doesn't really self specify receiver for
* a message but accepts all receivers suggested by RemCon server.
#include "RemConDebug.h"
#include "remcontspcontroller.h"
#include <remcontargetselectorpluginobserver.h>
#include <remconaddress.h>
#include <clientinfo.h>
#include <bearersecurity.h>
#include <remconextensionapi.h>
#include <ctsydomainpskeys.h>
// UID3 of process (Accessory Server) which loads PhoneCmdHandler.dll
const TUint32 KUid3 = 0x10205030;
// UID3 of process (Phone) which loads PhoneCmdHandler.dll
const TUint32 KUid3 = 0x100058B3;
const TUint32 KUid3MusicPlayer = 0x102072C3;
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::CRemConTspController
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MRemConTargetSelectorPluginObserver& aObserver )
: CRemConTargetSelectorPlugin( aObserver )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRemConTspController* CRemConTspController::NewL(
MRemConTargetSelectorPluginObserver& aObserver )
CRemConTspController* self = new(ELeave) CRemConTspController( aObserver );
return self;
// Destructor
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::~CRemConTspController()" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::GetInterface
// Provides implementation of this (TSP) interface.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAny* CRemConTspController::GetInterface( TUid aUid )
COM_TRACE_2( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::GetInterface() this=%d, aUid=%d", this, aUid );
TAny* ret = NULL;
// TSP interface is asked ?
if ( aUid == TUid::Uid( KRemConTargetSelectorInterface1 ) )
// convert this object to TAny
ret = reinterpret_cast< TAny* >(
static_cast< MRemConTargetSelectorPluginInterface*>(this) );
else if ( aUid == TUid::Uid(KRemConTargetSelectorInterface2) )
ret = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::GetInterface() this=%d", ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::AddressOutgoingCommand
// Defines bearers (represents remote target) to which command will be sent.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRemConTspController::AddressOutgoingCommand(
TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
const TClientInfo& aSender,
TSglQue<TRemConAddress>& aConnections,
TSglQue<TBearerSecurity>& aBearerSecurity)
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::AddressOutgoingCommand() starts" );
// Avoid warnings for unused parameters
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
TSglQueIter<TBearerSecurity> iter( aBearerSecurity );
TBearerSecurity* sec = iter;
// Go through all bearers
while( sec )
// No security check in this version.
// Could maybe be smth like "if ( sec->SecurityPolicy().CheckPolicy( aSender.Message() ) )"
// Address command to all given bearers
TRemConAddress* conn = NULL;
conn = new TRemConAddress;
if ( conn )
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] Sender's secure id = %d", aSender.SecureId().iId );
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] Command sent to bearer %d", sec->BearerUid().iUid );
conn->BearerUid().iUid = sec->BearerUid().iUid;
// No connection-specific data for this bearer.
// Ownership of conn is passed back to RemCon.
aConnections.AddLast( *conn );
err = KErrNone;
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] Memory allocation failed for bearer %d", sec->BearerUid().iUid );
err = KErrNoMemory;
break; // Get out from while() and return KErrNoMemory
sec = iter;
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::AddressOutgoingCommand() err=%d", err );
Observer().OutgoingCommandAddressed( err );
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::AddressOutgoingCommand() ends" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingCommand
// Defines whether connection-oriented controller can send a command to bearer.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingCommand(
TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
const TClientInfo& aSender,
const TRemConAddress& aConnection )
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingCommand()" );
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingCommand() start" );
COM_TRACE_2( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] aInterfaceUid = %d, aOperationId = %d", aInterfaceUid.iUid, aOperationId );
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] sender's secure id =%d", aSender.SecureId().iId );
// Avoid warnings for unused parameters
// Permit all connection oriented controllers to send commands
Observer().OutgoingCommandPermitted( ETrue );
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingCommand() ends" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::CancelOutgoingCommand
// Cancels the current AddressOutgoingCommand or PermitOutgoingCommand command.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRemConTspController::CancelOutgoingCommand()
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::CancelOutgoingCommand()" );
// Nothing to do until AddressOutgoingCommand() and/or PermitOutgoingCommand()
// will be implemented asynchronously.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingCommand
// Defines remote targets to which command will be sent.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingCommand(
TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
TSglQue<TClientInfo>& aClients )
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingCommand() start" );
COM_TRACE_2( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] aInterfaceUid = %d, aOperationId = %d", aInterfaceUid.iUid, aOperationId );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// For debuging purpose write all remote target ids to trace
TSglQueIter<TClientInfo> iter( aClients );
TClientInfo* target = iter;
TInt number(0);
while( target )
COM_TRACE_2( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] %d. client secureId = %d", ++number, target->SecureId().iId );
target = iter;
TInt err( KErrNone );
// This version sends operation to all existing clients with following
// exception: If there's an incoming or ongoing voice call,
// RemConExtensionApi's command ERemConExtAnswerEnd is sent only to
// PhoneCmdHandler.
if( aInterfaceUid.iUid == KRemConExtCallHandlingApiUid &&
aOperationId == ERemConExtAnswerEnd
TInt callState( EPSCTsyCallStateUninitialized );
TInt err( KErrNone );
err = iProperty.Get( KPSUidCtsyCallInformation,
callState );
if( ( err == KErrNone ) &&
( callState == EPSCTsyCallStateRinging ||
callState == EPSCTsyCallStateConnected )
TSglQueIter<TClientInfo> iter( aClients );
TClientInfo* target = iter;
while( target )
if( target->SecureId().iId == KUid3 )
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] Command is sent only to PhoneCmdHandler running in process identified by secure id=%d", target->SecureId().iId );
// Add PhoneCmdHandler as the only remote target to
// receive ERemConExtAnswerEnd command.
aClients.AddFirst( *target );
break; // get out from while-loop
target = iter;
Observer().IncomingCommandAddressed( err );
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingCommand() ends" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingResponse
// Defines which client can send a response to a command to bearer.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingResponse(
TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
const TClientInfo& aClient,
TClientInfoConstIter& aClients)
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingResponse()" );
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingResponse() start" );
COM_TRACE_2( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] aInterfaceUid = %d, aOperationId = %d", aInterfaceUid.iUid, aOperationId );
// Avoid warnings for unused parameters
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::PermitOutgoingResponse() ends" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::CancelOutgoingResponse
// Called by RemCon to cancel the current PermitOutgoingResponse request.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRemConTspController::CancelOutgoingResponse()
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::CancelOutgoingCommand()" );
// Nothing to do until PermitOutgoingResponse()
// will be implemented asynchronously.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingNotify
// Defines remote targets to which notify will be sent.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingNotify(
TUid aInterfaceUid,
TUint aOperationId,
TSglQue<TClientInfo>& aClients)
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingNotify() start" );
COM_TRACE_2( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] aInterfaceUid = %d, aOperationId = %d", aInterfaceUid.iUid, aOperationId );
TClientInfo* clientInfo = aClients.First();
TSglQueIter<TClientInfo> iter( aClients );
TClientInfo* target = iter;
while( target )
if( target->SecureId().iId == KUid3MusicPlayer )
COM_TRACE_1( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] Command is sent only to PlaybackUI running in process identified by secure id=%d", target->SecureId().iId );
break; // get out from while-loop
target = iter;
Observer().IncomingNotifyAddressed(target, KErrNone);
COM_TRACE_( "[REMCONTSPCONTROLLER] CRemConTspController::AddressIncomingCommand() ends" );
// End of file