<?xml version="1.0"?>
<relnotes schema="1.0.0" name="System Starter" purpose="" type="component">
<revision major="0" functional="0" minor="0" ext="0" date="20080305">
<ref name="117571" type="defect"/>
<description>System does not restart when SYSLIBS_TEST is defined, hence removed checking for restart when this is defined.</description>
System Starter Framework.
<minorchange revision="004">
Generalise sysstartconfig.iby to allow the mode to be specified via "#define _STARTUPMODE xxx" - the older "#define _STARTUPMODEn" macros are still supported. This file is now useful for any ROM image which supports a single startup mode - it is therefore unlikely to be useful in production devices which typically need multiple strtup modes.
<minorchange revision="003">
Provide a generic sysstartconfig.iby file and resource files for startup mode 1 (Text shell), to enable sysstart to be used in ROMs without UI-layer code. These files were previously owned by the Techview startup component.
<defect number="DEF098162" title="Custom DLL function typedef isn't published" revision="002">
typedef TInt (*Dllfunctiontype)(const TDesC8&); i s placed in SysStartDefs.h and is made publishedPartner.
<defect number="PDEF099099" title="UIF TestFramework component has source dependancy on SysStart" revision="001">
Rename sysstart\test\resource\hardware\SSCForStartupMode3_target.rss to SSCForStartupMode0_target.rss to reflect more accurately the real mode the tests use for startup mechanism.