// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <f32file.h>
#include "ssmswppolicyframe.h"
#include "ssmswppolicyresolver.h"
#include "ssmdebug.h"
#include "ssmserverpanic.h"
#include "ssmswppolicymap.h"
_LIT(KRomDriveLetter, "Z:");
_LIT(KDllFilenamePostfix, ".dll");
Empty constructor
Destructor cleans up internal resources
delete iSwpPolicyMap;
Static Factory
CSsmSwpPolicyResolver* CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::NewL()
CSsmSwpPolicyResolver* self = new (ELeave) CSsmSwpPolicyResolver();
return self;
Construct policy map object
void CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::ConstructL()
iSwpPolicyMap = CSsmSwpPolicyMap::NewL();
Register an Swp and its policy file with the map
@param aSwp the swp value to register
@param aFile The file name to associate with the swp value
@leave KErrAlreadyExists if the swp value already exists
@leave KErrArgument if aFilename is larger than KMaxFileName
void CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::RegisterSwpMappingL(TUint aSwpKey, const TDesC& aFilename)
DEBUGPRINT3(_L("CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::RegisterSwpMappingL swp %d file %S"), aSwpKey, &aFilename);
if(aFilename.Length() > KMaxFileName)
DEBUGPRINT1(_L("Filename too long"));
SSMLOGLEAVE(KErrArgument); //lint !e527 Suppress Unreachable. Lint is just confused by macro, warning goes away when code in macro gets expanded
iSwpPolicyMap->AddL(aSwpKey, aFilename);
} //lint !e1746 Suppress parameter 'aSwpKey' could be made const reference
* Used only for testing purposes
* DeRegister an Swp and its policy file with the map
* @param aSwpKey the swp value to deregister
* @param aFilename The file name to associate with the swp value
* @leave KErrNotFound if the swp value doesn't exists
* @leave KErrArgument if aFilename is longer than KMaxFileName
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::DeRegisterSwpMappingL(TUint aSwpKey, const TDesC& aFilename)
DEBUGPRINT3(_L("CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::DeRegisterSwpMappingL swp %d file %S"), aSwpKey, &aFilename);
if(aFilename.Length() > KMaxFileName)
DEBUGPRINT1(_L("Filename too long"));
SSMLOGLEAVE(KErrArgument); //lint !e527 Suppress Unreachable. Lint is just confused by macro, warning goes away when code in macro gets expanded
Construct a policy frame object based on the SWP value supplied
@param aSwp The swp to resolve
@return A policy frame containing a valid policy for the swp value
@leave KErrNotFound If the swp is not registered
@leave Any error returned from LoadLibraryLC
CSsmSwpPolicyFrame* CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::GetSwpPolicyL(const TSsmSwp& aSwp)
TBuf<KMaxFileName + 2> libraryFilename; //KMaxFileName + KRomDriveLetter().Length()
GetFileNameForSwpL(aSwp, libraryFilename);
RLibrary library;
LoadLibraryLC(library, libraryFilename);
// make a process-owned copy of the handle as it has to be used by SsmSwpPolicyServer,
// which runs in a separate thread
User::LeaveIfError(library.Duplicate(RThread(), EOwnerProcess));
CSsmSwpPolicyFrame* policy = CreatePolicyLC(library);
policy->SetLibrary(library); // takes ownership of open library handle
DEBUGPRINT2(_L("Created Swp Policy DLL %S"), &libraryFilename);
return policy;
Construct a descriptor containing the composite file name from the DLL to load
@param aSwp The swp to create the file name for
@param aLibraryFilename reference to object in which file name is returned
@leave KErrNotFound If the swp is not registered
void CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::GetFileNameForSwpL(const TSsmSwp& aSwp, TDes& aLibraryFilename) const
const TInt postfixLength = KDllFilenamePostfix().Length();
Attempt to load the library with the supplied name
@param aLibrary Library object used to load the DLL
@param aLibraryFilename file name of library to load
@leave KErrNotSupported If UID2 of the DLL is not KStatePolicyDllTypeUidValue
@leave KErrNotFound If the requested policy DLL file is missing.
@leave KErrCorrupt Or any other system wide error code that the fileserver can raise.
void CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::LoadLibraryLC(RLibrary& aLibrary, const TDesC& aLibraryFilename) const
const TInt fileErr = aLibrary.Load(aLibraryFilename);
if (fileErr != KErrNone)
DEBUGPRINT3(_L("Failed to load library file %S, file error-code: %d"), &aLibraryFilename, fileErr);
if (aLibrary.Type()[1] != KSsmSwpPolicyDllTypeUid)
DEBUGPRINT4(_L("Wrong type (uid2) in swp policy library dll %S. Expected %x found %x"),
&aLibraryFilename, KSsmSwpPolicyDllTypeUid, aLibrary.Type()[1]);
Create a policy frame that encapsulates the policy dll represented by the library
Retrieves the DLLs factory method which is passed to the frame in oder to create the policy object
@param aLibrary The library object that references the DLL
@return A policy frame containing the loaded policy
@leave Any system error
CSsmSwpPolicyFrame* CSsmSwpPolicyResolver::CreatePolicyLC(const RLibrary& aLibrary) const
__ASSERT_DEBUG( KNullHandle != aLibrary.Handle(), PanicNow(KPanicSysStateMgr, ESwpPolicyResolverLibraryNotLoaded));
CSsmSwpPolicyFrame* frame = NULL;
TRAPD(err, frame = CSsmSwpPolicyFrame::NewL(aLibrary.Lookup(1)));
#ifdef _DEBUG
if(KErrNone != err)
TFileName name = aLibrary.FileName();
DEBUGPRINT3(_L("Error %d when calling first function in State Policy DLL %S."), err, &name);
return frame;