// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Old Test CaseID APPFWK-SSS-0010
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include "tss_procstartwithfandf.h"
#include "ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry.h"
#include "ssmtestappslow.h"
const TInt KProcStartStopperTimeout = 5000000;
const TInt KWaitTimeForTestAppForFAndF = 500; // 500ms is the delay given for the KTestAppForFAndF test app for each retry.
TVerdict CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::doTestStepL()
TInt threadHandles_Before;
TInt processHandles_Before;
TInt threadHandles_After;
TInt processHandles_After;
RThread().HandleCount(processHandles_Before, threadHandles_Before);
TRAPD(err, DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndWithRetriesL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndWithRetriesL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndNoRetriesL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndNoRetriesL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestFAndFWithMoreTimeOutAndNoRetriesL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFAndFWithMoreTimeOutAndNoRetriesL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestFAndFWithMoreTimeOutAndWithRetriesL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFAndFWithMoreTimeOutAndWithRetriesL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestFAndFWithRetriesForFailureAppL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFAndFWithRetriesForFailureAppL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndMoreRetriesL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndMoreRetriesL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestFAndFWithRetriesForSuccessfullAppL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFAndFWithRetriesForSuccessfullAppL completed with err = %d"), err);
RThread().HandleCount(processHandles_After, threadHandles_After);
TEST(processHandles_After == processHandles_Before);
TEST(threadHandles_After == threadHandles_Before);
return TestStepResult();
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestAndStopperL(TInt aRetries, TInt aTimeOut, const TDesC& aFileName)
CSsmStartupProperties* startupProperties = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
startupProperties->SetFileParamsL(aFileName, KNullDesC);
RProcess process;
CSsmStartSafe* ss = CSsmStartSafe::NewLC();
CTestAndStopper* testAndStopper = new(ELeave) CTestAndStopper(*ss, *startupProperties, process, KProcStartStopperTimeout, this);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, startupProperties);
Starts an instance of ssmtestappslow.exe synchronously as a process using fire-and-forget.
No retries are specified. Timeout is specified, therefore CTimeoutWaiter is not instantiated.
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndWithRetriesL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing Fire-and-forget Timeout test with retries"));
const TInt KTestLessTimeOut = KTestAppSlowTimeoutInMilliSeconds-100;
DoTestAndStopperL(1, KTestLessTimeOut, KTestAppSlow);
// ssmtestappslow.exe would terminated due to timeout.
// Since ssmtestappslow application takes more time to start than the timeout specified in the ssmsstartupproperties,
// it doesn't start anytime irrespective of no. of retries specified.
TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KTestAppSlow));
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("ssmtestappslow.exe would be terminated due to timeout"));
Start a ssmtestappslow test application synchronously using fire-and-forget with timeout
less than the time required for the application to start and without retries.
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndNoRetriesL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing Fire-and-forget Timeout test with no retries"));
const TInt KTestLessTimeOut = KTestAppSlowTimeoutInMilliSeconds-100;
DoTestAndStopperL(0, KTestLessTimeOut, KTestAppSlow);
// ssmtestappslow.exe would terminated due to timeout.
// Since ssmtestappslow application takes more time to start than the timeout specified in the ssmsstartupproperties
TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KTestAppSlow));
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("ssmtestappslow.exe would be terminated due to timeout"));
Start a ssmtestappslow test application synchronously using fire-and-forget with timeout
more than the time required for the application to start and without retries.
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestFAndFWithMoreTimeOutAndNoRetriesL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing Fire-and-forget Timeout test with no retries and.."));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Timeout specified in ssmstartupproperties is more than timeout required for application startup"));
const TInt KTestMoreTimeOut = KTestAppSlowTimeoutInMilliSeconds * 3;
DoTestAndStopperL(0, KTestMoreTimeOut, KTestAppSlow);
// ssmtestappslow.exe would be started as ssmtestappslow application takes less time to start than
// the timeout specified in the ssmsstartupproperties
TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppSlow));
Start a test application synchronously using fire-and-forget with timeout
more than the time required for the application to start and which starts after the no. of retries given.
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestFAndFWithMoreTimeOutAndWithRetriesL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing Fire-and-forget test with timeout and retries"));
// Write the retry number to a file to be read, updated
// and eventually deleted by the test-app.
RFs fs;
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
RFileWriteStream writeStream;
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
User::LeaveIfError(writeStream.Replace(fs, KFileForFAndF, EFileWrite));
const TInt KSsTestRequiredDelay = 0;
const TInt KSsTestFailCount = 1;
const TInt KSsTestRetryCount = 0;
const TInt KRetries = KSsTestFailCount + 1;
DoTestAndStopperL(KRetries, KWaitTimeForTestAppForFAndF * 4, KTestAppForFAndF);
RFileReadStream readStream;
User::LeaveIfError(readStream.Open(fs, KFileForFAndF, EFileRead));
TInt retryCount = readStream.ReadInt8L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &fs);
TEST(retryCount == 1);
INFO_PRINTF3( _L("ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry.exe is started after %d retries. anticipated retries value %d"),retryCount, 1);
TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppForFAndF));
Start a test application which fails to start synchronously using fire-and-forget
without timeout and 1 retry.
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestFAndFWithRetriesForFailureAppL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing Fire-and-forget test for failure app with retries and no timeout"));
DoTestAndStopperL(1, 0, KTestAppRvError);
// Since ssmtestapprverror application is terminated with KErrGeneral each it is started, so
// it doesn't start anytime irrespective of no. of retries specified.
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("ssmtestapprverror.exe would not be started even after 1 retry as the app Rendezvous with error"));
TEST( 0 == FindAndKill(KTestAppRvError) );
Start a test application which fails to start even with 2 retries remaining due to timeout
synchronously using fire-and-forget.
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestFAndFWithLessTimeOutAndMoreRetriesL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing Fire-and-forget test with Less Timeout and more retries"));
// Write the retry number to a file to be read, updated
// and eventually deleted by the test-app.
RFs fs;
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
RFileWriteStream writeStream;
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
User::LeaveIfError(writeStream.Replace(fs, KFileForFAndF, EFileWrite));
const TInt KSsTestFailCount = 3;
const TInt KSsTestRetryCount = 0;
const TInt KSsTestRequiredDelay = 1;
const TInt KRetries = KSsTestFailCount + 1;
DoTestAndStopperL(KRetries, KWaitTimeForTestAppForFAndF * 2.5, KTestAppForFAndF);
RFileReadStream readStream;
User::LeaveIfError(readStream.Open(fs, KFileForFAndF, EFileRead));
TInt retryCount = readStream.ReadInt8L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &fs);
// ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry.exe would terminated due to timeout.
TEST(0 == FindAndKill(KTestAppForFAndF));
TInt retriesRemaining = KRetries-retryCount;
// remaining retries would differ in case of emulator and h4 due to timeout required is different in each case.
// so we are testing if there are any remaining retries rather than the exact number.
TEST(retryCount >= 1);
TEST(retriesRemaining >= 1);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry.exe is not started even after %d retries. anticipated retries more than or equal to 1"),retryCount);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Actual remaining retries %d. anticipated remaining retries more than or equal to 1"),retriesRemaining);
Start a test application which fails to start twice and starts on the 3rd retry
synchronously using fire-and-forget without timeout and 3 retries.
void CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::DoTestFAndFWithRetriesForSuccessfullAppL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing Fire-and-forget test without timeout and with retries"));
// Write the retry number to a file to be read, updated
// and eventually deleted by the test-app.
RFs fs;
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
RFileWriteStream writeStream;
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
User::LeaveIfError(writeStream.Replace(fs, KFileForFAndF, EFileWrite));
const TInt KSsTestRequiredDelay = 0;
const TInt KSsTestFailCount = 1;
const TInt KSsTestRetryCount = 0;
const TInt KRetries = KSsTestFailCount + 1;
DoTestAndStopperL(KRetries, 0, KTestAppForFAndF);
RFileReadStream readStream;
User::LeaveIfError(readStream.Open(fs, KFileForFAndF, EFileRead));
TInt retryCount = readStream.ReadInt8L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &fs);
TEST(retryCount == 1);
INFO_PRINTF3( _L("ssmtestappsucessfulafterretry.exe is started after %d retries. anticipated retries value %d"),retryCount, 1);
TEST(1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppForFAndF));
TVerdict CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::doTestStepPreambleL()
iActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
CActiveScheduler::Install (iActiveScheduler);
return CTestStep::doTestStepPreambleL();
TVerdict CSsTestStepProcStartWithFAndF::doTestStepPostambleL()
return CTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL();
delete iActiveScheduler;