* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "HWRMPower.h"
#include "HWRMPowerService.h"
#include "HWRMGenericTimer.h"
#include "HWRMPluginService.h"
#include "HWRMPluginHandler.h"
#include "cenrepobserver.h"
// None
// None
// None
// None
class CHWRMPluginHandler;
class CHWRMPowerService;
class CClientsData;
class TPowerMeasurementsClientData;
/** Item of the list that holds data for a GetBatteryInfo or GetBatteryVoltageInfo request.
* Used by the PowerCommonData iBatteryVoltageInfoQue, iBatteryInfoQue and iChargerTypeInfoQue.
class TBatteryInfoData
TBatteryInfoData(const CHWRMPowerService& aPowerClientService, const RMessage2& aRequestedMessage);
const CHWRMPowerService& iPowerClientService; // Used to identify the client that the message belongs to.
RMessage2 iRequestedMessage;
TSglQueLink iSglQueLink;
* Container for Power data that is common for all sessions.
* Also handles Power related cenrep.
* HWRM server upkeeps the instance.
class CHWRMPowerCommonData : public CBase,
public MHWRMIndicationHandler,
public MHWRMGenericTimerCallback,
public MCenRepObserver
public: // Constructors and Destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPluginHandler Pointer to plugin handler for Power
static CHWRMPowerCommonData* NewL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CHWRMPowerCommonData();
public: // Functions from base classes
* Called by the PluginHandler to indicate a new event
* From MHWRMIndicationHandler
* @param aId The indication ID
* @param aData Data associated with the indication
void ProcessIndicationL( const TUint32 aId, TDesC8& aData );
* Called when the timer is fired
* From MHWRMGenericTimerCallback
* @param aTimerId Id used to distinguish among different timers
* @param aCutOff not used here
void GenericTimerFired(TInt aTimerId, TBool /*aCutOff*/);
public: // New functions
* Issues a plugin command to stop the Consumption measurements.
void DoStopPowerMeasurementsL();
* Called when the Maximum Reporting period in Cenrep is changed
* @param aNewMaxPeriod the new max reporting period in Cenrep
* @param aOldMaxPeriod the old max reporting period in Cenrep
void MaxPeriodChangedL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aNewMaxPeriod,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aOldMaxPeriod);
* Invoked by MaxPeriodChangeL
* @param aTimer A generic Timer that has to be altered depending on the reporting period
* @param aNewMaxPeriod the new max reporting period in Cenrep
* @param aOldMaxPeriod the old max reporting period in Cenrep
void DoMaxReportingValueChangedL(CHWRMGenericTimer* aTimer,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aNewMaxPeriod,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aOldMaxPeriod);
// From MCenRepObserver
void HandleNotifyInt(TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue);
void HandleNotifyError(TUint32 aId, TInt error, CCenRepListener* aHandler);
* Issues a plugin command to set the plugin interval of charge current measurements.
* @param aCommand distinguishes which interval is to be set (possible values: ESetVoltageIntervalMultipleCmdId, ESetCosnumptionIntervalMultipleCmdId)
* @param aIntervalMultiple the value that the plugin interval will be set to
void DoSetPluginIntervalMultipleL(HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommand,
TUint aIntervalMultiple);
* Issues a plugin command to get Battery Info. If there is an outstanding plugin request there isn't a new
* one issued but the appropriate data are stored in a queue. This data are used later to complete or cancel the client.
* @param aPowerService the service of the client session that issued the command.
* @param aMessage the client message that requested the the Battery Info.
void DoGetBatteryInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage, const CHWRMPowerService& aPowerService);
* Issues a plugin command to get Battery Voltage Info. If there is an outstanding plugin request there isn't a new
* one issued but the appropriate data are stored in a queue. This data are used later to complete or cancel the client.
* @param aPowerService the service of the client session that issued the command.
* @param aMessage the client message that requested the the Battery Info.
void DoGetBatteryVoltageInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage, const CHWRMPowerService& aPowerService);
* Completes any pending GetBatteryInfo requests.
* @param aReason the Error code that is used for completion.
* @param aDataPckg data that will be written in the response message (can be an empty Des).
void CompletePendingGetBatteryInfo(TInt aReason, TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryConsumptionData> &aDataPckg);
* Completes any pending GetBatteryVoltageInfo requests.
* @param aReason the Error code that is used for completion.
* @param aDataPckg data that will be written in the response message (can be an empty Des).
void CompletePendingGetBatteryVoltageInfo(TInt aReason, TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryVoltageData> &aDataPckg);
* Cancels any pending GetBatteryInfo requests.
* @param aPowerService the service of the client session that issued the command. Used to identify the requests taht belong to the client.
void CancelPendingGetBatteryInfo(CHWRMPowerService& aPowerService);
* Cancels any pending GetBatteryVoltageInfo requests.
* @param aPowerService the service of the client session that issued the command. Used to identify the requests taht belong to the client.
void CancelPendingGetBatteryVoltageInfo(CHWRMPowerService& aPowerService);
* Issues a plugin command to stop the charging current measurements.
void DoStopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL();
* Issues a plugin command to stop the BatteryFull charging time measurements.
void DoStopChargingTimeMeasurementsL();
* Issues a plugin command to get charger type. If there is an outstanding plugin request there isn't a new
* one issued but the appropriate data are stored in a queue. This data are used later to complete the request.
* @param aPowerService the service of the client session that issued the command.
* @param aMessage the client message that requested the charger type.
void DoGetChargerTypeL(const RMessage2& aMessage, const CHWRMPowerService& aPowerService);
* Completes any pending ChargerType Info requests.
* @param aReason the Error code that is used for completion.
* @param aDataPckg data that will be written in the response message (can be an empty Des).
void CompletePendingGetChargerType(TInt aReason, TPckg<CHWRMPower::TBatteryChargerType> &aDataPckg);
* Cancels any pending GetChargetType requests.
* @param aPowerService the service of the client session that issued the command. Used to identify the requests taht belong to the client.
void CancelPendingGetChargerType(CHWRMPowerService& aPowerService);
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
* @param aPluginHandler Pointer to plugin handler for Power
void ConstructL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler);
CRepository* iRepository; // Cenrep client
CCenRepListener* iMaxReportingPeriodNotifyHandler; // Cenrep notifyhandler
CClientsData* iPowerReportClientsData; // List of clients that have registered for Average Power Measurements Reporting
CClientsData* iChargingCurrentClientsData; // List of clients that have registered for Average Charging Current Measurements Reporting
CClientsData* iChargingTimeClientsData; // List of clients that have registered for Battery Full Charging Time Measurements Reporting
TSglQue<TBatteryInfoData> iBatteryInfoQue; // list of the pending GetBatteryInfo requests
TSglQueIter<TBatteryInfoData> iBatteryInfoIter; // iterator of the list
TSglQue<TBatteryInfoData> iBatteryVoltageInfoQue; // list of the pending GetBatteryVoltageInfo requests
TSglQueIter<TBatteryInfoData> iBatteryVoltageInfoIter; // iterator of the list
TSglQue<TBatteryInfoData> iChargerTypeInfoQue; // list of the pending GetChargerType requests
TSglQueIter<TBatteryInfoData> iChargerTypeInfoIter; // iterator of the list
TUint iBaseTimeInterval; // Value of Base Time Interval is cached here from CenRep
TUint iMaximumReportingPeriod; // Value of Maximum Reporting Period is cached here from CenRep
CHWRMGenericTimer* iPowerReportMeasurementsTimer; // Cutoff timer. Owned.
CHWRMGenericTimer* iChargingCurrentMeasurementsTimer; // Cutoff timer. Owned.
CHWRMGenericTimer* iChargingTimeMeasurementsTimer; // Cutoff timer. Owned.
CHWRMPowerService* iPowerService; // Power service used to stop measurements
// or setting the plugin interval
/** IDs used to distinguish bewtween the two timers that the CommonData own */
enum TClientsIds
EPowerReportClientsId = 0
/** Item of the list that class CClientsData holds. One exists for each client
* that registers for measurements. Holds a pointer to the TPowerMeasurementsClientData
* that are owned by the HWRMPowerService of each client.
class TClientData
TClientData(TPowerMeasurementsClientData& aPowerMeasurementsClientData);
TPowerMeasurementsClientData& iPowerMeasurementsClientData;
TSglQueLink iSglQueLink;
* Contains all the clients that have registered for a type of measurements reporting.
* Handles indications for this type of measurements and informs every registered
* client for the event. Also holds the Max Period timer.
* One instance of this class exists for Voltage and one for Consumption measurements.
* It is a central point where the measurements are indicated and then dispatched
* to each of the clients.
* It is populated during the reporting session and reset after the end of the session
* either because the last client called stop, or because the maximum reporting
* period was reached.
* When the last client calls stop CLientsData will stop the plugin.
* When multiple clients registered the Greatest Common Devisor of the
* Requested Time Intervals is calculated and used by the plugin.
* All the calculations are carried by this class.
* When the Max period is reached all the clients are completed, reset and the
* plugin is stopped.
class CClientsData : public CBase
static CClientsData* NewL(CHWRMGenericTimer& aMeasurementsTimer);
virtual ~CClientsData();
* Called when a measurement indication is received from the plugin.
* @param aValue value of the indicated measurement
void BatteryMeasurementIndicationL(TDesC8& aValue);
* Getter for the active interval multiple.
* @param aIntervalMultiple holds the returned value
void GetPluginIntervalMultiple(TUint &aIntervalMultiple);
* Setter for the plugin's voltage time interval.
* @param aIntervalMultiple value that the plugin's voltage time interval is set to
void UpdatePluginIntervalMultiple(TUint aIntervalMultiple);
* Checks if the plugin measurements are On.
TBool IsMeasuringOn();
* Sets the plugin measurements flag On.
void SetMeasuringOn();
* Sets the plugin measurements flag On.
void SetMeasuringOff();
* Cheks if the Clients Queue is empty
TBool IsClientsQueEmpty();
* Creates and adds to the list a data structure
* containing all the appropriate client data.
* @param aPowerMeasurementsClientData pointer to the data to be added
void AddMeasurementsClientL(TPowerMeasurementsClientData& aPowerMeasurementsClientData);
* Deletes all the data relevant to the client that sent the message.
* @param aPowerMeasurementsClientData pointer to the data that will be removed and deleted
void RemoveMeasurementsClientData(TPowerMeasurementsClientData* aPowerMeasurementsClientData);
* Deletes all the data relevant to the client that sent the message.
* @param aPowerMeasurementsClientData pointer to the data that will be removed and deleted
* @leave KErrNotFound Client not found in the list.
void RemoveMeasurementsClientL(TPowerMeasurementsClientData* aPowerMeasurementsClientData);
* Adjusts the interval used by the plugin when a new client registers
* with a time interval that causes a change of the GCD.
* @param aIntervalMultiple Tthe new value of the GCD
void RecalculatePluginInterval(TUint &aIntervalMultiple);
* Checks if a adjustement is needed for the
* interval used by the plugin
* @param aIntervalMultiple The interval of the incoming client.
TBool NeedPluginIntervalAdjustment(TUint aIntervalMultiple);
* Deletes all the measurements related data
* Used at destruction time.
void CleanUpMeasurementsData();
* Calculation of the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers.
TUint CalculateGCD(TUint num1, TUint num2);
* Called when the Max Reporting Period is reached.
void MaxReportingPeriodReached(TInt aReason=KErrTimedOut);
* Deletes all the items of the queue and empties it.
void EmptyClientsQue();
* The Measurements collected so far are written in the
* message area of the data
void WriteMeasurementsInMessageL(TClientData* aClientData, TUint aCount);
* Returns the ClientData that correspond to the aPowerMeasurementsClientData.
* Each session has a TPowerMeasurementsClientData object. Hence each client is
* uniqely identified by this object.
* @return Pointer to the TClientData of the client that holds the aPowerMeasurementsClientData. NULL if client is not found
TClientData* FindClient(TPowerMeasurementsClientData* aPowerMeasurementsClientData);
* C++ default constructor.
CClientsData(CHWRMGenericTimer& aMeasurementsTimer);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
* @param aPluginHandler Pointer to plugin handler for Power
void ConstructL();
TBool iMeasuring; // Indicates if the plugin measurements are On or Off
//Changing to TUint as Charge current report needs it. Also other measurements to be changed in future.
TUint iPluginIntervalMultiple; // the Interval Multiple that is currently in use by the plugin
CHWRMGenericTimer& iMeasurementsTimer; // Cutoff timer. Used to set and cancel the Max Period Timer
TSglQue<TClientData> iClientsQue; // list of the registered clients
TSglQueIter<TClientData> iClientsQueIter; // iterator of the list
// End of File