* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "HWRMGenericTimer.h"
#include "HWRMPowerCommands.h"
#include "HWRMPower.h"
#include "HWRMService.h"
#include "HWRMPowerCommonData.h"
// None
const TInt KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize = 20;
// None
// None
// None
class CHWRMPowerCommonData;
class CHWRMPluginHandler;
class TPowerMeasurementsClientData;
class THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData;
* Hardware Resource Manager server side service object for Power sessions.
class CHWRMPowerService : public CHWRMService
public: // Constructors and Destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPluginHandler The plugin handler to use with this service.
* @param aPowerCommonData Reference to power common data
static CHWRMPowerService* NewL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler, CHWRMPowerCommonData& aCommonData);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CHWRMPowerService();
public: // Base class methods
// From CHWRMService
virtual TBool ExecuteMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
virtual void ProcessResponseL( TInt aCommandId, TUint8 aTransId, TDesC8& aData, TBool aTimeout );
virtual void SuspendSubResource(TInt aSubResource);
virtual void ResumeSubResource(TInt aSubResource);
virtual void ActivateSubResource(TInt aSubResource, TBool aActivate);
* Issues a plugin command to stop the power measurements. Not
* associated with a client RMessage2
void StopPowerMeasurementsL();
* Issues a plugin command to Set the Plugin Interval Multiple. Not
* associated with a client RMessage2
* Specifically added for charge rate current reporting.
void SetPluginIntervalMultipleL(HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommand,
TUint aIntervalMultiple);
* Gets the Battery consumption info
* Handles EHWRMGetBatteryInfo requests.
void GetBatteryInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Gets the Baterry voltage info
* Handles EHWRMGetBatteryVoltageInfo requests.
void GetBatteryVoltageInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Issues a plugin command to stop the Charging Current measurements. Not
* associated with a client RMessage2
void StopChargingCurrentMeasurementsL();
* Issues a plugin command to stop the BatteryFull charging time measurements. Not
* associated with a client RMessage2
void StopChargingTimeMeasurementsL();
* Gets the charger type
* Handles EHWRMGetBatteryChargerType request.
void GetChargerTypeL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* C++ default constructor.
CHWRMPowerService(CHWRMPowerCommonData& aPowerCommonData);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler);
* Starts the periodic reporting of avegage battery power value
* (period = TIntervalMultiple * BaseTimeInterval)
* Handles EStartAverageBatteryPowerReportingCmdId requests.
void StartAverageBatteryPowerReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Stops the periodic reporting of avegage battery power value
* Handles EHWRMStopAverageBatteryPowerReporting requests.
void StopAverageBatteryPowerReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Starts the periodic reporting of average charging current value
* (period = TIntervalMultiple * BaseTimeInterval)
* Handles EHWRMStartAverageChargingCurrentReporting requests.
void StartAverageChargingCurrentReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Stops the periodic reporting of average charging current value/
* Handles requests.
void StopAverageChargingCurrentReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Starts the reporting of battery full charging time measurements.
* Period is decided by plugin.
* Handles EHWRMStartBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting requests.
void StartChargingTimeReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Stops the reporting of battery full charging time measurements.
* Handles EHWRMStopBatteryFullChargingTimeReporting requests.
void StopChargingTimeReportingL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Handles EHWRMCleanupBattery requests.
* Cleans up the power service so that session can be closed.
void CleanupPowerL();
* Executes a plugin command and handles related transaction.
* @param aCommandId Command ID of the command.
void ExecutePluginCommand(HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommand);
* Executes a plugin command and handles related transaction.
* @param aCommandId Command ID of the command.
* @param aSplitCommand ETrue if this command is split into multiple transactions
* @param aPckg Command package
void ExecutePluginCommand(HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommand,
TBool /* aSplitCommand */,
TDesC8& aPckg );
* Executes a plugin command and handles related transaction.
* @param aMessage Message related to this command.
* @param aCommandId Command ID of the command.
* @param aSplitCommand ETrue if this command is split into multiple transactions
void ExecutePluginCommandL(const RMessage2& aMessage,
HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId,
TBool aSplitCommand );
* Executes a plugin command and handles related transaction.
* @param aMessage Message related to this command.
* @param aCommandId Command ID of the command.
* @param aSplitCommand ETrue if this command is split into multiple transactions
* @param aPckg Command package
void ExecutePluginCommandL(const RMessage2& aMessage,
HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId,
TBool aSplitCommand,
TDesC8& aPckg );
* Executes a plugin command and handles related transaction.
* @param aMessage Message related to this command.
* @param aCommandId Command ID of the command.
* @param aSplitCommand ETrue if this command is split into multiple transactions
* @param aPckg Command package
* @param aArg Generic integer parameter for THWRMPowerPluginRequestData
void ExecutePluginCommandL(const RMessage2& aMessage,
HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId,
TBool aSplitCommand,
TDesC8& aPckg,
TInt aArg );
* Cancels a plugin command and handles the related transaction(s).
* @param aCommandId Command ID of the command.
void CancelPluginCommandL(HWRMPowerCommand::TPowerCmd aCommandId);
* Checks the response data size
* @return ETrue if aData.Size() is correct
TBool CheckResponseDataSize( TInt aCommandId, TDesC8& aData) ;
private: // data
CHWRMPowerCommonData& iPowerCommonData; // Pointer to Power data object common to all sessions. Not owned.
TPowerMeasurementsClientData* iPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData; // pointer to the Voltage*Current(Power) data measurements of the client
TPowerMeasurementsClientData* iPowerChargingCurrentMeasurementsClientData; // pointer to the consumption data measurements of the client
TPowerMeasurementsClientData* iPowerChargingTimeMeasurementsClientData; // pointer to the voltage data measurements of the client
TBool iSuspended; // Flag to indicate if this session is suspended.
* PowerService holds two objects of class TPowerMeasurementsClientData one for voltage and
* one for consumptin measurements.
* It holds the list of data measurements. Measurements from the plugin are propagated to this class
* from the CCLientsData of the PowerCommonData.
* Caches Start and GetMeasuements messages from the client
* and is responsible for completing or cancelling them.
class TPowerMeasurementsClientData
public:// Constructors and Destructor
* C++ Constructor
* C++ Destructor
virtual ~TPowerMeasurementsClientData();
* Adds a Measurement to the iMeasurementsQue
virtual void AddMeasurementL(TDesC8& aMeasurement) = 0;
* If at least one measurement is collected the data is written to
* the messasge and the client is completed. If not the
* message hanlde is stored and the client is completed
* when data is ready
virtual TBool GetMeasurementsL(RMessage2 aMessage) = 0;
* Check if we are receiving measurements.
TBool IsMeasuringOn();
* Set the measuring flag on.
void SetMeasuringOn();
* Set the measuring flag off.
void SetMeasuringOff();
* If there exists a cached message of the client requesting measuremnts, it is completed with Error code aReason
void CompleteGetMeasurementsMessage(TInt aReason);
* If there exists a cached message of the client requesting measuremnts, it is completed with KErrCancel
void CancelPendingGetMeasurementsMessage();
* The Measurements collected are written in the message area of the message.
virtual void WriteMeasurementsInMessageL() = 0;
* If there exists a cached message of the client requesting to STart measuremnts, it is completed with Error code aReason
void CompletePendingStart(TInt aReason);
* Resets the object in order to be ready for a new measurements session.
virtual void Reset();
* Called if the client has registerd for measurements and a new measurement is sent by the plugin.
virtual void NewBatteryMeasurementL(TDesC8& aValue, TUint aPluginInterval) = 0;
//Changing to TUint as Charge current report needs it.
TUint iRequestedIntervalMultiple; //The interval multiple that the client requested
TUint iNumOfBaseIntervalsPassed; // number of Base intervals for which we have accumulated measurements
// when this value is equal or greater than the Requested Interval Multiple
// the average is calculated and added as a new measurement to the list
TBool iMeasuring; // flag indicating if the client has started measuremnets
TUint iMeasurementsCount; // number of collected measurements
RMessage2 iRequestedBatchMessage; // used to complete clients. NULL indicates no pending requests
RMessage2 iRequestedStartMessage; // used to complete clients. NULL indicates no pending requests
class TPowerIntMeasurementsClientData : public TPowerMeasurementsClientData
struct TPluginIntMeasurementFormat
TInt iError; //Error Code.
TInt iMeasurement; //Measurement received from Plugin.
* Holds a power measurement.
class TPowerIntMeasurement
TInt iAverageValue;
TSglQueLink iSglQueLink;
typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> TIntMeasurementsPckg;
* Adds a Measurement to the iMeasurementsQue
virtual void AddMeasurementL(TDesC8& aMeasurement);
* The Measurements collected are written in the message area of the message.
virtual void WriteMeasurementsInMessageL();
* Resets the object in order to be ready for a new measurements session.
virtual void Reset();
* Called if the client has registerd for measurements and a new measurement is sent by the plugin.
virtual void NewBatteryMeasurementL(TDesC8& aValue, TUint aPluginInterval);
* If at least one measurement is collected the data is written to
* the messasge and the client is completed. If not the
* message hanlde is stored and the client is completed
* when data is ready
virtual TBool GetMeasurementsL(RMessage2 aMessage);
* Transfers the collecetd data from the list to a TFixedArray, appropriate for client-server
* data trasnfer.
void TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(TFixedArray<TInt,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> &aFixedArray);
TSglQue<TPowerIntMeasurement> iMeasurementsQue; // list of the measurements
TSglQueIter<TPowerIntMeasurement> iMeasurementsQueIter;
TInt iAccumulator; // measurements are accumulated until there are enough values to calculate the average
class TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurementsClientData : public TPowerMeasurementsClientData
/* Power(Voltage and Current) measurement from plugin
should in this format.
struct TPluginVoltageCurrentMeasurementFormat
TInt iError; //Error Code.
TInt iAverageVoltageMeasurement; //Voltage Measurement received from Plugin.
TInt iAverageCurrentMeasurement; //Current Measurement received from Plugin.
* Holds a power measurement.
class TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement
TInt iAverageVoltageValue;
TInt iAverageCurrentValue;
TSglQueLink iSglQueLink;
struct TPowerVoltageCurrent
TInt iAverageVoltage;
TInt iAverageCurrent;
typedef TPckgBuf<TPowerVoltageCurrent> TVoltageCurrentMeasurementsPckg;
* Adds a Measurement to the iMeasurementsQue
virtual void AddMeasurementL(TDesC8& aMeasurement);
* The Measurements collected are written in the message area of the message.
virtual void WriteMeasurementsInMessageL();
* Resets the object in order to be ready for a new measurements session.
virtual void Reset();
* Called if the client has registerd for measurements and a new measurement is sent by the plugin.
virtual void NewBatteryMeasurementL(TDesC8& aValue, TUint aPluginInterval);
* If at least one measurement is collected the data is written to
* the messasge and the client is completed. If not the
* message hanlde is stored and the client is completed
* when data is ready
virtual TBool GetMeasurementsL(RMessage2 aMessage);
* Transfers the collecetd data from the list to a TFixedArray, appropriate for client-server
* data trasnfer.
void TransferMeasurementsToFixedArrayL(TFixedArray<TPowerVoltageCurrent,KHWRMPowerMaxMeasurementsBatchSize> &aFixedArray);
TSglQue<TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement> iMeasurementsQue; // list of the measurements
TSglQueIter<TPowerVoltageCurrentMeasurement> iMeasurementsQueIter;
TInt iVoltageAccumulator; // measurements are accumulated until there are enough values to calculate the average voltage
TInt iCurrentAccumulator; // measurements are accumulated until there are enough values to calculate the average current
* Data storage class for plugin requests.
class THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData : public THWRMPluginTransactionListItem
TUint iRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple;
* Convenience constructor
THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData(TUint aRequestedPluginIntervalMultiple, TInt aCommandId)
: THWRMPluginTransactionListItem(0, aCommandId), //TransId is updated later
* Virtual destructor.
virtual ~THWRMPluginPowerIntervalRequestData()
#endif // HWRMPowerSERVICE_H
// End of File