* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "HWRMGenericTimer.h"
#include "HWRMVibraCommands.h"
#include "HWRMVibra.h"
#include "HWRMService.h"
#include "HWRMVibraCommonService.h"
#include "HWRMVibraCommonData.h"
// None
// None
// None
// None
class CHWRMVibraCommonData;
class CHWRMPluginHandler;
class CHWRMReservationHandler;
* Hardware Resource Manager server side service object for Vibra sessions.
class CHWRMVibraService : public CHWRMService,
public MHWRMGenericTimerCallback
public: // Constructors and Destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPluginHandler The plugin handler to use with this service.
* @param aReservationHandler The reservation handler to use with this service.
* @param aVibraCommonData Reference to vibra common data
* @param aPrivilegedClient If ETrue the client of this service is privileged
* i.e. ignores vibra profile setting checks
static CHWRMVibraService* NewL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler,
CHWRMReservationHandler* aReservationHandler,
CHWRMVibraCommonService& aCommonService,
CHWRMVibraCommonData& aVibraCommonData,
TBool aPrivilegedClient);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CHWRMVibraService();
* Forces vibra to stop immediately, regardless of reservations.
void ForceVibraStop();
* Checks if it is ok to stop vibra from another session based on what this
* session desires for the state to be.
* @return ETrue if ok to stop vibra
TBool OkToStopVibra();
public: // Base class methods
// From CHWRMService
virtual TBool ExecuteMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
virtual void ProcessResponseL( TInt aCommandId, TUint8 aTransId, TDesC8& aData, TBool aTimeout );
virtual void SuspendSubResource(TInt aSubResource);
virtual void ResumeSubResource(TInt aSubResource);
virtual void ActivateSubResource(TInt aSubResource, TBool aActivate);
// From MHWRMGenericTimerCallback
virtual void GenericTimerFired(TInt aTimerId, TBool aCutOff);
* C++ default constructor.
CHWRMVibraService(CHWRMVibraCommonService& aCommonService,
CHWRMVibraCommonData& aVibraCommonData, TBool aPrivilegedClient);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL(CHWRMPluginHandler* aPluginHandler,
CHWRMReservationHandler* aReservationHandler);
* Instructs plugin API to start vibra with specified intensity
* @param aDuration Duration for which the vibra is to be turned on.
* @param aIntensity Intensity of the vibra in decimal is -100 to 100,
* which shows the percentage of the vibra motor full
* rotation speed. When intensity is negative,
* the vibra motor rotates in the negative direction.
* When intensity is positive, the vibra motor rotates
* in the positive direction. Value 0 stops the vibra.
* NOTE: The device might have hardware imposed limits
* on supported vibra intensity values, so actual
* effect might vary between different hardware.
* NOTE2: Special value KUseDefaultIntensity (defined
* in HWRMVibraService.cpp) can be used to
* indicate that default intensity is to be used.
* @param aMessage Message related to request. Can have NULL handle for
* restore/release/cleanup related requests.
* @param aSetTimer If ETrue, call needs to set the timer. Some types of
* calls such as restoring last state should not reset
* timer should use EFalse.
* @param aPulse If ETrue, vibra pulse is requested and new timer for
* stopping this request must be created. Original vibra
* timer is left always intact, when this parameter ETrue.
void StartVibraL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDuration,
TInt aIntensity,
const RMessage2& aMessage,
TBool aSetTimer = ETrue,
TBool aPulse = EFalse);
* Instructs plugin API to pulse vibra with specified intensity and duration
* @param aDuration Duration for which the vibra is to be turned on.
* @param aIntensity Intensity of the vibra in decimal is -100 to 100,
* which shows the percentage of the vibra motor full
* rotation speed. When intensity is negative,
* the vibra motor rotates in the negative direction.
* When intensity is positive, the vibra motor rotates
* in the positive direction. Value 0 stops the vibra.
* NOTE: The device might have hardware imposed limits
* on supported vibra intensity values, so actual
* effect might vary between different hardware.
* NOTE2: Special value KUseDefaultIntensity (defined
* in HWRMVibraService.cpp) can be used to
* indicate that default intensity is to be used.
* @param aMessage Message related to request. Can have NULL handle for
* restore/release/cleanup related requests.
* @param aSetTimer If ETrue, call needs to set the timer. Some types of
* calls such as restoring last state should not reset
* timer should use EFalse.
void PulseVibraL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDuration,
TInt aIntensity,
const RMessage2& aMessage,
TBool aSetTimer = EFalse);
* Interrupts the device vibration that is started with the StartVibra
* method immediately.
* @param aMessage Message related to request. Can have NULL handle for
* timer initiated requests
* @param aForceStop If ETrue, stop is forced regardless of reservation
* status.
* @param aFinalStop If ETrue, indicates that this is final stop by
* destructor and it doesn't require callback.
void StopVibraL(const RMessage2& aMessage,
TBool aForceStop=EFalse,
TBool aFinalStop=EFalse);
* Changes the device vibration intensity to previous active intensity
void ChangeVibraIntensityL();
* Cleans up the vibra state
void CleanupVibra();
* Cleans up buffered vibra pulse data objects
void ReleasePulseData();
* Checks whether vibra pulse should be blocked
TBool VibraPulseBlocked();
private: // class
* Embedded class to contain pulse timer objects
* and associated intensities for timer period.
class CPulseData : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aVibraTimer Vibra pulse timer
* @param aLastIntensity Last "suspended" intensity
* @param aIntensity Intensity of this pulse request
* @param aLastTimerId Last activated timer id
static CPulseData* NewL( CHWRMGenericTimer& aVibraTimer,
const TInt aLastIntensity,
const TInt aIntensity,
const TInt aLastTimerId );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPulseData();
public: // New functions
* Method to return the last intensity
* @return Last intensity
CHWRMGenericTimer& Timer() const;
* Method to return the last intensity
* @return Last intensity
TInt LastIntensity() const;
* Method to return this requests's intensity
* @return Intensity
TInt Intensity() const;
* Method to set last intensity
void SetLastIntensity(TInt aIntensity);
* Method to return last timer id
* @return Timer id
TInt LastTimerId() const;
* Method to set last timer id
void SetLastTimerId(TInt aTimerId);
private: // New functions
* C++ constructor.
CPulseData( CHWRMGenericTimer& aVibraTimer,
const TInt aLastIntensity,
const TInt aIntensity,
const TInt aLastTimerId );
private: // Data
CHWRMGenericTimer& iVibraTimer; // Timer
TInt iLastIntensity; // Vibra intensity, when this pulse timer started
TInt iIntensity; // Vibra intensity of this pulse request
TInt iLastTimerId; // Timer id, which was active when pulse requested
* Cleans up the vibra state
//void CleanupVibra();
private: // data
CHWRMVibraCommonData& iVibraCommonData; // Pointer to vibra data object common to all sessions. Not owned.
CHWRMGenericTimer* iVibraTimer; // Cutoff timer. Owned.
TBool iSuspended; // Flag to indicate if this session is suspended.
CHWRMVibra::TVibraStatus iLastStatus; // Indicates what state vibra should be on.
TInt iLastIntensity; // Indicates what intensity vibra should have (if status is on)
CHWRMVibra::TVibraStatus iFrozenStatus; // Vibra status frozen at last release.
TInt iFrozenIntensity; // Vibra intensity frozen at last release.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iFrozenTime; // Remaining vibra timer duration at last release.
TBool iReserved; // Flag to indicate if this session is reserved.
TBool iPrivilegedClient; // Flag to indicate if this session client is privileged
TBool iCleanupDone; // Flag to indicate if cleanup has been done.
TBool iStateSetAfterReservation; // Flag to indicate that state has changed after reservation.
// This is set to EFalse when reservation is activated.
CHWRMVibraCommonService& iCommonService; // Common vibra service for all sessions
RPointerArray<CPulseData> iPulseData; // Pulse objects holding timers and associated intensities
TSecureId iSid; // SID of vibra using client.
TInt iActiveTimerId; // Id of active timer
// End of File