* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Sensor server channel buffer implementation
#include "sensrvdefines.h"
#include "sensrvchannel.h"
#include "sensrvpluginproxy.h"
#include "sensrvchannelbuffer.h"
#include "sensrvchannellistener.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2-phase constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSensrvChannelBuffer* CSensrvChannelBuffer::NewL(TInt aItemSize,
TInt aBufferLength)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::NewL(aItemSize: %d, aBufferLength: %d)" ), aItemSize, aBufferLength ) );
CSensrvChannelBuffer* self = new( ELeave ) CSensrvChannelBuffer(aItemSize, aBufferLength);
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::NewL - return 0x%x" ), self ) );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSensrvChannelBuffer::CSensrvChannelBuffer(TInt aItemSize,
TInt aBufferLength)
: iItemSize(aItemSize),
iBufferLength(aBufferLength < KSensrvMinimumBufferLength ? KSensrvMinimumBufferLength : aBufferLength),
iLatestWrittenItemIndex( KErrNotFound )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::CSensrvChannelBuffer()" )) );
// Nothing to do
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::CSensrvChannelBuffer - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2nd phase of construction
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::ConstructL()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::ConstructL()" ) ) );
// Check parameter validity here, as constructor cannot leave.
TInt bufferSize = iItemSize*iBufferLength;
if ( iItemSize <= 0
|| iBufferLength <= 0
|| (KMaxTInt/iItemSize) <= iBufferLength )
ERROR_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::ConstructL - ERROR: Invalid parameters" ) ) );
// Construct buffer
iBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(bufferSize);
BUFFER_TRACE( ( _L( "#### CSensrvChannelBuffer::ConstructL(): iBufferLength: %d" ), iBufferLength ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::ConstructL - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::~CSensrvChannelBuffer()" ) ) );
delete iBuffer;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::~CSensrvChannelBuffer - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get pointer to next free block (the beginning of head index item)
// Invalidate next aCount items and move indexes accordingly.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8* CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetFreeBlock(TInt aCount)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetFreeBlock(aCount: %d)" ), aCount ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aCount <= iBufferLength, User::Panic(KSensrvPanicCategory, ESensrvPanicOutOfBounds));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iRequestedFreeBlockLength, User::Panic(KSensrvPanicCategory, ESensrvPanicPreviousBlockNotYetWritten));
// Check if there is enough space in the end of the buffer to allocate continuous
// block of aCount items
if (iHeadIndex + aCount > iBufferLength)
// No room, invalidate the end of buffer and move head to start of buffer.
iHeadIndex = 0;
// There is room at end of buffer, do nothing
// Invalidate desired range
// Get head pointer
TUint8* ptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(iBuffer->Ptr());
ptr += iHeadIndex*iItemSize;
iRequestedFreeBlockLength = aCount;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetFreeBlock - return %d" ), ptr ) );
return ptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validate specified count of items and adjust indexes.
// Head index is moved aCount items forward, as well as iValidEndIndex,
// if that is at head.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::WroteBlock(TInt aCount)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::WroteBlock(aCount: %d)" ), aCount ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iRequestedFreeBlockLength >= aCount, User::Panic(KSensrvPanicCategory, ESensrvPanicRequestedFreeBlockTooSmall));
// Negative count indicates an error
TInt total(iHeadIndex + aCount);
if (aCount < 0 || total > iBufferLength)
ERROR_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::WroteBlock - Invalid count: %d, iBufferLength: %d, iHeadIndex: %d" ), aCount, iBufferLength, iHeadIndex ) );
else if (aCount)
// Store the latest written item index to be used as initial data
iLatestWrittenItemIndex = total - 1;
iHeadIndex = total;
if (iValidEndIndex < iHeadIndex)
iValidEndIndex = iHeadIndex;
if (iHeadIndex == iBufferLength)
iHeadIndex = 0;
for(TInt i = 0; i < iTailIndexArray.Count(); i++)
UpdateDataAvailable(*(iTailIndexArray[i]), ETrue);
// Nothing to do when count is zero
iRequestedFreeBlockLength = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cancels any outstanding free block request
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::CancelFreeBlock()
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::CancelFreeBlock()" ) ) );
iRequestedFreeBlockLength = 0;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::CancelFreeBlock - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a listener tail index
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSensrvChannelBuffer::AddListener(CSensrvChannelListener* aListener,
TSensrvTailIndexItem*& aTailItem,
CSensrvChannelListener::TSensrvChannelListenerState aState)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::AddListener(aListener: 0x%x, <retval>, aState: %d)" ), aListener, aState ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aListener, User::Panic(KSensrvPanicCategory, ESensrvPanicNullListener));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(GetTailIndex(aListener) == KErrNotFound, User::Panic(KSensrvPanicCategory, ESensrvPanicDuplicateListener));
aTailItem = new TSensrvTailIndexItem(aListener);
TInt err(KErrNoMemory);
if (aTailItem)
if (aState == CSensrvChannelListener::EChannelListenerStateDataListening)
// If no outstanding request for data block (i.e. first listener),
// initialize index to head index.
if (iRequestedFreeBlockLength)
aTailItem->iDataTailIndex = KSensrvChannelBufferUninitializedTail;
aTailItem->iDataTailIndex = iHeadIndex;
else if (aState == CSensrvChannelListener::EChannelListenerStateConditionListening)
// Unlike data, conditions are available immediately, regardless of
// current listening state. Each condition set will individually
// be evaluated if it should ignore new data.
aTailItem->iConditionTailIndex = iHeadIndex;
ERROR_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::AddListener - ERROR: Invalid state: %d" ), aState ) );
err = iTailIndexArray.Append(aTailItem);
if (err != KErrNone)
delete aTailItem;
aTailItem = NULL;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::AddListener - return %d, aTailItem: 0x%x" ), err, aTailItem ) );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removes a listener tail index
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::RemoveListener(CSensrvChannelListener* aListener)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::DeleteListener(aListener: 0x%x)" ), aListener ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aListener, User::Panic(KSensrvPanicCategory, ESensrvPanicNullListener));
TBool removed(EFalse);
for(TInt i = 0; !removed && i < iTailIndexArray.Count(); i++)
if (iTailIndexArray[i]->iListener == aListener)
delete iTailIndexArray[i];
removed = ETrue;
// Clear requested free block length
if( iTailIndexArray.Count() == 0 )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::DeleteListener - return (removed: %d)" ), removed ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get new data for listener to transaction data item
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetMessageData(TSensrvTailIndexItem* aTailItem,
CSensrvChannelListener::TChannelDataMessage& aMessageData,
TInt aCount)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetMessageData(aCount: %d)" ), aCount ) );
if( aTailItem == NULL )
TBool done(EFalse);
TInt actualCount(aCount > aTailItem->iDataAvailable ? aTailItem->iDataAvailable : aCount);
// Get tail item pointer
TUint8* startPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>(iBuffer->Ptr());
TUint8* tailPtr = startPtr + aTailItem->iDataTailIndex*iItemSize;
TPtrC8* activePart = &aMessageData.iFirstDataPart;
aMessageData.iDataLostCount = aTailItem->iDataLostCount;
while (!done)
TInt available(0);
// Adjust tail index
if (!aTailItem->iDataAvailable)
// No new data available, do nothing
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### No more data available")));
done = ETrue;
else if ( aTailItem->iDataTailIndex < iHeadIndex )
// Data available up to head index
available = iHeadIndex - aTailItem->iDataTailIndex;
TInt remainder = actualCount - aMessageData.iDataItemCount;
if (remainder < available)
available = remainder;
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### More data was available")));
done = ETrue;
else // iTailIndexArray[index].iDataTailIndex >= iHeadIndex
// New data available up to iValidEndIndex and possibly more again from start
// Only possible to get here on first pass.
available = iValidEndIndex - aTailItem->iDataTailIndex;
if (actualCount <= available)
available = actualCount;
done = ETrue; // No second pass needed
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### Just single block of data was available")));
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### Possibly second block of data available")));
aTailItem->iDataTailIndex += available;
activePart->Set(tailPtr, available*iItemSize);
aMessageData.iDataItemCount += available;
// Roll tail index over to zero if at end of buffer,
// unless valid buffer ends at head index, in which case
// SSY has reserved a block beginning from iValidEndIndex,
// and we should wait for new data at current index.
if (aTailItem->iDataTailIndex == iValidEndIndex && iValidEndIndex != iHeadIndex)
aTailItem->iDataTailIndex = 0;
tailPtr = startPtr;
activePart = &aMessageData.iSecondDataPart;
UpdateDataAvailable(*aTailItem, EFalse);
aTailItem->iDataLostCount = 0;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetMessageData - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get new data for condition listener.
// Always get all the data available.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetConditionData(TSensrvTailIndexItem* aTailItem,
CSensrvChannelListener::TChannelDataParts& aDataParts)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetConditionData" ) ) );
if( aTailItem == NULL )
TInt actualCount1(0);
TInt actualCount2(0);
// Condition data is always cleared at every new data notification, so
// it is unlikely that it ever will build up to more than maximum buffering count,
// or have two parts, unless SSY thread somehow manages to call BufferFilled twice
// or more times in a row without new data handling on server main thread.
// However, it is theoretically possible, so check the available count
// and need for multiple parts.
// If further optimization of condition checking is required, this possibility can
// probably be quite safely ignored and second data part gotten rid of.
if (!aTailItem->iConditionDataAvailable)
// No new data available, do nothing
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### No more condition data available")));
else if (aTailItem->iConditionTailIndex >= iHeadIndex)
// Condition tail after (or at) head, so get up to end of the buffer
// and again from the beginning up to the head
actualCount1 = iValidEndIndex - aTailItem->iConditionTailIndex;
actualCount2 = iHeadIndex;
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### Two parts of condition data available")));
// Condition tail before head, so get up to head
actualCount1 = iHeadIndex - aTailItem->iConditionTailIndex;
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### One part of condition data available")));
// Get data parts
TUint8* startPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>(iBuffer->Ptr());
TUint8* tailPtr = startPtr + aTailItem->iConditionTailIndex*iItemSize;
aDataParts.iFirstDataPart.Set(tailPtr, actualCount1*iItemSize);
aDataParts.iSecondDataPart.Set(startPtr, actualCount2*iItemSize);
// Reset tail
aTailItem->iConditionTailIndex = iHeadIndex;
aTailItem->iConditionDataAvailable = 0;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetConditionData - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invalidates range of items starting from head index.
// Adjusts valid and tail indexes accordingly.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::InvalidateRange(TInt aCount)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::InvalidateRange(aCount: %d)" ), aCount ) );
TInt invalidEnd(iHeadIndex+aCount);
// Data loss occurs for items between iHeadIndex and invalidIndex,
// but only up to iValidEndIndex
TInt dataLossIndex(0);
if (invalidEnd > iValidEndIndex)
dataLossIndex = iValidEndIndex;
dataLossIndex = invalidEnd;
// Update tail indexes and data lost for tail indexes in invalidated area
for(TInt i = 0; i < iTailIndexArray.Count(); i++)
if ( iTailIndexArray[i]->iDataAvailable
&& iTailIndexArray[i]->iDataTailIndex >= iHeadIndex
&& iTailIndexArray[i]->iDataTailIndex < invalidEnd)
// Indicate missed data
iTailIndexArray[i]->iDataLostCount += dataLossIndex - iTailIndexArray[i]->iDataTailIndex;
// Move tail to end of invalid range
if (invalidEnd >= iValidEndIndex)
// Roll tail to zero index at end of valid buffer.
iTailIndexArray[i]->iDataTailIndex = 0;
iTailIndexArray[i]->iDataTailIndex = invalidEnd;
// It is necessary to update available amount after invalidation ate some of it.
UpdateDataAvailable(*(iTailIndexArray[i]), EFalse);
// Do not adjust, as tail is before head, at head (with no unread data),
// or beyond invalidation range.
// -> It cannot be affected by the invalidation
// Update condition tail index. Should very rarely if ever come here.
// Only possible if SSY thread is able to make multiple buffer fills
// before server gets to handle new data available.
if ( iTailIndexArray[i]->iConditionDataAvailable
&& iTailIndexArray[i]->iConditionTailIndex >= iHeadIndex
&& iTailIndexArray[i]->iConditionTailIndex < invalidEnd )
if (invalidEnd >= iValidEndIndex)
// Roll tail to zero index at end of valid buffer.
iTailIndexArray[i]->iConditionTailIndex = 0;
iTailIndexArray[i]->iConditionTailIndex = invalidEnd;
// It is necessary to update available amount after invalidation ate some of it.
UpdateDataAvailable(*(iTailIndexArray[i]), EFalse);
// Do not adjust, as tail is before head, at head (with no unread data),
// or beyond invalidation range.
// -> It cannot be affected by the invalidation
// Valid data ends at head index, unless it was beyond invalidated range.
if (invalidEnd >= iValidEndIndex)
iValidEndIndex = iHeadIndex;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::InvalidateRange - return" ) ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks how much new data is available for listener.
// The data available is iHeadIndex - iDataTailIndex if iHeadIndex
// is larger than iTailIndex, or iBufferLength - iDataTailIndex + iHeadIndex,
// if iHeadIndex is smaller than iTailIndex.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::UpdateDataAvailable(TSensrvTailIndexItem& aTailItem,
TBool aMoreData)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::UpdateDataAvailable(aTailItem.iListener: 0x%x, aMoreData: %d)" ), aTailItem.iListener, aMoreData ) );
// Update data available
if (aTailItem.iDataTailIndex != KSensrvChannelBufferUnusedTail)
if (aTailItem.iDataTailIndex == KSensrvChannelBufferUninitializedTail)
aTailItem.iDataAvailable = 0;
aTailItem.iDataTailIndex = iHeadIndex;
else if (aTailItem.iDataTailIndex == iHeadIndex)
if (aMoreData)
// The amount of available data increased with this update;
// being at head index means that buffer is full
aTailItem.iDataAvailable = iValidEndIndex;
// The amount of data potentially decreased with this update;
// being at headindex means there is no data available
aTailItem.iDataAvailable = 0;
else if (aTailItem.iDataTailIndex < iHeadIndex)
aTailItem.iDataAvailable = iHeadIndex - aTailItem.iDataTailIndex;
else // aTailItem.iDataTailIndex > iHeadIndex
aTailItem.iDataAvailable = iValidEndIndex - aTailItem.iDataTailIndex + iHeadIndex;
// Update condition data available
if (aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex != KSensrvChannelBufferUnusedTail)
if (aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex == KSensrvChannelBufferUninitializedTail)
aTailItem.iConditionDataAvailable = 0;
aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex = iHeadIndex;
else if (aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex == iHeadIndex)
if (aMoreData)
// The amount of available data increased with this update;
// being at head index means that buffer is full
aTailItem.iConditionDataAvailable = iValidEndIndex;
// The amount of data potentially decreased with this update;
// being at headindex means there is no data available
aTailItem.iConditionDataAvailable = 0;
else if (aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex < iHeadIndex)
aTailItem.iConditionDataAvailable = iHeadIndex - aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex;
else // aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex > iHeadIndex
aTailItem.iConditionDataAvailable = iValidEndIndex - aTailItem.iConditionTailIndex + iHeadIndex;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::UpdateDataAvailable - return. Data available: %d" ), aTailItem.iDataAvailable ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns tail index for listener
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetTailIndex(CSensrvChannelListener* aListener)
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetTailIndex(aListener: 0x%x)" ), aListener ) );
TInt index(0);
for(TInt i = 0; !index && i < iTailIndexArray.Count(); i++)
if (iTailIndexArray[i]->iListener == aListener)
index = i;
if (!index)
index = KErrNotFound;
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetTailIndex - return %d" ), index ) );
return index;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prints out buffer details with RDebug
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::DebugPrintBuffer()
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### iHeadIndex: %d, iValidEndIndex: %d, iRequestedFreeBlockLength: %d"), iHeadIndex, iValidEndIndex, iRequestedFreeBlockLength));
for(TInt i = 0; i < iTailIndexArray.Count(); i++)
BUFFER_TRACE((_L("#### iListener: 0x%x, iDataTailIndex: %d, iConditionTailIndex: %d, iDataLostCount: %d, iDataAvailable: %d, iConditionDataAvailable: %d"),
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the initial data for listener to transaction data item
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetInitialMessageData( CSensrvChannelListener::TChannelDataMessage& aMessageData )
COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetInitialMessageData iLatestWrittenItemIndex %d" ),
iLatestWrittenItemIndex ) );
aMessageData.iDataItemCount = 0;
aMessageData.iDataLostCount = 0;
if ( iLatestWrittenItemIndex >= 0 )
TUint8* itemPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( iBuffer->Ptr() ) + iLatestWrittenItemIndex * iItemSize;
aMessageData.iFirstDataPart.Set( itemPtr, iItemSize );
aMessageData.iSecondDataPart.Set( KNullDesC8 );
aMessageData.iDataItemCount = 1;
COMPONENT_TRACE( _L( "Sensor Server - CSensrvChannelBuffer::GetInitialMessageData - return" ) );