// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Old Test CaseID APPFWK-SSS-0001
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include "tss_appstart.h"
const TInt KFireAndForgetTimeout = 5000000;
TVerdict CSsTestStepAppStart::doTestStepL()
TRAPD(err, DoTestFireAndForgetAsyncL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFireAndForgetAsyncL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestWaitForStartAsyncL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestWaitForStartAsyncL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestFireAndForgetSyncL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestFireAndForgetSyncL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestWaitForStartSyncL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestWaitForStartSyncL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestWaitForStartSuccessiveSyncL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestWaitForStartSuccessiveSyncL completed with err = %d"), err);
TRAP(err, DoTestAppStartWithRetriesL());
TEST(err == KErrNone);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DoTestAppStartWithRetriesL completed with err = %d"), err);
return TestStepResult();
Start a test application asynchronously using fire-and-forget
void CSsTestStepAppStart::DoTestFireAndForgetAsyncL()
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("\n\nPerforming App-Start Fire-and-forget Async test") );
CSsmStartupProperties* startupProperties = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( startupProperties );
startupProperties->SetFileParamsL( KTestAppGood, KNullDesC );
startupProperties->SetCommandTypeL( ESsmCmdStartApp );
startupProperties->SetExecutionBehaviour( ESsmFireAndForget );
RProcess process;
CleanupClosePushL( process );
TInt id = 0;
CAsStopper* stopper = new(ELeave) CAsStopper( KSsAsStopperNominalTimeout );
CleanupStack::PushL( stopper );
TRequestStatus& trs = stopper->Trs();
CSsmStartSafe* ss = CSsmStartSafe::NewLC();
ss->Start(*startupProperties, process, trs, id);
//Application is started using fire-and-forget execution behaviour,
//Start method always sets TRequestStatus to KErrNone.
if( KErrNone == trs.Int() )
INFO_PRINTF3( _L("TRS completed with %d. anticipated value %d"), stopper->CompletionCode(), KErrNone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, startupProperties );
TEST( 1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood) );
const TInt KSsTestAppStartTimeout = 3000; // ms
Start a test application asynchronously using wait-for-start.
A timeout is specified in order to instantiate the CTimeoutWaiter class
void CSsTestStepAppStart::DoTestWaitForStartAsyncL()
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("\n\nPerforming App-Start Wait-for-start Async test") );
CSsmStartupProperties* startupProperties = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( startupProperties );
startupProperties->SetFileParamsL( KTestAppGood, KNullDesC );
startupProperties->SetCommandTypeL( ESsmCmdStartApp );
startupProperties->SetExecutionBehaviour( ESsmWaitForSignal );
startupProperties->SetRetries( 3 );
startupProperties->SetTimeout( KSsTestAppStartTimeout );
RProcess process;
TInt id = 0;
CAsStopper* stopper = new(ELeave) CAsStopper( KSsAsStopperNominalTimeout );
CleanupStack::PushL( stopper );
TRequestStatus& trs = stopper->Trs();
CSsmStartSafe* ss = CSsmStartSafe::NewLC();
ss->Start(*startupProperties, process, trs, id);
INFO_PRINTF3( _L("TRS completed with %d. anticipated value %d"), stopper->CompletionCode(), KErrNone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, startupProperties );
TEST( 1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood) );
Start a test application synchronously using fire-and-forget
void CSsTestStepAppStart::DoTestFireAndForgetSyncL()
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("\n\nPerforming App-start Fire-and-forget sync test") );
CSsmStartupProperties* startupProperties = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( startupProperties );
startupProperties->SetFileParamsL( KTestAppGood, KNullDesC );
startupProperties->SetCommandTypeL( ESsmCmdStartApp );
startupProperties->SetExecutionBehaviour( ESsmFireAndForget );
RProcess process;
CSsmStartSafe* ss = CSsmStartSafe::NewLC();
CTestAndStopper* testAndStopper = new(ELeave) CTestAndStopper( *ss, *startupProperties, process, KFireAndForgetTimeout, this );
CleanupStack::PushL( testAndStopper );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, startupProperties );
TEST( 1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood) );
Start a test application asynchronously using wait-for-start.
A timeout is specified in order to instantiate the CTimeoutWaiter class
void CSsTestStepAppStart::DoTestWaitForStartSyncL()
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("\n\nPerforming App-start Wait-for-start sync test") );
CSsmStartupProperties* startupProperties = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( startupProperties );
startupProperties->SetFileParamsL( KTestAppGood, KNullDesC );
startupProperties->SetCommandTypeL( ESsmCmdStartApp );
startupProperties->SetExecutionBehaviour( ESsmWaitForSignal );
startupProperties->SetRetries( 3 );
startupProperties->SetTimeout( KSsTestAppStartTimeout );
RProcess process;
CSsmStartSafe* ss = CSsmStartSafe::NewLC();
CTestAndStopper* testAndStopper = new(ELeave) CTestAndStopper( *ss, *startupProperties, process, KFireAndForgetTimeout, this );
CleanupStack::PushL( testAndStopper );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, startupProperties );
TEST( 1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood) );
This test makes two synchronous calls to StartL and checks for two instances of the test-app.
A timeout is specified in order to instantiate the CTimeoutWaiter class.
some retries are specified, although they will not be used
void CSsTestStepAppStart::DoTestWaitForStartSuccessiveSyncL()
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("\n\nPerforming App-start Wait-for-start sync test") );
CSsmStartupProperties* startupProperties = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( startupProperties );
startupProperties->SetFileParamsL( KTestAppGood, KNullDesC );
startupProperties->SetCommandTypeL( ESsmCmdStartApp );
startupProperties->SetExecutionBehaviour( ESsmWaitForSignal );
startupProperties->SetRetries( 3 );
startupProperties->SetTimeout( KSsTestAppStartTimeout );
RProcess process_0;
RProcess process_1;
CSsmStartSafe* ss = CSsmStartSafe::NewLC();
CTestTwoAndStopper* testTwoAndStopper_0 = new(ELeave) CTestTwoAndStopper( *ss, *startupProperties, process_0, process_1, KFireAndForgetTimeout, this );
CleanupStack::PushL( testTwoAndStopper_0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, startupProperties );
TEST( 2 == FindAndKill(KTestAppGood) );
ssmtestapprvafterretry.exe is eventually invoked successfully. SsmStartSafe is configured to
make 1 + retries attempts to start the recalcitrant app. The app is configured to start
after retries attempts
void CSsTestStepAppStart::DoTestAppStartWithRetriesL()
INFO_PRINTF1( _L("\nStart recalcitrant app with retries") );
// Write the retry number to a file to be read, updated
// and eventually deleted by the test-app.
RFs fs;
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
RFileWriteStream writeStream;
CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
if( KErrNone != fs.Connect()
|| KErrNone != writeStream.Replace(fs, KDontRvCountFile, EFileWrite) )
User::Leave( KErrCouldNotConnect );
const TInt KSsTestDontRvCount = 4;
writeStream.WriteInt8L( KSsTestDontRvCount );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &fs );
const TInt KRetries = KSsTestDontRvCount + 1;
CSsmStartupProperties* startupProperties_0 = CSsmStartupProperties::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( startupProperties_0 );
startupProperties_0->SetFileParamsL( KTestAppRvAfterRetry, KNullDesC );
startupProperties_0->SetCommandTypeL( ESsmCmdStartApp );
startupProperties_0->SetExecutionBehaviour( ESsmWaitForSignal );
startupProperties_0->SetRetries( KRetries );
// For each retry KTestAppRvAfterRetry takes 2secs
startupProperties_0->SetTimeout( KSsTestAppStartTimeout*1.5 );
RProcess process;
TInt id_0 = 0;
CStartAcknowledge* ack_0 = new(ELeave) CStartAcknowledge( this );
CleanupStack::PushL( ack_0 );
CSsmStartSafe* ss = CSsmStartSafe::NewLC();
ss->Start(*startupProperties_0, process, ack_0->iStatus, id_0);
CAsPauseStopper* pauseStopper = new(ELeave) CAsPauseStopper( KSsAsStopperNominalTimeout * 10 );
CleanupStack::PushL( pauseStopper );
TEST( ack_0->iStatus == KErrNone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, startupProperties_0 );
TEST( 1 == FindAndKill(KTestAppRvAfterRetry) );
TVerdict CSsTestStepAppStart::doTestStepPreambleL()
iActiveScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
CActiveScheduler::Install( iActiveScheduler );
return CTestStep::doTestStepPreambleL();
/** */
TVerdict CSsTestStepAppStart::doTestStepPostambleL()
return CTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL();
From MSsTestAsyncNotifier
void CSsTestStepAppStart::SsTestNotify( TInt aNotify )
TEST( KErrNone == aNotify );
INFO_PRINTF3( _L("StartL supplied leave code %d. Anticipated value %d"), aNotify, KErrNone );
SetTestStepName( KCTestCaseAppStart );
delete iActiveScheduler;