// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include "tssm_server.h"
#include "tssm_step_server.h"
#include "tssm_step_statepolicyresolver.h"
#include "tssm_step_statetransitionengine.h"
#include "tssm_step_swppolicymap.h"
#include "tssm_step_swppolicyresolver.h"
#include "tssm_step_swprequesthandler.h"
#include "tssm_step_swptransitionengine.h"
#include "tssm_step_swptransitionscheduler.h"
#include "tssm_step_validstatelist.h"
#include "tssm_step_validswplist.h"
#include "tssm_step_platsec.h"
#include "tssm_step_swpcommonplugin.h"
#include "tssm_step_paniccle.h"
#include "tssm_step_swpdependencies.h"
#include "tssm_step_swphandlecleret.h"
#include "tssm_step_statefurthertransition.h"
#include "tssm_step_conditionalcommands.h"
#include "tssm_step_ssmcledeadlock.h"
#include "tssm_step_repeatedpublishstate.h"
#include "tssm_step_notifypropertychange.h"
#include "tssmswppolicy_step_rswppolicysess.h"
#include "tssm_step_cmdexecutionoom.h"
#include "ssmserverpanic.h"
_LIT(KSsmTestServerName, "SsmTestServer");
CSsmTestServer* CSsmTestServer::NewLC( )
CSsmTestServer * server = new (ELeave) CSsmTestServer();
TParsePtrC serverName(RProcess().FileName());
return server;
static void MainL()
CActiveScheduler* sched = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
CleanupStack::PushL (sched);
CActiveScheduler::Install (sched);
CSsmTestServer* server = CSsmTestServer::NewLC( );
RProcess::Rendezvous (KErrNone );
sched->Start( );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (server );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (sched );
Process entry point. Called by client using RProcess API
@return - Standard Epoc error code on process exit
TInt E32Main(void) //lint -e765 -e714 Suppress 'not referenced' and 'could be static'
CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
if(cleanup == NULL)
return KErrNoMemory;
if (err)
_LIT(KMainErrorStatement, "SsmTestServer::MainL - Error: %d");
RDebug::Print(KMainErrorStatement, err);
PanicNow(KSsmTestServerName, err);
delete cleanup;
return KErrNone;
@return - A CTestStep derived instance
CTestStep* CSsmTestServer::CreateTestStep(const TDesC& aStepName )
CTestStep* testStep = NULL;
if (aStepName == KTSsmServerStep)
testStep = new CSsmServerTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmStatePolicyResolverStep)
testStep = new CSsmStatePolicyResolverTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmStateTransitionEngineStep)
testStep = new CSsmStateTransitionEngineTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpPolicyMapStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpPolicyMapTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpPolicyResolverStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpPolicyResolverTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpTransitionEngineStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpTransitionEngineTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpRequestHandlerStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpRequestHandlerTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpTransitionSchedulerStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpTransitionSchedulerTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmValidStateListStep)
testStep = new CSsmValidStateListTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmValidSwpListStep)
testStep = new CSsmValidSwpListTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmPlatsecStep)
testStep = new CSsmPlatsecTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpCommonPluginStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpCommonPluginTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmPanicCleStep)
testStep = new CSsmPanicCleTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpDependenciesStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpDependenciesTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmStateFurtherTransitionStep)
testStep = new CSsmStateFurtherTransitionTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpHandleCleRetStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpHandleCleRetTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmConditionalCommandsStep)
testStep = new CSsmConditionalCommandsTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSsmCleDeadlockStep)
testStep = new CSsmSsmCleDeadlockTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmRepeatedPublishStateStep)
testStep = new CSsmRepeatedPublishStateTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmNotifyPropertyChangeStep)
testStep = new CSsmNotifyPropertyChangeTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmSwpRSwpPolicySessionStep)
testStep = new CSsmSwpRSwpPolicySessionTest();
else if (aStepName == KTSsmCmdExecutionOomStep)
testStep = new CSsmCmdExecutionOomTest();
RDebug::Printf ("Unknown SsmTest step %S", &aStepName );
return testStep;