changeset 0 7f656887cf89
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     1 // threadListboxdata.cpp
     2 // 
     3 // Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
     4 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 // under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 // at the URL "".
     8 // 
     9 // Initial Contributors:
    10 // Accenture - Initial contribution
    11 //
    12 #include "KernLbxModel.h"
    13 #include "Utils.h"
    14 #include <fshell/clogger.h>
    15 #include <fshell/memoryaccess.h>
    16 #include <fshell/qr3dll.h>
    17 #include "QResources3.hrh"
    18 #include <fshell/heaputils.h>
    20 CThreadsListBoxData::CThreadsListBoxData(CKernListBoxModel* aModel)
    21 	: CKernListBoxData(aModel)
    22 	{
    23 	}
    25 void CThreadsListBoxData::DoFormatL(TObjectKernelInfo* aInfo, RBuf& name, RBuf& more, TInt& itemId)
    26 	{
    27 	TThreadKernelInfo& info = *(TThreadKernelInfo*)aInfo;
    28 	name.Copy(info.iFullName);
    29 	PrettyName(iType, name);
    31 	TUint tid = info.iThreadId;
    32 	TExitType exitType = EExitPending;
    33 	RThread thread;
    34 	if (Model().MemAccess().RThreadForceOpen(thread, tid) == KErrNone)
    35 		{
    36 		exitType = thread.ExitType();
    37 		}
    38 	if (exitType == EExitPending)
    39 		{
    40 		more.Format(_L("Tid %i"), tid);
    41 		}
    42 	else
    43 		{
    44 		TExitCategoryName cat = thread.ExitCategory();
    45 		more.Format(_L("Tid %i %S %i"), tid, &cat, thread.ExitReason());
    46 		}
    47 	thread.Close();
    48 	itemId = tid;
    49 	}
    51 void CThreadsListBoxData::DumpToCloggerL(RClogger& clogger, TInt i, TInt /*count*/)
    52 	{
    53 	_LIT8(KThreadDesc,"Thread;FullName;Tid;Priority;(PriorityHumanReadable);ParentPid;StackSize;(StackSizeHumanReadable);HeapSize;(HeapSizeHumanReadable);MinHeapSize;(MinHumanReadable);UnusedPages;LostBytes;(LostBytesHumanReadable);ExitStatus;ExitCategory;ExitReason;KernObjAddr");
    54 	_LIT8(KThreadFmt,"Thread;%S;%i;%i;(%S);%i;%i;(%S);%i;(%S);%i;(%S);%i;%i;(%S);%S;%S;%i;%x");
    55 	//                                                    ^ HeapSizeHumanReadable
    56 	if (i == 0) clogger.Log(KThreadDesc);
    57 	TThreadKernelInfo& info = *(TThreadKernelInfo*)iInfo;
    59 	TBuf<16> priority16 = ToString((TThreadPriority)info.iThreadPriority);
    60 	TPtr8 priority = priority16.Collapse();
    62 	LtkUtils::RProxyAllocatorHelper allocHelper;
    63 	User::LeaveIfError(allocHelper.Open(Model().MemAccess(), info.iThreadId));
    64 	TBuf8<16> heapSize, minHeap, lostBytes, stackSize;
    65 	HR(heapSize, allocHelper.CommittedSize());
    66 	HR(stackSize, info.iUserStackSize);
    67 	HR(minHeap, allocHelper.MinCommittedSize());
    68 	TInt lostBytesCount = allocHelper.CommittedFreeSpace();
    69 	HR(lostBytes, lostBytesCount);
    70 	TInt parentPid = 0; //TODO
    71 	TPtrC exitStatus;
    72 	TInt exitReason = 0;
    73 	TExitCategoryName exitCategory;
    74 	RThread handle;
    75 	if (Model().MemAccess().RThreadForceOpen(handle, info.iThreadId) == KErrNone)
    76 		{
    77 		exitStatus.Set(ToString(handle.ExitType()));
    78 		exitCategory = handle.ExitCategory();
    79 		exitReason = handle.ExitReason();
    80 		handle.Close();
    81 		}
    82 	TBuf8<16> exitStatus8;
    83 	exitStatus8.Copy(exitStatus);
    84 	TPtrC8 exitCategory8 = exitCategory.Collapse();
    85 	clogger.Log(KThreadFmt, &info.iFullName, info.iThreadId, info.iThreadPriority, &priority, parentPid, info.iUserStackSize, &stackSize, allocHelper.CommittedSize(), &heapSize, allocHelper.MinCommittedSize(), &minHeap, allocHelper.CountUnusedPages(), lostBytesCount, &lostBytes, &exitStatus8, &exitCategory8, exitReason, info.iAddressOfKernelObject);
    86 	allocHelper.Close();
    87 	}
    89 void CThreadsListBoxData::DoInfoForDialogL(RBuf& aTitle, RBuf& inf, TDes* aTemp)
    90 	{
    91 	TThreadKernelInfo& info = *(TThreadKernelInfo*)iInfo;
    92 	RThread thread;
    93 	RProcess process;
    94 	TInt err = Model().MemAccess().RThreadForceOpen(thread, info.iThreadId);
    95 	if (!err)
    96 		{
    97 		err = thread.Process(process);
    98 		}
    99 	TUint processId = err;
   100 	if (!err)
   101 		{
   102 		processId = (TUint)process.Id();
   103 		}
   104 	CleanupClosePushL(thread);
   105 	CleanupClosePushL(process);
   107 	_LIT(KInfo, "Thread info");
   108 	aTitle.Copy(KInfo);
   109 	inf.Copy(iInfo->iFullName);
   110 	inf.Append(Klflf);
   112 	_LIT(KThread, "Tid: %d Pid: %d Kern Priority: %d\nPriority: %d (%S)\nProc Priority: %d (%S)");
   113 	_LIT(KCritical, "\n%S");
   114 	_LIT(KCreator, "\nCreator thread id: %d (%S)");
   115 	_LIT(KKern, "\nKernel object address: 0x%08x");
   116 	_LIT(KStack, "\n\nUser stack size: %S");
   117 	_LIT(KHeap, "\nAllocator: 0x%08x\nHeap size: %S (%d)\nMin/Max: %S/%S\nUnused: %S Usable: %S");
   118 	_LIT(KDied, "\n\nDied with: %S %S %i");
   120 	TThreadPriority threadPriority = (TThreadPriority)err;
   121 	TProcessPriority processPriority = (TProcessPriority)err;
   122 	TPtrC priority = _L("?");
   123 	TPtrC priorityP = _L("?");
   124 	if (!err)
   125 		{
   126 		threadPriority = thread.Priority();
   127 		priority.Set(ToString(threadPriority));
   128 		processPriority = process.Priority();
   129 		priorityP.Set(ToString(processPriority));
   130 		}
   131 	LtkUtils::RProxyAllocatorHelper allocHelper;
   132 	User::LeaveIfError(allocHelper.Open(Model().MemAccess(), info.iThreadId));
   133 	TBuf<16> heapSize, minHeap, maxHeap, unusedMem, reclaimableMem, stackSize;
   134 	HR(heapSize, allocHelper.CommittedSize());
   135 	HR(stackSize, info.iUserStackSize);
   136 	HR(minHeap, allocHelper.MinCommittedSize());
   137 	HR(maxHeap, allocHelper.MaxCommittedSize());
   138 	HR(unusedMem, allocHelper.CommittedFreeSpace());
   139 	HR(reclaimableMem, allocHelper.CountUnusedPages() * 4096);
   140 	inf.AppendFormat(KThread, info.iThreadId, processId, info.iThreadPriority, threadPriority, &priority, processPriority, &priorityP);
   142 	TUint creatorTid = Model().MemAccess().GetThreadCreatorId(info.iThreadId);
   143 	if (creatorTid != 0)
   144 		{
   145 		RThread creator;
   146 		TInt err = Model().MemAccess().RThreadForceOpen(creator, creatorTid);
   147 		*aTemp = _L("?");
   148 		if (err == KErrNone)
   149 			{
   150 			*aTemp = creator.FullName();
   151 			PrettyName(iType, *aTemp);
   152 			creator.Close();
   153 			}
   154 		inf.AppendFormat(KCreator, creatorTid, aTemp);
   155 		}
   157 	User::TCritical crit = User::ENotCritical;
   158 	if (!err)
   159 		{
   160 		crit = User::Critical(thread);
   161 		}
   162 	if (crit != User::ENotCritical)
   163 		{
   164 		TPtrC critical = ToString(crit);
   165 		inf.AppendFormat(KCritical, &critical);
   166 		}
   167 	inf.AppendFormat(KKern, info.iAddressOfKernelObject);
   169 	inf.AppendFormat(KStack, &stackSize);
   170 	inf.AppendFormat(KHeap, allocHelper.AllocatorAddress(), &heapSize, allocHelper.CommittedSize(), &minHeap, &maxHeap, &unusedMem, &reclaimableMem);
   171 	allocHelper.Close();
   172 	if (err == KErrNone && thread.ExitType() != EExitPending)
   173 		{
   174 		TPtrC exitStatus;
   175 		TInt exitReason = 0;
   176 		TExitCategoryName exitCategory;
   177 		exitStatus.Set(ToString(thread.ExitType()));
   178 		if (thread.ExitType() == EExitPanic)
   179 			{
   180 			exitCategory = thread.ExitCategory();
   181 			}
   182 		exitReason = thread.ExitReason();
   183 		inf.AppendFormat(KDied, &exitStatus, &exitCategory, exitReason);
   184 		}
   185 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &thread);
   186 	}
   188 TBool CThreadsListBoxData::SupportsCommand(TInt aCommand)
   189 	{
   190 	switch (aCommand)
   191 		{
   192 		case ECmdHandleInfo:
   193 		case ECmdKill:
   194 		case ECmdDumpHeap:
   195 		case ECmdSetCritical:
   196 		case ECmdSetPriority:
   197 		case ECmdPoll:
   198 			return ETrue;
   199 		default:
   200 			return EFalse;
   201 		}
   202 	}