changeset 0 7f656887cf89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libraries/spcre/libpcre/pcre/132html	Wed Jun 23 15:52:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# Script to turn PCRE man pages into HTML
+# Subroutine to handle font changes and other escapes
+sub do_line {
+my($s) = $_[0];
+$s =~ s/</&#60;/g;                   # Deal with < and >
+$s =~ s/>/&#62;/g;
+$s =~ s"\\fI(.*?)\\f[RP]"<i>$1</i>"g;
+$s =~ s"\\fB(.*?)\\f[RP]"<b>$1</b>"g;
+$s =~ s"\\e"\\"g;
+$s =~ s/(?<=Copyright )\(c\)/&copy;/g;
+# Subroutine to ensure not in a paragraph
+sub end_para {
+if ($inpara)
+  {
+  print TEMP "</PRE>\n" if ($inpre);
+  print TEMP "</P>\n";
+  }
+$inpara = $inpre = 0;
+$wrotetext = 0;
+# Subroutine to start a new paragraph
+sub new_para {
+print TEMP "<P>\n";
+$inpara = 1;
+# Main program
+$innf = 0;
+$inpara = 0;
+$inpre = 0;
+$wrotetext = 0;
+$toc = 0;
+$ref = 1;
+while ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)
+  {
+  $toc = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq "-toc";
+  shift;
+  }
+# Initial output to STDOUT
+print <<End ;
+<title>$ARGV[0] specification</title>
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#00005A" link="#0066FF" alink="#3399FF" vlink="#2222BB">
+<h1>$ARGV[0] man page</h1>
+Return to the <a href="index.html">PCRE index page</a>.
+This page is part of the PCRE HTML documentation. It was generated automatically
+from the original man page. If there is any nonsense in it, please consult the
+man page, in case the conversion went wrong.
+print "<ul>\n" if ($toc);
+open(TEMP, ">/tmp/$$") || die "Can't open /tmp/$$ for output\n";
+while (<STDIN>)
+  {
+  # Handle lines beginning with a dot
+  if (/^\./)
+    {
+    # Some of the PCRE man pages used to contain instances of .br. However,
+    # they should have all been removed because they cause trouble in some
+    # (other) automated systems that translate man pages to HTML. Complain if
+    # we find .br or .in (another macro that is deprecated).
+    if (/^\.br/ || /^\.in/)
+      {
+      print STDERR "\n*** Deprecated macro encountered - rewrite needed\n";
+      print STDERR "*** $_\n";
+      die "*** Processing abandoned\n";
+      }
+    # Instead of .br, relevent "literal" sections are enclosed in .nf/.fi.
+    elsif (/^\.nf/)
+      {
+      $innf = 1;
+      }
+    elsif (/^\.fi/)
+      {
+      $innf = 0;
+      }
+    # Handling .sp is subtle. If it is inside a literal section, do nothing if
+    # the next line is a non literal text line; similarly, if not inside a
+    # literal section, do nothing if a literal follows. The point being that
+    # the <pre> and </pre> that delimit literal sections will do the spacing.
+    # Always skip if no previous output.
+    elsif (/^\.sp/)
+      {
+      if ($wrotetext)
+        {
+        $_ = <STDIN>;
+        if ($inpre)
+          {
+          print TEMP "\n" if (/^[\s.]/);
+          }
+        else
+          {
+          print TEMP "<br>\n<br>\n" if (!/^[\s.]/);
+          }
+        redo;    # Now process the lookahead line we just read
+        }
+      }
+    elsif (/^\.TP/ || /^\.PP/ || /^\.P/)
+      {
+      &new_para();
+      }
+    elsif (/^\.SH\s*("?)(.*)\1/)
+      {
+      # Ignore the NAME section
+      if ($2 =~ /^NAME\b/)
+        {
+        <STDIN>;
+        next;
+        }
+      &end_para();
+      my($title) = &do_line($2);
+      if ($toc)
+        {
+        printf("<li><a name=\"TOC%d\" href=\"#SEC%d\">$title</a>\n",
+          $ref, $ref);
+        printf TEMP ("<br><a name=\"SEC%d\" href=\"#TOC1\">$title</a><br>\n",
+          $ref, $ref);
+        $ref++;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+        print TEMP "<br><b>\n$title\n</b><br>\n";
+        }
+      }
+    elsif (/^\.SS\s*("?)(.*)\1/)
+      {
+      &end_para();
+      my($title) = &do_line($2);
+      print TEMP "<br><b>\n$title\n</b><br>\n";
+      }
+    elsif (/^\.B\s*(.*)/)
+      {
+      &new_para() if (!$inpara);
+      $_ = &do_line($1);
+      s/"(.*?)"/$1/g;
+      print TEMP "<b>$_</b>\n";
+      $wrotetext = 1;
+      }
+    elsif (/^\.I\s*(.*)/)
+      {
+      &new_para() if (!$inpara);
+      $_ = &do_line($1);
+      s/"(.*?)"/$1/g;
+      print TEMP "<i>$_</i>\n";
+      $wrotetext = 1;
+      }
+    # A comment that starts "HREF" takes the next line as a name that
+    # is turned into a hyperlink, using the text given, which might be
+    # in a special font. If it ends in () or (digits) or punctuation, they
+    # aren't part of the link.
+    elsif (/^\.\\"\s*HREF/)
+      {
+      $_=<STDIN>;
+      chomp;
+      $_ = &do_line($_);
+      $_ =~ s/\s+$//;
+      $_ =~ /^(?:<.>)?([^<(]+)(?:\(\))?(?:<\/.>)?(?:\(\d+\))?[.,;:]?$/;
+      print TEMP "<a href=\"$1.html\">$_</a>\n";
+      }
+    # A comment that starts "HTML" inserts literal HTML
+    elsif (/^\.\\"\s*HTML\s*(.*)/)
+      {
+      print TEMP $1;
+      }
+    # A comment that starts < inserts that HTML at the end of the
+    # *next* input line - so as not to get a newline between them.
+    elsif (/^\.\\"\s*(<.*>)/)
+      {
+      my($markup) = $1;
+      $_=<STDIN>;
+      chomp;
+      $_ = &do_line($_);
+      $_ =~ s/\s+$//;
+      print TEMP "$_$markup\n";
+      }
+    # A comment that starts JOIN joins the next two lines together, with one
+    # space between them. Then that line is processed. This is used in some
+    # displays where two lines are needed for the "man" version. JOINSH works
+    # the same, except that it assumes this is a shell command, so removes
+    # continuation backslashes.
+    elsif (/^\.\\"\s*JOIN(SH)?/)
+      {
+      my($one,$two);
+      $one = <STDIN>;
+      $two = <STDIN>;
+      $one =~ s/\s*\\e\s*$// if (defined($1));
+      chomp($one);
+      $two =~ s/^\s+//;
+      $_ = "$one $two";
+      redo;            # Process the joined lines
+      }
+    # Ignore anything not recognized
+    next;
+    }
+  # Line does not begin with a dot. Replace blank lines with new paragraphs
+  if (/^\s*$/)
+    {
+    &end_para() if ($wrotetext);
+    next;
+    }
+  # Convert fonts changes and output an ordinary line. Ensure that indented
+  # lines are marked as literal.
+  $_ = &do_line($_);
+  &new_para() if (!$inpara);
+  if (/^\s/)
+    {
+    if (!$inpre)
+      {
+      print TEMP "<pre>\n";
+      $inpre = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  elsif ($inpre)
+    {
+    print TEMP "</pre>\n";
+    $inpre = 0;
+    }
+  # Add <br> to the end of a non-literal line if we are within .nf/.fi
+  $_ .= "<br>\n" if (!$inpre && $innf);
+  print TEMP;
+  $wrotetext = 1;
+  }
+# The TOC, if present, will have been written - terminate it
+print "</ul>\n" if ($toc);
+# Copy the remainder to the standard output
+open(TEMP, "/tmp/$$") || die "Can't open /tmp/$$ for input\n";
+print while (<TEMP>);
+print <<End ;
+Return to the <a href="index.html">PCRE index page</a>.
+# End