Added ENotifyKeypresses and ECaptureCtrlC flags to CCommandBase.
Commands can now get keypresses and handle ctrl-C via callbacks instead of having to implement custom active objects. As part of this extended the CCommandBase extension interface to MCommandExtensionsV2 for the new virtual functions KeyPressed(TUint aKeyCode, TUint aModifiers) and CtrlCPressed(). sudo now cleans up correctly by using ECaptureCtrlC.
# fshell-ccommandbase-test.script
# Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution
# Syntax: fshell fshell-ccommandbase-test.script
# Tests various features of CCommandBase relating to argument and option parsing
source $SCRIPT_PATH\errordef.script
# Check that negative integers are parsed correctly
tinteger -1 -2 -3 -4 # -1 is a short option, -2 is an integer argument, -3 is a short option that takes an int (being -4). If any of them don't get filled in correctly tinteger will bail
tinteger -3 -4 -2 -1 # This should be equivalent
export TESTINT "-8"
var TESTINT subtract "-5" # "subtract -5" is a trickier-to-parse equivalent of "add 5"
var TESTINT == "-3" || $Error
#TODO hmm should we have to quote the string arguments that start with a dash?
# Check that 64-bit types are handled ok (these don't get used much so worth testing here)
# If tfshellarguments doesn't see these exact values it will error
tfshellarguments 1099511627776 3.1415927
tfshellarguments 0x10000000000 31415927.0e-7
tfshellarguments 0x10000000000 31415927 2>/dev/null && $Error # If this *succeeds* it's an error, because the floating point arg is wrong, hence the use of && rather than ||
# Check that options and args can be filled in from the environment (run tenvarguments first with all args specified on command line as a control)
tenvarguments StringArg 1234 0x1234 --boolopt --stringopt StringOpt --intopt 4321 --uintopt 0x4321
export STRINGARG StringArg
export INTARG 1234
export UINTARG 0x1234
export BOOLOPT 1
export STRINGOPT StringOpt
export INTOPT 4321
export UINTOPT 0x4321
tenvarguments # CCommandBase will moan if anything non-optional is not filled in, and tenvarguments itself checks the values it receives are what it expects.
tnoncifenvarguments # same but testing that the behaviour is the same when not using a CIF (the way the arguments are set up is a slightly different code path)