author Tom Sutcliffe <>
Fri, 09 Jul 2010 10:11:55 +0100
changeset 6 96d581d2147d
parent 0 7f656887cf89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added MCommandExtensionsV1 as an extensible way of adding new virtual functions to CCommandBase without breaking BC. Using this, added a custom error code resolver and added lots of Software Install errors to swi.

	_ZN11CLineEditor4NewLER3RFsR22MAbstractConsoleWriterR19MLineEditorObserverR14MLineCompleter @ 1 NONAME ABSENT
	_ZN11CLineEditor5StartERK7TDesC16 @ 2 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditor9HandleKeyEjj @ 3 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditorD0Ev @ 4 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditorD1Ev @ 5 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditorD2Ev @ 6 NONAME
	_ZTI11CLineEditor @ 7 NONAME ; #<TI>#
	_ZTI12CLineHistory @ 8 NONAME ABSENT; #<TI>#
	_ZTI12TConsoleLine @ 9 NONAME ; #<TI>#
	_ZTV11CLineEditor @ 10 NONAME ; #<VT>#
	_ZTV12CLineHistory @ 11 NONAME ABSENT; #<VT>#
	_ZTV12TConsoleLine @ 12 NONAME ; #<VT>#
	_ZN12TConsoleLine10CursorLeftEv @ 13 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine10DeleteLeftEv @ 14 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine11CursorRightEv @ 15 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine11DeleteRightEv @ 16 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine14CursorNextWordEv @ 17 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine15CursorBeginningEv @ 18 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine18CursorPreviousWordEv @ 19 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine29PrintCompletionPossibilitiesLERK7TDesC16 @ 20 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine3EndEv @ 21 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine5StartERK7TDesC16 @ 22 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine6InsertE5TChar @ 23 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine6RedrawEv @ 24 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine7ReplaceERK7TDesC16 @ 25 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine7ReplaceEiRK7TDesC16 @ 26 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine9CursorEndEv @ 27 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine9OverwriteE5TChar @ 28 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLineC1ER8RConsole @ 29 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLineC2ER8RConsole @ 30 NONAME
	_ZNK12TConsoleLine16ContentsToCursorEv @ 31 NONAME
	_ZNK12TConsoleLine8ContentsEv @ 32 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditor4NewLER3RFsR22MAbstractConsoleWriterR19MLineEditorObserverR14MLineCompleterRK7TDesC16 @ 33 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditor24RemovePromptAndUserInputEv @ 34 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditor27ReinstatePromptAndUserInputEv @ 35 NONAME
	_ZN20TIoConsWriterAdaptorC1ER21RIoConsoleWriteHandle @ 36 NONAME
	_ZN20TIoConsWriterAdaptorC2ER21RIoConsoleWriteHandle @ 37 NONAME
	_ZTI20TIoConsWriterAdaptor @ 38 NONAME ; #<TI>#
	_ZTV20TIoConsWriterAdaptor @ 39 NONAME ; #<VT>#
	_ZN19TConsoleBaseAdaptorC1ER12CConsoleBase @ 40 NONAME
	_ZN19TConsoleBaseAdaptorC2ER12CConsoleBase @ 41 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditor5StartERK7TDesC16S2_ @ 42 NONAME
	_ZN12TConsoleLine5StartERK7TDesC16S2_ @ 43 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditor6RedrawEv @ 44 NONAME
	_ZN11CLineEditor5AbortEv @ 45 NONAME