Added fshell testexecute wrapper command. Fixed some uids.
# var.cif
# Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution
==name var
Perform an operation involving environment variables.
This command returns zero (KErrNone) in the success case, and a non-zero positive code otherwise. Usage:
var SOMETHING defined # Doesn't cause an error, returns '1'
var SOMETHING defined && echo Defined # Nothing is echoed
export SOMETHING 1
var SOMETHING defined && echo Defined # "Defined" will be printed
var SOMETHING == 1 && echo "Equal" # "Equal" will be printed
var SOMETHING add 3 && echo "$SOMETHING" # $SOMETHING now has value "4"
C<==> and C<!=> are text comparisons not numerical, and all environment variables are strings, so the following will I<not> work:
export VAL 16
var VAL == 0x10 && echo Equal # Error! "16" does not equal "0x10"
==argument string variable
The environment variable to be operated on.
==argument enum operation
The operation to be performed.
==enum-value defined
Test if the specified environment variable is defined.
==enum-value not-defined
Opposite of C<defined>.
==enum-value ==
Tests if the specified environment variable is an exact string match for the supplied argument.
==enum-value !=
Opposite of C<==>.
==enum-value add
Assume that the specified environment variable holds an integer, and adds the value given by the argument to it. If the variable isn't defined or doesn't contain a decimal integer, it is assumed to have value zero.
==enum-value subtract
Subtracts the given value from the environment variable. Semantics as per add.
==argument string argument optional
The argument to the operation.
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.