author Tom Sutcliffe <>
Wed, 20 Oct 2010 10:11:55 +0100
changeset 72 ce94bcf3f672
parent 66 2a78c4ff2eab
permissions -rw-r--r--
Re-enabled bytepair compression support in chkdeps. Seems it was a bug in the loader code, producing an incorrect error, that led me to disabole it originally. Commented out the apparently-incorrect check, which means theoretically some corrupt binaries won't get picked up during decompression. Which probably doesn't matter much.

# fshell-basic-test.script
# Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Accenture - Initial contribution

# Syntax: fshell fshell-basic-test.script
# Tests fundamental fshell primitives.
# Start with comments with awkward things in > && < in; I suppose ' "

var ARG_COUNT == 0 || error -6 "fshell-basic-test should not be called with any arguments"

# Check the basics -  environment variables, export, var
export TEST testing
var TEST == testing || error

export TEST
var TEST not-defined || error

# Test multistage pipelines
# Pipeline operators are right-associative, ie "x || y && z" means "x || (y && z)" and *NOT* (x || y) && z
export TEST 1 && var TEST == 2 && error
export TEST 1 && var TEST == 2 || var TEST add 3
var TEST == 4 || error
export TEST 1 && var TEST == 2 || var TEST add 3 && var TEST == 4 || error # As above but all in one line
var NONEXISTANT not-defined || var NONEXISTANT defined && error

# Test that an env var can be expanded to a whole pipeline stage
var TEST_CMD_COMPLETED == 1 || error

# Now we know that works, use it to give ourselves better error reporting
# Apparently an env var can't expand to more than one pipeline stage, which is why we have to wrap this in fshell -e
var KEEP_GOING not-defined && export Error 'fshell -e "echo ^"Test failed, env is:^" && env && error"'
var KEEP_GOING defined && export Error 'error -39 "Test failure in $SCRIPT_NAME at line $SCRIPT_LINE"'

# Check we've defined the things we're supposed to in a script
var SCRIPT_PATH defined || $Error
var SCRIPT_NAME == fshell-basic-test.script || $Error
var SCRIPT_LINE == 48 || error -39 "SCRIPT_LINE isn't 48, it's $SCRIPT_LINE" # Remember to update this if you change the script above this point!
var 0 == $SCRIPT_PATH$SCRIPT_NAME || $Error
var DOLLAR_SCRIPT_LINE_VALUE == 50 || $Error

# Test pipes, redirection

echo -n "Testing pipes" | export -s TEST
var TEST == "Testing pipes" || $Error

# Check export -s can cope with complex stuff
echo -n "" | export -s TEST
var TEST == "" || $Error
echo -n "a^r^nb" | export -s TEST
var TEST == "a^r^nb" || $Error

# Check echo's handling of newlines is correct
echo --no-newline "Hello world!" | export -s TEST
var TEST == "Hello world!" || $Error
echo "Hello world!" | export -s TEST
var TEST == "Hello world!^r^n" || $Error
echo "Hello world!^r^n" | export -s TEST
# If there's already a newline, echo shouldn't add another
var TEST == "Hello world!^r^n" || $Error

# Check that hashes, ampersands etc can be quoted ok
export TEST "something ^x3e somewhere ^x26^x26 something else ^x23 with comment^x0d^x0a"
echo "something > somewhere && something else # with comment^r^n" | export -s RESULT
var RESULT == "$TEST" || $Error
var TEST == "$RESULT" || $Error # Check it's a reflexive relationship
echo something^ ^>^ somewhere^ ^&^&^ something^ else^ ^#^ with^ comment^r^n | export -s RESULT
var RESULT == "$TEST" || $Error
var TEST == "$RESULT" || $Error # Check it's a reflexive relationship
export "#" "Let's define ^$# just for the fun of it"
var "#" == "Let's define ^$# just for the fun of it" || $Error

# Test hashes inside single quotes
var '#' == 'Let^'s define $# just for the fun of it' || $Error # Balance ' for my struggling text editor syntax highlighter

# Check that 2>&1 works as expected
echo --stderr --no-newline Hello 2>&1 | export -s TEST
var TEST == Hello || $Error

echo "SHOULDN'T SEE THIS ON STDOUT (2)" > /dev/null

echo --stderr "SHOULDN'T SEE THIS ON STDERR (1)" 2> NUL
echo --stderr "SHOULDN'T SEE THIS ON STDERR (2)" 2> /dev/null

exists /dev/null && $Error # Check we didn't actually create a file called /dev/null
variant wins || exists NUL && $Error # Check we didn't actually create a file called NUL. Don't do this check on wins because apparently NUL gets passed through to the underlying Win32 file system, on which NUL is valid... it really shouldn't do that!

# Check we can use &| to continue past an error
echo -n "" &| export OK 1
var OK defined || $Error
export OK
error -39 "Shouldn't ever see this!" 2>NUL &| export OK 1
var OK defined || $Error
export OK

export FILE c:\fshell-basic-test.txt
rm $FILE 2>/dev/null &| echo -n "" # I don't like using "&| echo" syntax to indicate don't care if it fails. Probably rm -f should be quiet like unix version
exists $FILE && $Error
echo -n "Testing file redirection" > c:\fshell-basic-test.txt
exists $FILE || $Error

# The redirect stdin operation doesn't get used much
var FILECONTENTS == "Testing file redirection" || $Error

# Check doing the same thing via a pipe-line also works
cat -e utf-8 $FILE | export -s FILECONTENTS
var FILECONTENTS == "Testing file redirection" || $Error

rm $FILE # clean up

# Test that source works, takes arguments ok, and inherits environment correctly
source $SCRIPT_PATH\setenv.script SOMETHING 1234
var SOMETHING == 1234 || $Error
source $SCRIPT_PATH\addenv.script SOMETHING 4321
var SOMETHING == 5555 || $Error

source $SCRIPT_PATHsetenv.script SOMETHING # Check that the \ isn't required after the $SCRIPT_PATH
var SOMETHING not-defined || $Error

# Check that source hasn't nuked our vars
var SCRIPT_NAME == fshell-basic-test.script || $Error
var 0 == $SCRIPT_PATH$SCRIPT_NAME || $Error
var ARG_COUNT defined || $Error
var ARG_COUNT == 0 || $Error
# And that none of the sources we just ran have polluted $1 etc with their arguments
var 1 not-defined || $Error

# Ambiguous variable expansion - appears to be done by longest prefix match
export AA bb
export AAAA bbbb
export AAA bbb
echo -n $AAAa | export -s RESULT
var RESULT == bbba || $Error
echo -n $AAAAa | export -s RESULT
var RESULT == bbbba || $Error

# Ambiguous *nested* variable expansion. Evil!
export ANEST correct
echo -n $A$INNER | export -s RESULT 
var RESULT == correct || $Error
export A aaa
#TODO with $A defined this no longer works - is this reasonable? I'm guessing the string is expanded left-to-right.
#echo $A$INNER | export -s RESULT # I'd like this to expand to $ANEST then to "correct" but it expands to aaaNEST

# Check what characters are allowed in an environment variable name - I'm assuming |&$^#;"' aren't a good idea
export AWKWARD-!£%*()_+=/\[]{}:@ "really awkward thing"
echo -n "Evil $AWKWARD-!£%*()_+=/\[]{}:@." | export -s RESULT
var RESULT == "Evil really awkward thing." || $Error

# Test that errors reported from scripts are reported with correct line numbers
export EXPECTED_ERR "Error: Aborted ^"$SCRIPT_PATHprinterror.script^" at line 17 : KErrNotFound (-1)^r^n"

fshell $SCRIPT_PATHprinterror.script 2>&1 | export -s PRINTERR
var PRINTERR == "$EXPECTED_ERR" || $Error

source $SCRIPT_PATHprinterror.script 2>&1 | export -s PRINTERR
var PRINTERR == "$EXPECTED_ERR" || $Error