1 # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 # All rights reserved. |
3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 # |
8 # Initial Contributors: |
9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 # |
11 # Contributors: |
12 # |
13 # Description: |
14 # |
15 |
16 use File::Copy; |
17 use File::Path; |
18 use FindBin; |
19 use lib $FindBin::Bin; |
20 use Win32::Process; |
21 use Win32; |
22 use Win32::Job; |
23 |
24 my $platform = "winscw"; |
25 my $screens = 2; |
26 |
27 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # |
28 # log-id wins/winscw executable test-context wsini selection #of screens # |
29 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # |
30 &RunWservTest("normal", $platform, "auto", "autou.cfg", "wservu.ini", $screens); |
31 &RunWservTest("sparse", $platform, "auto", "autou_sparse.cfg", "wservu_sparse.ini", $screens); |
32 &RunWservTest("sparse_nodefault", $platform, "auto", "autou_sparse_nodefault.cfg", "wservu_sparse_nodefault.ini", $screens); |
33 exit; |
34 |
35 sub RunWservTest() |
36 { |
37 my $session = shift; |
38 my $plat = shift; |
39 my $exe = shift; |
40 my $cfg = shift; |
41 my $wservu = shift; |
42 my $nScreens = shift; |
43 |
44 my $epocDir = "\\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\udeb\\"; |
45 my $epocEmulator = $epocDir."epoc.exe"; |
46 |
47 my $wsini = $epocDir."z\\system\\data\\wsini.ini"; |
48 my $wsiniBackup = $wsini.".bak"; |
49 |
50 my $epocFile = "\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini"; |
51 my $epocBackup = $epocFile.".bak"; |
52 |
53 # backup original epoc.ini and wsini.ini |
54 &DoCopy($epocFile, $epocBackup) if (!-f $epocBackup); |
55 &DoCopy($wsini, $wsiniBackup) if (!-f $wsiniBackup); |
56 |
57 print "Mnt install\n"; |
58 my $wservDir = "."; |
59 &StartMntCommand($wservDir, $plat, $wservu, $cfg); |
60 |
61 $exeFile = $epocDir.$exe.".exe"; |
62 if (-f $exeFile) |
63 { |
64 $epocEmulator = $exeFile; |
65 } |
66 else |
67 { |
68 &AddShellCmd($wsini, $exe); |
69 } |
70 |
71 if ($nScreens > 1) |
72 { |
73 &CreateEpocMultiScreen($epocFile, $wsini, $nScreens); |
74 } |
75 |
76 my $job = Win32::Job->new; |
77 if (!$job) { &ErrorReport(); next; } |
78 |
79 print "Running wserv test $session..."; |
80 my $spawned = $job->spawn($epocEmulator, 'epoc.exe'); |
81 if (!$spawned) { &ErrorReport(); next; } |
82 |
83 my $timeout = 45; |
84 my $ok = $job->run($timeout * 60); |
85 warn "WARNING: Process \"$epocEmulator\" killed due to timeout.\n" if (!$ok); |
86 |
87 print "done\n"; |
88 |
89 # save wserv.log |
90 my $logDir = "\\epoc32\\$plat\\c\\data\\"; |
91 my $wservLog = $logDir."wserv.log"; |
92 my $logBackup = $logDir."wserv_$session.log"; |
93 &DoCopy($wservLog, $logBackup); |
94 |
95 |
96 # restore original epoc.ini and wsini.ini |
97 &DoCopy($wsiniBackup, $wsini); |
98 &DoCopy($epocBackup, $epocFile); |
99 |
100 # remove auto.cfg |
101 system("del /f /q \\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\udeb\\z\\system\\data\\auto.cfg"); |
102 } |
103 |
104 sub StartMntCommand() |
105 { |
106 my $wservDir = shift; |
107 my $plat = shift; |
108 my $wservu = shift; |
109 my $autou = shift; |
110 |
111 &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\system.ini", "\\epoc32\\data\\"); |
112 &MntDoInstall($wservDir, $plat, 'udeb', $wservu, $autou); |
113 &MntDoInstall($wservDir, $plat, 'urel', $wservu, $autou); |
114 } |
115 |
116 sub MntDoInstall() |
117 { |
118 my $wservDir = shift; |
119 my $plat = shift; |
120 my $UrelUdeb = shift; |
121 my $whatFile = shift; |
122 my $autoCfg = shift; |
123 |
124 my $dataDir = "\\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\$UrelUdeb\\z\\system\\data\\"; |
125 mkpath($dataDir); |
126 &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\$whatFile", $dataDir.'wsini.ini'); |
127 &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\$autoCfg", $dataDir.'auto.cfg'); |
128 } |
129 |
130 sub AddShellCmd |
131 { |
132 my $file = shift; |
133 my $cmd = shift; |
134 |
135 my $string = &ascii_to_utf16("SHELLCMD $cmd"); |
136 |
137 &Write_UTF16_Newline($file); |
138 |
139 open(FILE, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n"; |
140 print FILE $string; |
141 close FILE; |
142 |
143 &Write_UTF16_Newline($file); |
144 } |
145 |
146 sub Write_UTF16_Newline |
147 { |
148 my $file = shift; |
149 |
150 open(BIN, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open \"$file\": $!\n"; |
151 binmode BIN; |
152 sysseek BIN, 0, SEEK_END; |
153 syswrite BIN, "\x0D\x00\x0A\x00" or warn "WARNING: Could not write to file\n"; |
154 close BIN; |
155 } |
156 |
157 # Function that accepts an ASCII string and returns the same string in UTF16 |
158 sub ascii_to_utf16 { |
159 my $utf16_string = ""; |
160 my $ascii_string = shift; |
161 my $lengthofstring = length($ascii_string); |
162 |
163 for (my $count=1; $count<=$lengthofstring; $count++) |
164 { |
165 my $char = substr($ascii_string,$count-1,1); |
166 $utf16_string .= $char; |
167 $utf16_string .= "\x00"; |
168 } |
169 |
170 return $utf16_string; |
171 } |
172 |
173 sub ProduceWServResult() |
174 { |
175 $plat = shift; |
176 $subDir = shift; |
177 $handleFileTable = shift; |
178 $wservTestResStatistic = shift; |
179 |
180 $background = 0; |
181 |
182 $wservTestResStatistic = ""; |
183 $duration = ""; |
184 |
185 my $result = "PASS"; |
186 |
187 open TEMPLOGFILE, ">>\\work.txt"; |
188 print TEMPLOGFILE "Start ProduceWServResult: plat $plat,subDir $subDir,handleFileTable $handleFileTable,background $background\n"; |
189 close TEMPLOGFILE; |
190 |
191 $logFile = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\$plat\\c\\data\\WSERV.LOG"; |
192 |
193 open LOGFILEWSERV, "$logFile" or $logWSFileRes = -1; |
194 $CurWinServTestNumber = 0; |
195 $CurWinServTestName = ""; |
196 $wservTestDuration = 0; |
197 $wservFullTestDuration = 0; |
198 |
199 print "result ws : $logWSFileRes\n"; |
200 |
201 $fileLogWServDest = "$subDir\\1_wserv.htm"; |
202 open FILELOGDEST, ">$fileLogWServDest";# or die "Can't open file: $fileLogWServDest! \n"; |
203 print FILELOGDEST "<pre>"; |
204 |
205 while($_ = <LOGFILEWSERV>) |
206 { |
207 if(/\s(\d+\.\d\d\d)/) |
208 { |
209 $wservTestDuration = $1; |
210 } |
211 else |
212 { |
213 $wservTestDuration = 0; |
214 } |
215 $wservFullTestDuration += $wservTestDuration; |
216 |
217 if(/AUTO New Test: /) |
218 { |
219 $wservFullTestDuration = $wservTestDuration; |
220 |
221 if($CurWinServTestNumber != 0) #previos test was inconclusive |
222 { |
223 $Inconclusive++; |
224 $result = "INCONCLUSIVE"; |
225 OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result, |
226 $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration); |
227 $background = !$background; |
228 print FILELOGDEST "</pre>"; |
229 close FILELOGDEST; |
230 } |
231 |
232 if(/Test (\d+),(.+\w)(\s+\d\.)/) |
233 { |
234 $CurWinServTestNumber = $1; |
235 $CurWinServTestName = $2; |
236 } |
237 else |
238 { |
239 /Test (\d+),(.+)/; |
240 $CurWinServTestNumber = $1; |
241 $CurWinServTestName = $2; |
242 } |
243 |
244 |
245 if($CurWinServTestNumber > 1) |
246 { |
247 $fileLogWServDest = "$subDir\\$CurWinServTestNumber" . "_wserv.htm"; |
248 open FILELOGDEST, ">$fileLogWServDest";# or die "Can't open file: $fileLogWServDest! \n"; |
249 print FILELOGDEST "<pre>"; |
250 } |
251 } |
252 elsif(/AUTO TEST RESULT: /) |
253 { |
254 $CurWinServTestNumber = 0; |
255 |
256 /AUTO TEST RESULT: (\w+)/; |
257 $TestResult = $1; |
258 if($TestResult eq "PASS") |
259 { |
260 $col = "#008000"; |
261 $result = $TestResult; |
262 $Pass++; |
263 } |
264 elsif($TestResult eq "FAIL") |
265 { |
266 $col = "#ff0000"; |
267 $result = $TestResult; |
268 $Failed++; |
269 } |
270 else |
271 { |
272 $col = "#0000ff"; |
273 $Unknown++; |
274 $result = "N/A"; |
275 } |
276 |
277 if($wservFullTestDuration =~ /(\d+\.\d{0,3})/) |
278 { |
279 $wservFullTestDuration = $1; |
280 } |
281 |
282 #output result to the file |
283 OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result, |
284 $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration); |
285 $background = !$background; |
286 print FILELOGDEST "<FONT COLOR=\"$col\">$_</FONT><br>"; |
287 |
288 print FILELOGDEST "</pre>"; |
289 close FILELOGDEST; |
290 } |
291 if(/AUTO Testing Complete, (.*)(\d+\.\d{0,3})/) |
292 { |
293 $wservTestResStatistic = $1; |
294 } |
295 |
296 if(/AUTO Failed /) |
297 { |
298 print FILELOGDEST "<FONT COLOR=\"#ff0000\">$_</FONT><br>"; |
299 } |
300 else |
301 { |
302 print FILELOGDEST "$_<br>"; |
303 } |
304 } #while($_ = <LOGFILEWSERV>) |
305 |
306 #check if a test is inconclusive |
307 if($CurWinServTestNumber != 0) |
308 { |
309 $CurWinServTestNumber = 0; |
310 $wservFullTestDuration = $wservTestDuration; |
311 |
312 $wservTestResStatistic = "Inconclusive"; |
313 $result = "INCONCLUSIVE"; |
314 $Inconclusive++; |
315 |
316 #output result to the file |
317 OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result, |
318 $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration); |
319 $background = !$background; |
320 |
321 print FILELOGDEST "</pre>"; |
322 close FILELOGDEST; |
323 } |
324 |
325 close LOGFILEWSERV; |
326 close FILELOGDEST; |
327 } |
328 |
329 sub OutputWServerTestResultToTable() |
330 { |
331 my $handle = shift; |
332 my $background = shift; |
333 my $result = shift; |
334 my $TestName = shift; |
335 my $WServDest = shift; |
336 my $duration = shift; |
337 |
338 if($background == 1) |
339 { |
340 print $handle "<TR BGCOLOR='#ECECE4'><TD WIDTH=\"33%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n"; |
341 } |
342 else |
343 { |
344 print $handle "<TR><TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n"; |
345 } |
346 |
347 print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P><a href=\"$WServDest\">$TestName</FONT></TD>\n"; |
348 |
349 print $handle "<TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n"; |
350 print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P>$duration</FONT></TD>\n"; |
351 |
352 print $handle "<TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n"; |
353 print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P>$result</FONT></TD>\n"; |
354 print $handle "</TR>\n"; |
355 } |
356 |
357 sub DoCopy |
358 { |
359 my $source = shift; |
360 my $target = shift; |
361 |
362 my $out = `copy /y \"$source\" \"$target\" 2>&1`; |
363 |
364 if ($? && -e $target && $out =~ /Access is denied./) |
365 { |
366 # Target exists and is probably read only, so attempt an xcopy |
367 `xcopy /y /i /r /e \"$source\" \"$target\" 2>&1`; |
368 } |
369 |
370 warn "WARNING: Could not copy \"$source\" to \"$target\"\n" if $?; |
371 } |
372 |
373 sub CreateEpocMultiScreen() |
374 { |
375 my $epocFile = shift; |
376 my $wsiniFile = shift; |
377 my $nScreens = shift; |
378 |
379 # epoc.ini |
380 open(FILE, ">>$epocFile") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n"; |
381 for (my $i=1; $i<$nScreens; $i++) |
382 { |
383 print FILE "_NewScreen_\n"; |
384 print FILE "ScreenWidth 640\n"; |
385 print FILE "ScreenHeight 240\n"; |
386 } |
387 close FILE |
388 |
389 # wsini.ini |
390 &AppendLineToFile($wsiniFile, "[SCREEN0]"); |
391 for (my $i=1; $i<$nScreens; $i++) |
392 { |
393 &AppendLineToFile($wsiniFile, "[SCREEN$i]"); |
394 } |
395 } |
396 |
397 sub AppendLineToFile() |
398 { |
399 my $file = shift; |
400 my $line = shift; |
401 |
402 my $string = &ascii_to_utf16($line); |
403 |
404 &Write_UTF16_Newline($file); |
405 |
406 open(FILE, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n"; |
407 print FILE $string; |
408 close FILE; |
409 |
410 &Write_UTF16_Newline($file); |
411 } |
412 |