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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // CWsWindow and associated classes definitions
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #ifndef __WINDOWGROUP_H__
    19 #define __WINDOWGROUP_H__
    21 #include "server.h"
    22 #include "tcursor.h"
    24 class CWsWindowGroup : public CWsWindowBase
    25 	{
    26 private:
    27 	enum {EMaxIdentifierCount=10000};	// Could go as high as the highest signed int, but this would be impractical to test
    28 	enum TGroupWindowFlags {
    29 		EGroupFlagDisableKeyClick=0x01,
    30 		EGroupFlagReceivesFocus=  0x02,
    31 		EGroupFlagAutoForeground= 0x04,
    32 		EGroupFlagHandlesDeviceChange= 0x08,
    33 		EGroupFlagScreenDeviceDeleted= 0x10,
    34 		EGroupFlagMsgQueueActive= 0x20,
    35 		EGroupFlagMsgQueueNew=	  0x40,
    36 		EGroupFlagMessageSignalled= 0x80,
    37 		};
    38 public:
    39 	static CWsWindowGroup* NewL(CWsClient* aOwner, CScreen* aScreen, 
    40 		const TWsClCmdCreateWindowGroup& aCmd);
    41 	~CWsWindowGroup();
    42 private:
    43 	CWsWindowGroup(CWsClient* aOwner,CScreen* aScreen);
    44 	void ConstructL(const TWsClCmdCreateWindowGroup &aCmd);
    45 public: // from CWsObject
    46 	virtual void CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData);
    47 public: // from CWsWindowBase
    48 	virtual TPoint Origin() const;
    49 	virtual TRect AbsRect() const;
    50 	virtual TSize Size() const;
    51 public:
    52 	CWsClientWindow *Child() const;
    53 	inline CWsWindowGroup *PrevSibling() const;
    54 	inline CWsWindowGroup *NextSibling() const;
    55 	CWsRootWindow *Parent() const;
    56 	void UpdateOrdinalPriority(TBool aDoAdjust);
    57 	void LostFocus();
    58 	void ReceivedFocus();
    59 	inline RWsTextCursor *TextCursor();
    60 	inline TBool ReceivesFocus() const;
    61 	static TInt NumWindowGroups(TBool aAllPriorities, TInt aPriority);
    62 	static TInt SendWindowGroupListAndChainL(TBool aAllPriorities, TInt aPriority, TInt aCount);
    63 	static TBool SendEventToAllGroups(TBool aAllPriorities,TBool aOnePerClient,const TWsClCmdSendEventToWindowGroup& aData);
    64 	static void SendMessageToAllGroupsL(CWsClient& aSender,TBool aAllPriorities,const TWsClCmdSendMessageToWindowGroup& aData);
    65 	static void GetFocusWindowGroupL();
    66 	virtual void SetOrdinalPosition(TInt pos);
    67 	TBool SetOrdinalPosition(TInt pos,CWsWindowGroup *aClosingWindow);
    68 	void SetOrdinalPriority(TInt aPos, TInt aPriority);
    69 	void QueueMessageL(TUid aUid, TInt aDataLength, CWsClient& aSender);
    70 	void AddPriorityKeyL(TUint aKeycode, TUint aModifierMask, TUint aModifiers);
    71 	void RemovePriorityKey(TUint aKeycode, TUint aModifierMask, TUint aModifiers);
    72 	void RemoveAllPriorityKeys();
    73 	TBool CheckForPriorityKey(const TKeyData &aKey, TInt aScanCode);
    74 	inline CWsPointerCursor *GroupPointerCursor() const;
    75 	static CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroupFromIdentifier(TInt aIdentifier);
    76 	static CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroupFromIdentifierL(TInt aIdentifier);
    77 	static CWsWindowGroup *FindWindowGroupL(CWsClient* aClient,TInt aIdentifier,TInt aOffset,const TPtrC *aMatch,const TThreadId *aThreadId);
    78 	inline TInt Identifier() const;
    79 	inline HBufC *GroupName();
    80 	inline TInt OrdinalPriority();
    81 	inline void SetNextDefaultOwningWindow(CWsWindowGroup *aNext);
    82 	inline CWsWindowGroup **NextDefaultOwningWindowPtr();
    83 	void SetScreenDeviceValidState(const DWsScreenDevice *aDevice);
    84 	void SetScreenChangeEventStateL(TBool aEnabled);
    85 	TBool ScreenDeviceValid() const;
    86 	TBool CanReceiveFocus() const;
    87 	static void SetScreenDeviceValidStates(const DWsScreenDevice *aDevice);
    88 	static TBool SetScreenDeviceValidStates(const TBool aScreenSizeChanged, const TBool aSwapWidthAndHeight, CScreen* aScreen);
    89 	static void NewOrientation(TInt aMode,CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation aRotation, CWsRootWindow* aRootWindow);
    90 	inline DWsScreenDevice *Device();
    91 	void FetchMessageL();
    92 	static inline void SetFocusGainPreprocessing(TBool aDo);
    93 	TBool IsChained(TInt& aParentId);
    94 	inline TInt NumWindowGroupsOnMyScreen(TInt aPriority);
    95 	static TInt NumWindowGroupsOnScreen(const CWsWindowGroup* aGroupWin,TBool aAllPriorities,TInt aPriority);
    96 	inline void SetScreenDeviceDeleted();
    97 	inline TBool ScreenDeviceDeleted() const;
    98 	static TInt SendWindowGroupListL(TInt aScreenNumber, TBool aAllPriorities, TInt aPriority, TInt aCount);
    99 	static void GetFocusWindowGroupL(TInt aScreenNumber);
   100 	void SetScreenDevice(DWsScreenDevice *aDevice);
   101 	TBool HasVisibleTranslucentChild();
   102 private:
   103 	void SwitchToOwningWindow(CWsWindowGroup *aClosingWindow);
   104 	void MoveChainedWindows(TDblQueIter<CWsWindowGroup>& aIter,TBool aForward,TInt aPos,CWsWindowGroup* aClosingWindow);
   105 	TBool DoSetOrdinalPosition1(TInt aPos,CWsWindowGroup *aClosingWindow);
   106 	void DoSetOrdinalPosition2(TInt aPos,CWsWindowGroup *aClosingWindow);
   107 	void SignalMessageReady();
   108 	static void AdvanceIdentifierCount();
   109 	void StatusDump(TDes &aBuf);
   110 	void PurgeCapturedKeys();
   111 	inline void UpdateKeyClickState();
   112 	void ResetFocus(CWsWindowGroup *aClosingWindow);
   113 	static TInt GetWindowGroupListL(TInt aScreenNo,TBool aAllPriorities,TInt aPriority,TInt aCount,CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aList);	
   114 	inline CWsWindowGroup* BeforeInChain();
   115 	static void GetWindowGroupListAndChainL(TInt aScreen,TBool aAllPriorities,TInt aPriority
   116 																,RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo>& list,TInt& aCountLeft);
   117 	TBool CheckCapability(TInt& aOrdinalPriority);
   118 	void DeleteQueue(TDblQue<CWsWindowGroup>* aQueue);
   119 	TInt NumClientWindowGroups();
   120 // data
   121 private:
   122 	RWsTextCursor iTextCursor;
   123 	TInt iFlags;
   124 	TInt iOrdinalPriorityBase;
   125 	TInt iOrdinalPriorityAdjust;
   126 	TPriorityKey *iPriorityKeys;
   127 	TInt iOwningWindowGroup;
   128 	HBufC *iGroupName;
   129 	TInt iIdentifier;
   130 	CWsWindowGroup *iNextDefaultOwningWindow;
   131 	CArrayVarSeg<TWsMessage> *iMessageArray;
   132 	static TInt iIdentifierCount;
   133 	DWsScreenDevice *iScreenDevice;
   134 	static RPointerArray< TDblQue<CWsWindowGroup> > iChains;
   135 	TDblQue<CWsWindowGroup>* iQueue;
   136 	TDblQueLink iChainLink;
   137 	TUint32 iChildSID;
   138 	static TBool iFocusGainPreProcess;		//'REMOVEFADINGONFOCUSGAIN' flag in INI file
   139 	// used for eventqueue testing
   140 #if defined(_DEBUG)
   141 	static TInt iSkipCount;
   142 #endif
   143 	friend class WsPointer;
   144 	};
   146 inline CWsClientWindow *CWsWindowGroup::Child() const
   147 	{
   148 	return (CWsClientWindow *)iChild;
   149 	}
   151 inline CWsWindowGroup *CWsWindowGroup::NextSibling() const
   152 	{
   153 	return (CWsWindowGroup *)iSibling;
   154 	}
   156 inline CWsWindowGroup *CWsWindowGroup::PrevSibling() const
   157 	{
   158 	return (CWsWindowGroup *)GetPrevSibling();
   159 	}
   161 inline CWsRootWindow *CWsWindowGroup::Parent() const
   162 	{
   163 	return (CWsRootWindow *)iParent;
   164 	}
   166 inline TBool CWsWindowGroup::ReceivesFocus() const
   167 	{
   168 	return(iFlags&EGroupFlagReceivesFocus);
   169 	}
   171 inline RWsTextCursor *CWsWindowGroup::TextCursor()
   172 	{
   173 	return &iTextCursor;
   174 	}
   176 inline TInt CWsWindowGroup::Identifier() const
   177 	{
   178 	return iIdentifier;
   179 	}
   181 inline HBufC *CWsWindowGroup::GroupName()
   182 	{
   183 	return iGroupName;
   184 	}
   186 inline TInt CWsWindowGroup::OrdinalPriority()
   187 	{
   188 	return iOrdinalPriorityBase;
   189 	}
   191 inline void CWsWindowGroup::SetNextDefaultOwningWindow(CWsWindowGroup *aNext)
   192 	{
   193 	iNextDefaultOwningWindow=aNext;
   194 	}
   196 inline CWsWindowGroup **CWsWindowGroup::NextDefaultOwningWindowPtr()
   197 	{
   198 	return &iNextDefaultOwningWindow;
   199 	}
   201 /**
   202 @return A pointer to the DWsScreenDevice used by this window-group, or 
   203 		NULL when there is no DWsScreenDevice used by the window-group.
   204 */
   205 inline DWsScreenDevice *CWsWindowGroup::Device()
   206 	{
   207 	return iScreenDevice;
   208 	}
   210 inline void CWsWindowGroup::SetFocusGainPreprocessing(TBool aDo)
   211 	{
   212 	iFocusGainPreProcess=aDo;
   213 	}
   215 inline void CWsWindowGroup::SetScreenDeviceDeleted()
   216 	{
   217 	iFlags|=EGroupFlagScreenDeviceDeleted;
   218 	iScreenDevice = NULL; //  PDEF100409
   219 	}
   221 inline TBool CWsWindowGroup::ScreenDeviceDeleted() const
   222 	{
   223 	return (iFlags&EGroupFlagScreenDeviceDeleted);
   224 	}
   226 #endif