changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #include "Graphics/WSGRAPHICDRAWER.H"
    18 #include <Graphics/WSGRAPHICDRAWERINTERFACE.H>
    19 #include "panics.h"
    21 // CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    23 /** Base class for cleanup operations - used as a handle for the CommitP() method
    24 	This cleanup object is created on the heap with new(ELeave).
    25 	It must be immediately pushed onto the cleanup stack, BEFORE the operation it protects,
    26 	and must be written so that it does nothing until "activated" by the operation completing successfully.
    27 	iArray==NULL indicates this state.
    28 	This is because the client does not know whether the new(ELeave), the PushL, or the operational meat 
    29 	generated the exception, and therefore the operation must be the last exception thrown in the method.
    30 	@internalComponent
    31 	@released
    32 */
    33 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase)
    34 	{
    35 public:
    36 	XRollBackBase():	iArray(NULL)	{}
    37 	virtual ~XRollBackBase()			{}
    38 public:
    39 	CWsGraphicDrawerArray*				iArray;
    40 	};
    41 // CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XAddRollBack \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    43 /** Cleanup record for Add operation. Removes the array entry at the recorded array index.
    44 	@internalComponent
    45 	@released
    46 */
    47 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XAddRollBack) :public  CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase
    48 	{
    49 	TGraphicDrawerId iId;
    50 	static void RollBackD(TAny* aAddRollBack);
    51 	};
    53 /** Rolls back an adding of a drawer to an array, but does not delete the drawer.
    54 	Removes the array entry at the given array index.	
    55 */
    56 void CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XAddRollBack::RollBackD(TAny* aAddRollBack)
    57 	{
    58 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aAddRollBack,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadAddLCCleanup));
    59 	if(aAddRollBack)
    60 		{
    61 		XAddRollBack* rollBack = static_cast<XAddRollBack*>(aAddRollBack);
    62 		// iArray would be NULL if you pushed a NULL drawer in release builds
    63 		//It can also be null if the Add operation Leaves
    64 		if(rollBack->iArray) 
    65 			{
    66 			rollBack->iArray->Remove(rollBack->iId);
    67 			}
    68 		delete  rollBack;
    69 		}
    70 	}
    72 // CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRemoveRollBack \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    74 /** Cleanup record for Swap operation. Re-inserts the recorded drawer by finding its index.
    75 	@internalComponent
    76 	@released
    77 */
    78 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XSwapRollBack) :public  CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase
    79 	{
    80 	CWsGraphicDrawer* iDrawer;
    81 	static void RollBackD(TAny* aSwapRollBack);
    82 	};
    84 /** Rolls back the swapping (replacing) of a drawer to an array, but does not delete the replacing drawer.
    85 	Re-inserts the recorded drawer by finding its index.
    86  */
    87 void CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XSwapRollBack::RollBackD(TAny* aSwapRollBack)
    88 	{
    89 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aSwapRollBack,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadSwapLCCleanup));
    90 	if(aSwapRollBack)
    91 		{
    92 		XSwapRollBack* rollBack = static_cast<XSwapRollBack*>(aSwapRollBack);
    93 		// would be NULL if you removed an id that wasn't in the array in release builds
    94 		// or if the swap itself Leaves
    95 		if(rollBack->iArray) 
    96 			{
    97 			const TInt idx = rollBack->iArray->IndexOf(rollBack->iDrawer->Id());
    98 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(0 <= idx,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadSwapLCCleanup));
    99 			if(0 <= idx) // hmm, don't see how this could ever happen.  If it does, better to leak memory etc 
   100 				{
   101 				rollBack->iArray->iArray[idx].iDrawer = rollBack->iDrawer;
   102 				}
   103 			}
   104 		delete rollBack;
   105 		}
   106 	}
   108 // CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRemoveRollBack \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
   110 /** Cleanup record for Remove operation. Re-inserts the recorded drawer by finding its index.
   111 	@internalComponent
   112 	@released
   113 */
   114 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRemoveRollBack) :public  CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase
   115 	{
   116 	CWsGraphicDrawer* iDrawer;
   117 	static void RollBackD(TAny* aSwapRollBack);
   118 	};
   120 /** Rolls back the deleting of a drawer from an array, but does not delete the replacing drawer.
   121 	Re-inserts the recorded drawer by finding its index.
   122  */
   123 void CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRemoveRollBack::RollBackD(TAny* aRemoveRollBack)
   124 	{
   125 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aRemoveRollBack,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadSwapLCCleanup));
   126 	if(aRemoveRollBack)
   127 		{
   128 		XRemoveRollBack* rollBack = static_cast<XRemoveRollBack*>(aRemoveRollBack);
   129 		// would be NULL if you removed an id that wasn't in the array in release builds
   130 		// or if the swap itself Leaves
   131 		if(rollBack->iArray) 
   132 			{
   133 			TGraphic graphic;
   134 			graphic.iId = rollBack->iDrawer->Id();
   135 			graphic.iDrawer = rollBack->iDrawer;
   136 			TInt errCode= rollBack->iArray->iArray.InsertInOrder(graphic,GraphicDrawerCompare); // dups not allowed
   137 			//This should not happen unless some non-transactional method has modified the array
   138 			//between the call and the leave.
   139 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(KErrAlreadyExists != errCode,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadSwapLCCleanup));
   140 			//Other memory failure errors should not occur unless the array has been Compress()ed
   141 			//between the call and the leave, and then memory fails.
   142 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(KErrNone <= errCode,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadSwapLCCleanup));
   143 			}
   144 		delete rollBack;
   145 		}
   146 	}
   148 // CWsGraphicDrawerArray \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
   150 /** Compares two graphic array slots for id equality; the iDrawer pointer is ignored.
   151 	Used to order the array.
   152 @internalComponent
   153 @released
   154 */
   155 TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::GraphicDrawerCompare(const TGraphic& aFirst,const TGraphic& aSecond)
   156 	{
   157 	return aFirst.iId.Compare(aSecond.iId);
   158 	}
   160 /** Adds a drawer to the array, with a transactional cleanup item that automatically removes
   161 	it until popped (not destroying the drawer, however). This operation leaks memory and should not be used.
   162 	@deprecated	 - Use AddL or AddRLC
   163 */
   164 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawerArray::AddLC(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   165 	{
   166 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDrawer,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadArgument));
   167 	XAddRollBack* rollBack = new(ELeave) XAddRollBack;
   168 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(XAddRollBack::RollBackD,rollBack));
   169 	if(aDrawer)
   170 		{
   171 		User::LeaveIfError(Add(aDrawer));
   172 		rollBack->iArray = this;
   173 		rollBack->iId = aDrawer->Id();		
   174 		}
   175 	}
   177 /** Adds a drawer to the array, with a transactional cleanup item that automatically removes
   178 	it (not destroying the drawer, however).
   179 	CommitP() must be called on the returned pointer to release resources owned by the cleanup item,
   180 	unless a Leave occurs.
   181 	@param 	 aDrawer	the drawer to add
   182 	@return		cleanup record
   183 */
   184 EXPORT_C CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase* CWsGraphicDrawerArray::AddTLC(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   185 	{
   186 	if(!aDrawer)
   187 		{
   188 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   189 		}
   190 	//need to create the rollback before the add because the client can't tell the difference between 
   191 	//the add failing and the new(ELeave) failing!
   192 	XAddRollBack* rollBack = new(ELeave) XAddRollBack;
   193 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(XAddRollBack::RollBackD,rollBack));
   194 	User::LeaveIfError(Add(aDrawer));
   195 	rollBack->iId = aDrawer->Id();		
   196 	rollBack->iArray = this;
   198 	return rollBack;
   199 	}
   201 /** Adds a drawer to the array. No cleanup - no leak 
   202 	@param 	 aDrawer	the drawer to add
   203 	@return		error code if the Add did not take place
   204 */
   205 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::Add(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   206 	{
   207 	if(aDrawer)
   208 		{
   209 		TGraphic graphic;
   210 		graphic.iId = aDrawer->Id();
   211 		graphic.iDrawer = aDrawer;
   212 		return iArray.InsertInOrder(graphic,GraphicDrawerCompare); // dups not allowed
   213 		}
   214 	else
   215 		return KErrArgument;
   216 	}
   218 /*Internal method to swap the given drawer into the array, removing the existing one and returning a pointer to it.
   219 	Note that in an error just a NULL pointer is returned.
   220 	Internal caller must infer KErrNotFound error code.
   221 	@param 	 aDrawer	the drawer to add
   222 	@return				the drawer displaced, or NULL if the operation did not take place
   223 */
   224 CWsGraphicDrawer* CWsGraphicDrawerArray::SwapIn(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   225 	{
   226 	if (aDrawer==NULL)
   227 		return NULL;
   228 	const TInt idx = IndexOf(aDrawer->Id());
   229 	if (idx<KErrNone)
   230 		return NULL;
   231 	CWsGraphicDrawer* rv= iArray[idx].iDrawer;
   232 	iArray[idx].iDrawer=aDrawer;
   233 	return rv;
   234 	}
   236 /** Replaces the drawer with the existing Id with this newer one.  
   237 	Pushes a transactional cleanup item to restore the previous drawer. 
   238 	This operation leaks memory when it does not get Leave clean-up and should not be used.
   239 	@deprecated	 - Use SwapL or SwapRLC
   240 */
   241 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::SwapLC(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   242 	{
   243 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDrawer,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadArgument));
   244 	XSwapRollBack* rollBack = new(ELeave) XSwapRollBack;
   245 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(XSwapRollBack::RollBackD,rollBack));
   246 	CWsGraphicDrawer* rollBackDrawer=SwapIn(aDrawer);
   247 	if (rollBackDrawer)
   248 		{
   249 		rollBack->iArray = this;
   250 		rollBack->iDrawer = rollBackDrawer;
   251 		return KErrNone;
   252 		}
   253 	else
   254 		{
   255 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(0,Panic(EWsGraphicDrawerPanicBadArgument));
   256 		return KErrNotFound;
   257 		}
   258 	}
   260 /** Replaces the drawer with the existing Id with this newer one.  
   261 	Pushes a transactional cleanup item to restore the previous drawer. 
   262 	CommitP() must be called on the returned pointer to release resources owned by the cleanup item,
   263 	unless a Leave occurs.
   264 	@param 	 aDrawer	the drawer to add
   265 	@return		cleanup record
   266 */
   267 EXPORT_C CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase* CWsGraphicDrawerArray::SwapTLC(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   268 	{
   269 	if (!aDrawer)
   270 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   271 	XSwapRollBack* rollBack = new(ELeave) XSwapRollBack;
   272 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(XSwapRollBack::RollBackD,rollBack));
   273 	CWsGraphicDrawer* rollBackDrawer=SwapIn(aDrawer);
   274 	if (!rollBackDrawer)
   275 		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   276 	rollBack->iDrawer = rollBackDrawer;
   277 	rollBack->iArray = this;
   278 	return rollBack;
   279 	}
   281 /** Replaces the drawer with the existing Id with this newer one. No cleanup - no leak 
   282 	@param 	 aDrawer	the drawer to add
   283 	@return		error code if the Swap did not take place
   284 */
   285 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::Swap(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   286 	{
   287 	if (!aDrawer)
   288 		return KErrArgument;
   289 	CWsGraphicDrawer* oldDrawer=SwapIn(aDrawer);
   290 	if (!oldDrawer)
   291 		return KErrNotFound;
   292 	else
   293 		return KErrNone;
   294 	}
   296 /**	Removes the cleanup record after a SwapTLC or AddTLC operation,
   297 	removing the opportunity to back out of the operation.
   298 	Note that SwapTLC, AddTLC, and RemoveTLC cleanup operations can be stacked and should be committed 
   299 	in the opposite order. They cannot be safely intermingled with non-transactional operations.
   300 	This method can be safely called with a NULL parameter indicating a failed operation.
   301 	@param aRollBack	handle to rollback information that will be discarded.
   302 **/
   303 EXPORT_C void  CWsGraphicDrawerArray::CommitP(CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase* aRollBack)
   304 	{
   305 	if (aRollBack)
   306 		{
   307 		CleanupStack::Pop(aRollBack);
   308 		delete aRollBack;
   309 		}
   310 	}
   312 /** Removes the specified drawer from the array.
   313 	Pushes a transactional cleanup item to restore the previous drawer.
   314 	@note 	The array should not be Compressed() during the transaction period 
   315 			to ensure that the RollBack operation will always succeed.
   316 	@param aId the ID of the drawer to remove
   317 	@return	cleanup record
   318 */
   319 EXPORT_C CWsGraphicDrawerArray::XRollBackBase*  CWsGraphicDrawerArray::RemoveTLC(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId)
   320 	{
   321 	XRemoveRollBack* rollBack = new(ELeave) XRemoveRollBack;
   322 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(XRemoveRollBack::RollBackD,rollBack));
   323 	const TInt idx = IndexOf(aId);
   324 	if(0 > idx)
   325 		{
   326 		User::Leave(idx);
   327 		}
   328 	rollBack->iDrawer=iArray[idx].iDrawer;
   329 	iArray.Remove(idx);
   330 	rollBack->iArray=this;
   331 	return rollBack;
   332 	}
   334 /** Removes the specified drawer from the array
   335 	@param aId the ID of the drawer to remove
   336 	@return KErrNone if the drawer was removed, KErrNotFound if the drawer was not in the array
   337 */
   338 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::Remove(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId)
   339 	{
   340 	const TInt idx = IndexOf(aId);
   341 	if(0 <= idx)
   342 		{
   343 		iArray.Remove(idx);
   344 		return KErrNone;
   345 		}
   346 	return idx;
   347 	}
   349 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::RemoveAndDestroy(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId)
   350 /** Removes and deletes the specified drawer from the array
   351 	@param aId the ID of the drawer to remove and delete
   352 	@return KErrNone if the drawer was removed and deleted, KErrNotFound if the drawer was not in the array
   353 */	{
   354 	const TInt idx = IndexOf(aId);
   355 	if(0 <= idx)
   356 		{
   357 		delete iArray[idx].iDrawer;
   358 		iArray.Remove(idx);
   359 		return KErrNone;
   360 		}
   361 	return idx;
   362 	}
   364 /** Removes all drawers from the array which are owned by the specified client session
   365 	@param aOwner the client session that owns the drawers to be removed
   366 	@return the number of drawers that were removed
   367 */
   368 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::RemoveAll(const MWsClient& aOwner)
   369 	{
   370 	TInt removed = 0;
   371 	TInt count = iArray.Count();
   372 	TInt i = 0;
   373 	while(i < count)
   374 		{
   375 		if(iArray[i].iDrawer && (&(iArray[i].iDrawer->Owner()) == &aOwner))
   376 			{
   377 			iArray.Remove(i);
   378 			count--;
   379 			removed++;
   380 			}
   381 		else
   382 			{
   383 			i++;
   384 			}
   385 		}
   386 	return removed;
   387 	}
   389 /** Removes and deletes all drawers from the array which are owned by the specified client session
   390 	@param aOwner the client session that owns the drawers to be removed and deleted
   391 	@return the number of drawers that were removed and deleted
   392 */
   393 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::RemoveAndDestroyAll(const MWsClient& aOwner)
   394 	{
   395 	TInt removed = 0;
   396 	TInt count = iArray.Count();
   397 	TInt i = 0;
   398 	while(i < count)
   399 		{
   400 		if(iArray[i].iDrawer && (&(iArray[i].iDrawer->Owner()) == &aOwner))
   401 			{
   402 			delete iArray[i].iDrawer;
   403 			iArray.Remove(i);
   404 			count--;
   405 			removed++;
   406 			}
   407 		else
   408 			{
   409 			i++;
   410 			}
   411 		}
   412 	return removed;
   413 	}
   415 EXPORT_C const CWsGraphicDrawer* CWsGraphicDrawerArray::ResolveGraphic(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId) const
   416 /** Find a graphic by it's ID
   417 	@param aId the ID of the graphic to find
   418 	@return the drawer if it is in the array, else NULL
   419 */	{
   420 	const TInt idx = IndexOf(aId);
   421 	if(KErrNotFound != idx)
   422 		{
   423 		return iArray[idx].iDrawer;
   424 		}
   425 	return NULL;
   426 	}
   428 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawerArray::Close()
   429 /** Close the array, not destroying the drawers that it indexes
   430 */	{
   431 	iArray.Close();
   432 	}
   434 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawerArray::ResetAndDestroy()
   435 /** Reset the array, destroying the drawers that it indexes.
   436 Only the 'owner' array should call this
   437 */	{
   438 	const TInt count = iArray.Count();
   439 	for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   440 		{
   441 		delete iArray[i].iDrawer;
   442 		}
   443 	iArray.Reset();
   444 	}
   446 EXPORT_C TBool CWsGraphicDrawerArray::IsEmpty() const
   447 /** @return ETrue if the array contains no drawers
   448 */	{
   449 	return !iArray.Count();
   450 	}
   452 TInt CWsGraphicDrawerArray::IndexOf(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId) const
   453 /** @internalComponent
   454 */	{
   455 	return iArray.FindInOrder(reinterpret_cast<const TGraphic&>(aId),GraphicDrawerCompare);
   456 	}