changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Automatically test the window server
    15 // 
    16 //
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <w32std.h>
    21 #include <e32svr.h>
    22 #include <hal.h>
    23 #include "../tlib/testbase.h"
    24 #include <stdlib.h>
    25 #include "AUTO.H"
    27 LOCAL_D const TUint KPanicThreadHeapSize=0x8000;
    29 GLREF_C TInt ProcPriTestOtherProcess(TAny *aScreenNumber);
    30 GLREF_C TInt ProcToKill(TAny *aScreenNumber);
    31 GLREF_C TInt ProcDirect(TAny *aScreenNumber);
    32 GLREF_C TInt ProcMultiDisplay(TAny *aScreenNumber);
    34 _LIT(Priority,"ProcPriTest");
    35 _LIT(ToKill,"ProcToKill");
    36 _LIT(Direct,"ProcDirect");
    37 _LIT(MultiDisplay,"ProcMultiDisplay");
    39 CProcess::TInitialFunction CProcess::iFunctions[]=
    40 	{
    41 	TInitialFunction(Priority,ProcPriTestOtherProcess),
    42 	TInitialFunction(ToKill,ProcToKill),
    43 	TInitialFunction(Direct,ProcDirect),
    44 	TInitialFunction(MultiDisplay,ProcMultiDisplay)
    45 	};
    47 GLDEF_D TestWindow *BaseWin;
    48 GLDEF_D TestWindow *TestWin;
    49 GLDEF_D TestClient *TheClient=NULL;
    50 GLDEF_D CWindowGc *TheGc;
    51 TInt CTestBase::iMaxGrays=0;
    52 TInt CTestBase::iScreenNo=0;
    53 TInt CTestBase::iMaxColors=0;
    54 TInt CTestBase::iNumberTestsPass=0;
    55 TInt CTestBase::iNumberTests=0;
    56 TRect CTestBase::iNormalPointerCursorArea;
    57 TPartialRedrawType CTestBase::iRedrawType=EPartialRedraw_Unknown;
    58 TInt CTestBase::iNumberOfGrpWndsOnPrimaryScreenWithZeroPriority = 0;
    59 TInt CTestDriver::iTestNum=0;
    61 GLDEF_D TInt TheTestResult=ETestPassed; // start with passed to anticipate empty test table
    63 const TInt KBorderWinWidth = 5;
    65 _LIT(Auto,"AUTO ");
    67 TInt64 TTestRects::iSeed=0;
    68 TRect TTestRects::iList[]={
    69 // 0-5
    70 	TRect(2,2,2,2),
    71 	TRect(2,2,2,2),
    72 	TRect(2,2,2,2),
    73 	TRect(2,2,2,2),
    74 	TRect(2,2,2,2),
    75 // 5-13
    76 	TRect(0,0,0,0),
    77 	TRect(2,0,2,0),
    78 	TRect(4,0,4,0),
    79 	TRect(0,2,0,2),
    80 	TRect(2,2,2,2),
    81 	TRect(4,2,4,2),
    82 	TRect(0,4,0,4),
    83 	TRect(2,4,2,4),
    84 	TRect(4,4,4,4),
    85 // 13-22
    86 	TRect(0,0,1,1),
    87 	TRect(1,0,3,1),
    88 	TRect(3,0,4,1),
    89 	TRect(0,1,1,3),
    90 	TRect(1,1,3,3),
    91 	TRect(3,1,4,3),
    92 	TRect(0,3,1,4),
    93 	TRect(1,3,3,4),
    94 	TRect(3,3,4,4),
    95 // 23-31
    96 	TRect(0,0,2,0),
    97 	TRect(2,0,4,0),
    98 	TRect(0,0,4,0),
    99 	TRect(0,2,2,2),
   100 	TRect(2,2,4,2),
   101 	TRect(0,2,4,2),
   102 	TRect(0,4,2,4),
   103 	TRect(2,4,4,4),
   104 	TRect(0,4,4,4),
   105 // 32-40
   106 	TRect(0,0,0,2),
   107 	TRect(0,2,0,4),
   108 	TRect(0,0,0,4),
   109 	TRect(2,0,2,2),
   110 	TRect(2,2,2,4),
   111 	TRect(2,0,2,4),
   112 	TRect(4,0,4,2),
   113 	TRect(4,2,4,4),
   114 	TRect(4,0,4,4),
   115 // 41-44
   116 	TRect(0,0,2,2),
   117 	TRect(2,0,4,2),
   118 	TRect(0,2,2,4),
   119 	TRect(2,2,4,4),
   120 // 45-48
   121 	TRect(0,0,3,3),
   122 	TRect(1,0,4,3),
   123 	TRect(0,1,3,4),
   124 	TRect(1,1,4,4),
   125 // 49
   126 	TRect(0,0,4,4),
   127 // 40-53
   128 	TRect(1,2,2,2),
   129 	TRect(2,2,3,2),
   130 	TRect(2,1,2,2),
   131 	TRect(2,2,3,2),
   132 // 54-59
   133 	TRect(1,2,3,2),
   134 	TRect(2,1,2,3),
   135 	TRect(1,1,2,2),
   136 	TRect(1,2,2,3),
   137 	TRect(2,2,3,3),
   138 	TRect(2,1,3,2),
   139 // 60-63
   140 	TRect(1,1,3,2),
   141 	TRect(1,1,2,3),
   142 	TRect(1,2,3,3),
   143 	TRect(2,1,3,3)};
   145 #if defined(__WINS__)
   146 void FindNonMatchingPixelL(TPoint aPt1,TPoint aPt2,TSize aSize)
   147 // This function is purely for use when debugging to find the first non-matching pixel
   148 // when a check of two on screen rects has failed.
   149 	{
   150 	HBufC8* buf1=HBufC8::NewMaxLC(2*aSize.iWidth);
   151 	HBufC8* buf2=HBufC8::NewMaxLC(2*aSize.iWidth);
   152 	TPtr8 ptr1=buf1->Des();
   153 	TPtr8 ptr2=buf2->Des();
   154 	TInt row=0;
   155 	TBool ret = true;
   156 	for (;row<aSize.iHeight;++row)
   157 		{
   158 		TheClient->iScreen->GetScanLine(ptr1,aPt1,aSize.iWidth,EColor64K);
   159 		TheClient->iScreen->GetScanLine(ptr2,aPt2,aSize.iWidth,EColor64K);
   160 		if (ptr1!=ptr2)
   161 			break;
   162 		++aPt1.iY;
   163 		++aPt2.iY;
   164 		}
   165 	TRgb color1,color2;
   166 	if (row<aSize.iHeight)
   167 		{
   168 		for (TInt col=0;col<aSize.iWidth;++col)
   169 			{
   170 			TheClient->iScreen->GetPixel(color1,aPt1);
   171 			TheClient->iScreen->GetPixel(color2,aPt2);
   172 			if (color1!=color2)
   173 				{	// Break here to find first pixel that didn't match.
   174 				TBuf<256> buf;
   175 				_LIT(KFindNonMatchingPixelFmt,"First non matching pixel (%d,%d)");
   176 				buf.Format(KFindNonMatchingPixelFmt,col,row);
   177 				TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(buf);
   178 				break;
   180 				}
   181 			++aPt1.iX;
   182 			++aPt2.iX;
   183 			}
   184 		}
   185 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
   186 	}
   188 void FindNonMatchingPixel(TPoint aPt1,TPoint aPt2,TSize aSize)
   189 	{
   190 	TRAPD(ignore,FindNonMatchingPixelL(aPt1,aPt2,aSize));
   191 	}
   192 #endif
   194 void AutoPanic(TInt aPanic)
   195 	{
   196 	User::Panic(_L("Auto"),aPanic);
   197 	}
   199 void CleanUpWindow(TAny *aWindow)
   200 	{
   201 	((RWindowTreeNode  *)aWindow)->Close();
   202 	}
   204 void PushWindowL(RWindowTreeNode *aWindow)
   205 	{
   206 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanUpWindow,aWindow));
   207 	}
   210 TBool OpacityAndAlphaSupportedL()
   211 	{
   212 	// If opacity is not implemented, EFalse will be returned
   213 	if(TransparencySupportedL()!=KErrNone)
   214 		return EFalse;
   216 	const TRgb KTransparencyColor(0,0,0);
   217 	RWindow winb(TheClient->iWs);
   218 	CleanupClosePushL(winb);
   219 	RWindow wint(TheClient->iWs);
   220 	CleanupClosePushL(wint);
   221 	User::LeaveIfError(winb.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
   222 	User::LeaveIfError(wint.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
   223 	winb.SetExtent(TPoint(0,0), TSize(50,50));
   224 	wint.SetExtent(TPoint(0,0), TSize(50,50));
   225 	winb.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256);
   226 	wint.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256);
   227 	wint.SetTransparencyFactor(KTransparencyColor);
   228 	winb.SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(0,0,255));
   229 	wint.SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(255,0,0));
   230 	winb.Activate();
   231 	wint.Activate();
   233 	wint.BeginRedraw();
   234 	TheClient->iGc->Activate(wint);
   235 	TheClient->iGc->SetOpaque(ETrue);
   236 	TheClient->iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
   237 	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   238 	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(0,255,0));
   239 	TheClient->iGc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0), TSize(50,50)));
   240 	TheClient->iGc->SetOpaque(EFalse);
   241 	TheClient->iGc->Deactivate();
   242 	wint.EndRedraw();
   243 	TheClient->Flush();
   245 	// The window should be all green, if opacity is working, or all blue if it isn't.
   246 	// If the window has any other colour, then something has broken.
   247 	TRgb color;
   248 	TheClient->iScreen->GetPixel(color,TPoint(25,25));
   249 	if (color.Red()>0 || ((color.Green()==0) == (color.Blue()==0)))
   250 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   251 	TBool ret=(color.Green()>0);
   253 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,&winb); // wint
   254 	return ret;
   255 	}
   257 TInt TransparencySupportedL()
   258 	{
   259 	// Creates a window and enables alpha transparency, if this feature
   260 	// is not enabled, KErrNotSupported will be returned
   261 	RWindow win(TheClient->iWs);
   262 	User::LeaveIfError(win.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
   263 	win.SetExtent(TPoint(0,0), TSize(50,50));
   264 	TInt ret=win.SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
   265 	win.Close();
   266 	return ret;
   267 	}
   269 TInt CheckScalingSupportedOrNot()
   270 	{
   271 	TBool scalingSupported=EFalse;
   272 	TSizeMode originalModeData=TheClient->iScreen->GetCurrentScreenModeAttributes();
   273 	TSizeMode tempData=originalModeData;
   274 	tempData.iScreenScale=TSize(2,2);
   275 	TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(tempData);
   276 	TSize scale=TheClient->iScreen->GetCurrentScreenModeScale();
   277 	if (scale.iWidth==2 && scale.iHeight==2)
   278 		{
   279 		scalingSupported=ETrue;
   280 		}
   281 	TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(originalModeData);
   282 	TheClient->Flush();
   283 	return scalingSupported;
   284 	}
   286 TBool CheckNonZeroOriginsSupportedOrNot()
   287 	{
   288 	TBool nonZeroOriginsSupported=EFalse;
   289 	TSizeMode sizeMode1=TheClient->iScreen->GetCurrentScreenModeAttributes();
   290 	TSizeMode sizeMode2=sizeMode1;
   291 	sizeMode2.iOrigin=TPoint(30,30);
   292 	TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(sizeMode2);
   293 	TPoint origin=TheClient->iScreen->GetCurrentScreenModeScaledOrigin();
   294 	if (origin.iX==30 && origin.iY==30)
   295 		{
   296 		nonZeroOriginsSupported=ETrue;
   297 		}
   298 	TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(sizeMode1);
   299 	TheClient->Flush();
   300 	return nonZeroOriginsSupported;
   301 	}
   303 TPoint PhysicalToLogical(TPoint aPhysicalPtMinusOrigin,TSize aScale)
   304 	{
   305 	TPoint logicalPt(aPhysicalPtMinusOrigin);
   306 	if (aScale.iWidth!=1)
   307 		{
   308 		logicalPt.iX=(logicalPt.iX>= 0 ? logicalPt.iX/aScale.iWidth : (logicalPt.iX-(aScale.iWidth-1))/aScale.iWidth);
   309 		}
   310 	if (aScale.iHeight!=1)
   311 		{
   312 		logicalPt.iY=(logicalPt.iY>= 0 ? logicalPt.iY/aScale.iHeight : (logicalPt.iY-(aScale.iHeight-1))/aScale.iHeight);
   313 		}
   314 	return logicalPt;
   315 	}
   317 //
   318 // Log window, logs testing //
   319 //
   321 LogWindow::LogWindow() : CTWin(), iTestTitle(KNullDesC), iSubTitle(KNullDesC), iMessage(KNullDesC)
   322 	{}
   324 void LogWindow::ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent)
   325 	{
   326 	CTWin::ConstructL(parent);
   327 	iTitleHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels()+4;
   328 	}
   330 void LogWindow::DrawSubTitle()
   331 	{
   332 	iGc->DrawText(iSubTitle, TRect(2,iTitleHeight*2,iSize.iWidth-2,iTitleHeight*3),iFont->AscentInPixels(), CGraphicsContext::ECenter);
   333 	}
   335 void LogWindow::DrawMessage()
   336 	{
   337 	iGc->DrawText(iMessage, TRect(1,iTitleHeight*4,iSize.iWidth-2,iTitleHeight*5),iFont->AscentInPixels(), CGraphicsContext::ECenter);
   338 	}
   340 void LogWindow::Draw()
   341 	{
   342 	iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray16(8));
   343 	iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray16(0));
   344 	DrawBorder();
   345 	iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,iTitleHeight),TPoint(iSize.iWidth,iTitleHeight));
   346 	iGc->DrawText(iTestTitle, TPoint((iSize.iWidth-iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iTestTitle))/2,iFont->AscentInPixels()+2));
   347 	DrawSubTitle();
   348 	DrawMessage();
   349 	}
   351 /**
   352 This function is not used at the moment but I leave it in in case I need it when I improve the logging in 
   353 the log window.
   354 */
   355 void LogWindow::LogTest(const TDesC &aTitle,TInt aNum)
   356 	{
   357 	_LIT(Test,"Test %d,%S");
   358 	iTestTitle.Format(Test,aNum,&aTitle);
   359 	TLogMessageText buf;
   360 	_LIT(AutoNewTest,"AUTO New Test: ");
   361 	buf.Append(AutoNewTest);
   362 	buf.Append(iTestTitle);
   363 	TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
   364 	iMessage.Zero();
   365 	iWin.Invalidate();
   366 	}
   368 /**
   369 This function is not used at the moment but I leave it in in case I need it when I improve the logging in 
   370 the log window.
   371 */
   372 const TDesC& LogWindow::LogSubTest(const TDesC &aTitle,TInt aNum)
   373 	{
   374 	_LIT(SubTest,"Sub-Test[%d], %S");
   375 	iSubTitle.Format(SubTest,aNum,&aTitle);
   376 	TLogMessageText buf;
   377 	buf.Append(Auto);
   378 	buf.Append(iSubTitle);
   379 	TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
   380 	iMessage.Zero();
   381 	iGc->Activate(iWin);
   382 	iGc->UseFont((CFont *)iFont);
   383 	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   384 	DrawSubTitle();
   385 	DrawMessage();
   386 	iGc->Deactivate();
   387 	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
   388 	return iSubTitle;
   389 	}
   391 const TDesC& LogWindow::LogMessage(TBool aLog,const TDesC& aText,TInt aNum)
   392 	{
   393 	if (aNum!=EDummyValue)
   394 		{
   395 		_LIT(StringInt,"%S %d");
   396 		iMessage.Format(StringInt,&aText,aNum);
   397 		}
   398 	else
   399 		{
   400 		_LIT(String,"%S");
   401 		iMessage.Format(String,&aText);
   402 		}
   403 	iGc->Activate(iWin);
   404 	iGc->UseFont((CFont *)iFont);
   405 	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   406 	DrawMessage();
   407 	iGc->Deactivate();
   408 	if (aLog)
   409 		{
   410 		TLogMessageText buf;
   411 		buf.Append(Auto);
   412 		buf.Append(iMessage);
   413 		TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
   414 		}
   415 	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
   416 	return iMessage;
   417 	}
   420 //
   421 // Test window, simple window used to do test graphics in //
   422 //
   423 TestWindow::TestWindow() : CTWin()
   424 	{
   425 	}
   427 TestWindow::~TestWindow()
   428 	{
   429 	delete iBorderWin;
   430 	}
   432 void TestWindow::SetUpL(TPoint pos,TSize size,CTWinBase *parent, CWindowGc &aGc)
   433 	{
   434 	iBorderWin=new(ELeave) CBorderWindow();
   435 	iBorderWin->SetUpL(pos,size,parent,aGc);
   436 	TRAPD(err, CTWin::ConstructL(*iBorderWin));
   437 	if (err==KErrNone)
   438 		{
   439 		SetExt(TPoint(2,2),TSize(size.iWidth-4,size.iHeight-4));
   440 		if (err==KErrNone)
   441 			{
   442 			Activate();
   443 			AssignGC(aGc);
   444 			return;
   445 			}
   446 		}
   447 	delete this;
   448 	User::Leave(err);
   449 	}
   451 void TestWindow::Draw()
   452 	{
   453 	iGc->Clear();
   454 	}
   456 void TestWindow::ClearWin()
   457 	{
   458 	TheGc->Activate(*Win());
   459 	TheGc->Clear();
   460 	TheGc->Deactivate();
   461 	}
   463 void TestWindow::SetBorderExt(TPoint aPos, TSize aSize)
   464 	{
   465 	iBorderWin->SetExt(aPos, aSize);
   466 	}
   468 CBorderWindow* TestWindow::GetBorderWin()
   469 	{
   470 	return iBorderWin;
   471 	}
   472 //
   473 CBorderWindow::CBorderWindow() : CTWin()
   474 	{
   475 	}
   477 void CBorderWindow::ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent)
   478 	{
   479 	CTWin::ConstructL(parent);
   480 	}
   482 void CBorderWindow::Draw()
   483 	{
   484 	iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray16(0));
   485 	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   486 	iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
   487 	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(Size()));
   488 	}
   490 //
   492 TestWindowGroup::TestWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient) : CTWindowGroup(aClient)
   493 	{
   494 	}
   496 void TestWindowGroup::BecomeOwning()
   497 	{
   498 	iGroupWin.DefaultOwningWindow();
   499 	}
   501 void TestWindowGroup::KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime)
   502 	{
   503 	if (aKey.iModifiers&EModifierFunc)
   504 		{
   505 		switch(aKey.iCode)
   506 			{
   507 			case 'f':
   508 				TheClient->Driver()->iTest->TriggerFail();
   509 				break;
   510 			}
   511 		}
   512 	else if (iCurWin)
   513 		iCurWin->WinKeyL(aKey,aTime);
   514 	}
   516 void TestWindowGroup::KeyDownL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime)
   517 	{
   518 	if (iCurWin)
   519 		iCurWin->KeyDownL(aKey,aTime);
   520 	}
   522 void TestWindowGroup::KeyUpL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime)
   523 	{
   524 	if (iCurWin)
   525 		iCurWin->KeyUpL(aKey,aTime);
   526 	}
   528 //
   530 TestClient::TestClient()
   531 	{}
   533 void TestClient::ConstructL()
   534 	{
   535 	CTClient::ConstructL();
   537 	iGroup=new(ELeave) TestWindowGroup(this);
   538 	iGroup->ConstructL();
   540 	iScreen->GetScreenSizeModeList(&iScreenModes);
   541 	iScreen->SetScreenMode(iScreenModes[0]);
   542 	TSize screenSize=iScreen->SizeInPixels();
   544 	TInt winWidth=(screenSize.iWidth/3)-10;
   545 	TInt winHeight=screenSize.iHeight-10;
   546 	iStdLogWindow=new(ELeave) LogWindow();
   547 	iStdLogWindow->SetUpL(TPoint(5,5),TSize(winWidth,winHeight),iGroup,*iGc);
   548 	BaseWin=new(ELeave) TestWindow();
   549 	BaseWin->SetUpL(TPoint(screenSize.iWidth/3+5,5),TSize(winWidth,winHeight),iGroup,*iGc);
   550 	TestWin=new(ELeave) TestWindow();
   551 	TestWin->SetUpL(TPoint(screenSize.iWidth/3*2+5,5),TSize(winWidth,winHeight),iGroup,*iGc);
   553 	iDriver = CTestDriver::CreateL(iScreenNumber); // virtual constructor
   555 	TheGc=new(ELeave) CWindowGc(iScreen);
   556 	User::LeaveIfError(TheGc->Construct());
   558 	_LIT(KTestLog,"WSERV Auto Test Log");
   559 	LogMessage(KTestLog());
   560 	LogAvailableScreenModeL();
   562 	//This class was designed to be created once and reused by all the tests, now it is created for each test,
   563 	//this needs to be changed back so tests like the following are only done once.
   564 	TestWsSetBufferSizeL();
   565 	TestWsSetMaxBufferSizeL();
   566 	}
   568 inline CTestDriver* TestClient::Driver()
   569 	{
   570 	return iDriver;
   571 	}
   573 TBool TestClient::WaitForEvent()
   574 	{
   575 	if (iEventHandler->iStatus!=KRequestPending)
   576 		return ETrue;
   577 	else if (iRedrawEventHandler->iStatus!=KRequestPending)
   578 		return EFalse;
   579 	User::WaitForRequest(iEventHandler->iStatus,iRedrawEventHandler->iStatus);
   580 	TRequestStatus* status=&iEventHandler->iStatus;
   581 	TBool ret=ETrue;
   582 	if (iEventHandler->iStatus==KRequestPending)
   583 		{
   584 		status=&iRedrawEventHandler->iStatus;
   585 		ret=EFalse;
   586 		}
   587 	TInt reason=status->Int();
   588 	*status=KRequestPending;
   589 	User::RequestComplete(status,reason);
   590 	return ret;
   591 	}
   593 TBool TestClient::IsEventWaiting()
   594 	{
   595 	return (iEventHandler->iStatus!=KRequestPending || iRedrawEventHandler->iStatus!=KRequestPending);
   596 	}
   598 TestClient::~TestClient()
   599 	{
   600 	iScreenModes.Close();
   601 	delete iDriver;
   602 	delete TheGc;
   603 	delete iStdLogWindow;
   604 	delete BaseWin;
   605 	delete TestWin;
   606 	}
   608 void TestClient::LogAvailableScreenModeL()
   609 	{
   610 	_LIT(KColorModes,"Color Modes: ");
   611 	_LIT(KComma,", ");
   612 	_LIT(KColor,"Color");
   613 	_LIT(KGrey,"Grey");
   614 	CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* modeList=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(15);
   615 	iWs.GetColorModeList(modeList);
   616 	TLogMessageText buf,buf2;
   617 	buf.Append(KColorModes);
   618 	TDisplayMode mode;
   619 	TInt ii=0;
   620 	FOREVER
   621 		{
   622 		mode=STATIC_CAST(TDisplayMode,(*modeList)[ii]);
   623 		buf.AppendNum((*modeList)[ii]);
   624 		buf2.Append(TDisplayModeUtils::IsDisplayModeColor(mode)?KColor():KGrey());
   625 		buf2.AppendNum(TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeColors(mode));
   626 		if (mode==EColor16MU)
   627 			buf2.Append('U');
   628 		if (++ii==modeList->Count())
   629 			break;
   630 		buf.Append(KComma);
   631 		buf2.Append(KComma);
   632 		}
   633 	LogMessage(buf);
   634 	LogMessage(buf2);
   635 	delete modeList;
   636 	}
   638 void TestClient::TestWsSetBufferSizeL()
   639 	{
   640 	RWsSession ws;
   641 	User::LeaveIfError(ws.Connect());
   642 	ws.SetBufferSizeL(256);		// default buffer size 640
   643 	ws.SetBufferSizeL(0x8000);	// 16K is max buffer size
   644 	ws.SetBufferSizeL(0x4000);
   645 	ws.Close();
   646 	}
   648 void TestClient::TestWsSetMaxBufferSizeL() 
   649 	{
   650 	RWsSession ws;
   651 	User::LeaveIfError(ws.Connect());
   652 	// allow buffer to grow bigger than the default 640 bytes
   653 	const TInt KBigMessageSize = 800;
   654 	ws.SetMaxBufferSizeL(KBigMessageSize + 8);	// big message + command header length
   656 	// send the big message to the wserv
   657 	TBuf8<KBigMessageSize>	bigMessage;
   659 	// LogMessage needs a pointer to a TInt with the message size at the start of the buffer
   660 	const TInt szLength = sizeof(TInt);
   661 	TInt length = KBigMessageSize - szLength;			// length in Unicode characters
   662 	bigMessage.Append((TUint8*) &length, szLength);
   664 	_LIT(KLetterA, "a");
   665 	do 
   666 		{
   667 		bigMessage.Append((TUint8*) KLetterA().Ptr(), 2);
   668 		}
   669 		while (bigMessage.Length() < KBigMessageSize);
   671 	// send to Wserv, note that the message is too long to be logged
   672 	ws.TestWrite(ws.WsHandle(), EWsClOpLogMessage, bigMessage.Ptr(), KBigMessageSize);
   673 	ws.Flush();
   675 	ws.Close();
   676 	}
   678 void TestClient::SetTestClientScreenMode(TInt aMode)
   679 	{
   680 	iScreen->SetAppScreenMode(aMode);
   681 	iScreen->SetScreenMode(aMode);
   682 	UpdateTestClientScreenMode();
   683 	}
   685 void TestClient::UpdateTestClientScreenMode()
   686 	{
   687 	TSize screenSize=iScreen->SizeInPixels();
   689 	// Sets new positions and dimensions for the three window and their controlling border windows
   691 	if (screenSize.iHeight > screenSize.iWidth)		// Portrait mode
   692 		{
   693 		TInt winWidth=screenSize.iWidth - (KBorderWinWidth * 2);
   694 		TInt winHeight=(screenSize.iHeight/3) - (KBorderWinWidth * 2);
   696 		iStdLogWindow->SetExt(TPoint(KBorderWinWidth,KBorderWinWidth),TSize(winWidth,winHeight));
   697 		BaseWin->SetBorderExt(TPoint(KBorderWinWidth,screenSize.iHeight/3+KBorderWinWidth),TSize(winWidth,winHeight));
   698 		BaseWin->SetExt(TPoint(2,2),TSize(winWidth - (KBorderWinWidth - 1),winHeight - (KBorderWinWidth - 1)));
   699 		TestWin->SetBorderExt(TPoint(KBorderWinWidth,screenSize.iHeight/3*2+KBorderWinWidth),TSize(winWidth,winHeight));
   700 		TestWin->SetExt(TPoint(2,2),TSize(winWidth - (KBorderWinWidth - 1),winHeight - (KBorderWinWidth - 1)));
   701 		}
   702 	else											// Landscape modes
   703 		{
   704 		TInt winWidth=(screenSize.iWidth/3) - (KBorderWinWidth * 2);
   705 		TInt winHeight=screenSize.iHeight - (KBorderWinWidth * 2);
   707 		iStdLogWindow->SetExt(TPoint(KBorderWinWidth,KBorderWinWidth),TSize(winWidth,winHeight));
   708 		BaseWin->SetBorderExt(TPoint(screenSize.iWidth/3 + KBorderWinWidth,KBorderWinWidth),TSize(winWidth,winHeight));
   709 		BaseWin->SetExt(TPoint(2,2),TSize(winWidth - (KBorderWinWidth - 1),winHeight - (KBorderWinWidth - 1)));
   710 		TestWin->SetBorderExt(TPoint(screenSize.iWidth/3*2+KBorderWinWidth,KBorderWinWidth),TSize(winWidth,winHeight));	
   711 		TestWin->SetExt(TPoint(2,2),TSize(winWidth - (KBorderWinWidth - 1),winHeight - (KBorderWinWidth - 1)));		
   712 		}	
   714 	// Remove shading artefacts from window resizing operations		
   715 	TestWin->Win()->Invalidate();
   716 	TestWin->Win()->BeginRedraw();
   717 	TestWin->ClearWin();
   718 	TestWin->Win()->EndRedraw();
   720 	BaseWin->Win()->Invalidate();
   721 	BaseWin->Win()->BeginRedraw();
   722 	BaseWin->ClearWin();
   723 	BaseWin->Win()->EndRedraw();
   725 	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
   726 	}
   729 //
   730 // TestDriver, drives the test code //
   731 //
   732 CTestDriver* CTestDriver::CreateL(TInt aScreenNumber)
   733 	{
   734 	CTestDriver* self = NULL;
   735 	if (aScreenNumber==KDefaultScreen)
   736 		self = new (ELeave) CTestDriverPrimary(aScreenNumber);
   737 	else
   738 		self = new (ELeave) CTestDriverSecondary(aScreenNumber);
   740 	return self;
   741 	}
   743 CTestDriver::CTestDriver(TInt aScreenNumber)
   744 	: iScreenNumber(aScreenNumber)
   745 	{
   746 	iStartTime.HomeTime();
   747 	HAL::Get(HALData::EDisplayNumberOfScreens, iNumberOfScreens);
   748 	}
   750 CTestDriver::~CTestDriver()
   751 	{
   752 	}
   754 void CTestDriver::DestroyTest()
   755 	{
   756 	delete iTest;
   757 	iTest=NULL;
   758 	}
   760 void CTestDriver::TestComplete2()
   761 	{
   762 	++iTestNum;
   763 	if (iTestNum==iTestSize)
   764 		{
   765 		TBuf<64> timeBuf;
   766 		TTime endTime;
   767 		endTime.HomeTime();
   768 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapseTime=endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iStartTime);
   769 		TInt64 elapseTime2=elapseTime.Int64()/1000;
   770 		TUint diffi = I64LOW(elapseTime2);
   771 		_LIT(TestPass,"PASSED");
   772 		_LIT(TestFail,"FAILED");
   773 		TInt noOfTests=CTestBase::iNumberTests;
   774 		TInt noOfTestsPass=CTestBase::iNumberTestsPass;
   775 		_LIT(TimeBuf,"Elapse Time  %d:%02d.%03d   %S");
   776 		timeBuf.Format(TimeBuf,diffi/60000,(diffi/1000)%60,diffi%1000000,&(noOfTests==noOfTestsPass?TestPass:TestFail));
   777 		TBuf<60> testReport;
   778 		_LIT(Checks,"Checks");
   779 		_LIT(Fails,"Fails");
   780 		_LIT(TestReport,"Tests:%d %S:%d");
   781 		TInt testNumber=(noOfTests==noOfTestsPass? noOfTestsPass : noOfTests-noOfTestsPass);
   782 		testReport.Format(TestReport,iTestNum,&(noOfTests==noOfTestsPass?Checks():Fails()),testNumber);
   783 		if (noOfTests!=noOfTestsPass)
   784 			{
   785 			_LIT(NumTests,"/%d");
   786 			testReport.AppendFormat(NumTests,noOfTests);
   787 			}
   789 		TBuf<60> logTestReport;
   790 		_LIT(LogReport," %S:%d/%d");
   791 		logTestReport.Format(LogReport,&Checks,noOfTestsPass,noOfTests);
   792 		TLogMessageText buf;
   793 		_LIT(Finished,"AUTO Testing Complete, ");
   794 		buf.Append(Finished);
   795 		buf.Append(timeBuf);
   796 		buf.Append(logTestReport);
   797 		TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
   799 		TheTestResult = noOfTests==noOfTestsPass? ETestPassed : ETestFailed;
   800 		DoDisplayDialog(timeBuf,testReport);
   801 		}
   802 	}
   804 //
   805 // Test driver for primary screen (has digitiser/pointer)
   806 //
   807 CTestDriverPrimary::CTestDriverPrimary(TInt aScreenNumber) : CTestDriver(aScreenNumber)
   808 	{
   809 	TInt i;
   810 	TInt numOfEntries = 1;
   811 	for (i=0; i<numOfEntries; ++i)
   812 		{
   813 		++iTestSize;
   814 		}
   816 	// omit multi display test (last entry in test table)
   817 	// for single screen platform
   818 	//
   819 	if (iNumberOfScreens==1)
   820 		--iTestSize;
   822 	}
   824 void CTestDriverPrimary::DoDisplayDialog(TDesC& timeBuf,TDesC& testReport)
   825 	{
   826 	DisplayDialog(_L("Auto tests complete"),timeBuf, testReport);
   827 	}
   829 //
   830 // Test driver for secondary screens
   831 //
   832 CTestDriverSecondary::CTestDriverSecondary(TInt aScreenNumber) : CTestDriver(aScreenNumber)
   833 	{
   834 	TInt i;
   835 	TInt numOfEntries = 1;
   836 	for (i=0; i<numOfEntries; ++i)
   837 		{
   838 		++iTestSize;
   839 		}
   840 	}
   842 void CTestDriverSecondary::DoDisplayDialog(TDesC& timeBuf,TDesC& testReport)
   843 	{
   844 	if (TheTestResult==ETestFailed)
   845 		DisplayDialog(iScreenNumber,_L("Auto tests complete"),timeBuf, testReport);
   846 	}
   848 // TTestRects //
   849 //
   850 // This class provides a list of rectangles to test graphics to the test windows
   851 // The list designed to test all cases total clipping, partial clipping, touching the edges,
   852 // unclipped etc etc...
   853 //
   854 // NOTE:- Quick test version, does not provide a proper list yet
   855 //
   856 // For the rectangle list the graphics area is divided into 9 logical areas:-
   857 // 0:The area above & left of the drawing area
   858 // 1:The area above but within the left & right limits of the drawing area
   859 // 2:The area above & right of the drawing area
   860 // 3:The area left of but within the top & bottom limits of the drawing area
   861 // 4:The area within the drawing area
   862 // 5:The area right of but within the top & bottom limits of the drawing area
   863 // 6:The area below & left of the drawing area
   864 // 7:The area below but within the left & right limits of the drawing area
   865 // 8:The area below & right of the drawing area
   866 //
   867 //			|		|
   868 //		0	|	1	|	2
   869 //			|		|
   870 //	-------------------------
   871 //			|		|
   872 //		3	|	4	|	5
   873 //			|		|
   874 //	-------------------------
   875 //			|		|
   876 //		6	|	7	|	8
   877 //			|		|
   878 //
   879 //
   880 // The full list of rectangles needed to test an official release is as follows:
   881 //
   882 //	0-8:	A rectangle wholly within each area (0 to 8) without touching the edges (if possible)
   883 //	9-17:	A rectangle wholly within each area and touching all bounding edges
   884 //	18-26:	A rectangle traversing each horizontal pair & triple of areas without touching the boundarys
   885 //	27-35:	A rectangle traversing each vertical pair & triple of areas without touching the boundarys
   886 //	36-39:	A rectangle traversing each 2x2 block of areas without touching the boundarys
   887 //	40-43:	A rectangle traversing each 2x2 block of areas touching each boundary
   888 //  44:		A rectangle that includes all areas
   889 //  45-48:	A rectangle fully enclosed in the central area that touches each edge
   890 //	49-54:	A rectangle fully enclosed in the central area that touches each pair of edges
   891 //	55-58:	A rectangle fully enclosed in the central area that touches each set of three edges
   892 //  59-67:	A Zero size rectangle in each of the 9 areas
   893 //	68-77:	Wide rectangles with heights from 0 to 9 in the central area
   894 //	78-87:	Tall rectangles with widths from 0 to 9 in the central area
   895 //
   897 void TTestRects::Construct(const RWindow &aWindow)
   898 	{
   899 // 59-67
   900 //		Special case, does not use rectangles from here
   901 // 68-77
   902 //		Special case, does not use rectangles from here
   903 // 78-87
   904 //		Special case, does not use rectangles from here
   905 //
   907 	iSize=aWindow.Size();
   908 /*
   909 	TInt wid=size.iWidth;
   910 	TInt hgt=size.iHeight;
   911 	TInt wid2=wid/2;
   912 	TInt hgt2=hgt/2;
   913 	TInt wid3=wid/3;
   914 	TInt hgt3=hgt/3;
   915 	TInt wid4=wid/4;
   916 	TInt hgt4=hgt/4;
   917 	TInt 2wid=wid*2;
   918 	TInt 2hgt=hgt*2;
   919 	TInt 3wid=wid*3;
   920 	TInt 3hgt=hgt*3;
   921 // 0-8
   922 	iList[0]=TRect(-wid,-hgt,-wid2,-hgt2);
   923 	iList[1]=TRect(wid3,-hgt,wid-wid3,-hgt2);
   924 	iList[2]=TRect(wid+wid2,-2hgt,2wid,-hgt);
   925 	iList[3]=TRect(-3wid,hgt3,-wid3,hgt-hgt3);
   926 	iList[4]=TRect(wid4,hgt3,wid-wid3,hgt-hgt4);
   927 	iList[5]=TRect(3wid,hgt4,wid+3wid,hgt-hgt4);
   928 	iList[6]=TRect(-wid3,hgt+hgt4,-wid2,hgt+hgt);
   929 	iList[7]=TRect(wid2,hgt+hgt4,wid-wid4,hgt+hgt3);
   930 	iList[8]=TRect(2wid,hgt+hgt4,3wid,hgt+hgt2);
   931 // 9-17
   932 	iList[9]=TRect(-wid,-hgt,0,0);
   933 	iList[10]=TRect(0,-2hgt,wid,0);
   934 	iList[11]=TRect(wid,-hgt2,wid+wid3,0);
   935 	iList[12]=TRect(-wid3,0,0,hgt);
   936 	iList[13]=TRect(0,0,wid,hgt);
   937 	iList[14]=TRect(wid,0,wid+wid4,hgt);
   938 	iList[15]=TRect(-wid,hgt,0,hgt+hgt4);
   939 	iList[16]=TRect(0,hgt,wid,hgt+hgt);
   940 	iList[17]=TRect(wid,hgt,wid+3wid,hgt+3hgt);
   941 // 18-26
   942 	iList[18]=TRect(-wid,-hgt,wid2,hgt3);
   943 	iList[19]=TRect(wid3,-2hgt,2wid,-hgt3);
   944 	iList[20]=TRect(-wid,-hgt2,wid3,-hgt3);
   945 	iList[21]=TRect(-wid3,hgt4,wid2,hgt2);
   946 	iList[22]=TRect(wid3,hgt3,wid+wid3,hgt-hgt3);
   947 	iList[23]=TRect(-wid,hgt2,wid+wid4,hgt-hgt3);
   948 	iList[24]=TRect(-wid,2hgt,wid3,3hgt);
   949 	iList[25]=TRect(wid-wid4,hgt+hgt3,wid+wid4,2hgt);
   950 	iList[26]=TRect(-wid4,hgt+hgt4,wid+wid4,3);
   951 */
   952 /*
   953 	iList[0]=TRect(0,0,size.iWidth,size.iHeight);
   954 	iList[1]=TRect(-10,-10,size.iWidth/2,size.iHeight/2);
   955 	iList[2]=TRect(size.iWidth/2,size.iHeight/2,size.iWidth+10,size.iHeight+10);
   956 	iList[3]=TRect(size.iWidth/4,size.iHeight/4,size.iWidth/2,size.iHeight/2);
   957 	iList[4]=TRect(-10,size.iHeight/4,size.iWidth+10,size.iHeight/2);
   958 */
   959 	}
   961 TInt TTestRects::Count1() const
   962 //
   963 // Count1() provides the simple base set of rectangles
   964 //
   965 	{
   966 	return(2);
   967 	}
   969 TInt TTestRects::Count2() const
   970 //
   971 // Count2() provides an increased set of rectangles for each graphics func to test itself more thoroughly
   972 //
   973 	{
   974 	return(5);
   975 	}
   977 TInt TTestRects::Count3() const
   978 //
   979 // Count3() provides the full set of rects for each graphics func to a quick test on
   980 //
   981 	{
   982 	return(88);
   983 	}
   985 /** Reset the seed value to 0. */
   986 void TTestRects::ResetSeed()
   987 	{
   988 	iSeed = 0;
   989 	}
   991 TInt TTestRects::Rnd(TInt aSize)
   992 //
   993 // Return a random based around aSize, maybe bigger maybe smaller, who knows?
   994 //
   995 	{
   996 	TInt rnd=Math::Rand(iSeed);
   997 	TInt result;
   998 	if (rnd&0x8)	// Increase from aSize
   999 		result=aSize*((rnd&0x7)+1);
  1000 	else 			// Decrease from aSize
  1001 		result=aSize/((rnd&0x7)+1);
  1002 	return(result);
  1003 	}
  1005 TInt TTestRects::RndMax(TInt aSize)
  1006 //
  1007 // Return a random from 0 to aSize inclusive
  1008 //
  1009 	{
  1010 	TInt64 tmpl=Math::Rand(iSeed);
  1011 	TInt tmp = I64INT(tmpl) & 0xFFFF;
  1012 	tmp*=aSize;
  1013 	tmp/=0xFFFF;
  1014 	return(tmp);
  1015 	}
  1017 TInt TTestRects::RectCoord(TInt aSection,TInt aSize)
  1018 	{
  1019 	TInt result=0;
  1020 	switch(aSection)
  1021 		{
  1022 		case 0:
  1023 			result=-(1+Rnd(aSize));
  1024 			break;
  1025 		case 1:
  1026 			result=0;
  1027 			break;
  1028 		case 2:
  1029 			result=1+RndMax(aSize-2);
  1030 			break;
  1031 		case 3:
  1032 			result=aSize;
  1033 			break;
  1034 		case 4:
  1035 			result=aSize+1+Rnd(aSize);
  1036 			break;
  1037 		default:
  1038 			AutoPanic(EAutoPanicTestRectsSection);
  1039 		}
  1040 	return(result);
  1041 	}
  1043 void TTestRects::RectCoordPair(TInt &aTl, TInt &aBr, TInt aSection, TInt aSize)
  1044 	{
  1045 	do
  1046 		{
  1047 		aTl=RectCoord(aSection,aSize);
  1048 		aBr=RectCoord(aSection,aSize);
  1049 		} while(aTl==aBr && aSize>1);
  1050 	if (aTl>aBr)
  1051 		{
  1052 		TInt tmp=aBr;
  1053 		aBr=aTl;
  1054 		aTl=tmp;
  1055 		}
  1056 	}
  1058 TRect TTestRects::operator[](TInt aIndex)
  1059 	{
  1060 	TRect rect;
  1061 	if (aIndex<EMaxRectFromList)
  1062 		{
  1063 		const TRect *pRect=&iList[aIndex];
  1064 		if (pRect->iTl.iX==pRect->iBr.iX)
  1065 			RectCoordPair(rect.iTl.iX,rect.iBr.iX,pRect->iTl.iX,iSize.iWidth);
  1066 		else
  1067 			{
  1068 			rect.iTl.iX=RectCoord(pRect->iTl.iX,iSize.iWidth);
  1069 			rect.iBr.iX=RectCoord(pRect->iBr.iX,iSize.iWidth);
  1070 			}
  1071 		if (pRect->iTl.iY==pRect->iBr.iY)
  1072 			RectCoordPair(rect.iTl.iY,rect.iBr.iY,pRect->iTl.iY,iSize.iHeight);
  1073 		else
  1074 			{
  1075 			rect.iTl.iY=RectCoord(pRect->iTl.iX,iSize.iHeight);
  1076 			rect.iBr.iY=RectCoord(pRect->iBr.iX,iSize.iHeight);
  1077 			}
  1078 		}
  1079 	else if (aIndex<EMaxRectZeroSize)
  1080 		{
  1081 		rect.iTl.iX=RectCoord(((aIndex-EMaxRectFromList)%3)*2,iSize.iWidth);
  1082 		rect.iTl.iY=RectCoord(((aIndex-EMaxRectFromList)/3)*2,iSize.iHeight);
  1083 		rect.iBr=rect.iTl;
  1084 		}
  1085 	else if (aIndex<EMaxRectWide)
  1086 		{
  1087 		rect.iTl.iX=1;
  1088 		rect.iBr.iX=iSize.iWidth-1;
  1089 		rect.iTl.iY=1;
  1090 		rect.iBr.iY=rect.iTl.iY+(aIndex-EMaxRectWide);
  1091 		}
  1092 	else if (aIndex<EMaxRectHigh)
  1093 		{
  1094 		rect.iTl.iX=1;
  1095 		rect.iBr.iX=rect.iTl.iX+(aIndex-EMaxRectHigh);
  1096 		rect.iTl.iY=1;
  1097 		rect.iBr.iY=iSize.iHeight-1;
  1098 		}
  1099 	else
  1100 		AutoPanic(EAutoPanicTestRectsIndex);
  1101 	return(rect);
  1102 	}
  1105 /*CBitmap*/
  1107 CBitmap* CBitmap::NewLC(const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode)
  1108 	{
  1109 	return NewLC(0,aSizeInPixels,aDispMode);
  1110 	}
  1112 CBitmap* CBitmap::NewL(const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode)
  1113 	{
  1114 	CBitmap* self=NewLC(0,aSizeInPixels,aDispMode);
  1115 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  1116 	return self;
  1117 	}
  1119 CBitmap* CBitmap::NewL(TInt aHandle)
  1120 	{
  1121 	CBitmap* self=NewLC(aHandle,TSize(),ENone);
  1122 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  1123 	return self;
  1124 	}
  1126 CBitmap* CBitmap::NewL(TDesC& /*aFileName*/)
  1127 	{
  1128 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1129 	return NULL;
  1130 	}
  1132 CBitmap* CBitmap::NewLC(TInt aHandle,const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode)
  1133 	{
  1134 	CBitmap* self=new(ELeave) CBitmap();
  1135 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  1136 	self->ConstructL(aHandle, aSizeInPixels, aDispMode);
  1137 	return self;
  1138 	}
  1140 void CBitmap::ConstructL(TInt aHandle,const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode)
  1141 	{
  1142 	iBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
  1143 	if (aHandle==0)
  1144 		{
  1145 		User::LeaveIfError(iBitmap->Create(aSizeInPixels,aDispMode));
  1146 		}
  1147 	else
  1148 		{
  1149 		User::LeaveIfError(iBitmap->Duplicate(aHandle));
  1150 		}
  1151 	iDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iBitmap);
  1152 	User::LeaveIfError(iDevice->CreateContext(iGc));
  1153 	}
  1155 CBitmap::~CBitmap()
  1156 	{
  1157 	delete iGc;
  1158 	delete iDevice;
  1159 	delete iBitmap;
  1160 	}
  1163 // CTestBase //
  1165 CTestBase::CTestBase(const TDesC& aTitle,CTWsGraphicsBase* aTestBase)
  1166 	{
  1167 	iTestBase=aTestBase;
  1168 	iTitle.Copy(aTitle);
  1170 	iScreenNo = iTestBase->GetScreenFromIni();
  1172 	TheClient=new(ELeave) TestClient();
  1174 	if (CTestBase::iScreenNo == 1)
  1175 		{
  1176 		TheClient->SetScreenNumber(1);
  1177 		iScreenNumber = 1;		
  1178 		}
  1179 	else
  1180 		{
  1181 		TheClient->SetScreenNumber(0);
  1182 		iScreenNumber = 0;
  1183 		}
  1185 	if (iScreenNumber == 1)
  1186 		{
  1187 		iMinWin = new(ELeave) CMinWin(iScreenNumber);
  1188 		iMinWin->ConstructL();
  1189 		}
  1191 	iTestNum=CTestDriver::iTestNum;
  1192 	TheClient->ConstructL();
  1193 	TheClient->StdLogWindow().LogTest(iTitle,iTestNum);
  1194 	iDriver=TheClient->Driver();
  1196 	if (CTestBase::iScreenNo == 1)
  1197 		{
  1198 		TheClient->iWs.SetFocusScreen(1);
  1199 		}
  1200 	else
  1201 		{
  1202 		TheClient->iWs.SetFocusScreen(0);
  1203 		}
  1205 	iTestRects.Construct(*BaseWin->Win());
  1206 	iStdTestWindowSize=BaseWin->Size();
  1207 	iRedrawType=EPartialRedraw_Unknown;	// Reset between tests
  1208 	if (iMaxGrays+iMaxColors==0)
  1209 		{
  1210 		TheClient->iWs.GetDefModeMaxNumColors(iMaxColors,iMaxGrays);
  1211 		iNormalPointerCursorArea=TheClient->iWs.PointerCursorArea();
  1212 		}
  1213 	}
  1215 CTestBase::~CTestBase()
  1216 	{
  1217 	delete iMinWin;
  1218 	delete TheClient;
  1219 	}
  1221 void CTestBase::CloseAllPanicWindows()
  1222 	{
  1223 	TInt idFocus = TheClient->iWs.GetFocusWindowGroup();
  1224 	TWsEvent event;
  1225 	event.SetType(EEventKey);
  1226 	TKeyEvent *keyEvent = event.Key();
  1227 	keyEvent->iCode = EKeyEscape;
  1228 	keyEvent->iScanCode = EStdKeyEscape;
  1229 	keyEvent->iModifiers = 0;
  1230 	TInt theLimit = 50;
  1231 	while(idFocus != NULL && (theLimit-- > 0))
  1232 		{
  1233 		TheClient->iWs.SendEventToAllWindowGroups(event);
  1234 		idFocus = TheClient->iWs.GetFocusWindowGroup();
  1235 		}
  1236 	}
  1238 /**
  1239 Returns the size of the standard test windows.
  1240 @see iStdTestWindowSize
  1241 */	
  1242 const TSize& CTestBase::StdTestWindowSize()
  1243 	{
  1244 	return iStdTestWindowSize;
  1245 	}
  1247 /** Returns the number of greys available in the richest grey mode */
  1248 TInt CTestBase::MaxGrays() const
  1249 	{
  1250 	return iMaxGrays;
  1251 	}
  1253 /** Returns the number of colours available in the richest supported colour mode. */
  1254 TInt CTestBase::MaxColors() const
  1255 	{
  1256 	return iMaxColors;
  1257 	}
  1259 void CTestBase::TriggerFail()
  1260 	{
  1261 	iFail=ETrue;
  1262 	}
  1264 void CTestBase::LogLeave(TInt aErr)
  1265 	{
  1266 	TLogMessageText buf;
  1267 	_LIT(Leave,"AUTO Left with error code %d in ");
  1268 	buf.AppendFormat(Leave,aErr);
  1269 	buf.Append(iSubTitle);
  1270 	TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
  1271 	}
  1273 void CTestBase::LogSubTest(const TDesC &aSubTitle)
  1274 	{
  1275 	Driver()->iSubTestNum++;
  1276 	iSubTitle=aSubTitle;
  1277 	iTestBase->Logger().Write(TheClient->StdLogWindow().LogSubTest(aSubTitle,iState));
  1278 	}
  1280 void CTestBase::LogMessage(TInt aValue)
  1281 	{
  1282 	_LIT(WinID,"Win Id:");
  1283 	TheClient->StdLogWindow().LogMessage(EFalse,WinID,aValue);
  1284 	}
  1286 void CTestBase::LogSubState(TInt aSubState)
  1287 	{
  1288 	_LIT(SubTest,"SubState");
  1289 	iTestBase->Logger().Write(TheClient->StdLogWindow().LogMessage(ETrue,SubTest,aSubState));
  1290 	}
  1292 TBool DoCheckRectRWin(RWindowBase &aWin1,RWindowBase &aWin2,const TRect &aRect)
  1293 	{
  1294 	TRect rect1(aRect);
  1295 	TRect rect2(aRect);
  1296 	rect1.Move(aWin1.InquireOffset(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()));
  1297 	rect2.Move(aWin2.InquireOffset(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()));
  1298 	TBool match=TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(rect1,rect2);
  1299 #if defined(__WINS__)
  1300 	if (!match)
  1301 		FindNonMatchingPixel(rect1.iTl,rect2.iTl,aRect.Size());
  1302 #endif
  1303 	return match;
  1304 	}
  1306 TBool DoCheckRectRWin(RWindowBase &aWin1,RWindowBase &aWin2,const TRect &aRect, TUint aFlags)
  1307 	{
  1308 	TRect rect1(aRect);
  1309 	TRect rect2(aRect);
  1310 	rect1.Move(aWin1.InquireOffset(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()));
  1311 	rect2.Move(aWin2.InquireOffset(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()));
  1312 	TBool match=TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(rect1,rect2, aFlags);
  1313 #if defined(__WINS__)
  1314 	if (!match)
  1315 		FindNonMatchingPixel(rect1.iTl,rect2.iTl,aRect.Size());
  1316 #endif
  1317 	return match;
  1318 	}
  1320 TBool DoCheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect)
  1321 	{
  1322 	return DoCheckRectRWin(*aWin1->BaseWin(), *aWin2->BaseWin(), aRect);
  1323 	}
  1325 TBool DoCheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2)
  1326 	{
  1327 	TSize winSize=aWin1->Size();
  1328 	TRect rect1(aWin1->BaseWin()->InquireOffset(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()),winSize);
  1329 	TRect rect2(aWin2->BaseWin()->InquireOffset(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()),winSize);
  1330 	return TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(rect1,rect2);
  1331 	}
  1333 TBool DoCheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1, CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TRect &aRect, TUint aFlags)
  1334 	{
  1335 	return DoCheckRectRWin(*aWin1->BaseWin(), *aWin2->BaseWin(), aRect, aFlags);
  1336 	}
  1339 /**
  1340 Compares the contents of 2 rectangular areas of the screen.
  1342 @param aPos1 The top left corner of the first rectangle.
  1343 @param aPos2 The top left corner of the second rectangle.
  1344 @param aSize The size of the rectangles
  1345 @return ETrue if the 2 areas have the same content, EFalse otherwise.
  1346 */
  1347 TBool DoCheckRect(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize)
  1348 	{
  1349 	return TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(TRect(aPos1,aSize),TRect(aPos2,aSize));
  1350 	}
  1352 void CTestBase::DrawTestBackground(TBool aInvertColors, const TSize &aSize, TInt aGrays/*=16*/)
  1353 //
  1354 // Draws a standard test background with a mix of colors (shades).
  1355 // This is mainly used to test for graphic functions writing outside the intended area.
  1356 //
  1357 // This code assumes an TheGc is already active on the window to use.
  1358 //
  1359 	{
  1360 	TheGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray256(255));
  1361 	TInt step=5;
  1362 	TInt col=0;
  1363 	TInt colorInc=(aGrays>9 ? 17 : 85);
  1364 	TheGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
  1365 	TheGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
  1366 	for(TInt row=0;row<aSize.iHeight;row+=step)
  1367 		{
  1368 		TheGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray256(aInvertColors ? 255-col:col));
  1369 		TheGc->DrawRect(TRect(0,row,aSize.iWidth,row+step));
  1370 		col=col+colorInc;
  1371 		if (col>255)
  1372 			col=0;
  1373 		}
  1374 	}
  1376 void CTestBase::AbortL()
  1377 	{
  1378 	CTestDriver* driver=iDriver;
  1379 	iDriver->DestroyTest();
  1380 	driver->TestComplete2();
  1381 	User::Leave(ETestFailed);
  1382 	}
  1384 /*CTWsGraphicsBase*/
  1386 CTWsGraphicsBase::CTWsGraphicsBase(CTestStep* aStep) : CTGraphicsBase(aStep)
  1387 	{
  1388 	}
  1390 CTWsGraphicsBase::~CTWsGraphicsBase()
  1391 	{
  1392 	delete iTest;
  1393 	}
  1395 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CreateTestBaseL(CTTMSGraphicsStep* aTmsStep)
  1396 	{
  1397 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iTest==NULL,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicRecalledCreateTestBaseL));
  1398 	iTest=new(ELeave) CTestBase(iStep->TestStepName(),this);
  1399 	iTmsStep = aTmsStep;
  1400 	}
  1401 /**
  1402 Gets the Screen Number from an .ini file supplied to the RUN_TEST_STEP. Screen number should
  1403 be put under the section [useScreen] as screen=0 or screen=1.
  1405 @return Screen number Defined in .ini file, otherwise 0.
  1406 */
  1407 TInt CTWsGraphicsBase::GetScreenFromIni() const
  1408 	{
  1409 	_LIT(KUseScreenSection, "useScreen");
  1410 	_LIT(KScreen, "screen");
  1412 	TInt screen = 0;
  1413 	TBool configAvailable = iStep->GetIntFromConfig(KUseScreenSection, KScreen, screen);
  1414 	if(configAvailable)
  1415 		{
  1416 		return screen;
  1417 		}
  1418 	else
  1419 		{
  1420 		return 0;
  1421 		}
  1422 	}
  1424 void CTWsGraphicsBase::TestComplete()
  1425 	{
  1426 	_LIT(KTestComplete,"Test complete");
  1427 	INFO_PRINTF1(KTestComplete);
  1428 	CTGraphicsBase::TestComplete();
  1429 	}
  1431 void CTWsGraphicsBase::LogMessage(const TText8* aFile,TInt aLine,TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
  1432 	{
  1433 	TLogMessageText buf;
  1434 	VA_LIST list;
  1435 	VA_START(list,aFmt);
  1436 	buf.AppendFormatList(aFmt,list);
  1437 	TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
  1438 	Logger().LogExtra(aFile,aLine,ESevrInfo,buf);
  1439 	VA_END(list);
  1440 	}
  1442 TBool CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRetValue(TBool aPass, const TDesC *aErrorMsg, const TDesC &aErrorFunction)
  1443 	{
  1444 	if (!aPass && aErrorMsg)
  1445 		{
  1446 		LOG_MESSAGE3(_L("%S %S failed"),aErrorMsg,&aErrorFunction);
  1447 		iTmsStep->MQCTest(EFalse,((TText8*)__FILE__),__LINE__);
  1448 		}
  1449 	iStep->TEST(aPass);
  1450 	return aPass;
  1451 	}
  1453 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CompareWindowsSoftFailWinscw(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine)
  1454 	{
  1455 	if (!DoCheckRect(BaseWin, TestWin, BaseWin->Size()))
  1456 		{
  1457 #ifdef __WINS__
  1458 		_LIT(KMessage,"ERROR: Test Failed but is ignored on WINSCW");
  1459 		Logger().LogExtra(aFile, aLine, ESevrErr, KMessage);
  1460 #else // __WINS__
  1461 		iStep->TEST(EFalse);
  1462 		_LIT(KMessage,"ERROR: Test Failed");
  1463 		Logger().LogExtra(aFile, aLine, ESevrErr, KMessage);
  1464 #endif // __WINS__
  1465 		}
  1466 	}
  1468 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRect(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1469 	{
  1470 	CheckRetValue(DoCheckRect(aPos1,aPos2,aSize),aErrorMsg,_L("CheckRect()"));
  1471 	}
  1473 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRect(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1474 	{
  1475 	CheckRect(aPos1,aPos2,aSize,&aErrorMsg);
  1476 	}
  1478 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRectNoMatch(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1479 	{
  1480 	CheckRetValue(!DoCheckRect(aPos1,aPos2,aSize),aErrorMsg,_L("CheckRectNoMatch()"));
  1481 	}
  1483 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRectNoMatch(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1484 	{
  1485 	CheckRectNoMatch(aPos1,aPos2,aSize,&aErrorMsg);
  1486 	}
  1488 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1489 	{
  1490 	CheckRetValue(DoCheckRect(aWin1,aWin2),aErrorMsg,_L("CheckRect()"));
  1491 	}
  1493 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1494 	{
  1495 	CheckRect(aWin1,aWin2,&aErrorMsg);
  1496 	}
  1498 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1499 	{
  1500 	CheckRetValue(!DoCheckRect(aWin1,aWin2),aErrorMsg,_L("CheckRectNoMatch()"));
  1501 	}
  1503 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1504 	{
  1505 	CheckRectNoMatch(aWin1,aWin2,&aErrorMsg);
  1506 	}
  1508 TBool CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1509 	{
  1510 	return CheckRetValue(DoCheckRect(aWin1,aWin2,aRect),aErrorMsg,_L("CheckRect()"));
  1511 	}
  1513 TBool CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1514 	{
  1515 	return CheckRect(aWin1,aWin2,aRect,&aErrorMsg);
  1516 	}
  1518 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1519 	{
  1520 	CheckRetValue(!DoCheckRect(aWin1,aWin2,aRect),aErrorMsg,_L("CheckRectNoMatch()"));
  1521 	}
  1523 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1524 	{
  1525 	CheckRectNoMatch(aWin1,aWin2,aRect,&aErrorMsg);
  1526 	}
  1528 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CompareWindows(const TRect &aRect, const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1529 	{
  1530 	CheckRetValue(DoCheckRect(BaseWin,TestWin,aRect),aErrorMsg,_L("CompareWindows()"));
  1531 	}
  1533 TBool CTWsGraphicsBase::CompareWindows(const TDesC *aErrorMsg)
  1534 	{
  1535 	return CheckRetValue(DoCheckRect(BaseWin,TestWin,TRect(BaseWin->Size())),aErrorMsg,_L("CompareWindows()"));
  1536 	}
  1538 void CTWsGraphicsBase::CompareWindows(const TRect &aRect, const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1539 	{
  1540 	CompareWindows(aRect,&aErrorMsg);
  1541 	}
  1543 TBool CTWsGraphicsBase::CompareWindows(const TDesC &aErrorMsg)
  1544 	{
  1545 	return CompareWindows(&aErrorMsg);
  1546 	}
  1548 /**
  1549 Returns the size of the standard test windows.
  1551 Several tests use 3 windows : one is a log window, one is a reference window 
  1552 and one is the actual output of the test. All these windows have the same width which is roughly
  1553 1/3 of the screen. They also have the same height which is roughly equal to the screen height.
  1554 */
  1555 const TSize& CTWsGraphicsBase::StdTestWindowSize()
  1556 	{
  1557 	return iTest->StdTestWindowSize();
  1558 	}
  1560 /** Returns the number of greys available in the richest grey mode */
  1561 TInt CTWsGraphicsBase::MaxGrays() const
  1562 	{
  1563 	return iTest->MaxGrays();
  1564 	}
  1566 /** Returns the number of colours available in the richest supported colour mode. */
  1567 TInt CTWsGraphicsBase::MaxColors() const
  1568 	{
  1569 	return iTest->MaxColors();
  1570 	}
  1572 //
  1573 // Panic testing //
  1574 //
  1576 LOCAL_C TInt PanicThreadFunc(TAny *aPtr)
  1577 	{
  1578 	CTrapCleanup* CleanUpStack=CTrapCleanup::New();
  1579 	SPanicParams *ptr=(SPanicParams *)aPtr;
  1580 	TInt ret;
  1581 	TRAP(ret,ret=(*ptr->func)(ptr->num,ptr->ptr));
  1582 	delete CleanUpStack;
  1583 	if (ret==EWsExitReasonBad)
  1584 		AutoPanic(EAutoPanicPanicFailed);
  1585 	return(ret);
  1586 	}
  1588 TInt CTestBase::LaunchPanicThread(RThread &aThread, SPanicParams *aPtr)
  1589 	{
  1590 	TBuf<32> threadName;
  1591 	threadName.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("AutoPanicThread%d")),iThreadNumber++);
  1592 	return(aThread.Create(threadName,PanicThreadFunc,KDefaultStackSize,KPanicThreadHeapSize,KPanicThreadHeapSize,aPtr,EOwnerThread));
  1593 	}
  1595 TInt CTestBase::TestPanicL(SPanicParams *aPtr, TInt aExitReason, const TDesC &aCategory, TBool* aTestFinished)
  1596 	{
  1597 	RThread thread;
  1598 	TRequestStatus stat;
  1599 	TInt err=LaunchPanicThread(thread, aPtr);
  1600 	if (err==KErrAlreadyExists)
  1601 		{
  1602 		// wait for kernel to clear up old threads
  1603 		// and have several attempts at starting the thread
  1604 		// if unsuccessful the first time
  1605 		for (TInt i=0;i<3;i++)
  1606 			{
  1607 			User::After(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(100000));		//0.1 secs
  1608 			err=LaunchPanicThread(thread, aPtr);
  1609 			if (err!=KErrAlreadyExists)
  1610 				break;
  1611 			}
  1612 		}
  1613 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
  1614 	thread.Logon(stat);
  1615 	User::SetJustInTime(EFalse);
  1616 	thread.Resume();
  1617 	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
  1618 	User::SetJustInTime(ETrue);
  1620 	TBool testFinished=EFalse;
  1621 	TBool testPassed=ETrue;
  1622 	if (thread.ExitType()==EExitKill)
  1623 		{
  1624 		User::LeaveIfError(thread.ExitReason());
  1625 		if(thread.ExitReason()!=EWsExitReasonFinished)
  1626 			{
  1627 			testPassed=EFalse;
  1628 			}
  1629 		testFinished=ETrue;	// Finish tests
  1630 		}
  1631 	else
  1632 		{
  1633 		if ((thread.ExitCategory().Compare(aCategory)!=0)
  1634 		|| (aExitReason!=EWservNoPanic && thread.ExitReason()!=aExitReason)
  1635 		|| (thread.ExitType()!=EExitPanic))
  1636 			{
  1637 			testPassed=EFalse;
  1638 			}			
  1639 		}
  1641 	if(aTestFinished)
  1642 		*aTestFinished=testFinished;
  1643 	thread.Close();
  1644 	return(testPassed);
  1645 	}
  1647 TInt CTestBase::TestWsPanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TClientPanic aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr, TBool* aTestFinished)
  1648 	{
  1649 	return TestPanicL(aFunction,aExitReason,aInt,aPtr,KWSERV, aTestFinished);
  1650 	}
  1652 TInt CTestBase::TestW32PanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TW32Panic aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr, TBool* aTestFinished)
  1653 	{
  1654 	return TestPanicL(aFunction,aExitReason,aInt,aPtr,KW32,aTestFinished);
  1655 	}
  1657  TInt CTestBase::TestWservPanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TWservPanic aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr)
  1658  	{
  1659 	_LIT(KWSERV1,"Wserv Internal Panic");
  1660 	return TestPanicL(aFunction,aExitReason,aInt,aPtr,KWSERV1);
  1661 	}
  1663 TInt CTestBase::TestPanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TInt aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr, const TDesC &aCategory, TBool* aTestFinished)
  1664 	{
  1665 	SPanicParams params;
  1666 	params.num=aInt;
  1667 	params.func=aFunction;
  1668 	params.ptr=aPtr;
  1669 	return TestPanicL(&params, aExitReason, aCategory, aTestFinished);
  1670 	}
  1672 TBool CTestBase::IsFullRomL()
  1673 	{
  1674 	TBool isFullRom = EFalse;
  1675 	_LIT(KWinName,"EikonServer");
  1676 	TInt numWinGroups=TheClient->iWs.NumWindowGroups();
  1677 	CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* list=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(numWinGroups);
  1678 	TheClient->iWs.WindowGroupList(list);
  1679 	numWinGroups=list->Count();	// Just in case it changed between originally getting it and getting the actual list
  1680 	TBuf<64> name;
  1681 	TInt ii;
  1682 	for(ii=0;ii<numWinGroups;++ii)
  1683 		{
  1684 		TheClient->iWs.GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier((*list)[ii],name);
  1685 	#ifndef DISABLE_FAIL_DIALOG
  1686 		TInt ordinalPos=0;
  1687 		ordinalPos+=ordinalPos;		//To stop a warning
  1688 		ordinalPos=
  1689 	#endif
  1690 			TheClient->iWs.GetWindowGroupOrdinalPriority((*list)[ii]);
  1691 		if (name==KWinName)
  1692 			{
  1693 			isFullRom = ETrue;
  1694 			break;
  1695 			}
  1696 		}
  1697 	delete list;
  1698 	return isFullRom;
  1699 	}
  1701 void CTestBase::DelayIfFullRomL()
  1702 	{
  1703 	if (IsFullRomL())
  1704 		User::After(400000);
  1705 	}
  1707 TPartialRedrawType CTestBase::RedrawStoreTypeL()
  1708 	{
  1709 /*	if (iRedrawType==EPartialRedraw_Unknown)
  1710 		{
  1711 		const TRgb KRed=TRgb(255,0,0);
  1712 		const TRgb KGreen=TRgb(0,255,0);
  1713 		const TRgb KBlue=TRgb(0,0,255);
  1714 		CWsScreenDevice* scrDev=TheClient->iScreen;
  1715 		TSize winSize=scrDev->SizeInPixels();
  1716 		CBlankWindow* win=new(ELeave) CBlankWindow(KRed);	//Window will be red if WSERV just draws in background color
  1717 		CleanupStack::PushL(win);
  1718 		TDisplayMode mode=EColor256;
  1719 		win->SetUpL(TPoint(),winSize,TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc,&mode);	//Window is activated
  1720 		win->RealDraw(ETrue);
  1721 		win->SetColor(KGreen);
  1722 		CBlankWindow* win2=new(ELeave) CBlankWindow(KRed);
  1723 		CleanupStack::PushL(win2);
  1724 		win2->SetUpL(TPoint(),winSize,TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc,&mode);	//New Window completely obscures other window
  1725 		win2->RealDraw(ETrue);
  1726 		win->CTWin::DrawNow();	//Window will be green if drawn from stored commands
  1727 		win2->CTWin::DrawNow();
  1728 		win2->SetVisible(EFalse);
  1729 		TRgb col;
  1730 		scrDev->GetPixel(col,TPoint(5,5));	//Pixel will be red if storing off by default and green otherwise
  1731 		if (col==KRed)
  1732 			{
  1733 			win->Win()->EnableRedrawStore(ETrue);
  1734 			win->CTWin::DrawNow();	//Create stored commands
  1735 			}
  1736 		else
  1737 			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(col==KGreen,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicRedrawStoring));
  1738 		win->SetColor(KBlue);
  1739 		TRect redrawRect(TSize(10,10));
  1740 		win->Invalidate(redrawRect);
  1741 		win->Win()->BeginRedraw(redrawRect);
  1742 		win->DrawNow(redrawRect);	//Top left of Window will be blue if it draws itself
  1743 		win->Win()->EndRedraw();
  1744 		win2->SetVisible(ETrue);
  1745 		win2->SetVisible(EFalse);
  1746 		scrDev->GetPixel(col,TPoint(5,5));	//Pixel will be red if stored commands were lost
  1747 		iRedrawType=EPartialRedraw_None;
  1748 		if (col!=KRed)
  1749 			{
  1750 			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(col==KBlue,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicRedrawStoring));
  1751 			TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
  1752 			win2->SetVisible(ETrue);
  1753 			win2->SetVisible(EFalse);
  1754 			scrDev->GetPixel(col,TPoint(15,15));	//Pixel will be blue if partial redraw triggers full redraw
  1755 			iRedrawType=EPartialRedraw_PreserveStoredCmds;
  1756 			if (col!=KBlue)
  1757 				{
  1758 				__ASSERT_ALWAYS(col==KGreen,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicRedrawStoring));
  1759 				iRedrawType=EPartialRedraw_FullRedrawSupport;
  1760 				}
  1761 			}
  1762 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,win);
  1763 		}
  1764 	return iRedrawType;*/
  1765 	return EPartialRedraw_FullRedrawSupport;
  1766 	}
  1768 void CTestBase::SetUpMember(TSpriteMember &aMember)
  1769 	{
  1770 	aMember.iMaskBitmap=NULL;
  1771 	aMember.iInvertMask=EFalse;
  1772 	aMember.iDrawMode=CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN;
  1773 	aMember.iOffset=TPoint();
  1774 	aMember.iInterval=TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0);
  1775 	}
  1777 void CTestBase::SimulateKeyDownUpWithModifiers(TInt aScanCode,TUint aModifiers)
  1778 	{
  1779 	if (aModifiers&EModifierAlt)
  1780 		SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,EStdKeyLeftFunc);
  1781 	if (aModifiers&EModifierCtrl)
  1782 		SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,EStdKeyLeftCtrl);
  1783 	if (aModifiers&EModifierShift)
  1784 		SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,EStdKeyLeftShift);
  1785 	SimulateKeyDownUp(aScanCode);
  1786 	if (aModifiers&EModifierShift)
  1787 		SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,EStdKeyLeftShift);
  1788 	if (aModifiers&EModifierCtrl)
  1789 		SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,EStdKeyLeftCtrl);
  1790 	if (aModifiers&EModifierAlt)
  1791 		SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,EStdKeyLeftFunc);
  1792 	}
  1794 void CTestBase::SimulateKeyDownUp(TInt aScanCode)
  1795 	{
  1796 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aScanCode<'a' || aScanCode>'z',AutoPanic(EAutoPanicScanCapital));
  1797 	SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,aScanCode);
  1798 	SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,aScanCode);
  1799 	}
  1801 void CTestBase::SimulatePointerDownUp(TInt aX, TInt aY)
  1802 	{
  1803 	SimulatePointer(TRawEvent::EButton1Down,aX,aY);
  1804 	SimulatePointer(TRawEvent::EButton1Up,aX,aY);
  1805 	}
  1807 void CTestBase::SimulateKey(TRawEvent::TType aType, TInt aScanCode)
  1808 	{
  1809 	TRawEvent rawEvent;
  1810 	rawEvent.Set(aType,aScanCode);
  1811 	TheClient->iWs.SimulateRawEvent(rawEvent);
  1812 	}
  1814 /**
  1815  * Determine if the configuration supports pointer event testing.
  1816  * 
  1817  * There are certain circumstances where we want to skip pointer event
  1818  * testing because we are simulating pointer events, and don't want to
  1819  * simulate a pointer event from an impossible co-ordinate.  We'd rather
  1820  * just identify that there is no point in doing the test and skip over
  1821  * to the next test case.
  1822  * 
  1823  * In particular, when a ROM configured with a digitiser is deployed on a
  1824  * Naviengine, with hardware configuration DIP switches which say that there
  1825  * is an external screen connected, then no touch pad is active.
  1826  * The base port under these conditions returns a digitiser area (0,0,0,0)
  1827  * 
  1828  * @return ETrue if the configuration supports pointer event testing, otherwise
  1829  *         return EFalse.
  1830  */
  1831 TBool CTestBase::ConfigurationSupportsPointerEventTesting() const
  1832     {
  1833     if (iNormalPointerCursorArea.IsEmpty())
  1834         {
  1835         return EFalse;
  1836         }
  1837     return ETrue;
  1838     }
  1841 void CTestBase::SimulatePointer(TRawEvent::TType aType, TInt aX, TInt aY)
  1842 	{
  1843 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(ConfigurationSupportsPointerEventTesting(), AutoPanic(EAutoPanicNoDigitiser));
  1847 	TLogMessageText buf;
  1848 	_LIT(KLog,"SimulatePointer  Type=%d  Pos=(%d,%d)");
  1849 	buf.Format(KLog,aType,aX,aY);
  1850 	TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
  1851 #endif
  1853 	TRawEvent rawEvent;
  1854 	rawEvent.Set(aType,aX,aY);
  1855 	TheClient->iWs.SimulateRawEvent(rawEvent);
  1856 	}
  1858 void CTestBase::SimulateEvent(TRawEvent::TType aType)
  1859 	{
  1860 	TRawEvent rawEvent;
  1861 	rawEvent.Set(aType);
  1862 	TheClient->iWs.SimulateRawEvent(rawEvent);
  1863 	}
  1865 void CTestBase::LogColors(const CBitmapDevice& aDevice,TPoint aBasePoint, TPoint aStartPoint, TPoint aEndPoint)
  1866 	{
  1867 	_LIT(KPixel,"Pixel(%d,%d) R=%d G=%d B=%d");
  1868 	TLogMessageText buf;
  1869 	TBuf8<2560> screen;
  1870 	const TRgb* pixel;
  1871 	if (aStartPoint.iX==aEndPoint.iX)
  1872 		++aEndPoint.iX;
  1873 	if (aStartPoint.iY==aEndPoint.iY)
  1874 		++aEndPoint.iY;
  1875 	TInt width=aEndPoint.iX-aStartPoint.iX;
  1876 	TInt xx,yy;
  1877 	for (yy=aStartPoint.iY;yy<aEndPoint.iY;++yy)
  1878 		{
  1879 		xx=aStartPoint.iX;
  1880 		aDevice.GetScanLine(screen,aBasePoint+TPoint(xx,yy),width,ERgb);
  1881 		pixel=REINTERPRET_CAST(const TRgb*,screen.Ptr());
  1882 		for (;xx<aEndPoint.iX;++xx,++pixel)
  1883 			{
  1884 			buf.Format(KPixel,xx,yy,pixel->Red(),pixel->Green(),pixel->Blue());
  1885 			//RDebug::Print(buf);
  1886 			TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(buf);
  1887 			}
  1888 		}
  1889 	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
  1890 	}
  1892 void CTestBase::LogColors4(const CBitmapDevice& aDevice,TPoint aStartPoint,TInt aLen)
  1893 	{
  1894 	_LIT(KValue,"Pixel(%d,%d)  Byte %d,  Value %d");
  1895 	TLogMessageText buf;
  1896 	TBuf8<2560> screen;
  1897 	aDevice.GetScanLine(screen,aStartPoint,aLen,EGray4);
  1898 	TInt len=(aLen+3)/4;
  1899 	TInt ii;
  1900 	for (ii=0;ii<len;++ii,aStartPoint.iX+=4)
  1901 		{
  1902 		buf.Format(KValue,aStartPoint.iX,aStartPoint.iY,ii,screen[ii]);
  1903 		TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(buf);
  1904 		}
  1905 	}
  1907 void CTestBase::UpdateTestResults(TInt aNoOfTest, TInt aNoOfTestPass)
  1908 	{
  1909 	iNumberTests+=aNoOfTest;
  1910 	iNumberTestsPass+=aNoOfTestPass;
  1911 	}
  1913 TInt CTestBase::SaveScreen(const TDesC& aFileName)
  1914 	{
  1915 	return SaveScreen(aFileName,TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels(),TheClient->iScreen->DisplayMode());
  1916 	}
  1918 TInt CTestBase::SaveScreen(const TDesC& aFileName,const TSize& aScreenSize,TDisplayMode aColorDepth)
  1919 	{
  1920 	TRAPD(err,SaveScreenL(aFileName,aScreenSize,aColorDepth));
  1921 	return err;
  1922 	}
  1924 void CTestBase::SaveScreenL(const TDesC& aFileName,const TSize& aScreenSize,TDisplayMode aColorDepth)
  1925 	{
  1926 	CBitmap* copyOfScreen=CBitmap::NewLC(aScreenSize,aColorDepth);
  1927 	CFbsScreenDevice* scrDevice=CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(iScreenNumber,aColorDepth);
  1928 	CleanupStack::PushL(scrDevice);
  1929 	CFbsBitGc* gc;
  1930 	User::LeaveIfError(scrDevice->CreateContext(gc));
  1931 	CleanupStack::PushL(gc);
  1932 	copyOfScreen->Gc().BitBlt(TPoint(),*gc);
  1933 	User::LeaveIfError(copyOfScreen->Bitmap().Save(aFileName));
  1934 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3,copyOfScreen);
  1935 	}
  1938 /*CProcess*/
  1939 _LIT(KScreenTag,"Screen");
  1941 void CProcess::GetProcArg(const TWinCommand& aParam,TBufArg& aProcArg)
  1942 	{
  1943 	TInt pos = aParam.Find(KScreenTag);
  1944 	if (pos!=KErrNotFound)
  1945 		aProcArg = aParam.Left(pos-1);
  1946 	else
  1947 		aProcArg = aParam;
  1948 	}
  1950 void CProcess::GetScreenArg(const TWinCommand& aParam, TInt& aScreenArg)
  1951 	{
  1952 	TInt pos = aParam.Find(KScreenTag);
  1953 	if (pos!=KErrNotFound)
  1954 		{
  1955 		TBufArg secondArg(aParam.Right(aParam.Length()-pos));
  1956 		if (secondArg.Length()>6)
  1957 			{
  1958 			TBuf<1> digit(secondArg.Mid(6,1));
  1959 			TLex lex(digit);
  1960 			lex.Val(aScreenArg);
  1961 			}
  1962 		}
  1963 	}
  1965 TInt CProcess::Start(const TWinCommand& aParam)
  1966 	{
  1967 	// parse command line aParam to retrieve value of
  1968 	// screen number if it is specified
  1969 	//
  1970 	// command line format: <process-id> [screen<id>]
  1971 	//
  1972 	TBufArg procArg(_L(""));
  1973 	TInt screenArg = KDefaultScreen;
  1975 	GetProcArg(aParam, procArg);
  1976 	GetScreenArg(aParam, screenArg);
  1978 	TInt ii;
  1979 	for(ii=0;ii<eNumProcessCalls;ii++)
  1980 		{
  1981 		if (procArg==iFunctions[ii].iParam)
  1982 			{
  1983 			TRAPD(ret,iFunctions[ii].iFunction((TAny*)screenArg));
  1985 			// need to pass test result to owning process
  1986 			// for multiple display test
  1987 			if (ii==eProcessMultiDisplayTest)
  1988 				ret = TheTestResult;
  1990 			return ret;
  1991 			}
  1992 		}
  1994 	return KErrNone;		//Shouldn't get here
  1995 	}
  1997 CProcess* CProcess::NewL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber)
  1998 	{
  1999 	CProcess* self=new(ELeave) CProcess();
  2000 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  2001 	self->ConstructL(aFunctionNo,aScreenNumber);
  2002 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  2003 	return self;
  2004 	}
  2006 CProcess* CProcess::NewTL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber,TRequestStatus* aStatus /*=NULL*/)
  2007 	{
  2008 	CProcess* self=new(ELeave) CProcess();
  2009 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  2010 	self->ConstructTL(aFunctionNo,aScreenNumber,aStatus);
  2011 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  2012 	return self;
  2013 	}
  2015 CProcess* CProcess::NewThreadL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr
  2016 																						,TRequestStatus* aStatus)
  2017 	{
  2018 	CProcess* self=new(ELeave) CProcess();
  2019 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  2020 	self->ConstructL(aName,aFunction,aPtr,aStatus);
  2021 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  2022 	return self;
  2023 	}
  2025 CProcess* CProcess::NewThreadRendezvousL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr ,TRequestStatus* aLogonStatus,TRequestStatus& aRendesvouzStatus)
  2026     {
  2027     CProcess* self=new(ELeave) CProcess();
  2028     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  2029     self->ConstructRendezvousL(aName,aFunction,aPtr,aLogonStatus,aRendesvouzStatus);
  2030     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  2031     return self;
  2032     }
  2034 CProcess* CProcess::NewThreadRendezvousL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus& aRendesvouzStatus)
  2035     {
  2036     return NewThreadRendezvousL(aName,ThreadInit,aPtr,NULL,aRendesvouzStatus);
  2037     }
  2039 CProcess* CProcess::NewThreadL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadStartUp* aPtr)
  2040 	{
  2041 	return NewThreadL(aName,ThreadInit,aPtr,NULL);
  2042 	}
  2044 CProcess* CProcess::NewSimpleThreadL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus* aStatus/*=NULL*/)
  2045 	{
  2046 	return NewThreadL(aName,SimpleThreadInit,aPtr,aStatus);
  2047 	}
  2049 _LIT(KSpace," ");
  2050 _LIT(KScreenFormat,"%d");
  2052 void CProcess::ConstructL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber/*=KDefaultScreen*/)
  2053 	{
  2054 	Close();
  2055 	// add screen number into command line param
  2056 	// format: <proc-id> [screen<id>]
  2057 	//
  2058 	TBuf<100> commandLine;
  2060 	commandLine = iFunctions[aFunctionNo].iParam;
  2061 	commandLine.Append(KSpace);
  2062 	commandLine.Append(KScreenTag);
  2063 	commandLine.AppendFormat(KScreenFormat,aScreenNumber);
  2064 	User::LeaveIfError(iOther.Create(RProcess().FileName(),commandLine));
  2065 	iCreated|=eOtherCreated;
  2066 	iOther.Resume();
  2067 	}
  2069 void CProcess::ConstructTL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber/*=KDefaultScreen*/,TRequestStatus* aStatus)
  2070 	{
  2071 	Close();
  2072 	TUint flag=eThreadCreated;
  2073 	TInt err=iThread.Create(iFunctions[aFunctionNo].iParam,iFunctions[aFunctionNo].iFunction
  2074 													,KDefaultStackSize,KOtherProcHeapSize,KOtherProcHeapSize,(TAny*)aScreenNumber,EOwnerThread);
  2075 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
  2076 	iCreated|=flag;
  2077 	if (aStatus)
  2078 		Logon(*aStatus);
  2079 	iThread.Resume();
  2080 	}
  2083 void CProcess::ConstructL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus* aStatus)
  2084 	{
  2085 	Close();
  2086 	User::LeaveIfError(iThread.Create(aName,aFunction,KDefaultStackSize,KOtherProcHeapSize,KOtherProcHeapSize,aPtr,EOwnerThread));
  2087 	iCreated|=eThreadCreated;
  2088 	if (aStatus)
  2089 		Logon(*aStatus);
  2090 	iThread.Resume();
  2091 	}
  2093 void CProcess::ConstructRendezvousL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus* aLogonStatus,TRequestStatus& aRendezvousStatus)
  2094     {
  2095     Close();
  2096     User::LeaveIfError(iThread.Create(aName,aFunction,KDefaultStackSize,KOtherProcHeapSize,KOtherProcHeapSize,aPtr,EOwnerThread));
  2097     iCreated|=eThreadCreated;
  2098     if (aLogonStatus)
  2099         Logon(*aLogonStatus);
  2101     iThread.Rendezvous(aRendezvousStatus);     
  2102     iThread.Resume();
  2103     }
  2105 void CProcess::Logon(TRequestStatus& aStatus) const
  2106 	{
  2107 	if (iCreated&eThreadCreated)
  2108 		iThread.Logon(aStatus);
  2109 	else
  2110 		{
  2111 		iOther.Logon(aStatus);
  2112 		}
  2113 	}
  2115 void CProcess::Terminate(TInt aReason)
  2116 	{
  2117 	if (iCreated&eThreadCreated)
  2118 		iThread.Terminate(aReason);
  2119 	else
  2120 		{
  2121 		iOther.Terminate(aReason);
  2122 		}
  2123 	Close();
  2124 	}
  2126 void CProcess::Close()
  2127 	{
  2128 	if (iCreated&eOtherCreated)
  2129 		iOther.Close();
  2130 	if (iCreated&eThreadCreated)
  2131 		iThread.Close();
  2132 	iCreated=0;
  2133 	}
  2135 CProcess::~CProcess()
  2136 	{
  2137 	Close();
  2138 	}
  2140 TBool CProcess::StillAlive()
  2141 	{
  2142 	if (iCreated&eOtherCreated)
  2143 		return iOther.ExitType()==EExitPending;
  2144 	return iThread.ExitType()==EExitPending;
  2145 	}
  2147 void CProcess::LeaveIfDied()		//Can Leave
  2148 	{
  2149 	User::After(200000);		//0.2 secs
  2150 	if (StillAlive())
  2151 		return;
  2152 	if (iCreated&eOtherCreated)
  2153 		User::Leave(iOther.ExitReason());
  2154 	User::Leave(iThread.ExitReason());
  2155 	}
  2157 const TInt KFirstInstanceId = 1;
  2158 const TInt KOtherInstanceId = 2;
  2160 TBool CProcess::ProcessDied(TInt aScreenNo/*=KDefaultScreen*/)
  2161 	{
  2162 	_LIT(pName,"TAutoServer*");
  2163 	TFindProcess find(pName);
  2164 	TFullName name;
  2166 	TBool found = EFalse;
  2167 	TInt instanceId = aScreenNo==KDefaultScreen? KFirstInstanceId : KOtherInstanceId;
  2168 	// find the correct instance of the process
  2169 	// required in multi display test
  2170 	while (!found && find.Next(name)==KErrNone)
  2171 		{
  2172 		TPtrC scrId = name.Right(1);
  2173 		TInt id;
  2174 		TLex lex(scrId);
  2175 		lex.Val(id);
  2176 		if (id==instanceId)
  2177 			found = ETrue;
  2178 		}
  2179 	if (!found)
  2180 		return EFalse;
  2182 	RProcess p;
  2183 	p.Open(name);
  2184 	if (p.Id()!=RProcess().Id())
  2185 		return EFalse;
  2186 	p.Close();
  2187 	return (find.Next(name)!=KErrNone);
  2188 	}
  2190 TInt CProcess::ThreadInit(TAny *aPtr)
  2191 	{
  2192 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  2193 	TInt err=KErrNone;
  2194 	CTrapCleanup* CleanUpStack=CTrapCleanup::New();
  2195 	if (CleanUpStack==NULL)
  2196 		err=KErrNoMemory;
  2197 	else
  2198 		{
  2199 		TRAP(err,InitialiseL(STATIC_CAST(TThreadStartUp*,aPtr)))
  2200 		delete CleanUpStack;
  2201 		}
  2202 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  2203 	return(err);
  2204 	}
  2206 void CProcess::InitialiseL(TThreadStartUp* aPtr)
  2207 	{
  2208 	CActiveScheduler* activeScheduler=new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
  2209 	CActiveScheduler::Install(activeScheduler);
  2210 	CleanupStack::PushL(activeScheduler);
  2211 	aPtr->iInitFunction(aPtr->iParam);
  2212 	CActiveScheduler::Start();
  2213 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(activeScheduler);
  2214 	}
  2216 TInt CProcess::SimpleThreadInit(TAny *aPtr)
  2217 	{
  2218 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  2219 	TInt err=KErrNone;
  2220 	CTrapCleanup* CleanUpStack=CTrapCleanup::New();
  2221 	if (CleanUpStack==NULL)
  2222 		err=KErrNoMemory;
  2223 	else
  2224 		{
  2225 		TThreadStartUp* ptr=STATIC_CAST(TThreadStartUp*,aPtr);
  2226 		ptr->iInitFunction(ptr->iParam);
  2227 		delete CleanUpStack;
  2228 		}
  2229 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  2230 	return(err);
  2231 	}
  2233 /*CMinWin*/
  2235 CMinWin::CMinWin(TInt aScreenNo): iScreenNo(aScreenNo)
  2236 	{}
  2238 void CMinWin::ConstructL()
  2239 	{
  2240 	User::LeaveIfError(iWs.Connect());
  2241 	iScr=new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs);
  2242 	User::LeaveIfError(iScr->Construct(iScreenNo));
  2243 	iGroup=RWindowGroup(iWs);
  2244 	User::LeaveIfError(iGroup.Construct(8970+iScreenNo,ETrue));
  2245 	iWin=RWindow(iWs);
  2246 	User::LeaveIfError(iWin.Construct((RWindowTreeNode)iGroup,(TUint32)this));
  2247 	iRect=TSize(10,10);
  2248 	iWin.SetExtent(TPoint(0,0),iRect.Size());
  2249 	iWin.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256);
  2250 	iWin.SetBackgroundColor(KRgbGreen);
  2251 	iWin.Activate();
  2252 	iGc=new(ELeave) CWindowGc(iScr);
  2253 	User::LeaveIfError(iGc->Construct());
  2255 	Draw(iRect);
  2256 	iWs.Flush();
  2257 	}
  2259 CMinWin::~CMinWin()
  2260 	{
  2261 	delete iGc;
  2262 	iWin.Close();
  2263 	iGroup.Close();
  2264 	delete iScr;
  2265 	iWs.Close();
  2266 	}
  2268 void CMinWin::Draw(const TRect& aRect)
  2269 	{
  2270 	iWin.BeginRedraw();
  2271 	iGc->Activate(iWin);
  2272 	iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
  2273 	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
  2274 	iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbGreen);
  2275 	iGc->DrawRect(aRect);
  2276 	iGc->Deactivate();
  2277 	iWin.EndRedraw();
  2278 	}
  2281 /*CTimeOut*/
  2283 void CTimeOut::ConstructL()
  2284 	{
  2285 	CTimer::ConstructL();
  2286 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
  2287 	}
  2289 void CTimeOut::Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInterval,TCallBack aCallBack)
  2290 	{
  2291 	iCallBack=aCallBack;
  2292 	After(aInterval);
  2293 	}
  2295 void CTimeOut::RunL()
  2296 	{
  2297 	iCallBack.CallBack();
  2298 	}
  2300 /* 
  2301  * Simply returns the DisplayMode as a string. Used to display mode details on test results. 
  2302  */
  2303 GLDEF_C TPtrC DisplayModeAsString(TDisplayMode aMode)
  2304 	{
  2306 	TPtrC modeAsString;
  2308 	switch(aMode)
  2309 		{
  2310 		case ENone:
  2311 			_LIT(KENoneMode,"ENone");
  2312 			modeAsString.Set(KENoneMode);
  2313 			break;
  2314 		case EGray2: 
  2315 			_LIT(KEGray2Mode,"EGray2");
  2316 			modeAsString.Set(KEGray2Mode);
  2317 			break;
  2318 		case EGray4:
  2319 			_LIT(KEGray4Mode,"EGray4");
  2320 			modeAsString.Set(KEGray4Mode);
  2321 			break;
  2322 		case EGray16:
  2323 			_LIT(KEGray16Mode,"EGray16");
  2324 			modeAsString.Set(KEGray16Mode);
  2325 			break;
  2326 		case EGray256:
  2327 			_LIT(KEGray256Mode,"EGray256");
  2328 			modeAsString.Set(KEGray256Mode);
  2329 			break;
  2330 		case EColor16:
  2331 			_LIT(KEColor16Mode,"EColor16");
  2332 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor16Mode);
  2333 			break;
  2334 		case EColor256:
  2335 			_LIT(KEColor256Mode,"EColor256");
  2336 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor256Mode);
  2337 			break;
  2338 		case EColor64K:
  2339 			_LIT(KEColor64KMode,"EColor64K");
  2340 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor64KMode);
  2341 			break;
  2342 		case EColor16M:
  2343 			_LIT(KEColor16MMode,"EColor16M");
  2344 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor16MMode);
  2345 			break;
  2346 		case EColor4K:
  2347 			_LIT(KEColor4KMode,"EColor4K");
  2348 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor4KMode);
  2349 			break;
  2350 		case EColor16MU:
  2351 			_LIT(KEColor16MUMode,"EColor16MU");
  2352 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor16MUMode);
  2353 			break;
  2354 		case EColor16MA:
  2355 			_LIT(KEColor16MAMode,"EColor16MA");
  2356 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor16MAMode);
  2357 			break;
  2358 		case EColor16MAP:
  2359 			_LIT(KEColor16MAPMode,"EColor16MAP");
  2360 			modeAsString.Set(KEColor16MAPMode);
  2361 			break;
  2362 		default:
  2363 			_LIT(KUnknownMode,"Unknown");
  2364 			modeAsString.Set(KUnknownMode);
  2365 			break;
  2366 		}
  2368 	return modeAsString;
  2369 	}
  2371 // Check if an area of a bitmap is of a certain color
  2372 GLDEF_C TBool LossyCheckBlankBitmap(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TRect aArea, const TRgb aCheckColor, TBool aLossyCompare)
  2373 	{
  2374 	const TReal errorLimit = (aLossyCompare ? 0.05 : 0.00); //Lossy(default) or exact compare?
  2376 	TBool result = ETrue;
  2377 	/* TInt mismatchedPixels = 0; */ // -- Useful for debugging
  2378 	TRgb bitmapPix = TRgb(0,0,0,0); //testWin Pixel
  2379 	for (TInt x = 0; x < aArea.Size().iWidth; x++)
  2380 		{
  2381 		for (TInt y = 0; y < aArea.Size().iHeight; y++)
  2382 			{
  2383 			aBitmap.GetPixel(bitmapPix, TPoint(x,y));
  2385 			//Check if there are differeces in color between the bitmap and the test color
  2386 			if(((TReal)abs(bitmapPix.Red() - aCheckColor.Red())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2387 					((TReal)abs(bitmapPix.Blue() - aCheckColor.Blue())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2388 					((TReal)abs(bitmapPix.Green() - aCheckColor.Green())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2389 					((TReal)abs(bitmapPix.Alpha() - aCheckColor.Alpha())/255) > errorLimit)
  2390 				{
  2391 				/* mismatchedPixels++; */ // -- Useful for debugging
  2392 				result = EFalse;
  2393 				break;
  2394 				}
  2395 			}
  2396 		}
  2398 	/* INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of different pixels: %i"), mismatchedPixels); */ // -- Useful for debugging
  2399 	return result;
  2400 	}
  2402 // Compare a section of two bitmaps
  2403 GLDEF_C TBool LossyCompareBitmap(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap1, const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap2, const TRect aCompareRect, TBool aLossyCompare)
  2404 	{
  2405 	const TReal errorLimit = (aLossyCompare ? 0.05 : 0.00); //Lossy or Exact compare?
  2407 	TBool result = ETrue;
  2409 	if (aBitmap1.DisplayMode() != aBitmap2.DisplayMode())
  2410 		{
  2411 		RDebug::Printf(" DisplayMode difference %d, %d", aBitmap1.DisplayMode(), aBitmap2.DisplayMode());
  2412 		}
  2414 	TRgb bitmap1Pix = TRgb(0,0,0,0);
  2415 	TRgb bitmap2Pix = TRgb(0,0,0,0);
  2416 	for (TInt x = 0; x < aCompareRect.Size().iWidth; x++)
  2417 		{
  2418 		for (TInt y = 0; y < aCompareRect.Size().iHeight; y++)
  2419 			{
  2420 			aBitmap1.GetPixel(bitmap1Pix, TPoint(x,y));
  2421 			aBitmap2.GetPixel(bitmap2Pix, TPoint(x,y));
  2423 			//Check if there are differences between the colors of the two bitmaps
  2424 			if(((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Red() - bitmap2Pix.Red())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2425 					((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Blue() - bitmap2Pix.Blue())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2426 					((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Green() - bitmap2Pix.Green())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2427 					((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Alpha() - bitmap2Pix.Alpha())/255) > errorLimit)
  2428 				{
  2429 				/*
  2430 				 * There was a difference so return without checking the rest of the
  2431 				 * bitmap.  If you are seeing Lossy compare errors, and want to diagnose
  2432 				 * further, consider switching over to using a recording version of this
  2433 				 * function, LossyCompareBitmapRecord()
  2434 				 */
  2435 				result = EFalse;
  2436 				break;
  2437 				}
  2438 			}
  2439 		}
  2441 	return result;
  2442 	}
  2444 /**
  2445  * Compare two bitmaps, optionally a lossy comparison, recording any differences and saving bitmaps
  2446  * 
  2447  * @param	aBitmap1			Bitmap being checked
  2448  * @param	aBitmap2			Reference Bitmap
  2449  * @param	aCompareRect		Area of bitmap to compare
  2450  * @param	aLossyCompare		ETrue means use a lossy compare strategy, else do an exact compare
  2451  * @param	aPixelsDifferent	Returned value representing the number of pixels which are different
  2452  * @param	aLogger				Facility for logging to be reported by this function
  2453  * @return						ETrue if the bitmaps are the same (or similar).
  2454  * 								Otherwise EFalse, with logging reporting the differences, and bitmaps saved in c:\logs\
  2455  * @pre 						c:\logs directory must exist
  2456  */
  2457 GLDEF_C TBool LossyCompareBitmapRecord(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap1, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap2, const TRect aCompareRect, TBool aLossyCompare, TInt& aPixelsDifferent, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger)
  2458 	{
  2459 	const TReal errorLimit = (aLossyCompare ? 0.05 : 0.00); //Lossy or Exact compare?
  2461 	TBool result = ETrue;
  2462 	TInt mismatchedPixels = 0;
  2463 	TRgb bitmap1Pix = TRgb(0,0,0,0);
  2464 	TRgb bitmap2Pix = TRgb(0,0,0,0);
  2465 	if (aBitmap1.DisplayMode() != aBitmap2.DisplayMode())
  2466 		{
  2467 		aLogger.LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo,
  2468 				_L(" DisplayMode difference %d, %d"), aBitmap1.DisplayMode(), aBitmap2.DisplayMode());
  2469 		}
  2470 	for (TInt x = 0; x < aCompareRect.Size().iWidth; x++)
  2471 		{
  2472 		for (TInt y = 0; y < aCompareRect.Size().iHeight; y++)
  2473 			{
  2474 			aBitmap1.GetPixel(bitmap1Pix, TPoint(x,y));
  2475 			aBitmap2.GetPixel(bitmap2Pix, TPoint(x,y));
  2477 			//Check if there are differences between the colors of the two bitmaps
  2478 			if(((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Red() - bitmap2Pix.Red())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2479 					((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Blue() - bitmap2Pix.Blue())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2480 					((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Green() - bitmap2Pix.Green())/255) > errorLimit || 
  2481 					((TReal)abs(bitmap1Pix.Alpha() - bitmap2Pix.Alpha())/255) > errorLimit)
  2482 				{
  2483 				mismatchedPixels++;
  2485 				aLogger.LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo,
  2486 						_L(" Pixel difference %d,%d: %d"),x,y, bitmap1Pix.Difference(bitmap2Pix));
  2487 				result = EFalse;
  2488 				// we loop around again to pick up all the differences
  2489 				}
  2490 			}
  2491 		}
  2492 	aPixelsDifferent = mismatchedPixels;
  2494 	/*
  2495 	 * When the bitmaps are different, we store them locally in c:\\logs in
  2496 	 * timestamped files.  Save() is a non-const method; this is why aBitmap1
  2497 	 * and aBitmap2 are non-const.  Saving can fail, perhaps because we have
  2498 	 * exceeded storage limits.
  2499 	 */
  2500 	if (!result) 
  2501 		{
  2502 		TTime now;
  2503 		now.UniversalTime();
  2504 		TInt timestamp = I64INT(now.Int64() & 0x7fffffffu);
  2505 		timestamp/=1000; // a millisecond resolution is easier to track
  2506 		TFileName mbmFileSrc;
  2507 		mbmFileSrc.Format (_L("c:\\logs\\%d_LossyCompareBitmap1.mbm"), timestamp);
  2508 		TFileName mbmFileDst;
  2509 		mbmFileDst.Format (_L("c:\\logs\\%d_LossyCompareBitmap2.mbm"), timestamp); 
  2510 		TInt saveResult1;
  2511 		TInt saveResult2;
  2512 		saveResult1 = aBitmap1.Save(mbmFileSrc);
  2513 		saveResult2 = aBitmap2.Save(mbmFileDst);		
  2514 		if (saveResult1 == KErrNone && saveResult2 == KErrNone)
  2515 			{
  2516 			aLogger.LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo,
  2517 						_L(" Bitmaps are different: see %S, %S"), &mbmFileSrc, &mbmFileDst);				
  2518 			}
  2519 		else
  2520 			{
  2521 			aLogger.LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo,
  2522 						_L(" Bitmaps are different, but could not save files into c:\\logs : %d %d"), saveResult1, saveResult2);
  2523 			}
  2524 		}
  2526 	return result;
  2527 	}
  2529 // Check if an area of a screen is of a certain color
  2530 GLDEF_C TBool LossyCheckBlankWindow(const CWsScreenDevice& aScreen, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TRect aArea, const TRgb aCheckColor)
  2531 	{
  2532 	aScreen.CopyScreenToBitmap(&aBitmap, aArea);
  2533 	return LossyCheckBlankBitmap(aBitmap, aArea, aCheckColor);
  2534 	}
  2536 // Compare a section of two windows on the screen
  2537 GLDEF_C TBool LossyCompareWindow(const CWsScreenDevice& aScreen, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap1, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap2, const TRect aCompareRect)
  2538 	{
  2539 	aScreen.CopyScreenToBitmap(&aBitmap1, aCompareRect);
  2540 	aScreen.CopyScreenToBitmap(&aBitmap2, aCompareRect);
  2541 	return LossyCompareBitmap(aBitmap1, aBitmap2, aCompareRect);
  2542 	}