changeset 20 25ffed67c7ef
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/tauto/TMulTran.CPP	Wed Sep 01 12:39:21 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Test multiple level transparent window
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "TMulTran.H"
+LOCAL_D TDisplayMode DisplayMode=EColor64K;
+LOCAL_D TSize WinSize;
+static const TRgb KRed=TRgb(255, 0, 0, 128);
+static const TRgb KGreen=TRgb(0, 255, 0, 128);
+static const TRgb KYellow=TRgb(255, 255, 0, 128);
+static const TRgb KBlue=TRgb(0, 0, 255, 128);
+static const TRgb KCyan=TRgb(0, 255, 255, 128);
+CTransWindow* CTransWindow::NewL(RPointerArray<CTransWindow>& aWindows,TRgb aColor,TRect aPos)
+	{
+	CTransWindow* self=NewL(TheClient->iGroup,aColor,aPos,&DisplayMode);
+	aWindows.Insert(self,0);
+	return self;
+	}
+CTransWindow* CTransWindow::NewL(CTWinBase* aParent,TRgb aColor,TRect aPos, TDisplayMode* aDisplayMode)
+	{
+	CTransWindow* self=new(ELeave) CTransWindow(aColor);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->SetUpL(aPos.iTl,aPos.Size(),aParent,*TheClient->iGc,aDisplayMode);
+	User::LeaveIfError(self->iError);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+//the following function doesn't activate a window
+CTransWindow* CTransWindow::NewL(CTWinBase* aParent,TRgb aColor,TDisplayMode* aDisplayMode)
+	{
+	CTransWindow* self=new(ELeave) CTransWindow(aColor);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(*aParent);
+	if (aDisplayMode)
+		{
+		self->BaseWin()->SetRequiredDisplayMode(*aDisplayMode);
+		}
+	User::LeaveIfError((self->iError) && (self->iError != KErrNotSupported));
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+void CTransWindow::InitWin()
+	{
+	AdjustShadow(-1);
+	iShadowHight=0;
+	iWin.SetShadowDisabled(ETrue);
+	iShadowing=EFalse;
+	iError = iWin.SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
+	iWin.SetBackgroundColor(iCol);
+	iDrawOpaque=EFalse;
+	}
+void CTransWindow::ToggleVisibility()
+	{
+	iVisible=!iVisible;
+	SetVisible(iVisible);
+	}
+void CTransWindow::SetOrdinal(RPointerArray<CTransWindow>& aWindows,TInt aOldPos,TInt aNewPos)
+	{
+	CTransWindow* win=aWindows[aOldPos];
+	aWindows.Remove(aOldPos);
+	aWindows.Insert(win,aNewPos);
+	win->iWin.SetOrdinalPosition(aNewPos);
+	}
+void CTransWindow::SetShadowDisabled(TBool aState)
+	{
+	iWin.SetShadowDisabled(aState);
+	iShadowing=!aState;
+	}
+void CTransWindow::AdjustShadow(TInt aAdjust)
+	{
+	CBlankWindow::AdjustShadow(aAdjust);
+	iShadowHight+=aAdjust;
+	}
+TPoint CTransWindow::Position() const
+	{
+	return CBlankWindow::Position()+iPosOffset;
+	}
+void CTransWindow::Draw()
+	{
+	//don't call CBlankWindow::Draw() since the background is already drawn
+	if(iDrawOpaque)
+		{
+		iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+		iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(4,4));
+		iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
+		iGc->SetPenColor(~iCol);
+		iGc->SetOpaque(ETrue);
+		iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,0),TPoint(1000,1000));
+		iGc->SetOpaque(EFalse);
+		}
+	}
+CTMultipleTrans::CTMultipleTrans(CTestStep* aStep) : CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep), iWindows(5), iShadows(EFalse)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	delete iBackgroundWin;
+	delete iCheckWin;
+	delete iCheckBitmap;
+	iWindows.ResetAndDestroy();
+	iBlankWin.Close();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::ConstructL()
+	{
+	if(TransparencySupportedL() == KErrNotSupported)
+		return;
+	iMajorTest=0;
+	const TSize scrSize(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels());
+	WinSize.SetSize(scrSize.iWidth/2,scrSize.iHeight);
+	iBackgroundWin=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow();
+	iBackgroundWin->SetUpL(TPoint(),WinSize,TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc);
+	TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+	CTBackedUpWin* checkWin=new(ELeave) CTBackedUpWin(DisplayMode);
+	checkWin->ConstructExtLD(*TheClient->iGroup,TPoint(WinSize.iWidth,0),WinSize);
+	iCheckWin=checkWin;
+	RBackedUpWindow& backWin=*iCheckWin->BackedUpWin();
+	backWin.SetShadowHeight(0);
+	iCheckWin->Activate();
+	backWin.MaintainBackup();
+	iCheckBitmap=CBitmap::NewL(backWin.BitmapHandle());
+	iCheckBitmap->Gc().SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+	iCheckBitmap->Gc().SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	TheClient->Flush();
+	TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+	RecreateWindowsL();
+	iBlankWin=RBlankWindow(TheClient->iWs);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iBlankWin.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode(),ENullWsHandle));
+	iBlankWinVis=EFalse;
+	iBlankWin.SetVisible(iBlankWinVis);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iBlankWin.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256));
+	iBlankWinCol=TRgb(170,170,170);		//Grey
+	iBlankWin.SetColor(iBlankWinCol);
+	iBlankWin.SetOrdinalPosition(0,1);		//Set the priority to 1 so that the 4 main windows are the first 4 with priory 0
+	iBlankWin.Activate();
+	iOpacitySupported=EFalse;
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::ShadowRegion(TRegion& aRegion,TInt aWin)
+	{
+	TRect rect;
+	TInt height;
+	TInt window;
+	aRegion.Clear();
+	RRegion single;
+	RRegion noShadow1;
+	RRegion noShadow2;
+	RRegion temp;
+	RRegion temp2;
+	for (window=0;window<aWin;++window)
+		{
+		CTransWindow& win=*iWindows[window];
+		if (win.IsVisible())
+			{
+			rect.SetRect(win.Position(),win.Size());
+			height=win.ShadowHeight();
+			temp.Copy(single);
+			temp.ClipRect(rect);
+			noShadow1.Union(temp);
+			temp.Clear();
+			temp.AddRect(rect);
+			temp.SubRegion(noShadow1);
+			temp.SubRegion(noShadow2);
+			temp.SubRegion(aRegion,&temp2);
+			noShadow2.Union(temp2);
+			temp2.Clear();
+			single.Union(temp);
+			if (win.IsShadowing())
+				aRegion.AddRect(rect);
+			aRegion.Offset(2*height,2*height);
+			aRegion.Tidy();
+			noShadow1.Tidy();
+			noShadow2.Tidy();
+			single.Tidy();
+			}
+		}
+	if (window<iWindows.Count())
+		{
+		CTransWindow& win=*iWindows[window];
+		rect.SetRect(win.Position(),win.Size());
+		aRegion.ClipRect(rect);
+		}
+	aRegion.SubRegion(noShadow1);
+	aRegion.SubRegion(noShadow2);
+	aRegion.Tidy();
+	noShadow1.Close();
+	noShadow2.Close();
+	single.Close();
+	temp.Close();
+	temp2.Close();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::CheckDisplay()
+	{
+	RRegion shadowRegion;
+	CFbsBitGc& gc=iCheckBitmap->Gc();
+	gc.SetBrushColor(KRgbWhite);
+	gc.DrawRect(TRect(WinSize));
+	TInt windows=iWindows.Count();
+	if (iShadows)
+		{
+		ShadowRegion(shadowRegion,windows);
+		gc.ShadowArea(&shadowRegion);
+		}
+	TInt window;
+	for (window=windows;window>0;)
+		{
+		CTransWindow& win=*iWindows[--window];
+		if (win.IsVisible())
+			{
+			gc.SetBrushColor(win.Color());
+			const TPoint& winTopLeft=win.Position();
+			gc.DrawRect(TRect(winTopLeft, win.Size()));
+			if(win.DrawOpaque())
+				{
+				gc.SetPenColor(~(win.Color()));
+				gc.SetPenSize(TSize(4,4));
+				gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+				gc.SetClippingRect(TRect(TPoint(winTopLeft.iX,winTopLeft.iY),TPoint(winTopLeft.iX + win.Size().iWidth, winTopLeft.iY + win.Size().iHeight)));
+				gc.DrawLine(TPoint(winTopLeft.iX,winTopLeft.iY),TPoint(winTopLeft.iX+1000, winTopLeft.iY+1000));
+				gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+				gc.SetClippingRect(TRect(WinSize));
+				}
+			if (iShadows)
+				{
+				ShadowRegion(shadowRegion,window);
+				gc.ShadowArea(&shadowRegion);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	iCheckWin->BackedUpWin()->UpdateScreen();
+	TheClient->Flush();
+	if (windows>=4)
+		{
+		AdvancedCheckRect();
+		}
+	_LIT(KTest,"Multiple Transparent Test, SubTest %d, OpacityOn=%d");
+	TBuf<128> buf;
+	buf.Format(KTest,iTest->iState,iMajorTest);
+	CheckRect(iBackgroundWin,iCheckWin,TRect(WinSize),buf);
+	shadowRegion.Close();
+	}
+#define OFFSET 2
+void CTMultipleTrans::AdvancedCheckRect()
+	{
+	const TSize compareSize(5,5);
+	const TInt OFFSET2=OFFSET+compareSize.iWidth;
+	TPoint comparePos=iCheckWin->Position();
+	TPoint checkPos;
+	//Check Single Level for Top Left Win
+	checkPos=iTopLeft->Position()+TPoint(OFFSET,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Check Single Level for Top Right Win
+	checkPos=iTopRight->Position()+TPoint(iTopRight->Size().iWidth-OFFSET2,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Check Single Level for Bottom Left Win
+	checkPos=iBotLeft->Position()+TPoint(OFFSET,iBotLeft->Size().iHeight-OFFSET2);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Check Single Level for Bottom Right Win
+	checkPos=iBotRight->Position()+TPoint(iBotRight->Size().iWidth-OFFSET2,iBotRight->Size().iHeight-OFFSET2);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Double level top 2 windows
+	checkPos=iTopRight->Position()+TPoint(OFFSET,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Double level left 2 windows
+	checkPos=iBotLeft->Position()+TPoint(OFFSET,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Double level bot 2 windows
+	checkPos=iBotRight->Position()+TPoint(OFFSET,iBotRight->Size().iHeight-OFFSET2);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Double level right 2 windows
+	checkPos=iBotRight->Position()+TPoint(iBotRight->Size().iWidth-OFFSET2,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Triple level all but bot right
+	checkPos=iTopRight->Position()+TPoint(OFFSET,iTopRight->Size().iHeight-OFFSET2);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Triple level all but bot left
+	checkPos=iBotRight->Position()+TPoint(OFFSET,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Triple level all but top right
+	checkPos=iTopLeft->Position()+TPoint(iTopLeft->Size().iWidth-OFFSET2,iTopLeft->Size().iHeight-OFFSET2);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Triple level all but top left
+	checkPos=iBotLeft->Position()+TPoint(iBotLeft->Size().iWidth-OFFSET2,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	//Quad level
+	checkPos=TPoint(iBotRight->Position().iX,iBotLeft->Position().iY)+TPoint(OFFSET,OFFSET);
+	CheckRect(checkPos,checkPos+comparePos,compareSize);
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::SimpleTest()
+	{
+	CheckDisplay();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::ChangeVisibility()
+	{
+	TUint toggle;
+	TUint toggle2;
+	TInt win;
+	TInt ii=0;
+	for (ii=2;ii>0;--ii)
+		{
+		for (toggle=1;toggle<16;++toggle)
+			{
+			win=0;
+			toggle2=toggle;
+			while ((toggle2&0x1)==0)
+				{
+				++win;
+				toggle2/=2;
+				}
+			iWindows[win]->ToggleVisibility();
+			CheckDisplay();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::ChangeVisibility2()
+	{
+	iBlankWin.SetOrdinalPosition(0,0);
+	iBlankWin.SetVisible(ETrue);
+	iBlankWin.SetVisible(EFalse);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	const TInt xSteps=4;
+	const TInt ySteps=3;
+	iBlankWinSize.SetSize(WinSize.iWidth/xSteps,WinSize.iHeight/ySteps);
+	iBlankWin.SetSize(iBlankWinSize);
+	TInt ordPos,xx,yy;
+	for (ordPos=0;ordPos<=4;++ordPos)
+		{
+		iBlankWin.SetOrdinalPosition(ordPos);
+		for (xx=0;xx<xSteps;++xx)
+			{
+			TInt xPos=xx*WinSize.iWidth/xSteps;
+			for (yy=0;yy<ySteps;++yy)
+				{
+				iBlankWin.SetPosition(TPoint(xPos,yy*WinSize.iHeight/ySteps));
+				iBlankWin.SetVisible(ETrue);
+				iBlankWin.SetVisible(EFalse);
+				CheckDisplay();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	iBlankWin.SetOrdinalPosition(0,1);
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::OrdinalPos()
+	{
+	TInt ii,jj,kk;
+	for (kk=2;kk>=0;--kk)
+		{
+		for (jj=3;jj>kk;--jj)
+			{
+			for (ii=jj;ii>=kk;--ii)
+				{
+				CTransWindow::SetOrdinal(iWindows,jj,kk);
+				CheckDisplay();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	for (kk=2;kk>=0;--kk)
+		{
+		for (jj=3;jj>kk;--jj)
+			{
+			for (ii=jj;ii>=kk;--ii)
+				{
+				CTransWindow::SetOrdinal(iWindows,kk,jj);
+				CheckDisplay();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TSize CTMultipleTrans::GetSize(TInt aPos)
+	{		//Comments show values for 640x240 screen
+	const TInt halfSize=40;
+	const TPoint topLeft=iTopLeft->Position();	//10,10
+	const TInt xLeft=WinSize.iWidth/2-topLeft.iX-halfSize;		//110
+	const TInt xRight=xLeft+2*halfSize;		//190
+	const TInt yTop=WinSize.iHeight/2-topLeft.iY-halfSize;		//70
+	const TInt yBot=yTop+2*halfSize;		//150
+	if (aPos<6)
+		return TSize(xLeft+16*aPos-8,yTop);		//1->118, 5->182
+	if (aPos<11)
+		return TSize(xRight,yTop+16*aPos-88);		//6->78, 10->142
+	if (aPos<16)
+		return TSize(xRight-16*aPos+168,yBot);		//11->182, 15->118
+	return TSize(xLeft,yBot-16*aPos+248);			//16->142, 20->78
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::SizeChange(TInt aJump)
+	{
+	TInt ii=aJump;
+	TSize size;
+	while (ii<20)
+		{
+		size=GetSize(ii);
+		iTopLeft->SetSize(size);
+		if(iTopLeft->DrawOpaque())
+			{
+			iTopLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+			TheClient->Flush();
+			}
+		CheckDisplay();
+		ii+=aJump;
+		if (ii>20)
+			ii-=20;	
+		}
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::SizeChange()
+	{
+	CTransWindow::SetOrdinal(iWindows,2,1);
+	TSize size=iBotLeft->Size();
+	TInt change;
+	for (change=70;change>=0;change-=14)
+		{
+		iBotLeft->SetSize(TSize(size.iWidth-change,size.iHeight));
+		if(iBotLeft->DrawOpaque())
+			{
+			iBotLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+			TheClient->Flush();
+			}
+		CheckDisplay();
+		}
+	size=iTopRight->Size();
+	for (change=25;change>-50;change-=14)
+		{
+		iTopRight->SetSize(TSize(size.iWidth,size.iHeight+change));
+		if(iTopRight->DrawOpaque())
+			{
+			iTopRight->CTWin::DrawNow();
+			TheClient->Flush();
+			}
+		CheckDisplay();
+		}
+	iTopRight->SetSize(size);
+	if(iTopRight->DrawOpaque())
+		{
+		iTopRight->CTWin::DrawNow();
+		TheClient->Flush();
+		}
+	CTransWindow::SetOrdinal(iWindows,1,0);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	size=iTopLeft->Size();
+	SizeChange(3);
+	iTopLeft->SetSize(size);
+	if(iTopLeft->DrawOpaque())
+		{
+		iTopLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+		TheClient->Flush();
+		}
+	CheckDisplay();
+	CTransWindow::SetOrdinal(iWindows,0,2);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	SizeChange(7);
+	iTopLeft->SetSize(size);
+	if(iTopLeft->DrawOpaque())
+		{
+		iTopLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+		TheClient->Flush();
+		}
+	CheckDisplay();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::MoveWin()
+	{
+	const TPoint topLeftPos=iTopLeft->Position();
+	const TPoint topRightPos=iTopRight->Position();
+	const TPoint botLeftPos=iBotLeft->Position();
+	const TPoint botRightPos=iBotRight->Position();
+	const TInt maxMove=Min(topRightPos.iX,botRightPos.iY)-10;
+	TInt steps,move;
+	for (steps=2;steps>=0;--steps)
+		{
+		move=maxMove*(3-steps)/3;
+		iTopLeft->SetPos(TPoint(topLeftPos.iX+move,topLeftPos.iY+move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		iTopRight->SetPos(TPoint(topRightPos.iX-move,topRightPos.iY+move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		iBotRight->SetPos(TPoint(botRightPos.iX-move,botRightPos.iY-move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		iBotLeft->SetPos(TPoint(botLeftPos.iX+move,botLeftPos.iY-move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		}
+	for (steps=4;steps>=0;--steps)
+		{
+		move=maxMove*steps/5;
+		iBotLeft->SetPos(TPoint(botLeftPos.iX+move,botLeftPos.iY-move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		iTopLeft->SetPos(TPoint(topLeftPos.iX+move,topLeftPos.iY+move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		iBotRight->SetPos(TPoint(botRightPos.iX-move,botRightPos.iY-move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		iTopRight->SetPos(TPoint(topRightPos.iX-move,topRightPos.iY+move));
+		CheckDisplay();
+		}
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::GroupWinL()
+	{
+	CTWindowGroup* group=new(ELeave) CTWindowGroup(TheClient);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(group);
+	group->ConstructL();
+	CTransWindow* win=CTransWindow::NewL(group,KCyan,TRect(40,40,WinSize.iWidth-40,WinSize.iHeight-40),&DisplayMode);
+	win->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	if(iMajorTest==1)
+		{
+		win->SetDrawOpaque(ETrue);
+		win->Invalidate();
+		TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+		}
+	iWindows.Insert(win,0);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	group->GroupWin()->SetOrdinalPosition(1);
+	iWindows.Remove(0);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	group->GroupWin()->SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+	iWindows.Insert(win,0);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iWindows.Remove(0);
+	delete win;		//Would be better to delete this after the group window but the test window don't support this behaviour currently.
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(group);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::FadeTranWin()
+	{
+	// system fade on
+	TheClient->iWs.SetSystemFaded(ETrue);
+	// system fade off
+	TheClient->iWs.SetSystemFaded(EFalse);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::StartShadows()
+	{
+	iShadows=ETrue;
+	iTopLeft->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iTopLeft->AdjustShadow(1);
+	iTopRight->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iTopRight->AdjustShadow(1);
+	iBotLeft->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iBotLeft->AdjustShadow(1);
+	iBotRight->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iBotRight->AdjustShadow(1);
+	if(!iOpacitySupported)
+		{
+		iTopRight->ToggleVisibility();		// In 8.1 this isn't needed.
+		iTopRight->ToggleVisibility();
+		}
+	CheckDisplay();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::ShadowsOnOff()
+	{
+	if(!iOpacitySupported)
+		return;								// In 8.1 this isn't needed.
+	iBotRight->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iBotRight->AdjustShadow(1);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iBotRight->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iTopLeft->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iTopLeft->AdjustShadow(1);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iTopLeft->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iTopRight->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iBotLeft->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iBotLeft->AdjustShadow(1);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iBotLeft->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue);
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iTopLeft->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iTopRight->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iBotLeft->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iBotRight->SetShadowDisabled(EFalse);
+	iTopLeft->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iTopLeft->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iTopRight->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iTopRight->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iBotLeft->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iBotLeft->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iBotRight->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	iBotRight->ToggleVisibility();
+	CheckDisplay();
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::StartChildL()
+	{
+	CTransWindow* win;
+	TInt windows=iWindows.Count();
+	TInt window;
+	//Delete the first 4 windows from the array, could use ResetAndDestroy but would be broken by other uses of the array
+	for (window=windows;window>0;--window)
+		{
+		win=iWindows[0];
+		iWindows.Remove(0);
+		delete win;
+		}
+	RecreateWindowsL(iBackgroundWin);
+	CheckDisplay();	
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::StartChild2L()
+	{
+	CTransWindow* win;
+	TInt windows=iWindows.Count();
+	TInt window;
+	//Delete the first 4 windows from the array, could use ResetAndDestroy but would be broken by other uses of the array
+	for (window=windows;window>0;--window)
+		{
+		win=iWindows[0];
+		iWindows.Remove(0);
+		delete win;
+		}
+	iShadows=EFalse;
+	TRect rect=WinSize;
+	rect.Shrink(10,10);
+	iBotRight=CTransWindow::NewL(iBackgroundWin,KBlue,rect,&DisplayMode);
+	iBotRight->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iWindows.Insert(iBotRight,0);
+	CheckDisplay();	
+	rect.Resize(-20,-20);
+	iTopLeft=CTransWindow::NewL(iBotRight,KRed,rect,&DisplayMode);
+	iTopLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iTopLeft->SetPosOffset(TPoint(10,10));
+	iWindows.Insert(iTopLeft,0);
+	CheckDisplay();	
+	rect.Resize(-20,-20);
+	iTopRight=CTransWindow::NewL(iTopLeft,KGreen,rect,&DisplayMode);
+	iTopRight->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iTopRight->SetPosOffset(TPoint(20,20));
+	iWindows.Insert(iTopRight,0);
+	CheckDisplay();	
+	rect.Resize(-20,-20);
+	iBotLeft=CTransWindow::NewL(iTopRight,KYellow,rect,&DisplayMode);
+	iBotLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iBotLeft->SetPosOffset(TPoint(30,30));
+	iWindows.Insert(iBotLeft,0);
+	if(iMajorTest==1)
+		{
+		for (TInt window = 0; window < iWindows.Count(); ++window)
+			{
+			iWindows[window]->SetDrawOpaque(ETrue);
+			iWindows[window]->Invalidate();
+			}
+		TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+		}
+	CheckDisplay();	
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::RecreateWindowsL(CTWinBase *aParent)
+	{
+	CTransWindow* win;
+	TInt windows=iWindows.Count();
+	TInt window;
+	//Delete existing windows:
+	for (window=windows;window>0;--window)
+		{
+		win=iWindows[0];
+		iWindows.Remove(0);
+		delete win;
+		}
+	if(!aParent)
+		aParent = TheClient->iGroup;
+	iBotRight=CTransWindow::NewL(aParent,KBlue,TRect(WinSize.iWidth/2-10,WinSize.iHeight/2-30,WinSize.iWidth-20,WinSize.iHeight-20),&DisplayMode);
+	iBotRight->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iWindows.Insert(iBotRight,0);
+	iTopLeft=CTransWindow::NewL(aParent,KRed,TRect(10,10,WinSize.iWidth/2+10,WinSize.iHeight/2+30),&DisplayMode);
+	iTopLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iWindows.Insert(iTopLeft,0);
+	iTopRight=CTransWindow::NewL(aParent,KGreen,TRect(WinSize.iWidth/2-30,20,WinSize.iWidth-10,WinSize.iHeight/2+10),&DisplayMode);
+	iTopRight->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iWindows.Insert(iTopRight,0);
+	iBotLeft=CTransWindow::NewL(aParent,KYellow,TRect(20,WinSize.iHeight/2-10,WinSize.iWidth/2+30,WinSize.iHeight-10),&DisplayMode);
+	iBotLeft->CTWin::DrawNow();
+	iWindows.Insert(iBotLeft,0);
+	iShadows=EFalse;
+	if(iMajorTest==1)
+		{
+		for (TInt window=0;window<iWindows.Count();++window)
+			{
+			iWindows[window]->SetDrawOpaque(ETrue);
+			iWindows[window]->Invalidate();
+			}
+		TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+		}
+	}
+void CTMultipleTrans::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/)
+	{
+	_LIT(KCheck,"Check");
+	_LIT(KSimple,"Simple Test");
+	_LIT(KVisibility,"Change Visibility");
+	_LIT(KVisibility2,"Change Visibility 2");
+	_LIT(KOrdinal,"Ordinal Position");
+	_LIT(KSizeChange,"Size Change");
+	_LIT(KMoveWin,"Move Window");
+	_LIT(KGroupWin,"Group Window Ordinal");
+	_LIT(KBackground,"Background Color Changes");
+	_LIT(KShadowsOnOff,"Shadows On Off");
+	_LIT(KChild1,"Child 1");
+	_LIT(KChild2,"Child 2");
+	_LIT(KOpacity,"Opaque Drawing");
+	_LIT(KTranWinFade,"Fading Transparent Windows");
+	((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
+	switch(iTest->iState)
+		{
+		case 0:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0500"));
+			// Check to see if Transparency is enabled before running tests
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KCheck);
+			if (TransparencySupportedL()==KErrNotSupported)
+				{
+				LOG_MESSAGE(_L("Transparency is not supported\n"));
+				TestComplete();
+				return;
+				}
+			++iTest->iState;		//Fall Through
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Simple transparent windows test.
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					The test draws the windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 1:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0111"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KSimple);
+			SimpleTest();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    On/off switching of visibility of transparent windows
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					The test toggles visibility of those four windows going through all
+					combinations. For each combination it draws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 2:
+		case 23:
+		case 42:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0112"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KVisibility);
+			ChangeVisibility();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    On/off switching of visibility of a small transparent window on top of existing transparent windows
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					Toggles visibility of 5th blank little window making this appear in different places 
+					with different ordinal position. Draws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly
+					each time when the 5th window becomes invisible.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 3:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0113"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KVisibility2);
+			ChangeVisibility2();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Ordinal positions' switches of intersecting transparent windows
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					Switches ordinal positions of the four windows trying all combinations. Draws visible windows on the screen's right side
+					using FBS bitmaps direcly each time when a new combination is applied.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 4:
+		case 43:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0114"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KOrdinal);
+			OrdinalPos();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Changing sizes of intersecting transparent windows
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					Plays with sizes of each of the four windows to affect overlapping. 
+					Draws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly
+					each time when a new size for a particular window is applied.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 5:
+		case 24:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0115"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KSizeChange);
+			SizeChange();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Moving intersecting transparent windows
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					Performs moves of those windows one by one making little steps in direction of the center of intersection and backwards.
+					Draws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly
+					each time when a position of a particular window changes.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 6:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0116"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KMoveWin);
+			MoveWin();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test with a second window group
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow, within the same group) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					Creates a 5th transparent window in a separate window group
+					on top of existing windows which covers the intersection area of initial 4 windows. 
+					Changes the ordinal position of the group to 1, changes ordinal position 
+					back to 0, removes the new group.
+					Redraws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly
+					each time when any change on the screen's left side is performed.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 7:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0117"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KGroupWin);
+			GroupWinL();
+			break;
+		case 8:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KBackground);
+			//Change the background color of the 4 test windows and the window behind them
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    On/off switching of fading
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					Switches system fading on and right after that back to off.
+					Draws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly
+					after that.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 9:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0118"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KTranWinFade);
+			FadeTranWin();
+			break;
+		case 10:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+			iTest->iState=21-1;
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Shadows' on/off test.
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) with shadowing enabled are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					The test plays with on/off-switching of shadowing and visibility for the windows.
+					The test redraws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly
+					each time when state of ony window changes.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+					The test also repeats GRAPHICS-WSERV-0111 - GRAPHICS-WSERV-015 foor the shadowed windows.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 22:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0120"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KShadowsOnOff);
+			ShadowsOnOff();
+			break;
+		case 25:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+			iTest->iState=41-1;
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Transparent child-windows of a bacground window 
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) with shadowing enabled are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					The test removes those windows and creates new four overlapping transparent windows 
+					but as children of existing background window. After that the test redraws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+					The test also repeats GRAPHICS-WSERV-0111 - GRAPHICS-WSERV-014 foor the shadowed windows.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 41:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0121"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KChild1);
+			StartChildL();
+			break;
+		case 44:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+			iTest->iState=61-1;
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) with shadowing enabled are created before the test on the screen's left side.
+					The test removes those windows and creates new four transparent windows 
+					so that each one (except first) is a child of prevoiusly created window. 
+					The test redraws visible windows on the screen's right side using FBS bitmaps direcly
+					after each window's creation.
+					The test does nothing if transparency is not enabled on the screen.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that left and rightside bitmaps are identical
+		case 61:
+			((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0122"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(KChild2);
+			StartChild2L();
+			break;
+		default:
+				((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0123"));
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     The test draws four overlapping transparent windows (RWindow) on the screen's left side.
+					Each window has an opaque diagonal line (\) which goes from the top-left corner of each window.
+					The test repeats all tests from GRAPHICS-WSERV-0111 to GRAPHICS-WSERV-0122 
+					with those four windows and diagonaly lines on them.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expects that all tests will obtain results they expected. 
+			if (iMajorTest==1 || !iOpacitySupported)
+				{
+				if (!iOpacitySupported)
+					{
+					_LIT(KNoOpacity,"Opacity is not supported");
+					LOG_MESSAGE(KNoOpacity);
+					}
+                		((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+				TestComplete();
+				return;
+				}
+			LOG_MESSAGE(KOpacity);
+			iTest->iState=0;
+			iMajorTest=1;
+			RecreateWindowsL();
+			break;
+		}
+	((CTMultipleTransStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
+	++iTest->iState;
+	}