--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/tauto/openwfc/AUTO.H Wed Sep 01 12:39:21 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Header for window server auto test code
+#ifndef __AUTO_H__
+#define __AUTO_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include "../../SERVER/w32cmd.h"
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "../tlib/testbase.h"
+#include <wsautotest.mbg>
+#include "TGraphicsHarness.h"
+#include "../../SERVER/openwfc/panics.h"
+#define LOG_MESSAGE(p) LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p))
+#define LOG_MESSAGE2(p1,p2) LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p1),(p2))
+#define LOG_MESSAGE3(p1,p2,p3) LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p1),(p2),(p3))
+#define LOG_MESSAGE4(p1,p2,p3,p4) LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p1),(p2),(p3),(p4))
+#define LOG_MESSAGE5(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p1),(p2),(p3),(p4),(p5))
+#define LOG_MESSAGE6(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p1),(p2),(p3),(p4),(p5),(p6))
+#define LOG_MESSAGE7(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7) LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p1),(p2),(p3),(p4),(p5),(p6),(p7))
+// MB 23\11\04 The heap size was only 4k which was causing DSA step 7 to fail on HW.
+// Increased heap size to 8k
+// 23/02/2009 Again failing with no memory due to COLOR16MAP used.
+// Increased heap size to 16k
+LOCAL_D const TUint KOtherProcHeapSize=0x4000;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KAutoTestPriority=-20;
+TBool DoCheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect);
+TBool DoCheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, TUint aFlags);
+TBool DoCheckRectRWin(RWindowBase &aWin1,RWindowBase &aWin2,const TRect &aRect);
+TBool DoCheckRectRWin(RWindowBase &aWin1,RWindowBase &aWin2,const TRect &aRect, TUint aFlags);
+TBool DoCheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2);
+TBool DoCheckRect(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize);
+_LIT(KTestFontTypefaceName,"DejaVu Sans Condensed");
+class TestClient;
+class CMinWin;
+class CTWsGraphicsBase;
+enum TestState
+ {
+ EInvalid,
+ ENext,
+ EWait,
+ EFinished
+ };
+enum TAutoPanics
+ {
+ EAutoPanicTestFailed,
+ EAutoPanicPanicFailed,
+ EAutoPanicTestRectsIndex,
+ EAutoPanicTestRectsSection,
+ EAutoPanicUnexpectedLeave,
+ EAutoPanicTestBrushesIndex,
+ EAutoPanicWindowType,
+ EAutoPanicTooManyDownKeys,
+ EAutoPanicInvalidEvent,
+ EAutoFadeWindow,
+ EAutoPanicWrongTest,
+ EAutoPanicAnimError,
+ ETManPanicPcFailed, //Panic use in a test copied from TMan
+ EAutoPanicTestError, //Test returned bad return type
+ EAutoPanicDirect, //Direct Screen Access logic state error
+ EAutoPanicScanCapital, //Scan codes must not be lower case letters
+ EAutoPanicRedrawStoring, //Inconsistent Redraw Storing Behaviour
+ EAutoPanicRecalledCreateTestBaseL, //Called CreateTestBaseL twice
+ EAutoPanicHeartBeatCursorRect, //Invalid size of rectangle in ChangeTransAndCheckHeartBeat
+ EAutoPanicGroupWinHasChild, //Main test group window has child at start of test
+ EAutoPanicPanicSetTrans, //Error setting transparency during panic tests
+ EAutoPanicNoDigitiser, //Pointer event when the configuration has no digitiser
+ };
+enum TPanicExitReasons
+ {
+ EWsExitReasonBad,
+ EWsExitReasonFinished,
+ };
+enum TAutoLeaves
+ {
+ ETestPassed=0,
+ ETestFailed=1,
+ };
+typedef TInt (*TPanicFunction)(TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr);
+struct SPanicParams
+ {
+ TInt num;
+ TPanicFunction func;
+ TAny *ptr;
+ };
+class LogWindow : public CTWin
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ EDummyValue=-9999
+ };
+ LogWindow();
+ void ConstructL(CTWinBase& aParent);
+ void Draw();
+ void DrawSubTitle();
+ void DrawMessage();
+ void LogTest(const TDesC &aTitle,TInt aNum);
+ const TDesC& LogSubTest(const TDesC &aTitle,TInt aNum);
+ const TDesC& LogMessage(TBool aLog,const TDesC& aText,TInt aNum=EDummyValue);
+ TBuf<0x40> iTestTitle;
+ TBuf<0x40> iSubTitle;
+ TBuf<0x40> iMessage;
+ TInt iTitleHeight;
+ };
+class CTestBase;
+This class is a window that is used to fake a border around the TestWindow defined below.
+It simply draws an opaque black window on top of which the TestWindow will be drawn giving the illusion
+there is a border.
+@see TestWindow
+class CBorderWindow : public CTWin
+ {
+ CBorderWindow();
+ void ConstructL(CTWinBase& aParent);
+ void Draw();
+ };
+class TestWindow : public CTWin
+ {
+ TestWindow();
+ ~TestWindow();
+ void Draw();
+ void SetUpL(TPoint aPos, TSize aSize, CTWinBase* aParent, CWindowGc& aGc);
+ void ClearWin();
+ void SetBorderExt(TPoint aPos, TSize aSize);
+ CBorderWindow* GetBorderWin();
+ CBorderWindow* iBorderWin;
+ };
+This class used to run each individual test before the migration to TEF.
+Now it doesn't do much and should probably be refactored.
+class CTestDriver : public CBase
+ {
+ /** Factory function that returns a class derived from CTestDriver */
+ static CTestDriver* CreateL(TInt aScreenNumber);
+ virtual ~CTestDriver();
+ CTestDriver(TInt aScreenNumber);
+ virtual void DoDisplayDialog(TDesC& timeBuf,TDesC& testReport) = 0;
+ void TestComplete2();
+ void DestroyTest();
+ inline TInt ScreenNumber() {return iScreenNumber;}
+ inline TInt NumberOfScreens() {return iNumberOfScreens;}
+ CTestBase *iTest;
+ TInt iSubTestNum;
+ static TInt iTestNum;
+ TTime iStartTime;
+ TInt iScreenNumber;
+ TInt iTestSize;
+ TInt iNumberOfScreens;
+ };
+/** Variant of CTestDriver used when the tests are run on the primary screen.
+class CTestDriverPrimary: public CTestDriver
+ {
+ CTestDriverPrimary(TInt aScreenNumber);
+ void DoDisplayDialog(TDesC& timeBuf,TDesC& testReport);
+ };
+/** Variant of CTestDriver used when the tests are run on a secondary screen.
+class CTestDriverSecondary : public CTestDriver
+ {
+ CTestDriverSecondary(TInt aScreenNumber);
+ void DoDisplayDialog(TDesC& timeBuf,TDesC& testReport);
+ };
+/** List of rectangles use by TGDI.CPP and TRECTLIST.CPP.
+Since only 2 tests make use of this shouldn't it be moved outside of the framework?
+class TTestRects
+ {
+ enum TRectListLimits
+ {
+ EMaxRectFromList=64,
+ EMaxRectZeroSize=73,
+ EMaxRectWide=83,
+ EMaxRectHigh=93
+ };
+ void Construct(const RWindow &aWindow);
+ TInt Count1() const;
+ TInt Count2() const;
+ TInt Count3() const;
+ TRect operator[](TInt aIndex);
+ static void ResetSeed();
+ TInt Rnd(TInt aSize);
+ TInt RndMax(TInt aSize);
+ TInt RectCoord(TInt aSection,TInt aSize);
+ void RectCoordPair(TInt &aTl, TInt &aBr, TInt aSection, TInt aSize);
+ TSize iSize;
+ static TRect iList[64];
+ static TInt64 iSeed;
+ };
+class CBitmap : public CBase
+ {
+ static CBitmap* NewLC(const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode);
+ static CBitmap* NewL(const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode);
+ static CBitmap* NewL(TInt aHandle);
+ static CBitmap* NewL(TDesC& aFileName);
+ ~CBitmap();
+ inline CFbsBitmap& Bitmap() const {return *iBitmap;}
+ inline CFbsBitmapDevice& Device() const {return *iDevice;}
+ inline CFbsBitGc& Gc() const {return *iGc;}
+ static CBitmap* NewLC(TInt aHandle,const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aHandle,const TSize& aSizeInPixels,TDisplayMode aDispMode);
+ CFbsBitmap* iBitmap;
+ CFbsBitmapDevice* iDevice;
+ CFbsBitGc* iGc;
+ };
+enum TPartialRedrawType
+ {
+ //redraw store type is not yet determined.
+ EPartialRedraw_Unknown,
+ //redraw store is discarded on invalidation and begin-redraw on a smaller rect.
+ EPartialRedraw_None,
+ // redraw store is preserved on invalidation and begin-redraw on a smaller rect.
+ EPartialRedraw_PreserveStoredCmds,
+ // redraw store is appended with partial redraw commands, and old redraw store is suitably modified.
+ EPartialRedraw_FullRedrawSupport
+ };
+class CTestBase : public CBase
+ {
+ enum TPriorites
+ {
+ EAutoTestPriority=KAutoTestPriority
+ };
+ enum TTestLevel
+ {
+ ELevelQuick, // Quick check on main cases for each function
+ ELevelNormal, // Suitable test level for internal release
+ ELevelRelease, // Thorough test suitable for official releases
+ ELevelMega, // Really OTT, takes forever to run, leave it going over the weekend sort of tests
+ };
+ CTestBase(const TDesC &aTitle,CTWsGraphicsBase* aTestBase);
+ ~CTestBase();
+ void StartTestL(TInt aNum, CTestDriver* aDriver, TTestLevel aLevel);
+ void LogSubTest(const TDesC &aTitle);
+ void LogMessage(TInt aValue);
+ void LogSubState(TInt aSubState);
+ TInt LaunchPanicThread(RThread &aThread, SPanicParams *aPtr);
+ TInt TestPanicL(SPanicParams *aPtr, TInt aExitReason, const TDesC &aCategory, TBool* aTestFinished=NULL);
+ TInt TestPanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TInt aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr, const TDesC &aCategory, TBool* aTestFinished=NULL);
+ TInt TestWsPanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TClientPanic aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr=NULL, TBool* aTestFinished=NULL);
+ TInt TestW32PanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TW32Panic aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr, TBool* aTestFinished=NULL);
+ TInt TestWservPanicL(TPanicFunction aFunction, TWservPanic aExitReason, TInt aInt, TAny *aPtr);
+ void TriggerFail();
+ static void DrawTestBackground(TBool aInvertColours, const TSize &aSize, TInt aGrays=16);
+ inline CTestDriver* Driver();
+ void SimulatePointer(TRawEvent::TType aType, TInt aX, TInt aY);
+ TBool ConfigurationSupportsPointerEventTesting() const;
+ void SimulateEvent(TRawEvent::TType aType);
+ void LogColors(const CBitmapDevice& aDevice,TPoint aBasePoint, TPoint aStartPoint, TPoint aEndPoint);
+ void LogColors4(const CBitmapDevice& aDevice,TPoint aStartPoint,TInt aLen);
+ inline TInt ScreenNumber() {return iScreenNumber;}
+ TPartialRedrawType RedrawStoreTypeL();
+ TBool IsFullRomL();
+ void SimulateKeyDownUpWithModifiers(TInt aScanCode,TUint aModifiers);
+ void SimulatePointerDownUp(TInt aX, TInt aY);
+ void SimulateKeyDownUp(TInt aScanCode);
+ void SimulateKey(TRawEvent::TType aType, TInt aScanCode);
+ void DelayIfFullRomL();
+ void SetUpMember(TSpriteMember &aMember);
+ void AbortL();
+ void LogLeave(TInt aErr);
+ void CloseAllPanicWindows();
+ const TSize& StdTestWindowSize();
+ TInt MaxGrays() const;
+ TInt MaxColors() const;
+ TInt SaveScreen(const TDesC& aFileName);
+ TInt SaveScreen(const TDesC& aFileName,const TSize& aScreenSize,TDisplayMode aColorDepth);
+ void UpdateTestResults(TInt aNoOfTest, TInt aNoOfTestPass);
+ void SaveScreenL(const TDesC& aFileName,const TSize& aScreenSize,TDisplayMode aColorDepth);
+ static TInt iNumberTestsPass;
+ static TInt iNumberTests;
+ TInt iState;
+ TInt iScreenNumber;
+ static TInt iScreenNo;
+ TTestRects iTestRects;
+ static TRect iNormalPointerCursorArea;
+ TBuf<0x40> iSubTitle;
+ TTestLevel iTestLevel;
+ static TInt iNumberOfGrpWndsOnPrimaryScreenWithZeroPriority; // Will be used in TGWHANDLE test.
+ CTestDriver* iDriver;
+ TBuf<0x40> iTitle;
+ CTWsGraphicsBase* iTestBase;
+ /**
+ Several tests use 3 windows : one is a log window, one is a reference window
+ and one is the actual output of the test. All these windows have the same width which is roughly
+ 1/3 of the screen. They also have the same height which is roughly equal to the screen height.
+ */
+ TSize iStdTestWindowSize;
+ CMinWin* iMinWin;
+ TInt iTestNum;
+ TBool iFail; // Used to trigger failures to test test code.
+ TInt iThreadNumber;
+ /**
+ The type of redraw store in use. Static members so that RedrawStoreTypeL computes
+ this value only once and then returns the cached result as this remains the same for
+ the entire test run.
+ */
+ static TPartialRedrawType iRedrawType;
+ /** The number of greys available in the richest grey mode. */
+ static TInt iMaxGrays;
+ /** The number of colours available in the richest supported colour mode. */
+ static TInt iMaxColors;
+ };
+class CTWsGraphicsBase : public CTGraphicsBase
+ {
+ CTWsGraphicsBase(CTestStep* aStep);
+ ~CTWsGraphicsBase();
+ void CreateTestBaseL(CTTMSGraphicsStep* aTmsStep);
+ inline CTestBase *TestBase() const {return(iTest);};
+ void TestComplete();
+ void LogMessage(const TText8* aFile,TInt aLine,TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...);
+ TInt GetScreenFromIni() const;
+ void CheckRect(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ void CheckRect(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ void CheckRectNoMatch(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ void CheckRectNoMatch(TPoint aPos1,TPoint aPos2,TSize aSize, const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ void CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ void CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ void CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ void CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2, const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ TBool CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ TBool CheckRect(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ void CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ void CheckRectNoMatch(CTBaseWin *aWin1,CTBaseWin *aWin2,const TRect &aRect, const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ TBool CompareWindows(const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ TBool CompareWindows(const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ void CompareWindows(const TRect &aRect, const TDesC *aErrorMsg=NULL);
+ void CompareWindows(const TRect &aRect, const TDesC &aErrorMsg);
+ void CompareWindowsSoftFailWinscw(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine);
+ const TSize& StdTestWindowSize();
+ TInt MaxGrays() const;
+ TInt MaxColors() const;
+ TBool CheckRetValue(TBool aPass,const TDesC* aErrorMsg,const TDesC& aErrorFunction);
+ CTestBase* iTest;
+ CTTMSGraphicsStep* iTmsStep;
+ };
+class TestWindowGroup : public CTWindowGroup
+ {
+ TestWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient);
+ void BecomeOwning();
+ void KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime);
+ void KeyDownL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime);
+ void KeyUpL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime);
+ };
+class TestClient : public CTClient
+ {
+ TestClient();
+ ~TestClient();
+ void ConstructL(); // virtual from CTClient
+ void KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime);
+ void Shutdown();
+ inline CTestDriver* Driver();
+ TBool WaitForEvent();
+ TBool IsEventWaiting();
+ void LogAvailableScreenModeL();
+ void TestWsSetBufferSizeL();
+ void TestWsSetMaxBufferSizeL();
+ inline LogWindow& StdLogWindow() {return *iStdLogWindow;}
+ void SetTestClientScreenMode(TInt aMode);
+ void UpdateTestClientScreenMode();
+ RArray<TInt> iScreenModes;
+ /**
+ Several tests use 3 windows : one is a log window, one is a reference window
+ and one is the actual output of the test. This member is the log window.
+ */
+ LogWindow* iStdLogWindow;
+ CTestDriver* iDriver;
+ };
+class TThreadStartUp
+ {
+ TThreadStartUp() :iInitFunction(0), iParam(0) {}
+ TThreadStartUp(TThreadFunction aInitFunction,TAny* aParam) :iInitFunction(aInitFunction), iParam(aParam) {}
+ TThreadFunction iInitFunction; //The call to this fn will prepare a cleanup stack, but this function should not leave.
+ TAny* iParam;
+ };
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+ const TOwnerType KOwnerType=EOwnerThread;
+ const TOwnerType KOwnerType=EOwnerProcess;
+typedef TBuf<32> TBufArg;
+class CProcess : public CBase
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ eProcessPriortyTest,
+ eProcessKeyTest,
+ eProcessDirectTest,
+ eProcessMultiDisplayTest,
+ eNumProcessCalls //Must be last one
+ };
+ struct TInitialFunction
+ {
+ inline TInitialFunction(const TDesC& aParam,TThreadFunction aFunction) :iParam(aParam), iFunction(aFunction) {}
+ TBuf<16> iParam;
+ TThreadFunction iFunction;
+ };
+ static TInt Start(const TWinCommand& aParam);
+ static CProcess* NewL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber=KDefaultScreen);
+ static CProcess* NewTL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber=KDefaultScreen,TRequestStatus* aClientRequestStatus = NULL);
+ static CProcess* NewThreadL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr
+ ,TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+ static CProcess* NewThreadL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadStartUp* aPtr);
+ static CProcess* NewThreadRendezvousL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus* aLogonStatus,TRequestStatus& aRendezvousStatus);
+ static CProcess* NewThreadRendezvousL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus& aRendezvousStatus);
+ static CProcess* NewSimpleThreadL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus* aStatus=NULL);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber=KDefaultScreen);
+ void ConstructTL(TInt aFunctionNo,TInt aScreenNumber=KDefaultScreen,TRequestStatus* aStatus=NULL);
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+ void ConstructRendezvousL(const TDesC& aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TThreadStartUp* aPtr,TRequestStatus* aLogonStatus,TRequestStatus& aRendezvousStatus);
+ ~CProcess();
+ void Logon(TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
+ void Terminate(TInt aReason);
+ TBool StillAlive();
+ void LeaveIfDied();
+ static TBool ProcessDied(TInt aScreenNo=KDefaultScreen);
+ enum
+ {
+ eOtherCreated=0x0001,
+ eThreadCreated=0x0002,
+ };
+ static TInt ThreadInit(TAny *aPtr);
+ static void InitialiseL(TThreadStartUp* aPtr);
+ static TInt SimpleThreadInit(TAny *aPtr);
+ void Close();
+ static void GetProcArg(const TWinCommand& aParam,TBufArg& aProcArg);
+ static void GetScreenArg(const TWinCommand& aParam, TInt& aScreenArg);
+ TUint iCreated;
+ RProcess iOther;
+ RThread iThread;
+ static TInitialFunction iFunctions[eNumProcessCalls];
+ };
+GLREF_D TestWindow* BaseWin;
+GLREF_D TestWindow* TestWin;
+GLREF_D TestClient* TheClient;
+GLREF_D CWindowGc* TheGc;
+GLREF_C void AutoPanic(TInt aPanic);
+GLREF_C void CleanUpWindow(TAny *aWindow);
+GLREF_C void PushWindowL(RWindowTreeNode *aWindow);
+GLREF_C TBool OpacityAndAlphaSupportedL();
+GLREF_C TInt TransparencySupportedL();
+GLREF_C TInt CheckScalingSupportedOrNot();
+GLREF_C TBool CheckNonZeroOriginsSupportedOrNot();
+GLREF_C TPoint PhysicalToLogical(TPoint aPhysicalPtMinusOrigin,TSize aScale);
+GLREF_C TPtrC DisplayModeAsString(TDisplayMode aMode);
+GLREF_C TBool LossyCheckBlankBitmap(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TRect aArea, const TRgb aCheckColor, TBool aLossyCompare=ETrue);
+GLREF_C TBool LossyCompareBitmap(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap1, const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap2, const TRect aCompareRect, TBool aLossyCompare=ETrue);
+GLDEF_C TBool LossyCompareBitmapRecord(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap1, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap2, const TRect aCompareRect, TBool aLossyCompare, TInt& aPixelsDifferent, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger);
+GLREF_C TBool LossyCheckBlankWindow(const CWsScreenDevice& aScreen, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TRect aArea, const TRgb aCheckColor);
+GLREF_C TBool LossyCompareWindow(const CWsScreenDevice& aScreen, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap1, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap2, const TRect aCompareRect);
+#define LogText(S) {_LIT(String__LINE__,S); Logger.Log(String__LINE__);}
+#define LogFormat(S) {Logger.Log(S);}
+inline CTestDriver* CTestBase::Driver()
+ {
+ return iDriver;
+ }
+class CTransWindow : public CBlankWindow
+ {
+ static CTransWindow* NewL(RPointerArray<CTransWindow>& aWindows,TRgb aColor,TRect aPos);
+ static CTransWindow* NewL(CTWinBase* aParent,TRgb aColor,TRect aPos,TDisplayMode* aDisplayMode);
+ static CTransWindow* NewL(CTWinBase* aParent,TRgb aColor,TDisplayMode* aDisplayMode);
+ void ToggleVisibility();
+ static void SetOrdinal(RPointerArray<CTransWindow>& aWindows,TInt aOldPos,TInt aNewPos);
+ inline TRgb Color() {return iCol;}
+ inline TBool IsVisible() {return iVisible;}
+ void SetShadowDisabled(TBool aState);
+ inline TBool IsShadowing() {return iShadowing;}
+ inline TBool ShadowHeight() {return iShadowHight;}
+ inline void SetPosOffset(TPoint aOffset) {iPosOffset=aOffset;}
+ virtual void Draw();
+ void SetDrawOpaque(TBool aDrawOpaque) { iDrawOpaque = aDrawOpaque; }
+ TBool DrawOpaque() const { return iDrawOpaque; }
+ //Virtual functions from CTWinBase overridden in CTBaseWin
+ void AdjustShadow(TInt aAdjust);
+ TPoint Position() const;
+ inline TInt TransparentError() {return iError;}
+ CTransWindow(TRgb aColor) :CBlankWindow(aColor), iVisible(ETrue) {}
+ //Virtual function from CTBaseWin
+ void InitWin();
+ TBool iVisible;
+ TBool iShadowing;
+ TBool iDrawOpaque;
+ TInt iShadowHight;
+ TPoint iPosOffset;
+ TInt iError;
+ };
+class CMinWin : public CBase
+ {
+ CMinWin(TInt aScreenNo);
+ ~CMinWin();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void Draw(const TRect& aRect);
+ RWsSession iWs;
+ RWindow iWin;
+ RWindowGroup iGroup;
+ CWsScreenDevice* iScr;
+ TInt iScreenNo;
+ TRect iRect;
+ CWindowGc* iGc;
+ };
+class CTimeOut : public CTimer
+ {
+ inline CTimeOut(): CTimer((EPriorityLow+EPriorityIdle)/2) {}
+ void ConstructL();
+ void Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInterval,TCallBack aCallBack);
+ //Pure virtual from CActive
+ void RunL();
+ TCallBack iCallBack;
+ };
+#define COMPARE_WINDOWS_SOFTFAIL_WINSCW CompareWindowsSoftFailWinscw((TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define __WS_CONSTRUCT_STEP__(a) \
+ CT##a##Step::CT##a##Step() \
+ { \
+ SetTestStepName(KT##a##Step); \
+ SetLogHeapInfo(ETrue); \
+ } \
+ \
+CTGraphicsBase* CT##a##Step::CreateTestL() \
+ { \
+ CTWsGraphicsBase* test=new (ELeave) CT##a (this); \
+ test->CreateTestBaseL(this);\
+ return test;\
+ }