--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fbs/fontandbitmapserver/sfbs/TFSTORE.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include "UTILS.H"
+#include <linkedfonts.h>
+#include "fbsmessage.h"
+GLREF_C void Panic(TFbsPanic aPanic);
+CFbsTypefaceStore::CFbsTypefaceStore(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice):
+ CTypefaceStore(),
+ iDevice(aDevice),
+ iTwipsCache(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CFbsTypefaceStore::~CFbsTypefaceStore()
+ {
+ if(iTwipsCache)
+ {
+ ReleaseTwipsCache();
+ delete iTwipsCache;
+ }
+ }
+/** Allocates and constructs a CFbsTypefaceStore, specifying a graphics device.
+@param aDevice A pointer to a graphics device.
+@return A pointer to the newly created typeface store.
+EXPORT_C CFbsTypefaceStore* CFbsTypefaceStore::NewL(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice)
+ {
+ CFbsTypefaceStore* thisptr=new(ELeave) CFbsTypefaceStore(aDevice);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(thisptr);
+ thisptr->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return(thisptr);
+ }
+void CFbsTypefaceStore::ConstructL()
+ {
+ // get the session info from the Tls
+ iFbs = RFbsSession::GetSession();
+ if (!iFbs)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrCouldNotConnect);
+ }
+ CTypefaceStore::ConstructL();
+ iTwipsCache = new(ELeave) CFontCache;
+ }
+/** Installs a font store file into the typeface store.
+All the fonts in added and installed font files are available to the
+GetNearestFont...() family of functions.
+Additionally Bitmap Fonts are also available to GetFontById().
+Installed files remain in the typeface store even after the client which added
+them is destroyed. They can be removed using RemoveFile().
+@param aName The name of the file to be installed.
+@param aId On return, contains the id of the installed file.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see AddFile()
+@see RemoveFile()
+@see GetFontById()
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips()
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::InstallFile(const TDesC& aName,TInt& aId)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TIntParcel> ip;
+ aId=0;
+ TIpcArgs args(&aName,aName.Length(),&ip);
+ TInt ret=iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessInstallFontStoreFile,args);
+ if(ret==KErrNone)
+ aId=ip().iInt;
+ return(ret);
+ }
+/** Adds a font store file to the typeface store.
+All the fonts in added and installed font files are available to the
+GetNearestFont...() family of functions.
+Additionally Bitmap Fonts are also available to GetFontById().
+This function adds the typeface to a reference counted list of fonts. Each
+client that adds the typeface to the store increases the reference count.
+The count is decremented when a client using the typeface is destroyed or
+calls the RemoveFile() function. The typeface is removed from the store only
+when the the reference count is zero (it is not being used by any clients).
+The InstallFile() function is similar, except that the typeface is not reference
+counted, and is hence not removed when all the clients using it are destroyed.
+@param aName A descriptor containing the filename of the typeface store
+@param aId On return, contains the id of the typeface.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see InstallFile()
+@see RemoveFile()
+@see GetFontById()
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips()
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::AddFile(const TDesC& aName,TInt& aId)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TIntParcel> ip;
+ aId=0;
+ TIpcArgs args(&aName,aName.Length(),&ip);
+ TInt ret=iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAddFontStoreFile,args);
+ if(ret==KErrNone)
+ aId=ip().iInt;
+ return(ret);
+ }
+/** Decrements the reference count of a file which was added using
+AddFile(), and removes it from the store if the reference count reaches zero.
+If the font was not found in the list of reference-counted files (see AddFile())
+it is assumed to be an installed file (see InstallFile()) and an attempt is
+made to remove it anyway.
+If the id given is 0, an attempt is made to remove all font objects from the
+font store provided none of the fonts in the store are currently accessed,
+otherwise it has no effect.
+The id passed to this function has a different meaning depending on whether
+or not the file is a Symbian-format bitmap file. If it is a Symbian-format
+bitmap file the id is a UID, and is the same from one session to the next.
+If it is an Open Font System file (e.g., a TrueType file) the id is an arbitrary
+number. Consequently the id may vary from one session to the next, and should
+not be saved in a file: however it may be kept and used by a client as
+long as the client is running.
+@param aId The id of the file to be removed/decremented, set by AddFile()
+or InstallFile().
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::RemoveFile(TInt aId)
+ {
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessRemoveFontStoreFile,aId);
+ }
+/** Gets the number of typefaces supported by this store.
+@return The number of supported typefaces.
+@see CTypefaceStore::NumTypefaces()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::NumTypefaces() const
+ {
+ return(iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessNumTypefaces));
+ }
+Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+Note that this deprecated function is replaced by the new @c GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()
+yielding (virtually) the same result. However clients are strongly encouraged to use the new
+@c GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() function instead. This will guarantee that every
+character within any given text string will fit within the given amount of twips, whereas the design
+height is an aesthetic unit decided by the font designer without strict physical meaning, which
+may result in cropped characters.
+Chooses from the fonts loaded at system startup or through the AddFile()
+or InstallFile() APIs.
+@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips()
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
+ {
+ return GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(aFont, aFontSpec);
+ }
+Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+Note that this deprecated function is replaced by the new @c GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()
+yielding (virtually) the same result. However clients are strongly encouraged to use the new
+@c GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels() function instead. This will guarantee that every
+character within any given text string will fit within the given amount of pixels, whereas the design
+height is an aesthetic unit decided by the font designer without strict physical meaning, which
+may result in cropped characters.
+Chooses from the fonts loaded at system startup or through the AddFile()
+or InstallFile() APIs.
+@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+@deprecated Use GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontInPixels(CFont*& aFont,const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
+ {
+ return GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(aFont, aFontSpec);
+ }
+TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontInTwipsAndCreateFont(
+ CFont*& aFont,
+ TInt aFbsMessage, // a TFbsMessage
+ const TFontSpec& aFontSpec,
+ TInt aMaxHeight)
+ {
+ aFont = iTwipsCache->Search(aFontSpec);
+ if (aFont)
+ {
+ if (IncrementFontCount(aFont))
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ Panic(EFbsTypefaceStoreError);
+ }
+ TInt ret = SendGetNearestFontCommandNCreateFont(
+ aFont, aFbsMessage, aFontSpec, aMaxHeight);
+ if (KErrNone != ret)
+ {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ CFont* discard = NULL;
+ /* We are deliberately storing in the cache the TFontSpec requested by the client
+ * and not the REAL TFontSpec of the font returned by the font matcher.
+ * We are doing this for performance reasons: to use the Font Cache as much as possible.
+ * Unless the requested font spec is really complete, including all the different flags
+ * and sub fields, there is only a very small chance that the TFontSpec requested
+ * by the client would be exactly the same as the best match returned by the server.
+ * Since some flags (iFontStyle.iFlags and iTypeFace.iFlags) are quite complex and
+ * in general the client don't set up all of them perfectly.
+ * So in order to decrease the number of entries in the cache AND also the requests
+ * to the server, it's better to associate the TFontSpec asked for by the client
+ * with the CFont found so that next time we ask for it, it will be in the cache.
+ *
+ * If we request 2 different font specs that both have the same real font as their
+ * best match then each will appear in the cache but the CFont pointer in both entries
+ * will point to the same real CFont (no copies)
+ *
+ * PS: a problem is known because of doing this:
+ * if we try to get a Font which is not in the system, we obtain the best match
+ * then if we add this Font in the system (AddFile) and ask again for this Font,
+ * we will still have the previous one which is in the Cache and not the one added.
+ * This problem is the result of "bad" programming/testing, in general when we use a Font,
+ * we know it's here...
+ */
+ TRAP(ret, discard = iTwipsCache->AddEntryL(aFont,aFontSpec));
+ if (KErrNone == ret)
+ {
+ // Font has been added to cache. Increment reference count, so that this font
+ // will only be destroyed once all client handles to it are released, AND it can
+ // not fit in the cache. Even if no clients have a handle to this font, the object
+ // will still persist until other fonts force it out of the cache.
+ IncrementFontCount(aFont);
+ }
+ if (discard)
+ { // a font was bumped out of the cache
+ ReleaseFont(discard);
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ get pixel size in Twips * 1000
+ @internalComponent
+ */
+void CFbsTypefaceStore::GetPixelSizeInTwips(TSize& aSize) const
+ {
+ if(iDevice)
+ {
+ aSize.iWidth = iDevice->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(1000);
+ aSize.iHeight = iDevice->VerticalPixelsToTwips(1000);
+ }
+ if(aSize.iWidth==0 || aSize.iHeight==0)
+ {
+ TMachineInfoV1Buf mibuf;
+ UserHal::MachineInfo(mibuf);
+ TSize twipsize = mibuf().iPhysicalScreenSize;
+ TSize pixelsize = mibuf().iDisplaySizeInPixels;
+ aSize.iWidth = twipsize.iWidth*1000 / pixelsize.iWidth;
+ aSize.iHeight = twipsize.iHeight*1000 / pixelsize.iHeight;
+ }
+ }
+TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::SendGetNearestFontCommandNCreateFont(
+ CFont*& aFont,
+ TInt aFbsMessage, // a TFbsMessage
+ const TFontSpec& aFontSpec,
+ TInt aMaxHeight)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TFontSpec> pckgFontSpec(aFontSpec);
+ TSize pixelSize;
+ GetPixelSizeInTwips(pixelSize);
+ TSizeInfo info(aMaxHeight, pixelSize);
+ TPckgBuf<TSizeInfo> pckgMaxHeight(info);
+ TPckgBuf<TFontInfo> pckgFontInfo;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckgFontSpec, &pckgFontInfo, &pckgMaxHeight);
+ const TInt ret = iFbs->SendCommand(aFbsMessage, args);
+ if (KErrNone != ret)
+ {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return CreateFont(aFont, pckgFontInfo());
+ }
+Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+This new function replaces the deprecated @c GetNearestFontInTwips() yielding (virtually) the
+same result. However clients are strongly encouraged to use the new
+@c GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips() function instead. This will guarantee that every
+character within any given text string will fit within the given amount of twips, whereas the design
+height is an aesthetic unit decided by the font designer without strict physical meaning, which
+may result in cropped characters.
+Chooses from the fonts loaded at system startup or through the AddFile()
+or InstallFile() APIs.
+@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips()
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
+ {
+ return GetNearestFontInTwipsAndCreateFont(aFont, EFbsMessGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips, aFontSpec);
+ }
+Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+This new function replaces the deprecated @c GetNearestFontInPixels() yielding (virtually) the
+same result. However clients are strongly encouraged to use the new
+@c GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels() function instead. This will guarantee that every
+character within any given text string will fit within the given amount of pixels, whereas the design
+height is an aesthetic unit decided by the font designer without strict physical meaning, which
+may result in cropped characters.
+Chooses from the fonts loaded at system startup or through the AddFile()
+or InstallFile() APIs.
+@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
+ {
+ return SendGetNearestFontCommandNCreateFont(aFont, EFbsMessGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels, aFontSpec);
+ }
+Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+The font and bitmap server returns a pointer to the nearest matching font
+from those available. Matches to max height of font - this does its best
+to return a font that will fit within the maximum height specified (but
+note that variations due to hinting algorithms may rarely result in this
+height being exceeded by up to one pixel). Problems can also be
+encountered with bitmap fonts where the typeface exists but doesn't have
+a font small enough.
+Chooses from the fonts loaded at system startup or through the AddFile()
+or InstallFile() APIs.
+@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+@param aMaxHeight The maximum height within which the font must fit.
+This overrides the height specified in aFontSpec.
+@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec, TInt aMaxHeight)
+ {
+ return GetNearestFontInTwipsAndCreateFont(aFont, EFbsMessGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips, aFontSpec, aMaxHeight);
+ }
+Gets the font which is the nearest to the given font specification.
+When the font is no longer needed, call @c ReleaseFont().
+The font and bitmap server returns a pointer to the nearest matching font
+from those available. Matches to max height of font - this does its best
+to return a font that will fit within the maximum height specified (but
+note that variations due to hinting algorithms may rarely result in this
+height being exceeded by up to one pixel). Problems can also be
+encountered with bitmap fonts where the typeface exists but doesn't have
+a font small enough.
+Chooses from the fonts loaded at system startup or through the AddFile()
+or InstallFile() APIs.
+@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the nearest font.
+@param aFontSpec The specification of the font to be matched.
+@param aMaxHeight The maximum height within which the font must fit.
+This overrides the height specified in aFontSpec.
+@return KErrNone if successful; a system-wide error code otherwise.
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec, TInt aMaxHeight)
+ {
+ return SendGetNearestFontCommandNCreateFont(aFont, EFbsMessGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels, aFontSpec, aMaxHeight);
+ }
+/** Gets a Bitmap Font by unique identifier and algorithmic drawing style.
+Chooses from the Bitmap fonts loaded at system startup or through the AddFile()
+or InstallFile() APIs.
+@param aFont On return, contains a pointer to the retrieved font.
+@param aUid The unique identifier of the font to be retrieved.
+@param aAlgStyle Algorithmic style to be applied. e.g. Sets things like algorithmic
+bolding, or slant for pseudo-italics.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips()
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips()
+@see GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels()
+@see GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels()
+@see AddFile()
+@see InstallFile()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::GetFontById(CFont*& aFont,TUid aUid,const TAlgStyle& aAlgStyle)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TFontInfo> tfpckg;
+ TSize pixelSize;
+ GetPixelSizeInTwips(pixelSize);
+ TPckgBuf<TSize> sizePkg(pixelSize);
+ TPckgBuf<TAlgStyle> stylepckg(aAlgStyle);
+ TIpcArgs args(&tfpckg,&stylepckg,aUid.iUid, &sizePkg);
+ TInt ret=iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessGetFontById,args);
+ if(ret!=KErrNone) return(ret);
+ return(CreateFont(aFont,tfpckg()));
+ }
+TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::CreateFont(CFont*& aFont, const TFontInfo& aFontInfo)
+ {
+ if (!aFontInfo.iHandle)
+ {
+ Panic(EFbsFontCreateFailed);
+ }
+ if (IsFontLoaded(aFont, aFontInfo))
+ {
+ // By now, a new server-side font object has been created for the requested
+ // TFontSpec. However IsFontLoaded() is true, meaning the client already has a
+ // font at this address. This can happen if a closely matching (but not exact,
+ // otherwise it would be found in the twipscache already) TFontSpec is sent to
+ // the server.
+ // This means the new server-side font is a duplicate another server-side font.
+ // Therefore tell the server to destroy the one just created, and return the
+ // font that was already created.
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessClose, aFontInfo.iHandle);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ CFbsFont* font = new CFbsFont;
+ if (!font)
+ {
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessClose, aFontInfo.iHandle);
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ font->iHandle = aFontInfo.iHandle;
+ font->iServerHandle = aFontInfo.iServerHandle;
+ font->iAddressPointer = (CBitmapFont*)(iFbs->HeapBase() + aFontInfo.iAddressOffset);
+ TRAPD(ret, AddFontL(font));
+ if (KErrNone == ret)
+ {
+ aFont = font;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete font;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+TBool CFbsTypefaceStore::IsFontLoaded(CFont*& aFont, const TFontInfo& aFontInfo) const
+@see CFontStore::IsFontLoaded
+@see CPdrTypefaceStore::IsFontLoaded
+ {
+ const TInt count = iFontAccess->Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ CFont* font = (*iFontAccess)[i].iFont;
+ if (((CFbsFont*)font)->iAddressPointer ==
+ (CBitmapFont*)(iFbs->HeapBase() + aFontInfo.iAddressOffset))
+ {
+ (*iFontAccess)[i].iAccessCount++;
+ aFont = font;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+/** Gets typeface information for a specified typeface index.
+This information is returned in aTypefaceSupport, and includes the typeface
+name and typeface attributes, the number of font heights, the maximum and
+minimum font heights, and whether it is a scaleable typeface.
+Returns benignly with an empty TTypefaceSupport if the index is too high;
+this can happen if another process removes a typeface after the first process
+has already got the number of typefaces. However, if the aTypefaceIndex<0
+the function panics with EFbsTypefaceIndexOutOfRange.
+@param aTypefaceSupport On return, if the function executed successfully,
+this object contains the typeface information.
+@param aTypefaceIndex A typeface index number, in the range: zero to (NumTypefaces() - 1).
+@see CTypefaceStore::TypefaceSupport()
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::TypefaceSupport(TTypefaceSupport& aTypefaceSupport,TInt aTypefaceIndex) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aTypefaceIndex >= 0, Panic(EFbsTypefaceIndexOutOfRange) );
+ TSize pixelSize;
+ GetPixelSizeInTwips(pixelSize);
+ TPckgBuf<TSize> sizePkg(pixelSize);
+ TPckgBuf<TTypefaceSupport> tfi;
+ TIpcArgs args(aTypefaceIndex,&tfi, &sizePkg);
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessTypefaceSupport,args);
+ aTypefaceSupport=tfi();
+ }
+/** Gets the height of the font with specified height and typeface indices, in
+The value returned is rounded up or down to the nearest font height in twips.
+If aTypefaceIndex<0 the function panics with EFbsTypefaceIndexOutOfRange.
+If aTypefaceIndex is greater than the number of typefaces or aHeightIndex<0
+then the function returns 0. If aHeightIndex is greater than the number of
+heights then the function returns the biggest height.
+@param aTypefaceIndex A typeface index number, in the range: 0 to (NumTypefaces() - 1).
+@param aHeightIndex A font height index number, in the range: 0 to (TTypefaceSupport::iNumHeights - 1).
+Note: TTypefaceSupport::iNumHeights is returned by TypefaceSupport().
+@return The height of the font, in twips.
+@see CTypefaceStore::FontHeightInTwips()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::FontHeightInTwips(TInt aTypefaceIndex,TInt aHeightIndex) const
+ {
+ return FontHeight(aTypefaceIndex,aHeightIndex,EFbsMessFontHeightInTwips);
+ }
+/** Gets the height of the font with specified height and typeface indices, in
+The value returned is rounded up or down to the nearest font height in pixels.
+If aTypefaceIndex<0 the function panics with EFbsTypefaceIndexOutOfRange.
+If aTypefaceIndex is greater than the number of typefaces or aHeightIndex<0
+then the function returns 0. If aHeightIndex is greater than the number of
+heights then the function returns the biggest height.
+@param aTypefaceIndex A typeface index number, in the range: 0 to (NumTypefaces() - 1).
+@param aHeightIndex A font height index number, in the range: 0 to (TTypefaceSupport::iNumHeights - 1).
+Note: TTypefaceSupport::iNumHeights is returned by TypefaceSupport().
+@return The height of the font, in pixels.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::FontHeightInPixels(TInt aTypefaceIndex,TInt aHeightIndex) const
+ {
+ return FontHeight(aTypefaceIndex,aHeightIndex,EFbsMessFontHeightInPixels);
+ }
+TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::FontHeight(TInt aTypefaceIndex,TInt aHeightIndex,TInt aMessage) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aTypefaceIndex >= 0, Panic(EFbsTypefaceIndexOutOfRange) );
+ TSize pixelSize;
+ GetPixelSizeInTwips(pixelSize);
+ TPckgBuf<TSize> sizePkg(pixelSize);
+ TIpcArgs args(aTypefaceIndex, aHeightIndex, &sizePkg);
+ return iFbs->SendCommand(aMessage, args);
+ }
+/** Gets the default anti-aliasing setting for scalable fonts.
+@return Indicates whether or not scalable fonts should be drawn using
+EXPORT_C TGlyphBitmapType CFbsTypefaceStore::DefaultBitmapType() const
+ {
+ return (TGlyphBitmapType)iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessGetDefaultGlyphBitmapType);
+ }
+/** Sets the default anti-aliasing setting for scalable fonts. Unless this
+default setting is overridden so that a font is explicitly requested with
+anti-aliasing turned on or off, (see TOpenFontSpec::SetBitmapType() or
+TFontStyle::SetBitmapType()), fonts will use the default setting. The default
+setting would typically only be changed via the Control Panel. The new setting
+affects fonts requested after the change has been made.
+There is currently no anti-aliasing support for bitmapped fonts.
+@param aType Indicates whether or not scalable fonts should be drawn using
+@see TOpenFontSpec::SetBitmapType()
+@see TFontStyle::SetBitmapType()
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::SetDefaultBitmapType(TGlyphBitmapType aType) const
+ {
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessSetDefaultGlyphBitmapType,aType);
+ }
+/** Sets an alias for a font name.
+If a requested font cannot be found and its name occurs in the alias list
+then it will be searched for again using the font name corresponding to
+that alias. If an empty font name is passed then the alias will be removed
+the list.
+@param TDesC& The font name alias to set.
+@param TDesC& The actual font name to use for this alias. May be empty.
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::SetFontNameAliasL(const TDesC& aFontAlias,const TDesC& aFontName) const
+ {
+ TIpcArgs args(&aFontAlias,aFontAlias.Length(),&aFontName,aFontName.Length());
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessFontNameAlias,args));
+ }
+/** Specifies the default language with which font metrics calculation will be based on.
+The default language will be used if none is set on the font specification.
+@see TFontSpec::SetScriptTypeForMetrics
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::SetDefaultLanguageForMetrics(TLanguage aLanguage) const
+ {
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessDefaultLanguageForMetrics, aLanguage);
+ }
+Unload all fonts loaded from RAM or removable media
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::RemoveFontFileLocksL()
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+Unload all fonts (of specified type) loaded from named drive
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::RemoveFontFileLocksL(const TDesC& /*aDrive*/, TBool /*aAllFonts*/)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+Unload the named font file
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::RemoveFontFileLocksL(const TDesC& /*aFileName*/)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+/** Reset the twips cache.
+The Typeface Store remembers font matches found through GetNearestFont...InTwips() family
+of functions in a cache for quicker matching. This function empties the cache, and should be
+called after the screen mode is changed as the Twips to pixels relationship may have changed.
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::ReleaseTwipsCache()
+ {
+ if(iTwipsCache)
+ {
+ CFont* font=iTwipsCache->RemoveFirstEntry();
+ while(font!=NULL)
+ {
+ ReleaseFont(font);
+ font=iTwipsCache->RemoveFirstEntry();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Sets the system default font typeface. This font will be used when finding the nearest font and the font specified is
+an empty descriptor.
+If the system default font is not set, then the default behaviour is to find the nearest match.
+@capability WriteDeviceData
+@param aFontTypefacename is the font typeface to use as the system default. A font alias cannot be used.
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::SetSystemDefaultTypefaceNameL(const TDesC& aFontTypefaceName)
+ {
+ if (aFontTypefaceName.Length() <= KMaxTypefaceNameLength)
+ {
+ TIpcArgs args(&aFontTypefaceName);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsSetSystemDefaultTypefaceName, args));
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrTooBig); // Typeface name is too large
+ }
+Function to add a CLinkedTypefaceSpecification to the font and bitmap server typeface store.
+@capability ECapabilityWriteDeviceData
+@param aLinkedTypefaceSpec The typeface specification to be added. Ownership is not transferred.
+@param aId A unique identifier
+@return A global error code
+@see CLinkedTypefaceSpecification
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::RegisterLinkedTypeface(const CLinkedTypefaceSpecification& /*aLinkedTypefaceSpec*/, TInt& /*aId*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ Function to add a CLinkedTypefaceSpecification to the font and bitmap server typeface store.
+ @capability ECapabilityWriteDeviceData
+ @publishedPartner
+ @released
+ @param aLinkedTypefaceSpec. The typeface specification to be added. Ownership is not transferred.
+ @return a global error code
+ @see CLinkedTypefaceSpecification
+ */
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::RegisterLinkedTypeface(const CLinkedTypefaceSpecification& aLinkedTypefaceSpec)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iFbs,Panic(EFbsPanicNoConnection));
+ // send the name
+ TPckgBuf <TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs> pckgbuf;
+ TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs &typefaceArgs=pckgbuf();
+ typefaceArgs = aLinkedTypefaceSpec;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckgbuf,sizeof(TPckgBuf <TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs>));
+ return iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessRegisterLinkedTypeface,args);
+ }
+Function to retrieve a linked typeface specification from the installed rasterizer.
+If there is not a rasterizer present supporting font linking then KErrNotSupported will be returned.
+The rasterizer is name specified within the passed specification and fills in the elements and
+groups if the typeface exists.
+ @param CLinkedTypefaceSpecificaion& The typeface Specification with the name set to be the typeface to be retrieved.
+ @leave KErrNoMemory if there is insufficient memory available
+ @leave KErrServerTerminated if the server no longer present
+ @leave KErrServerBusy if there are no message slots available
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsTypefaceStore::GetLinkedTypefaceL(CLinkedTypefaceSpecification& aLinkedTypefaceSpec)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxTypefaceNameLength> linkedName = aLinkedTypefaceSpec.Name();
+ TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs returnSpec;
+ TPckgBuf<TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs> specPkg;
+ TIpcArgs args;
+ args.Set(0,&linkedName);
+ args.Set(2,&specPkg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessFetchLinkedTypeface, args));
+ aLinkedTypefaceSpec.Clear();
+ returnSpec = specPkg();
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < returnSpec.iGroupSize ; i++)
+ {
+ CLinkedTypefaceGroup* grp = CLinkedTypefaceGroup::NewLC(returnSpec.iGroups[i].iGroupId);
+ grp->SetBaselineShift(returnSpec.iGroups[i].iBaselineShift);
+ grp->SetScalingOption(returnSpec.iGroups[i].iScalingOption);
+ grp->SetBoldnessPercentage(returnSpec.iGroups[i].iBoldnessPercentage);
+ grp->SetItalicAngle(returnSpec.iGroups[i].iItalicAngle);
+ aLinkedTypefaceSpec.AddLinkedTypefaceGroupL(*grp);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(grp);
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < returnSpec.iSize ; i++)
+ {
+ CLinkedTypefaceElementSpec* ele = CLinkedTypefaceElementSpec::NewLC(returnSpec.iTypefaces[i].iName, returnSpec.iTypefaces[i].iGroupId);
+ ele->SetCanonical(returnSpec.iTypefaces[i].iIsCanonical);
+ aLinkedTypefaceSpec.AddTypefaceAtBackL(*ele);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(ele);
+ }
+ }
+Function to update an existing linked typeface with a new specification. If successful a temporary file is generated and this will replace the
+linked font after a reboot. Calls to FetchLinkedTypefaceSpecificationL will return the currently loaded linked font spec and not the
+updated specification.
+@param aLinkedTypefaceSpec A new linked font specification to replace an existing file
+@panic EFbsPanicNoConnection There is no connection to FontBitmap Server
+@return TInt One of the system wide error codes
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsTypefaceStore::UpdateLinkedTypeface(const CLinkedTypefaceSpecification& aLinkedTypefaceSpec)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iFbs,Panic(EFbsPanicNoConnection));
+ TPckgBuf <TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs> pckgbuf;
+ TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs &typefaceArgs=pckgbuf();
+ typefaceArgs = aLinkedTypefaceSpec;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckgbuf,sizeof(TPckgBuf <TLinkedTypefaceSpecificationArgs>));
+ return iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessUpdateLinkedTypeface,args);
+ }