--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/gdi/tgdi/TLINEDDA.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include "TTYPES.H"
+TestLine::TestLine(const TPoint& aStart,const TPoint& aFinish, CTTypes* aTest):
+ iStart(aStart),
+ iFinish(aFinish),
+ iTest(aTest)
+ {}
+ TestLine::Test
+ Method to test the functionality within the TLinearDDA class (Linear Digital Differential Analyser)
+ Called from the TTypes test script
+void TestLine::Test()
+ {
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ TestSingleStep();
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ TestSingleScanLine();
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ TestNextStep();
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ TestJumpToXCoord();
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ TestJumpToYCoord();
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ TestJumpToRect();
+ }
+ TestLine::TestSingleStep
+ Iterate through a line of pixels & confirm the final call to SingleStep rests on the last pixel
+void TestLine::TestSingleStep()
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ while(!iLine.SingleStep(point))
+ {
+ iTest->TEST((point.iX>=iStart.iX && point.iX<=iFinish.iX) || (point.iX<=iStart.iX && point.iX>=iFinish.iX));
+ iTest->TEST((point.iY>=iStart.iY && point.iY<=iFinish.iY) || (point.iY<=iStart.iY && point.iY>=iFinish.iY));
+ }
+ iTest->TEST(point==iFinish);
+ }
+ TestLine::TestSingleScanLine
+ Iterate through each scaline & confirm successive scan lines are concatenated.
+ Confirm the last scanline holds the endppoint that was specified during construction of TLinearDDA
+void TestLine::TestSingleScanLine()
+ {
+ TPoint point1,point2;
+ if(!iLine.SingleScanline(point1,point2))
+ iTest->TEST(point1==iStart);
+ TInt lastycoord=point1.iY;
+ while(!iLine.SingleScanline(point1,point2))
+ {
+ iTest->TEST((point1.iX>=iStart.iX && point1.iX<=iFinish.iX) || (point1.iX<=iStart.iX && point1.iX>=iFinish.iX));
+ iTest->TEST((point1.iY>=iStart.iY && point1.iY<=iFinish.iY) || (point1.iY<=iStart.iY && point1.iY>=iFinish.iY));
+ iTest->TEST((point2.iX>=iStart.iX && point2.iX<=iFinish.iX) || (point2.iX<=iStart.iX && point2.iX>=iFinish.iX));
+ iTest->TEST(point1.iY==point2.iY);
+ iTest->TEST(Abs(point1.iY-lastycoord)==1);
+ lastycoord=point1.iY;
+ }
+ iTest->TEST(point2==iFinish);
+ }
+ TestLine::TestNextStep
+ Iterate trhough a the start position of each scanline & confirm they are concatenated.
+ Confirm the last scanline holds the endpoint specified during TLinearDDA construction (iFinish)
+void TestLine::TestNextStep()
+ {
+ TPoint point,oldpoint;
+ iLine.NextStep(oldpoint);
+ iTest->TEST(oldpoint==iStart);
+ while(!iLine.NextStep(point))
+ {
+ iTest->TEST((point.iX>=iStart.iX && point.iX<=iFinish.iX) || (point.iX<=iStart.iX && point.iX>=iFinish.iX));
+ iTest->TEST((point.iY>=iStart.iY && point.iY<=iFinish.iY) || (point.iY<=iStart.iY && point.iY>=iFinish.iY));
+ iTest->TEST(Abs(point.iY-oldpoint.iY)==1);
+ oldpoint=point;
+ }
+ iTest->TEST(point==iFinish);
+ }
+ TestLine::TestJumpToRect
+ Test the JumpToRect functionality, confirming that the start of the clipping rectangle is correctly detected (note we iterate through SingleStep to find the position exactly)
+void TestLine::TestJumpToRect()
+ {
+ TPoint midpoint=iStart+iFinish;
+ midpoint.iX>>=1;
+ midpoint.iY>>=1;
+ TSize rsize(Abs(iStart.iX-iFinish.iX),Abs(iStart.iY-iFinish.iY));
+ TRect rect(TPoint(iFinish.iX-(rsize.iWidth>>1),iFinish.iY-(rsize.iHeight>>1)),rsize);
+ TRect largerect(TPoint(iFinish.iX-(rsize.iWidth<<1),iFinish.iY-(rsize.iHeight<<1)),TSize(rsize.iWidth<<2,rsize.iHeight<<2));
+ TRect offsetrect(rect);
+ offsetrect.Move(iStart-iFinish);
+ if(iFinish.iX>iStart.iX)
+ offsetrect.Move(TPoint(-(rsize.iWidth>>2),0));
+ else
+ offsetrect.Move(TPoint(rsize.iWidth>>2,0));
+ if(iFinish.iY>iStart.iY)
+ offsetrect.Move(TPoint(0,(rsize.iHeight>>1)+4));
+ else
+ offsetrect.Move(TPoint(0,-(rsize.iHeight>>1)-4));
+ TPoint intersect,point;
+ TLinearDDA line;
+ iLine.JumpToRect(rect);
+ iLine.SingleStep(intersect);
+ line.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ while(!line.SingleStep(point))
+ if(point==intersect)
+ break;
+ iTest->TEST(point==intersect);
+ while(!iLine.SingleStep(intersect))
+ {
+ line.SingleStep(point);
+ iTest->TEST(point==intersect);
+ }
+ line.SingleStep(point);
+ iTest->TEST(point==intersect);
+ iTest->TEST(intersect==iFinish);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToRect(largerect);
+ iLine.SingleStep(point);
+ iTest->TEST(Abs(point.iX-iStart.iX)<=1);
+ iTest->TEST(Abs(point.iY-iStart.iY)<=1);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToRect(offsetrect);
+ iLine.SingleStep(point);
+ if(rsize.iWidth>rsize.iHeight)
+ iTest->TEST(point==iStart);
+ else
+ iTest->TEST(Min(Abs(point.iY-offsetrect.iTl.iY),Abs(point.iY-offsetrect.iBr.iY))==1);
+ }
+ TestLine::TestJumpToXCoord
+ Test the JumpToXCoord functionailty, confirming the positions by SingleStep calls
+void TestLine::TestJumpToXCoord()
+ {
+ TInt xc1=(iStart.iX+iFinish.iX)>>1;
+ TInt xc2=iStart.iX;
+ TInt xc3=iFinish.iX;
+ TInt xc4=Min(iStart.iX,iFinish.iX)-Abs(xc1);
+ TInt xc5=Max(iStart.iX,iFinish.iX)+Abs(xc1);
+ TInt y=0;
+ TPoint intersect,point;
+ TLinearDDA line;
+ iLine.JumpToXCoord(xc1,y);
+ line.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ while(!line.SingleStep(point))
+ if(point.iX==xc1)
+ break;
+ iTest->TEST(y==point.iY);
+ while(!iLine.SingleStep(point))
+ {
+ line.SingleStep(intersect);
+ iTest->TEST(point.iX==intersect.iX);
+ iTest->TEST(point.iY==intersect.iY);
+ }
+ TBool done=line.SingleStep(intersect);
+ iTest->TEST(done);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToXCoord(xc2,y);
+ iTest->TEST(y==iStart.iY);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToXCoord(xc3,y);
+ iLine.SingleStep(point);
+ iTest->TEST(point.iX==xc3);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToXCoord(xc4,y);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToXCoord(xc5,y);
+ }
+ TestLine::TestJumpToYCoord
+ Test the JumpToYCoord functionailty, confirming the positions by SingleStep calls
+void TestLine::TestJumpToYCoord()
+ {
+ TInt yc1=(iStart.iY+iFinish.iY)>>1;
+ TInt yc2=iStart.iY;
+ TInt yc3=iFinish.iY;
+ TInt yc4=Min(iStart.iY,iFinish.iY)-Abs(yc1);
+ TInt yc5=Max(iStart.iY,iFinish.iY)+Abs(yc1);
+ TInt x=0;
+ TPoint intersect,point;
+ TLinearDDA line;
+ iLine.JumpToYCoord(x,yc1);
+ line.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ while(!line.SingleStep(point))
+ if(point.iY==yc1)
+ break;
+ iTest->TEST(TPoint(x,yc1)==point);
+ while(!iLine.SingleStep(point))
+ {
+ line.SingleStep(intersect);
+ iTest->TEST(point==intersect);
+ }
+ TBool done=line.SingleStep(intersect);
+ iTest->TEST(done);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToYCoord(x,yc2);
+ iTest->TEST(x==iStart.iX);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToYCoord(x,yc3);
+ iLine.SingleStep(point);
+ iTest->TEST(point.iY==yc3);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToYCoord(x,yc4);
+ iLine.Construct(iStart,iFinish);
+ iLine.JumpToYCoord(x,yc5);
+ }