--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/gdi/tgdi/TPALETTE.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "TTYPES.H"
+#define UNUSED_VAR(a) a = a
+TestPalette::TestPalette(CTTypes* aTest):
+ iPalette(NULL), iPalette2(NULL),
+ iTest(aTest)
+ {}
+ {
+ }
+ TestPalette::Test
+ Method to test the functionality within the CPalette class
+ Called from the TTypes test script
+void TestPalette::Test()
+ {
+ _LIT(general,"General");
+ iTest->INFO_PRINTF1(general);
+ TestGeneral();
+ _LIT(defaults,"Defaults");
+ iTest->INFO_PRINTF1(defaults);
+ //TestDefaults();
+ _LIT(getData,"Get Data");
+ iTest->INFO_PRINTF1(getData);
+ //TestGetPtr();
+ }
+ TestPalette::TestGeneral
+ Spawn a new CPalette object & test basic calls to retrieve number of entries, add colours, etc
+void TestPalette::TestGeneral()
+ {
+ const TInt numcolors=50;
+ TRAPD(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewL(numcolors));
+ UNUSED_VAR(ret);
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->Entries()==numcolors);
+ for(TInt colcount=0;colcount<numcolors;colcount++)
+ {
+ TRgb color(colcount,0,0);
+ iPalette->SetEntry(colcount,color);
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(colcount)==color);
+ }
+ for(TInt checkcount=0;checkcount<numcolors;checkcount++)
+ {
+ TRgb color(checkcount,0,0);
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(checkcount)==color);
+ }
+ iPalette->Clear();
+ TRgb black(0,0,0);
+ for(TInt clearcount=0;clearcount<numcolors;clearcount++)
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(clearcount)==black);
+ for(TInt nearcount=0;nearcount<5;nearcount++)
+ {
+ TRgb color(nearcount*60,0,0);
+ iPalette->SetEntry(nearcount,color);
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(nearcount)==color);
+ }
+ for(TInt approxcount=0;approxcount<5;approxcount++)
+ {
+ TRgb color(approxcount*60,0,0);
+ TRgb approxl(approxcount*59,0,0);
+ TRgb approxh(approxcount*61,0,0);
+ TRgb nearest=iPalette->NearestEntry(approxl);
+ iTest->TEST(nearest==color);
+ nearest=iPalette->NearestEntry(approxh);
+ iTest->TEST(nearest==color);
+ }
+ delete iPalette;
+ iPalette = NULL;
+ }
+ TestPalette::TestDefaults
+ Test creation of default colour palettes for supported/un-supported display modes
+ Called from the TTypes test script
+void TestPalette::TestDefaults()
+ {
+ TRAPD(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(ENone));
+ iTest->TEST2(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EColor16M));
+ iTest->TEST2(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EColor16MU));
+ iTest->TEST2(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(ERgb));
+ iTest->TEST2(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EGray2));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(0)==TRgb::Gray2(0));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(1)==TRgb::Gray2(1));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->Entries()==2);
+ delete iPalette;
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EGray4));
+ for(TInt g4=0;g4<4;g4++)
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(g4)==TRgb::Gray4(g4));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->Entries()==4);
+ delete iPalette;
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EGray16));
+ for(TInt g16=0;g16<16;g16++)
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(g16)==TRgb::Gray16(g16));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->Entries()==16);
+ delete iPalette;
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EGray256));
+ for(TInt g256=0;g256<256;g256++)
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(g256)==TRgb::Gray256(g256));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->Entries()==256);
+ delete iPalette;
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EColor16));
+ for (TInt c16 = 0; c16 < 16; c16++)
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(c16)==TRgb::Color16(c16));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->Entries()==16);
+ delete iPalette;
+ TRAP(ret,iPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EColor256));
+ for (TInt c256 = 0; c256 < 256; c256++)
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->GetEntry(c256)==TRgb::Color256(c256));
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette->Entries()==256);
+ delete iPalette;
+ iPalette = NULL;
+ }
+ TestPalette::TestGetPtr
+ Test the GetDataPtr() method in CPalette, to retrieve palette entries for a specified colour
+ Called from the TTypes test script
+void TestPalette::TestGetPtr()
+ {
+ TRAPD(ret,iPalette2=CTestPalette::NewL());
+ UNUSED_VAR(ret);
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette2->TestGetPtr());
+ TInt colorNum;
+ for(colorNum=0;colorNum<CTestPalette::eNumColors;++colorNum)
+ {
+ TRgb color(colorNum,colorNum,colorNum);
+ iPalette2->SetEntry(colorNum,color);
+ }
+ TPtr8 ptr(NULL,0);
+ iPalette2->GetDataPtr(0,CTestPalette::eNumColors,ptr);
+ const TUint8 maxValue=CTestPalette::eNumColors-1;
+ TInt ii;
+ for(ii=0;ii<4*CTestPalette::eNumColors;++ii)
+ {
+ TUint8 value=ptr[ii];
+ if (value!=0 && ((ii + 1) % 4)) //skip alpha channel
+ ptr[ii]=STATIC_CAST(TUint8,maxValue-value);
+ }
+ for(colorNum=1;colorNum<maxValue;++colorNum)
+ iTest->TEST(iPalette2->GetEntry(colorNum)==TRgb::Gray256(maxValue-colorNum));
+ delete iPalette2;
+ iPalette2 = NULL;
+ }
+ CTestPalette::TestGetPtr
+ Part of TestPalette::TestGetPtr, retrieves a descriptor from CPalette containing entries for a given colour
+ & checks parameters are legal
+ Returns boolean indiciating whether the GetDataPtr was successful or not
+TBool CTestPalette::TestGetPtr()
+ {
+ TPtr8 ptr(NULL,0);
+ TUint32* data=REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint32*,iArray);
+ TInt start;
+ TInt length;
+ for(start=0;start<eNumColors;++start)
+ {
+ for(length=1;length<eNumColors-start;++length)
+ {
+ TInt len=sizeof(TRgb)*length;
+ GetDataPtr(start,length,ptr);
+ if (&ptr[0]!=REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint8*,data+start) || ptr.Length()!=len || ptr.MaxLength()!=len)
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }