--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/SERVER/WINDOW.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Window functions
+#include "server.h"
+#include "rootwin.h"
+#include "window.h"
+#include "walkwindowtree.h"
+#include "wstop.h"
+#include "ScrDev.H"
+#include "EVENT.H"
+#include "ANIM.H"
+#include "Direct.H"
+#include "panics.h"
+#include "backedupwindow.h"
+#include "wstypes.h"
+#include "offscreenbitmap.h"
+CWsWindow* CWsWindow::iAccessListRecentEnd = 0;
+CWsWindow* CWsWindow::iAccessListOldestEnd = 0;
+CWsWindow::CWsWindow(CWsClient* aOwner,WH_HANDLES aType, CScreen* aScreen) : CWsWindowBase(aOwner,aType,aScreen),
+ iFlags(EFlagHidden),
+ iDSAs(_FOFF(CWsDirectScreenAccess,iMultipleDSALink))
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iFadableRegion.Close();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::Construct()
+ {
+ InsertIntoAccessListOldestEnd();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::Shutdown()
+ {
+ TWindowServerEvent::NotifyDrawer(TWservCrEvent(TWservCrEvent::EWindowClosing, 0, 0, this));
+ RemoveFromAccessList();
+ CWsAnim::WindowClosing(iAnimList); // Destroy any animated objects attached to this window
+ iVisibleRegion.Close();
+ iScheduledRegion.Close();
+ AbortAllDSAs();
+ CWsWindowBase::Shutdown();
+ SetPointerCursor(NULL);
+ delete iRedraw;
+ }
+// Region and invalid area functions //
+TRect CWsWindow::FullRect() const
+ {
+ return(TRect(iOrigin,iRel.Size()));
+ }
+// Normal regions //
+void CWsWindow::SetNonFading(TBool aNonFade)
+ {
+ if (aNonFade)
+ iFlags|=EFlagNonFadingWindow;
+ else
+ iFlags&=(~EFlagNonFadingWindow);
+ }
+TPoint CWsWindow::InquireOffset(TUint32 aHandle) const
+ {
+ CWsWindowBase *win2;
+ iWsOwner->HandleToWindow(aHandle,&win2);
+ return(iOrigin-win2->Origin());
+ }
+TDisplayMode CWsWindow::DisplayMode() const
+ {
+ return iScreen->DisplayMode();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::StatusDump(TDes &aBuf)
+ {
+ _LIT(KStatusString1,"CWsWindow[0x%x]RWindow[0x%x,%d],Pos(%d,%d),Size(%d,%d)");
+ _LIT(KStatusString3,",Mode=%d");
+ _LIT(KStatusInvisible,",Inv");
+ aBuf.AppendFormat(KStatusString1,this,iClientHandle,LogHandle(),iRel.iTl.iX,iRel.iTl.iY,Size().iWidth,Size().iHeight);
+ aBuf.AppendFormat(KStatusString3,(TInt)iScreen->DisplayMode());
+ if (!IsVisible())
+ aBuf.Append(KStatusInvisible);
+ }
+TDblQue<TPointerKeyList> *CWsWindow::PointerKeyList() const
+ {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+void CWsWindow::AbortAllDSAs()
+ {
+ iScreen->AbortDSAs(RDirectScreenAccess::ETerminateRegion,iDSAs);
+ }
+void CWsWindow::PossibleVisibilityChangedEvent(TBool aForceSend)
+ {
+ // notify plugin
+ //
+ TWservCrEvent crEvent(TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged, HasBeenDrawnToScreen(), IsVisible()? &iVisibleRegion : NULL, this);
+ TWindowServerEvent::NotifyDrawer(crEvent);
+ if (!(iFlags & EFlagGeneratesVisibilityEvents))
+ return;
+ if (!IsVisible())
+ {
+ goto notvisible;
+ }
+ if (iVisibleRegion.Count() == 0)
+ {
+ goto notvisible;
+ }
+ {// braces here to avoid gccxml error
+ TInt visibleArea = 0;
+ TInt count = iVisibleRegion.Count();
+ TInt ii;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+ {
+ visibleArea+= iVisibleRegion[ii].Width() * iVisibleRegion[ii].Height();
+ }
+ const TRegion* baseRegion = (static_cast<CWsClientWindow*>(this))->BaseArea();
+ TInt baseArea = 0;
+ count = baseRegion->Count();
+ for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+ {
+ const TRect& rect = (*baseRegion)[ii];
+ baseArea+= rect.Width() * rect.Height();
+ }
+ if (visibleArea == baseArea)
+ {
+ goto fullyvisible;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto partiallyvisible;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aForceSend || !(iFlags & EFlagNotCantBeSeen) || !(iFlags & EFlagCanBeSeen))
+ {
+ iFlags |= (EFlagCanBeSeen | EFlagNotCantBeSeen);
+ TWindowServerEvent::SendVisibilityChangedEvents(this, TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::EPartiallyVisible | TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::EFullyVisible);
+ // we have to set EPartiallyVisible too for compatibility reasons
+ }
+ return;
+ if (aForceSend || !(iFlags & EFlagCanBeSeen) || (iFlags & EFlagNotCantBeSeen))
+ {
+ iFlags |= EFlagCanBeSeen;
+ iFlags &= ~EFlagNotCantBeSeen;
+ TWindowServerEvent::SendVisibilityChangedEvents(this, TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::EPartiallyVisible);
+ }
+ return;
+ if (aForceSend || (iFlags & EFlagCanBeSeen) || (iFlags & EFlagNotCantBeSeen))
+ {
+ iFlags &= ~(EFlagCanBeSeen | EFlagNotCantBeSeen);
+ TWindowServerEvent::SendVisibilityChangedEvents(this, TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::ENotVisible);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+TPoint CWsWindow::Origin() const
+ {
+ return iOrigin;
+ }
+TRect CWsWindow::AbsRect() const
+ {
+ return iAbs;
+ }
+TSize CWsWindow::Size() const
+ {
+ return iRel.Size();
+ }
+TBool CWsWindow::SetScheduledRegion(const RWsRegion& aRegion)
+ {
+ iScheduledRegion.Copy(aRegion);
+ return !iScheduledRegion.CheckError();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::ClearScheduledRegion()
+ {
+ iScheduledRegion.Clear();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::SetFadeBehind(TBool aFade)
+ {
+ if (aFade != ((iFlags & EFlagFadeBehind) != 0))
+ {
+ iFlags ^= EFlagFadeBehind;
+ }
+ }
+void CWsWindow::FocusChanged(TBool aNewFocusState)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,FocusChangedL(aNewFocusState));
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicAnimLeave);
+ }
+void CWsWindow::FocusChangedL(TBool aNewFocusState)
+ {
+ for (CWsAnim * anim = iAnimList; anim; anim = anim->Next())
+ {
+ anim->FocusChanged(aNewFocusState);
+ }
+ }
+// Moves a window to the recent end of the accessed list
+void CWsWindow::Accessed()
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iAccessListRecentEnd && iAccessListOldestEnd, EWsPanicAccessList);
+ RemoveFromAccessList();
+ InsertIntoAccessListRecentEnd();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::InsertIntoAccessListOldestEnd()
+ {
+ iAccessListPrev = 0;
+ iAccessListNext = iAccessListOldestEnd;
+ if (iAccessListNext)
+ iAccessListNext->iAccessListPrev = this;
+ iAccessListOldestEnd = this;
+ if (!iAccessListRecentEnd)
+ iAccessListRecentEnd = this;
+ }
+void CWsWindow::InsertIntoAccessListRecentEnd()
+ {
+ iAccessListNext = 0;
+ iAccessListPrev = iAccessListRecentEnd;
+ if (iAccessListPrev)
+ iAccessListPrev->iAccessListNext = this;
+ iAccessListRecentEnd = this;
+ if (!iAccessListOldestEnd)
+ iAccessListOldestEnd = this;
+ }
+void CWsWindow::RemoveFromAccessList()
+ {
+ if (iAccessListOldestEnd == this)
+ iAccessListOldestEnd = iAccessListNext;
+ if (iAccessListRecentEnd == this)
+ iAccessListRecentEnd = iAccessListPrev;
+ if (iAccessListPrev)
+ iAccessListPrev->iAccessListNext = iAccessListNext;
+ if (iAccessListNext)
+ iAccessListNext->iAccessListPrev = iAccessListPrev;
+ }
+TBool CWsWindow::ReleaseMemory(MWsMemoryRelease::TMemoryReleaseLevel aLevel)
+ {
+ for (CWsWindow * access = iAccessListOldestEnd; access; access = access->iAccessListNext)
+ {
+ if(access->Redraw())
+ {
+ if (access->Redraw()->ReleaseMemory(aLevel))
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+const TRegion& CWsWindow::VisibleRegion() const
+ {
+ return(iVisibleRegion);
+ }
+TBool CWsWindow::IsDSAHost() const
+ {
+ TBool res = EFalse;
+ if ( !iDSAs.IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ TSglQueIter<CWsDirectScreenAccess> iter( (TSglQueBase&)iDSAs );
+ iter.SetToFirst();
+ CWsDirectScreenAccess* dsa;
+ while ( (dsa = iter++) != NULL && !res )
+ {
+ res = dsa->IsVisible() || dsa->IsSyncTimeoutPending();
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+void CWsWindow::ResetVisibleRegion()
+ {
+ if (!iVisibleRegion.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ iVisibleRegion.Clear();
+ }
+ iFadableRegion.Clear();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::SetVisibleRegion(const TRegion& aNewRegion, const TRegion* aTop, TRegion& aNewFadableRegion)
+ {
+ STACK_REGION difference;
+ TBool diffs = EFalse;
+ difference.Copy(iVisibleRegion);
+ difference.SubRegion(aNewRegion);
+ if (!difference.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ diffs = ETrue;
+ if (IsTranslucent())
+ {
+ // Andy - If this is a client window (what else could it be) we can also subtract the
+ // user defined opaque region before doing this:
+ iScreen->AddRedrawRegion(difference, EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+ difference.Copy(aNewRegion);
+ if (HasBeenDrawnToScreen())
+ {
+ difference.SubRegion(iVisibleRegion);
+ }
+ if (!difference.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ diffs = ETrue;
+ topDiff.Copy(difference);
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aTop,EWsPanicRegion);
+ topDiff.Intersect(*aTop);
+ difference.SubRegion(topDiff);
+ iScreen->AddRedrawRegion(topDiff, EFalse, ERedrawTopOnly);
+ iScreen->AddRedrawRegion(difference, EFalse, ERedrawAll);
+ topDiff.Close();
+ }
+ difference.Close();
+ AbortDsaIfRequired(aNewRegion, aTop);
+ if (diffs)
+ {
+ ResetVisibleRegion();
+ iVisibleRegion.Copy(aNewRegion);
+ PossibleVisibilityChangedEvent(EFalse);
+ }
+ iFadableRegion.Copy( aNewFadableRegion );
+ // Just because the visible region (screen coordinates) didn't change doesn't
+ // mean the invalid region (window coordinates) didn't change, so we always call this.
+ iRedraw->VisibleRegionChange();
+ }
+void CWsWindow::ClearVisibleRegion()
+ {
+ AbortAllDSAs();
+ iScreen->AddRedrawRegion(VisibleRegion(), EFalse);
+ ResetVisibleRegion();
+ PossibleVisibilityChangedEvent(EFalse);
+ iFlags &= ~EFlagDrawnToScreen;
+ }
+void CWsWindow::AbortDsaIfRequired(const TRegion& aNewRegion, const TRegion* aTop)
+ {
+ if (!iDSAs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // If the top visible region of this window has changed, DSA clients may need
+ // to be sent a DSA abort, as they may be drawing to a different region
+ STACK_REGION newTopVisible;
+ newTopVisible.Copy(aNewRegion); // new visible region
+ if (aTop!=NULL)
+ {
+ newTopVisible.Intersect(*aTop); // area of new visible region not obscured by any other opaque or translucent windows
+ }
+ // Build a list of DSA clients that need to be sent a DSA abort
+ TSglQue<CWsDirectScreenAccess> dsaList(_FOFF(CWsDirectScreenAccess,iAbortLink));
+ TSglQueIter<CWsDirectScreenAccess> iter(iDSAs);
+ CWsDirectScreenAccess* dsa;
+ while ((dsa=iter++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (dsa->IsAbortRequired(newTopVisible))
+ {
+ dsaList.AddLast(*dsa);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dsaList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ iScreen->AbortDSAs(RDirectScreenAccess::ETerminateRegion, dsaList);
+ }
+ newTopVisible.Close();
+ }
+ }
+const TRegion* CWsWindow::VisibleRegionIfValid() const
+ {
+ return iVisibleRegion.CheckError() ? NULL : &iVisibleRegion;
+ }
+TBool CWsWindow::ReadyToDraw() const
+ {
+ return iRedraw->ReadyToDraw();
+ }
+This function draws the region specified
+Andy - I would be happier if no region was specified here - the GC should incorporate that information
+void CWsWindow::Render(CFbsBitGc * aGc, const TRegion& aRegion)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(IsVisible() || (WinType() == EWinTypeRoot), EWsPanicScheduledRedraw);
+ Accessed();
+ iFlags |= EFlagDrawnToScreen;
+ iRedraw->PreDrawWindow(aGc, aRegion);
+ iRedraw->DrawWindow();
+ iRedraw->PostDrawWindow(aGc);
+ }
+void CWsWindow::SetNextScheduled(CWsWindow * aWin)
+ {
+ iNextScheduled = aWin;
+ }
+CWsWindow * CWsWindow::NextScheduled() const
+ {
+ return iNextScheduled;
+ }
+void CWsWindow::AddSprite(CWsSpriteBase * aSprite)
+ {
+ aSprite->SetNext(iSpriteList);
+ iSpriteList = aSprite;
+ }
+void CWsWindow::RemoveSprite(CWsSpriteBase * aSprite)
+ {
+ if (aSprite == iSpriteList)
+ {
+ iSpriteList = aSprite->Next();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (CWsSpriteBase * sprite = iSpriteList; sprite; sprite = sprite->Next())
+ {
+ if (sprite->Next() == aSprite)
+ {
+ sprite->SetNext(aSprite->Next());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ aSprite->SetNext(0);
+ }
+void CWsWindow::DeactivateAllSprites()
+ {
+ CWsSpriteBase * current = iSpriteList;
+ while (current)
+ {
+ CWsSpriteBase * next = current->Next();
+ current->Deactivate();
+ current = next;
+ }
+ }
+void CWsWindow::ClipRectToViewport(TRect& aRect) const
+ {
+ const CWsWindowBase * win = this;
+ while (win)
+ {
+ if (win->WinType() != EWinTypeGroup)
+ {
+ aRect.Intersection(win->AbsRect());
+ }
+ win = win->BaseParent();
+ }
+ }
+const TRegion& CWsWindow::FadableRegion() const
+ {
+ return iFadableRegion;
+ }
+MWsWindow * CWsWindow::FindChildByHandle(TUint32 aHandle)
+ {
+ TWalkWindowTreeFindByHandle wwt(aHandle);
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt, EWalkChildren);
+ return wwt.Found();
+ }
+TUint32 CWsWindow::Handle() const
+ {
+ return ClientHandle();
+ }
+MWsScreen * CWsWindow::WsScreen() const
+ {
+ return iScreen;
+ }
+TInt CWsWindow::OrdinalPriority() const
+ {
+ return iOrdinalPriority;
+ }