--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/SERVER/screen.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Defines the screen class (was in scrdev.h)
+#ifndef __SCREEN_H__
+#define __SCREEN_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "w32cmd.h"
+#include "wstypes.h"
+class CWsDirectScreenAccess;
+class CWsOffScreenBitmap;
+class CWsWindowGroup;
+class CWsWindow;
+class CWsRootWindow;
+class CWsClientWindow;
+class CDebugBar;
+class CScreenRedraw;
+class CWsSpriteManager;
+class CScreen : public CBase, public MWsScreen, public MWsScreenConfig, public MWsFrontBuffer
+ {
+ enum {EDefaultShadowX=2};
+ enum {EDefaultShadowY=2};
+ enum {EGetScanLineBufLen=0x100}; // Buffer of for returning result of GetScanLine
+ enum {EMaxNumModes=EColorLast-2}; // Number of available devices in the GDI enum TDisplayMode
+ enum TDisplayScreen
+ {
+ EBlankScreenOnRotation = 0x1,
+ EAutoClear = 0x2,
+ EBltOffScreenBitmap = 0x04, // Refrain from clearing window to default background color
+ };
+ /**
+ The fallback map is an array of 32 bit integers sufficiently large to store a single bit for any
+ possible orientation and size of the screen, with the pixel rows padded to the end of the int.
+ Andy - This is only used by the screen redraw, so it should be in the screen redraw, not the screen.
+ Also, it doesnt need its own region, since the root window has the correct region already.
+ */
+ class CFallbackMap : public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ static CFallbackMap * NewL(CScreen* aScreen);
+ ~CFallbackMap();
+ void Prepare();
+ TBool FillRegion(const TRegion& aRegion);
+ TBool FillRect(const TRect& aRect);
+ TInt Count() const;
+ const TRect * Rect() const;
+ const RRegion * Region() const;
+ private:
+ CFallbackMap(CScreen* aScreen);
+ void ConstructL();
+ public:
+ CScreen* iScreen;
+ RRegionBuf<1> iRegion;
+ TInt iCount;
+ TInt iMapSize; // size in padded TInts
+ TInt * iMap;
+ };
+ CScreen();
+ ~CScreen();
+ void ConstructL( const TRect& aDigitiserArea, TInt aScreenNumber );
+ void AbortAllDirectDrawing(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason);
+ void AddDirect(CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDirect);
+ void RemoveDirect(CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDirect);
+ void AbortDSAs(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason,TSglQue<CWsDirectScreenAccess>& aDirects);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TBool IsDirectOnQueue(const CWsDirectScreenAccess* aDirect);
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+ void UpdateOffScreenBitmap();
+ inline CWsWindowGroup* FocusWindowGroup();
+ void KillForegroundSession();
+ void ResetFocus(CWsWindowGroup *aClosingWindow);
+ void SetShadowVector(const TPoint &aShadowShift);
+ inline TPoint ShadowVector();
+ inline TBool BlankScreenOnRotation();
+ inline TBool AutoClear();
+ void RemoveFromDefaultOwningList(CWsWindowGroup *aDestroyedGroup);
+ void SetDefaultOwningWindow(CWsWindowGroup *aGroup);
+ inline CWsWindowGroup *DefaultOwningWindowGroup();
+ void CheckDisplayMode(TBool aUpdateNow);
+ CFbsScreenDevice *ScreenDevice();
+ inline CWsRootWindow* RootWindow() const;
+ inline TInt ScreenNumber() const;
+ void Update();
+ void Update(const TRegion &aRegion);
+ inline TDisplayMode CurrentDisplayMode();
+ inline TDisplayMode DefaultDisplayMode();
+ inline TDisplayMode DefaultDisplayMode(const TInt aMode) const;
+ TDisplayMode FirstDefaultDisplayMode() const;
+ //
+ inline CFbsBitGc *ScreenGdi();
+ void MaxNumColors(TInt& aColors,TInt& aGrays);
+ TInt ColorModesFlag();
+ inline void GetFadingParams(TUint8& aBlackMap,TUint8& aWhiteMap) const;
+ inline void SetFadingParams(TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap);
+ void GetScanLine(const TWsSdCmdGetScanLine *aGetScanLine);
+ TBool SetScreenModeEnforcement(TInt aMode);
+ inline TInt ScreenSizeMode() const;
+ void SetPointerCursorArea(TInt aMode,const TRect& aRect);
+ inline TRect GetPointerCursorArea(TInt aMode) const;
+ CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation Orientation();
+ void CycleDisplaySize();
+ void UpdateOrientation();
+ void doSetScreenMode(TInt aMode);
+ inline TSize CurrentScreenSize() const;
+ TRect DrawableArea() const;
+ void CycleOrientation();
+ TClientPanic SetModeRotation(TInt aMode,CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation aRotation);
+ void LoadScreenSizesL(TSize aScreenSize);
+ void LoadScreenSizeProperties();
+ void LoadScreenScale();
+ void SetDigitiserAreas(const TSize& aScreenSize,const TRect& aDigitiserArea);
+ inline TInt NumScreenSizeModes() const;
+ inline const TSizeMode& ScreenSizeModeData() const;
+ inline const TSizeMode& ScreenSizeModeData(TInt aMode) const;
+ inline TPoint ScreenModeOrigin(TInt aMode);
+ inline TPoint CurrentScreenModeOrigin();
+ inline TSize CurrentScreenModeScale();
+ inline TPoint CurrentScreenModeScaledOrigin();
+ inline TPoint ScreenModeScaledOrigin(TInt aMode);
+ inline TScreenModeEnforcement SizeEnforcementMode() const;
+ void GetScreenSizeAndRotation(TPixelsTwipsAndRotation &aSar, TInt aScreenMode);
+ void GetScreenSizeAndRotation(TPixelsAndRotation &aSar, TInt aScreenMode);
+ inline TSize GetScreenScale(TInt aMode) const;
+ inline void SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(const TSizeMode &aModeData);
+ inline TSize GetPhysicalScreenSize();
+ inline void SetPhysicalScreenSize();
+ inline TBool ShouldSwapWidthAndHeightOffScBitmap(TInt aOldRotation);
+ inline TInt Modes();
+ CFbsDevice * DrawDevice();
+ CWsOffScreenBitmap* OffScreenBitmap();
+ void FreeOffScreenBitmap();
+ void UpdateGcs();
+ inline void SetScalingFactor();
+ void UpdateOffScreenBitmapGc(const TBool aSwapWidthAndHeight);
+ TPoint PhysicalToLogical(TPoint aPhysicalPt);
+ void IncContrast();
+ void DecContrast();
+ void IncBrightness();
+ void DecBrightness();
+ inline TBool IsValidScreenSizeMode(TInt aMode);
+ TInt GetScreenSizeModeListL();
+ void SetDisplayModeFromName(const TDesC& aModeName, TDisplayMode& aMode);
+ CFbsDevice* GetFbsDevice();
+ // called by CWsGc when it is implementing MWsGc
+ const TTime& Now() const;
+ void ScheduleAnimation(const TRect& aRect,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFromNow,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFreq,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStop);
+ // redraw scheduling code
+ void AddRedrawRegion(const TRegion& aRegion, TBool aSchedule = ETrue, TRedrawDepth aDepth = ERedrawAll);
+ void DoRedrawNow();
+ void ScheduleRegionUpdate(const TRegion* aDefinitelyDirty);
+ void EndClientBuffer();
+ // implementing MWsScreen
+ void OnAnimation();
+ void Redraw();
+ TBool RedrawInvalid(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aInvalid);
+ inline TBool BackLightFlag();
+ // implementing interface extension
+ TAny* ResolveObjectInterface(TUint aTypeId);
+ // implementing MWsScreenConfig interface
+ TDisplayMode DisplayMode() const;
+ TSize SizeInPixels() const;
+ TSize ScreenModeSizeInPixels() const;
+ TInt Stride() const;
+ CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation Orientation() const;
+ TInt SizeMode() const;
+ TSize ScalingFactor() const;
+ TPoint Origin() const;
+ TPoint ScaledOrigin() const;
+ // implementing MWsFrontBuffer
+ const TAny* GetBits();
+ CFbsBitGc* GetBitGc();
+ CFbsBitGc* GetBitGcCurrent();
+ TInt SetBitGc(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc);
+ TInt SetBitGc(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc, TBool aInvalidateScreen);
+ inline TBool IsOffScreenBitmap();
+ inline TBool MaskingEnabled();
+ inline TBool BltOffScreen();
+ void RecalcHeights();
+ void DiscardAllSchedules();
+ inline CDebugBar * DebugBar();
+ inline CFallbackMap * FallbackMap();
+ inline CWsSpriteManager* SpriteManager();
+ inline MWsFader* Fader();
+ TBool IsUpdatePending();
+ void DSARegionSyncStart( CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDSA );
+ void DSARegionSyncOver( CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDSA );
+ TBool HasVisibleDirectOnQueue();
+ TBool IsDSAClientWindow( const CWsClientWindow* aWin ) const;
+ void AcceptFadeRequest( CWsWindow* aWin, TBool aIsFaded, TBool aIsBehind, TBool aIncludeChildren = EFalse );
+ enum TSyncConsts
+ {
+ KDSAAbortingImmediateRespAwaitFrameMicrosec = 80000 // 0.08 sec
+ };
+ void ChangeDisplayModeForAllOffScreenBitmap(TBool aSwapWidthAndHeight=EFalse);
+ void SetInitialScreenSizeMode();
+ CWsWindowGroup* FindNewFocus(CWsRootWindow* aRootWindow);
+ void CreateFallbackMapL();
+ void CreateScreenDeviceL();
+ TBool DoCreateScreenDevice(TDisplayMode aScreenMode);
+ enum
+ {
+ eTimerCreated=0x1,
+ };
+ enum TDsaDrawState
+ {
+ EDsaDrawStateIdle,
+ EDsaDrawStateDrawing
+ };
+ TSglQue<CWsDirectScreenAccess> iDirects;
+ RTimer iTimer;
+ TRequestStatus iTimerStatus;
+ TUint iFlags;
+ CScreenRedraw* iRedraw;
+ CWsRootWindow* iRootWindow;
+ CWsWindowGroup *iCurrentFocus;
+ CWsWindowGroup *iDefaultOwningWindow;
+ CWsOffScreenBitmap* iOffScreenBitmap;
+ TPoint iShadowShift;
+ CFbsScreenDevice *iScreenDevice;
+ CFbsBitGc *iScreenGdi;
+// Size and roation members
+ RPointerArray<TSizeMode> *iModes;
+ TInt iScreenSizeMode;
+ TScreenModeEnforcement iSizeEnforcementMode;
+ TSize iPhysicalScreenSize;
+ TInt iScreenNumber;
+ TInt iMaxContrast;
+ TInt iMaxBrightness;
+ TInt iNumScreenSizeModes;
+ TInt iNumSupportedScreenSizeModes;
+ TBool iBackLightFlag;
+ // used by MWsFrontBuffer to redirect screen output
+ CFbsBitGc* iRedirectGc;
+ TDsaDrawState iDsaDrawState;
+ CDebugBar* iDebugBar;
+ CFallbackMap* iFallbackMap;
+ TUint8 iBlackMap;
+ TUint8 iWhiteMap;
+ CWsSpriteManager* iSpriteManager;
+ MWsFader* iFader;
+ };
+// inlines //
+// CScreen
+inline void CScreen::Update(const TRegion &aRegion)
+ {iScreenDevice->Update(aRegion);}
+inline TPoint CScreen::ShadowVector()
+ {return(iShadowShift);}
+inline CWsWindowGroup* CScreen::FocusWindowGroup()
+ {return(iCurrentFocus);}
+inline TBool CScreen::BlankScreenOnRotation()
+ {return(iFlags&EBlankScreenOnRotation);}
+inline TBool CScreen::AutoClear()
+ {return(iFlags&EAutoClear);}
+inline CWsWindowGroup* CScreen::DefaultOwningWindowGroup()
+ {return(iDefaultOwningWindow);}
+inline CWsRootWindow* CScreen::RootWindow() const
+ {return iRootWindow;}
+inline TInt CScreen::ScreenNumber() const
+ {return iScreenNumber;}
+inline CFbsBitGc *CScreen::ScreenGdi()
+ {return(iScreenGdi);}
+inline TDisplayMode CScreen::CurrentDisplayMode()
+ {return iScreenDevice->DisplayMode();}
+inline TDisplayMode CScreen::DefaultDisplayMode()
+ {return iScreenDevice->DisplayMode();}
+inline TInt CScreen::ScreenSizeMode() const
+ {return(iScreenSizeMode);}
+inline TRect CScreen::GetPointerCursorArea(TInt aMode) const
+ {return (*iModes)[aMode]->iPointerCursorArea;}
+inline TSize CScreen::CurrentScreenSize() const
+ {return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iScreenSize;}
+inline TInt CScreen::NumScreenSizeModes() const
+ {return iNumScreenSizeModes;}
+inline const TSizeMode& CScreen::ScreenSizeModeData() const
+ {return *(*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode];}
+inline const TSizeMode& CScreen::ScreenSizeModeData(TInt aMode) const
+ {return *(*iModes)[aMode];}
+inline TPoint CScreen::ScreenModeOrigin(TInt aMode)
+ {return (*iModes)[aMode]->iOrigin;}
+inline TPoint CScreen::CurrentScreenModeOrigin()
+ {return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iOrigin;}
+inline TSize CScreen::CurrentScreenModeScale()
+ {return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iScreenScale;}
+inline TPoint CScreen::CurrentScreenModeScaledOrigin()
+ {return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->ScaledOrigin();}
+inline TPoint CScreen::ScreenModeScaledOrigin(TInt aMode)
+ {return (*iModes)[aMode]->ScaledOrigin();}
+inline TSize CScreen::GetScreenScale(TInt aMode) const
+ {return (*iModes)[aMode]->iScreenScale;}
+inline TDisplayMode CScreen::DefaultDisplayMode(const TInt aMode) const
+ {return (*iModes)[aMode]->iDefaultDisplayMode;}
+inline TSize CScreen::GetPhysicalScreenSize()
+ {return iPhysicalScreenSize;}
+inline void CScreen::SetScalingFactor()
+ {iScreenDevice->SetScalingFactor((*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iOrigin,(*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iScreenScale.iWidth,(*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iScreenScale.iHeight,1,1);}
+inline void CScreen::SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(const TSizeMode &aModeData)
+ {*(*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]=aModeData;}
+inline void CScreen::SetPhysicalScreenSize()
+ {TInt temp=iPhysicalScreenSize.iWidth;iPhysicalScreenSize.iWidth=iPhysicalScreenSize.iHeight;iPhysicalScreenSize.iHeight=temp;}
+inline TScreenModeEnforcement CScreen::SizeEnforcementMode() const
+ {return iSizeEnforcementMode;}
+inline TBool CScreen::IsValidScreenSizeMode(TInt aMode)
+ {return (aMode>=0 && aMode<iModes->Count() && (*iModes)[aMode]!=NULL);}
+inline TBool CScreen::BackLightFlag()
+ {return iBackLightFlag;}
+inline TBool CScreen::IsOffScreenBitmap()
+ {return iOffScreenBitmap!=NULL;}
+inline CDebugBar * CScreen::DebugBar()
+ {return iDebugBar;}
+inline CScreen::CFallbackMap * CScreen::FallbackMap()
+ {return iFallbackMap;}
+inline void CScreen::GetFadingParams(TUint8& aBlackMap,TUint8& aWhiteMap) const
+ {aBlackMap=iBlackMap;aWhiteMap=iWhiteMap;}
+inline void CScreen::SetFadingParams(TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap)
+ {iBlackMap=aBlackMap;iWhiteMap=aWhiteMap;}
+inline CWsSpriteManager* CScreen::SpriteManager()
+ {return iSpriteManager;}
+inline MWsFader* CScreen::Fader()
+ {return iFader;}
+inline TBool CScreen::BltOffScreen()
+ {return iFlags&EBltOffScreenBitmap;}