--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/tauto/TPntKey.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Converted from TMan test code (TMPNTKEY.CPP) May 2001
+// Test Pointer move/drag buffer
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "TPNTKEY.H"
+#define LOGGING on //Uncomment this line to get more logging
+TInt CTPntKeyWindow::iTestScanCodes[ENumPntKeyTests]={'A','B',0,'C',EStdKeyEnter,'Y'};
+TUint CTPntKeyWindow::iTestCodes[ENumPntKeyTests]={'a','B',0,'c',EKeyEnter,'y'};
+TUint CTPntKeyWindow::iTestModifiers[ENumPntKeyTests]={0,EModifierShift,0,0,0,0};
+CTPntKeyWindow::CTPntKeyWindow(CTPntKey *aTest) : iTest(aTest)
+ {}
+ {
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::SetUpLD(TPoint pos,TSize size,CTWinBase *parent)
+ {
+ ConstructExtLD(*parent,pos,size);
+ iWin.SetPointerGrab(ETrue);
+ iKey1=TRect(size.iWidth*1/16,size.iHeight/2,size.iWidth*5/16,size.iHeight);
+ iKey2=TRect(size.iWidth*6/16,size.iHeight/2,size.iWidth*10/16,size.iHeight);
+ iKey3=TRect(size.iWidth*11/16,size.iHeight/2,size.iWidth*15/16,size.iHeight);
+ iWin.AddKeyRect(iKey1,'A',EFalse);
+ iWin.AddKeyRect(iKey2,'B',EFalse);
+ AssignGC(*Client()->iGc);
+ BaseWin()->EnableOnEvents();
+ Activate();
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::Error(TInt aWhere)
+ {
+ iTest->Failed(aWhere);
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::NextKey()
+ {
+ if (++iKeyCount!=ENumPntKeyTests)
+ {
+ #if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog,"Next Key KeyCount=%d");
+ iTest->LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,iKeyCount);
+ #endif
+ if (iKeyCount==2)
+ iWin.RemoveAllKeyRects();
+ else if (iKeyCount==3)
+ iWin.AddKeyRect(iKey3,'C',EFalse);
+ else if (iKeyCount==4)
+ {
+ #if !defined(__WINS__)
+ if (iTest->NoDigitiser())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ #endif
+ iWin.RemoveAllKeyRects();
+ iWin.AddKeyRect(TRect(Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels()),'Z',EFalse);
+ }
+ else if (iKeyCount==5)
+ {
+ iWin.RemoveAllKeyRects();
+ Client()->iWs.Flush();
+ User::After(500000); // Wait half a second
+ iWin.AddKeyRect(TRect(Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels()),'Y',ETrue);
+ }
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ SendEvent();
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::SendEvent()
+ {
+ TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+#if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog,"SendEvent KeyCount=%d");
+ iTest->LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,iKeyCount);
+ switch(iKeyCount)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ SimulatePointerDownUp(iKey1);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ iTest->TestBase()->SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyDown,EStdKeyLeftShift);
+ SimulatePointerDownUp(iKey2);
+ iTest->TestBase()->SimulateKey(TRawEvent::EKeyUp,EStdKeyLeftShift);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 5:
+ {
+ TPoint pos=Position();
+ TSize size=Size();
+ iTest->TestBase()->SimulatePointerDownUp(pos.iX+size.iWidth/2,pos.iY+size.iHeight/4);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ SimulatePointerDownUp(iKey3);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ iTest->TestBase()->SimulateKeyDownUp(EStdKeyEnter);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::SimulatePointerDownUp(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ iTest->TestBase()->SimulatePointerDownUp((aRect.iTl.iX+aRect.iBr.iX)/2,(aRect.iTl.iY+aRect.iBr.iY)/2);
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::Test(TInt aCheck)
+ {
+ if (!aCheck)
+ Error(3);
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::KeyUpL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime&)
+ {
+ if (aKey.iScanCode==iTestScanCodes[iKeyCount])
+ NextKey();
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::KeyDownL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &)
+ {
+#if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog,"KeyDownL ScanCode=%d '%c' (%d) KeyCount=%d");
+ iTest->LOG_MESSAGE5(KLog,aKey.iScanCode,aKey.iScanCode,iTestScanCodes[iKeyCount],iKeyCount);
+ if (aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyLeftFunc && aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyRightFunc &&
+ aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyLeftAlt && aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyRightAlt &&
+ aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyLeftCtrl && aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyRightCtrl &&
+ aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyLeftShift && aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyRightShift &&
+ aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyOff &&
+ aKey.iScanCode!=EStdKeyEscape)
+ Test(aKey.iScanCode==iTestScanCodes[iKeyCount]);
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &)
+ {
+ if (aKey.iCode!=EKeyEscape)
+ {
+#if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog1,"WinKeyL1 ScanCode=%d (%d) Code=%d '%c' (%d)");
+ _LIT(KLog2,"WinKeyL2 ScanCode=%d Modifiers=0x%x (0x%x) KeyCount=%d");
+ iTest->LOG_MESSAGE6(KLog1,aKey.iScanCode,iTestScanCodes[iKeyCount],aKey.iCode,aKey.iCode,iTestCodes[iKeyCount]);
+ iTest->LOG_MESSAGE5(KLog2,aKey.iScanCode,aKey.iModifiers&EModifierMask,iTestModifiers[iKeyCount]&EModifierMask,iKeyCount);
+ Test(aKey.iScanCode==iTestScanCodes[iKeyCount]);
+ Test(aKey.iCode==iTestCodes[iKeyCount]);
+ Test((aKey.iModifiers&EModifierMask)==(iTestModifiers[iKeyCount]&EModifierMask));
+ }
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::SwitchOn(const TTime &)
+ {
+#if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog,"SwitchOn KeyCount=%d");
+ iTest->LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,iKeyCount);
+ if (iKeyCount==4)
+ NextKey();
+ else if (iKeyCount!=5)
+ Error(2);
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime &)
+ {
+#if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog,"Pointer Event Type=%d Pos=(%d,%d) PPos=(%d,%d) KeyCount=%d");
+ iTest->LOG_MESSAGE7(KLog,aPointer.iType,aPointer.iPosition.iX,aPointer.iPosition.iY
+ ,aPointer.iParentPosition.iX,aPointer.iParentPosition.iY,iKeyCount);
+ if (aPointer.iType==TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
+ {
+ if (iKeyCount!=2)
+ Error(1);
+ else
+ NextKey();
+ }
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::DrawButton(const TRect &aRect, const TDesC &aText)
+ {
+ iGc->DrawRect(aRect);
+ iGc->DrawText(aText, TPoint((aRect.iBr.iX+aRect.iTl.iX)/2,(aRect.iBr.iY+aRect.iTl.iY)/2));
+ }
+void CTPntKeyWindow::Draw()
+ {
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(0));
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(3));
+ iGc->Clear();
+ DrawButton(iKey1,_L("A"));
+ DrawButton(iKey2,_L("B"));
+ DrawButton(iKey3,_L("C"));
+ switch(iKeyCount)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Click on 'A'"), TPoint(10,20));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Shift-Click on 'B'"), TPoint(10,20));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Click anywhere in this window"), TPoint(10,20));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Click on 'C'"), TPoint(10,20));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+#if defined(__WINS__) // Can't emulate touching dig when switched off under WINS
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Switch off and on (or press Enter)"), TPoint(10,20));
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Switch off, then touch the screen to switch on"), TPoint(10,20));
+ break;
+ case 5:
+#if defined(__WINS__) // Can't emulate touching dig when switched off under WINS
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Touch anywhere in the window"), TPoint(10,20));
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Switch off and touch the screen to switch on again"), TPoint(10,20));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+CTPntKey::CTPntKey(CTestStep* aStep):
+ CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ HAL::Set(HALData::EPenDisplayOn,iOldPointerState);
+ CTWin::Delete(iWin);
+ Client()->ResetFocus();
+ delete iTimeOut;
+ }
+TInt CTPntKey::TimeOut(TAny* aTest) //static
+ {
+ static_cast<CTPntKey*>(aTest)->TimeOut();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+void CTPntKey::TimeOut()
+ {
+ TLogMessageText buf;
+ _LIT(KPntKeyTimeOut,"TIMEOUT: Pointer Key, %d, %S");
+ buf.AppendFormat(KPntKeyTimeOut,iState,&TestBase()->iSubTitle);
+ TheClient->LogMessage(buf);
+ Failed(4);
+ }
+void CTPntKey::Failed(TInt aWhere)
+ {
+ _LIT(KLog,"Failed at %d");
+ LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,aWhere);
+ if (!iFailed)
+ {
+ iFailed=ETrue;
+ Client()->iGroup->ClearCurrentWindow();
+ }
+ }
+void CTPntKey::ConstructL()
+ {
+ TInt mods=TheClient->iWs.GetModifierState();
+ if (mods&EModifierCapsLock)
+ iTest->SimulateKeyDownUp(EStdKeyCapsLock);
+ //Make sure all the keys we test are in the up state
+ iTest->SimulateKeyDownUp(EStdKeyLeftShift);
+ iTest->SimulateKeyDownUp(EStdKeyRightShift);
+ iTest->SimulateKeyDownUp(EStdKeyLeftFunc);
+ iTest->SimulateKeyDownUp(EStdKeyLeftCtrl);
+ iTest->SimulateKeyDownUp(EStdKeyRightCtrl);
+ mods=TheClient->iWs.GetModifierState();
+ _LIT(KLog,"Initial Modifiers state 0x%x (ideally should be zero)");
+ LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,mods);
+ TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(0); //May sure we are in the right screen size mode
+ TheClient->iScreen->SetAppScreenMode(0);
+ TheClient->iWs.SetPointerCursorArea(TestBase()->iNormalPointerCursorArea);
+ CTPntKeyWindow *win=new(ELeave) CTPntKeyWindow(this);
+ win->SetUpLD(TPoint(20,20),Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels()-TSize(40,40),Client()->iGroup);
+ iWin=win;
+ Client()->iGroup->SetCurrentWindow(iWin);
+ iNoDigitiser=EFalse;
+ TInt err=HAL::Get(HALData::EPenDisplayOn,iOldPointerState);
+ if (err==KErrNotSupported)
+ {
+ iNoDigitiser=ETrue;
+ }
+ else if (err==KErrNone)
+ {
+ err=HAL::Set(HALData::EPenDisplayOn,ETrue);
+ if (err==KErrNotSupported)
+ iNoDigitiser=(!iOldPointerState);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TEST(EFalse);
+ }
+ TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish(); //Make sure all pending events have been delt with (redraw events are lowest priority)
+ iTimeOut=new(ELeave) CTimeOut();
+ iTimeOut->ConstructL();
+ iTimeOut->Start(KTimeOutAfter,TCallBack(CTPntKey::TimeOut,this));
+ }
+void CTPntKey::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/)
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName,"Key set 1");
+ TEST(!iFailed);
+ if (iFailed)
+ {
+ _LIT(KLog,"Test Failed Substate=%d KeyCount=%d");
+ LOG_MESSAGE3(KLog,iTest->iState,iWin->KeyCount());
+ }
+ ((CTPntKeyStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
+ switch(++iTest->iState)
+ {
+@SYMDEF DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test Pointer move/drag buffer
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestStatus Implemented
+@SYMTestActions Exercise the pointer move/drag buffer and check
+ that it functions correctly
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The buffer functions correctly
+ case 1:
+ ((CTPntKeyStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0200"));
+ iTest->LogSubTest(KTestName);
+ if (TestBase()->ConfigurationSupportsPointerEventTesting())
+ {
+ iWin->SendEvent();
+ TheClient->Flush();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test skipped because config does not support pointer event testing"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ ((CTPntKeyStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+ ((CTPntKeyStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+ if (TestBase()->ConfigurationSupportsPointerEventTesting())
+ {
+ iTimeOut->Cancel();
+ }
+ TestComplete();
+ break;
+ }
+ ((CTPntKeyStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
+ }