changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/test/t_stress/src/spritewin.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent
+#include "spritewin.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <hal.h>
+//common configuration parameter names
+_LIT(KT_WservStressParamRandomizeDrawMode, "randomize_draw_mode");
+_LIT(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomStepX, "max_random_step_x");
+_LIT(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomStepY, "max_random_step_y");
+_LIT(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomOffsetX, "max_random_offset_x");
+_LIT(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomOffsetY, "max_random_offset_y");
+//static configuration data, definitions and default assignments
+TBool CSpritedWin::iEnabled = ETrue;
+TBool CSpritedWin::iTransparent = ETrue;
+TBool CSpritedWin::iRandomizePenStyle = EFalse;
+TBool CSpritedWin::iRandomizeBrushStyle = EFalse;
+TBool CSpritedWin::iRandomizeDrawMode = EFalse;
+TBool CSpritedWin::iTransparentForegroundWindow = EFalse;
+TInt CSpritedWin::iMaxRandomStepX = 0;
+TInt CSpritedWin::iMaxRandomStepY = 0;
+TInt CSpritedWin::iMaxRandomOffsetX = 0;
+TInt CSpritedWin::iMaxRandomOffsetY = 0;
+const TInt sInvisibleFrame = 24;	//how much bigger the invisible window is
+CSpritedWin* CSpritedWin::NewLC(RWsSession& aWs, RWindowGroup* aGroup, CCompWin* aParent, CWindowGc& aGc)
+	{
+	CSpritedWin* self = new (ELeave) CSpritedWin( aWs, aGroup, aParent, aGc );
+	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::LoadConfiguration(const MTestStepConfigurationContext* aContext)
+	{
+	aContext->GetBool(KT_WservStressParamEnabled, iEnabled);
+	aContext->GetBool(KT_WservStressParamTransparent, iTransparent);
+	aContext->GetBool(KT_WservStressParamRandomizePenStyle, iRandomizePenStyle);
+	aContext->GetBool(KT_WservStressParamRandomizeBrushStyle, iRandomizeBrushStyle);
+	aContext->GetBool(KT_WservStressParamRandomizeDrawMode, iRandomizeDrawMode);
+	aContext->GetBool(KT_WservStressParamTransparentForegroundWindow, iTransparentForegroundWindow);
+	aContext->GetInt(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomStepX, iMaxRandomStepX);
+	aContext->GetInt(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomStepY, iMaxRandomStepY);
+	aContext->GetInt(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomOffsetX, iMaxRandomOffsetX);
+	aContext->GetInt(KT_WservStressParamMaxRandomOffsetY, iMaxRandomOffsetY);
+	}
+	{ 
+	if (iForeWin)
+		{
+		iForeWin->Close();
+		delete iForeWin;
+		}
+	iSprite.Close();
+	TInt idx;
+	for ( idx = 0; idx < ENofSlides; idx++)
+		{
+		delete iSpriteCntDevice [idx];
+		delete iSpriteMskDevice [idx]; 
+		delete iSpriteContent[idx];
+		delete iSpriteMask[idx];
+		}
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::Redraw(const TRect& aRect)
+	{
+	if (iSpriteStartup == 0)
+		{
+		//first time getting here should be very close to the sprite activation time
+		iSpriteStartup = User::NTickCount();
+		}
+	iWsGc.Activate(*iWindow);
+	iRedrawWindow->BeginRedraw( aRect );
+	iWsGc.Reset();
+	//draw rectangle filling window area
+	iWsGc.SetPenStyle( iPenStyle );
+	iWsGc.SetBrushStyle( iBrushStyle );
+	iWsGc.SetBrushColor( iBgColor );
+	iWsGc.SetPenColor( iBgColor );
+	iWsGc.SetDrawMode(iDrawMode);
+	TRect drawRect( TPoint(0,0), iSize );
+	iWsGc.DrawRect( drawRect );
+	iRedrawWindow->EndRedraw();
+	iWsGc.Deactivate();	
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::DrawBitmap(CFbsBitGc* aGc, TRect& aClip, TPoint& aOrigin)
+	{
+	if (iSpriteStartup == 0)
+		{
+		//although bitmap drawing requested, sprite was not yet rendered - skip
+		return;
+		}
+	aGc->Reset();
+	TPoint origin = iPos + aOrigin;
+	aGc->SetOrigin(origin);
+	TRect clip(origin, iSize);
+	clip.Intersection(aClip);
+	clip.Move(-origin);
+	aGc->SetClippingRect(clip);
+	// draw win
+	aGc->SetPenStyle(iPenStyle);
+	aGc->SetBrushStyle(iBrushStyle);
+	aGc->SetBrushColor( iBgColor );
+	aGc->SetPenColor( iBgColor );
+	aGc->SetDrawMode(iDrawMode);
+	aGc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0), iSize));
+	// emulate sprite, cur frame
+	// time (in ticks) passed since sprite activation
+	TUint64 delta = TTickUtils::CalcTickDelta( iVerifyTick, iSpriteStartup );
+	// time for a single slide (in microseconds)
+	TUint slideDur  = iSlideDuration.Int();
+	TInt slideNo = TUint32( ( (delta * iKernelTicksPeriod ) / slideDur ) % ENofSlides );
+	TPoint spritePos( iSize.iWidth / 2 - ESpriteSzXHalf, 
+			iSize.iHeight / 2 - ESpriteSzYHalf );
+	TSize spriteSize(ESpriteSzX, ESpriteSzY);
+	TRect	spriteRect ( TPoint(0,0), spriteSize );
+	TRect   destRect( spritePos, spriteSize );
+	destRect.Move(iSpriteDef[slideNo].iOffset);
+	aGc->DrawBitmapMasked( destRect, 
+						   iSpriteContent[slideNo], 
+						   spriteRect, 
+						   iSpriteMask[slideNo],
+						   EFalse);
+	// inherited
+	CCompWin::DrawBitmap(aGc, aClip, aOrigin);	
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::ClearBitmapBackground(CFbsBitGc* aGc, TRect& aClip, TPoint& aOrigin)
+	{
+	if (iSpriteStartup == 0)
+		{
+		//although bitmap drawing requested, sprite was not yet rendered - skip
+		return;
+		}
+	CCompWin::ClearBitmapBackground(aGc, aClip, aOrigin);
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::SetSize(const TSize & aSize)
+	{
+	CCompWin::SetSize( aSize );
+	if ( iConstructed )
+		{		
+		TPoint spritePos( iSize.iWidth / 2 - ESpriteSzXHalf, 
+				iSize.iHeight / 2 - ESpriteSzYHalf );
+		iSprite.SetPosition( spritePos );
+		}
+	if (iForeWin)
+		{
+		iForeWin->SetExtent(TPoint(iPos.iX-sInvisibleFrame, iPos.iY-sInvisibleFrame), 
+	            TSize(iSize.iWidth+2*sInvisibleFrame, iSize.iHeight+2*sInvisibleFrame));
+		}
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::SetPos(const TPoint & aPos)
+	{
+	CCompWin::SetPos( aPos );
+	if (iForeWin)
+		{
+		iForeWin->SetPosition(TPoint(iPos.iX-sInvisibleFrame, iPos.iY-sInvisibleFrame));
+		}
+	}
+CSpritedWin::CSpritedWin(RWsSession& aWs, RWindowGroup* aGroup, CCompWin* aParent, CWindowGc& aGc):
+	CCompWin( aWs, aGroup, aParent, aGc ), iSprite ( aWs ), iForeWin(NULL)
+	{
+	iBgColor 	= TRnd::rnd();
+	if (!iTransparent)
+		{
+		iBgColor.SetAlpha(255);
+		}
+	iSlideDuration = (TRnd::rnd( ESlideDurMaxTenthSec ) + 1) * ESlideDurMult;
+	HAL::Get( HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, iKernelTicksPeriod );	
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// prepare surface
+	CCompWin::PreConstructL(iTransparent);
+	TInt idx, err = KErrNone;
+	TRect rect;
+	CGraphicsContext* gCtxSpr = NULL;
+	CGraphicsContext* gCtxMsk = NULL;
+	// init sprite handles
+	TPoint spritePos( iSize.iWidth / 2 - ESpriteSzXHalf, 
+			iSize.iHeight / 2 - ESpriteSzYHalf );
+	err = iSprite.Construct( *iWindow, spritePos, ESpriteNoChildClip  );
+	User::LeaveIfError( err );
+	iPenStyle = iRandomizePenStyle ? GetRandomPenStyle() : CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen;
+	iBrushStyle = iRandomizeBrushStyle ? GetRandomBrushStyle() : CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush;
+	iDrawMode = iRandomizeDrawMode ? GetRandomDrawMode() : CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN;
+	TInt stepx = iMaxRandomStepX > 0 ? TRnd::rnd(2*iMaxRandomStepX) - iMaxRandomStepX : 0;
+	TInt stepy = iMaxRandomStepY > 0 ? TRnd::rnd(2*iMaxRandomStepY) - iMaxRandomStepY : 0;
+	TInt offsetx = iMaxRandomOffsetX > 0 ? TRnd::rnd(2*iMaxRandomOffsetX) - iMaxRandomOffsetX : 0;
+	TInt offsety = iMaxRandomOffsetY > 0 ? TRnd::rnd(2*iMaxRandomOffsetY) - iMaxRandomOffsetY : 0;
+	// create sprites & masks
+	for ( idx = 0; idx < ENofSlides; idx++)
+		{
+		iSpriteContent[idx] = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+		iSpriteMask[idx]	= new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();;
+		err = iSpriteContent[idx]->Create(TSize(ESpriteSzX,ESpriteSzY), EColor64K);
+		User::LeaveIfError( err );
+		err = iSpriteMask[idx]->Create(TSize(ESpriteSzX,ESpriteSzY), EColor64K);
+		User::LeaveIfError( err );
+		iSpriteCntDevice [idx] = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL (iSpriteContent[idx]);
+		iSpriteMskDevice [idx] = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL (iSpriteMask[idx]);
+		// draw sprite content
+		err = iSpriteCntDevice[idx]->CreateContext( gCtxSpr );
+		User::LeaveIfError( err );
+		CleanupStack::PushL( gCtxSpr );
+		err = iSpriteMskDevice[idx]->CreateContext( gCtxMsk );
+		User::LeaveIfError( err );
+		CleanupStack::PushL( gCtxMsk );
+		gCtxSpr->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+		gCtxSpr->SetPenColor(KRgbWhite);
+		gCtxSpr->SetBrushColor(KRgbWhite);
+		gCtxSpr->SetBrushStyle( iBrushStyle );
+		gCtxMsk->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+		gCtxMsk->SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
+		gCtxMsk->SetBrushColor(KRgbBlack);
+		gCtxMsk->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+		rect.SetRect( 0, 0, ESpriteSzX, ESpriteSzY );
+		gCtxSpr->DrawRect( rect );
+		gCtxMsk->DrawRect( rect );
+		// cross mask
+		gCtxMsk->SetBrushColor(KRgbWhite);
+		gCtxMsk->SetPenColor(KRgbWhite);
+		rect.SetRect( ESpriteSzXHalf - EStepWidth * (idx + 1), 0, 
+					  ESpriteSzXHalf + EStepWidth * (idx + 1), ESpriteSzY );
+		gCtxMsk->DrawRect( rect );
+		rect.SetRect( 0, ESpriteSzYHalf - EStepHeight * (idx + 1),
+				      ESpriteSzX, ESpriteSzYHalf + EStepHeight * (idx + 1) );
+		gCtxMsk->DrawRect( rect );
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( gCtxMsk );		
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( gCtxSpr );		
+		// make sprite
+		iSpriteDef[idx].iBitmap 		= iSpriteContent[idx];
+		iSpriteDef[idx].iMaskBitmap	= iSpriteMask[idx];
+		iSpriteDef[idx].iOffset		= TPoint( offsetx+idx*stepx, offsety+idx*stepy );
+		iSpriteDef[idx].iDrawMode		= CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND;
+		iSpriteDef[idx].iInvertMask	= EFalse;
+		iSpriteDef[idx].iInterval		= iSlideDuration;
+		err = iSprite.AppendMember( iSpriteDef[idx] );
+		User::LeaveIfError( err );
+		}
+	//Create a transparent foreground window, moving and resizing with the sprite window
+	if (iTransparentForegroundWindow)
+		{
+		iForeWin = new(ELeave) RBlankWindow(iWs);
+		iForeWin->Construct(*iGroup,reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(iForeWin));
+		iForeWin->SetColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0, 0));	//a transparent window
+		iForeWin->SetExtent(TPoint(iPos.iX-sInvisibleFrame, iPos.iY-sInvisibleFrame), 
+				            TSize(iSize.iWidth+2*sInvisibleFrame, iSize.iHeight+2*sInvisibleFrame));
+		iForeWin->SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+		iForeWin->Activate();
+		}
+	// finally
+	CCompWin::PostConstructL();	
+	iSpriteStartup = 0;
+	// show up the sprite
+	err = iSprite.Activate();
+	User::LeaveIfError( err );
+	iConstructed = ETrue;
+	}
+TBool CSpritedWin::QueryReadyForVerification()
+	{
+	TBool res;
+	// time (in ticks) passed since sprite activation
+	TUint64 delta = TTickUtils::CalcTickDelta( iVerifyTick, iSpriteStartup );
+	// time for a single slide (in microseconds)
+	TUint slideDur  = iSlideDuration.Int();
+	// time for all sprite slides (in microseconds)
+	TUint spriteDur = slideDur * ENofSlides;
+	// time passed since begining of sprite sequence (in microseconds)
+	TUint64 sense = (delta * iKernelTicksPeriod ) % spriteDur; // microsec
+	res = (sense >= EFrameBorderSenseMs);
+	res = res && CCompWin::QueryReadyForVerification();
+	return res;
+	}
+void CSpritedWin::DumpDetails(RFile& aFile, TInt aDepth)
+	{
+	TBuf8<256> buf;
+	buf.SetLength(0);
+	for (TInt d = 0; d < aDepth; ++d)
+		{
+		buf.Append(_L8("  "));
+		}
+	buf.Append(_L8("Transparent = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iTransparent);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] pen_style = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iPenStyle);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] brush_style = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iBrushStyle);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] draw_mode = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iDrawMode);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] transparent_foreground_window = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iTransparentForegroundWindow);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] max_random_step_x = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iMaxRandomStepX);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] max_random_step_y = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iMaxRandomStepY);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] max_random_offset_x = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iMaxRandomOffsetX);
+	buf.Append(_L8("] max_random_offset_y = ["));
+	buf.AppendNum((TInt64)iMaxRandomOffsetY);
+	buf.Append(_L8("]\r\n"));
+	aFile.Write(buf);
+	}