--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserverplugins/openwfc/inc/elementwrapper.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// A class which wraps OpenWF element related functionality.
+#include "openwfcwrapper.h"
+#include <graphics/wselement.h>
+#include <graphics/surface.h>
+#include <WF/wfc.h>
+#if defined(ENABLE_LI_LOGGING)
+#define LILOG(X) RDebug::Printf X
+#define LILOG(X)
+#define OWF_SURFACE_WIDTH (768) /* needs to be > 640 + 2 to allow S60 nHD config to work */
+#define OWF_SURFACE_HEIGHT (768) /* needs to be > 640 + 2 to allow S60 nHD config to work */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CElementWrapper) : public CBase, public MWsElement
+ {
+ enum TOwfUpdates
+ { //All setters should set EUpdate_PostIllegalUpdate
+ EUpdate_None = 0,
+ EUpdate_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE = 0x00000001,
+ EUpdate_SOURCE = 0x00000002,
+ EUpdate_SOURCE_RECTANGLE = 0x00000004,
+ EUpdate_SOURCE_FLIP = 0x00000008,
+ EUpdate_SOURCE_ROTATION = 0x00000010,
+ EUpdate_SOURCE_SCALE_FILTER = 0x00000020, //No client-side code yet to drive this
+ EUpdate_TRANSPARENCY_TYPES = 0x00000040,
+ EUpdate_GLOBAL_ALPHA = 0x00000080,
+ EUpdate_MASK = 0x00000100, //No client-side code yet to drive this
+ EUpdate_ALL_ATTRIBS = 0x000fffff,
+ EUpdate_AttributesIllegal = 0x00100000, //If set then the owf scene will not be updated because it would be illegal.
+ EUpdate_SettingValid = 0x00200000,
+ EUpdate_DontLockSource = 0x00400000,
+ EUpdate_Insert = 0x01000000,
+ EUpdate_Remove = 0x02000000,
+ EUpdate_Destroy = 0x04000000,
+ EUpdate_SceneCommited = 0x10000000,
+ };
+public: // from MWsElement
+ const TSurfaceId& ConnectedSurface() const;
+ TInt ConnectSurface(const TSurfaceId& aSurface);
+ TInt SetSourceRectangle(const TRect& aSrc);
+ TInt GetSourceRectangle(TRect& aSrc);
+ TInt SetSourceFlipping(const TBool aFlip);
+ TBool SourceFlipping() const;
+ MWsElement* ElementAbove();
+ MWsElement* ElementBelow();
+ TInt SetGlobalAlpha(const TInt aAlpha);
+ void GlobalAlpha(TInt& aAlpha) const;
+ TInt SetSourceRotation(const TElementRotation aElementRotation);
+ MWsElement::TElementRotation SourceRotation() const;
+ TInt SetTargetRendererFlags(const TUint32& aTargetRendererFlags);
+ TInt SetRenderStageFlags(const TUint32& aRenderStageFlags);
+ void GetTargetRendererFlags(TUint32& aTargetRendererFlags) const;
+ void GetRenderStageFlags(TUint32& aRenderStageFlags) const;
+ TInt SetDestinationRectangle(const TRect& aDest);
+ TInt GetDestinationRectangle(TRect& aDest) const;
+ TInt SetDestinationClippingRect(const TRect& aDestClipRect);
+ TInt GetDestinationClippingRect(TRect& aDestClipRect) const;
+ static CElementWrapper* NewL(COpenWfcWrapper& aCOpenWfcWrapper, CElementWrapper*& aCleanupPrevRef);
+ CElementWrapper(COpenWfcWrapper& aOpenWfcWrapper);
+ ~CElementWrapper();
+ void ConstructL(CElementWrapper*& aCleanupPrevRef);
+ void RemoveAfter(CElementWrapper** apBelow);
+ void InsertAfter(CElementWrapper*& aRefBelow, CElementWrapper* aBelow, TOwfUpdates aUpdateFlag);
+ CElementWrapper** RefsMyElementBelow();
+ CElementWrapper*& MyElementAbove();
+ COpenWfcWrapper& Owner()const { return iOpenWfcWrapper;}
+ TBool FlushSceneChanges();
+ WFCElement Element(){ return iElement;};
+ TOwfUpdates UpdateFlags()const {return static_cast<TOwfUpdates>(iUpdateFlags);}
+ TInt ReplicateElements(WFCContext aContext, WFCElement& aPreviousTargetElement, const TPoint& aOffset);
+ void SetEltDestinationRectangle(WFCElement aElement)const;
+ void SetEltDestinationRectangle(WFCElement aElement, const TPoint& aOffset)const;
+ void SetEltSource(WFCElement aElement)const;
+ void SetEltSourceComposed();
+ void SetEltSourceRectangle(WFCElement aElement);
+ void SetEltSourceFlip(WFCElement aElement)const;
+ void SetEltTransparencyTypes(WFCElement aElement)const;
+ void FlushAttributeChanges(WFCElement aElement, TInt aUpdateFlags);
+ TBool IsNewElementLegal()const;
+private: //methods
+ TBool UnsetSurface(TSurfaceId& aSurface);
+ static TInt WfcRotation(MWsElement::TElementRotation aRotation);
+ void HelpStreamGetHeader(khronos_int32_t* width, khronos_int32_t* height )const;
+ TRect SetSourceDestRect(const TRect& aDestElementRect, const TRect& aDestElementClippedRect,const TRect& aSrcOriginalElementRect,const TBool& aElementFlip,const MWsElement::TElementRotation& aElementRotation) const;
+ TInt SurfaceInfo(const TSurfaceId& aSurface, RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf& aInfo);
+private: //data
+ TUint iUpdateFlags;
+ COpenWfcWrapper& iOpenWfcWrapper;
+ TSurfaceId iComposedSurfaceId;
+ TSurfaceId iSurfaceId;
+ TSize iSurfaceSize;
+ TRect iSourcRect;
+ TRect iDestinationRect;
+ TRect iDestinationClippingRect;
+ TInt iGlobalAlpha;
+ TBool iFlipped;
+ MWsElement::TElementRotation iRotation;
+ TUint32 iTargetRendererFlags;
+ TUint32 iRenderStageFlags;
+ WFCElement iElement;
+ CElementWrapper* iElementAbove; //used to maintain the scene list
+ CElementWrapper* iElementBelow; //used to maintain the scene list
+ CElementWrapper** iCleanupPrevRef; //used to clean up the context on exit
+ CElementWrapper* iCleanupNext; //used to clean up the context on exit
+ };
+#endif /* ELEMENTWRAPPER_H_ */