--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserverplugins/openwfc/src/rendertarget.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "rendertarget.h"
+#include <graphics/directgdidriver.h>
+#include <graphics/sgutils.h>
+#include "panic.h"
+#include <bitdraworigin.h>
+#include <bitdrawinterfaceid.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#if defined(__WINS__) && defined(_DEBUG)
+#include "osbwin.h"
+ {
+ }
+void RWsOffScreenImageTarget::OpenL(TUint32 aUsage, TSgCpuAccess aCpuAccess, TUidPixelFormat aPixelFormat, const TSize& aSize, TInt aScreenNumber)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiDriver* theDGdiDriver = CDirectGdiDriver::Static();
+ if(!theDGdiDriver)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iUsage = aUsage;
+ iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iPixelFormat = aPixelFormat;
+ iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iSizeInPixels = aSize;
+ iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iCpuAccess = aCpuAccess;
+ iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iScreenId = aScreenNumber;
+ iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::EInvertedAspectRatio] = iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio];
+ iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::EInvertedAspectRatio].iSizeInPixels.SetSize(aSize.iHeight, aSize.iWidth);
+ const TInt KImageCount = 1;
+ User::LeaveIfError(RSgImageCollection::Create(iImageInfos, KImageCount, iImageCollections, CRenderTarget::EAspectRatioCount));
+ for(TInt ii = 0; ii < CRenderTarget::EAspectRatioCount; ii++)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iImageCollections[ii].GetInfo(iImageInfos[ii])); //should be the same as requested, this is just belt and braces
+ User::LeaveIfError(iImageCollections[ii].OpenImage(0, iImages[ii]));
+ iImageTargets[ii] = RDirectGdiImageTarget(*theDGdiDriver);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iImageTargets[ii].Create(iImages[ii]));
+ }
+ }
+void RWsOffScreenImageTarget::Close()
+ {
+ for(TInt ii = 0; ii < CRenderTarget::EAspectRatioCount; ii++)
+ {
+ iImageTargets[ii].Close();
+ iImages[ii].Close();
+ iImageCollections[ii].Close();
+ }
+ }
+ Create and construct render target. The function creates RSgImage and target associated with it.
+ DirectGc wrapper will also be created at this stage.
+ */
+CRenderTarget* CRenderTarget::NewL(MWsIniFile* aIniFile, TUint32 aUsage, TSgCpuAccess aCpuAccess, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, const TSize& aSize, TInt aScreenNumber)
+ {
+ CRenderTarget* self=new(ELeave) CRenderTarget();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aIniFile, aUsage, aCpuAccess, aDisplayMode, aSize, aScreenNumber);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+inline CRenderTarget::CRenderTarget()
+ : iCurrentAspectRatio(ENormalAspectRatio)
+ {}
+ {
+ delete iDirectGdiGcWrapper;
+ iTarget.Close();
+#if defined(__WINS__) && defined(_DEBUG)
+ delete iOsbWin;
+ }
+ Construct render target. The function creates RSgImage and target associated with it.
+ DirectGc wrapper will also be created at this stage.
+ */
+#if defined(__WINS__) && defined(_DEBUG)
+void CRenderTarget::ConstructL(MWsIniFile* aIniFile, TUint32 aUsage, TSgCpuAccess aCpuAccess, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, const TSize& aSize, TInt aScreenNumber)
+void CRenderTarget::ConstructL(MWsIniFile* /*aIniFile*/, TUint32 aUsage, TSgCpuAccess aCpuAccess, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, const TSize& aSize, TInt aScreenNumber)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiDriver* theDGdiDriver = CDirectGdiDriver::Static();
+ if(!theDGdiDriver)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ iTarget.OpenL(aUsage, aCpuAccess, SgUtils::DisplayModeToPixelFormat(aDisplayMode), aSize, aScreenNumber);
+ iDirectGdiGcWrapper = CDirectGdiGcWrapper::NewL();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iDirectGdiGcWrapper->DirectGdiGc().Activate(iTarget.iImageTargets[iCurrentAspectRatio]));
+#if defined(__WINS__) && defined(_DEBUG)
+ _LIT(KDebugOsb, "DEBUGOSB");
+ if(aIniFile->FindVar(aScreenNumber, KDebugOsb))
+ {
+ _LIT(KDebugOsbTitleFormatBackBuffer, "Screen %d, back buffer ");
+ _LIT(KDebugOsbTitleFormatScreen, "Screen %d, display buffer");
+ TBuf<32> title;
+ title.Format(((aUsage & ESgUsageScreenSource) ? KDebugOsbTitleFormatScreen : KDebugOsbTitleFormatBackBuffer), aScreenNumber);
+ iOsbWin = CDebugOsbWin::NewL(title, aSize);
+ }
+ }
+TAny* CRenderTarget::ResolveObjectInterface(TUint aTypeId)
+ {
+ switch(aTypeId)
+ {
+ case MWsUiBuffer::EWsObjectInterfaceId:
+ return static_cast<MWsUiBuffer*>(this);
+ }
+ return DirectGdiGc()->ResolveObjectInterface(aTypeId);
+ }
+TInt CRenderTarget::MapReadWrite(TAny*& aDataAddress, TInt& aDataStride)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiDriver* driver = CDirectGdiDriver::Static();
+ if(driver)
+ driver->Finish();
+ return Image().MapReadWrite(aDataAddress, aDataStride);
+ }
+TInt CRenderTarget::MapWriteOnly(TAny*& aDataAddress, TInt& aDataStride)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiDriver* driver = CDirectGdiDriver::Static();
+ if(driver)
+ driver->Finish();
+ return Image().MapWriteOnly(aDataAddress, aDataStride);
+ }
+TInt CRenderTarget::MapReadOnly(const TAny*& aDataAddress, TInt& aDataStride) const
+ {
+ CDirectGdiDriver* driver = CDirectGdiDriver::Static();
+ if(driver)
+ driver->Finish();
+ return Image().MapReadOnly(aDataAddress, aDataStride);
+ }
+TInt CRenderTarget::Unmap()
+ {
+ return Image().Unmap();
+ }
+TInt CRenderTarget::Unmap() const
+ {
+ return Image().Unmap();
+ }
+TUidPixelFormat CRenderTarget::PixelFormat() const
+ {
+ return ImageInfo().iPixelFormat;
+ }
+TSize CRenderTarget::SizeInPixels() const
+ {
+ return ImageInfo().iSizeInPixels;
+ }
+TDisplayMode CRenderTarget::DisplayMode() const
+ {
+ return SgUtils::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(PixelFormat());
+ }
+const TSurfaceId& CRenderTarget::SurfaceId() const
+ {
+ return ImageCollection().SurfaceId();
+ }
+const TSgDrawableId& CRenderTarget::ImageId(TAspectRatio aAspectRatio) const
+ {
+ return iTarget.iImages[aAspectRatio].Id();
+ }
+void CRenderTarget::SetAspectRatio(TAspectRatio aAspectRatio)
+ {
+ STD_ASSERT_DEBUG(aAspectRatio == ENormalAspectRatio || aAspectRatio == EInvertedAspectRatio, EPluginPanicTemp);
+ if(aAspectRatio != iCurrentAspectRatio)
+ {
+ iCurrentAspectRatio = aAspectRatio;
+ iDirectGdiGcWrapper->Reset();
+ }
+ iDirectGdiGcWrapper->DirectGdiGc().Activate(iTarget.iImageTargets[iCurrentAspectRatio]);
+ }
+TInt CRenderTarget::SetDrawDeviceOffset(TPoint& aOrigin)
+ {
+ //set the offset on both wrappers
+ MDrawDeviceOrigin* originInterface=NULL;
+ TInt result= iDirectGdiGcWrapper->DirectGdiGc().GetInterface(TUid::Uid(KDrawDeviceOriginInterfaceID),reinterpret_cast<TAny*&>(originInterface));
+ if (result>=KErrNone && originInterface!=NULL)
+ {
+ result=originInterface->Set(aOrigin);
+ }
+ if (result>=KErrNone)
+ {
+ iOffset=aOrigin;
+ iDirectGdiGcWrapper->DirectGdiGc().Activate(iTarget.iImageTargets[iCurrentAspectRatio]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+TInt CRenderTarget::AllocNewTarget(RWsOffScreenImageTarget& aNewTarget, const TSize& aNewSize)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,
+ aNewTarget.OpenL(
+ iTarget.iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iUsage,
+ iTarget.iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iCpuAccess,
+ iTarget.iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iPixelFormat,
+ aNewSize,
+ iTarget.iImageInfos[CRenderTarget::ENormalAspectRatio].iScreenId))
+ return err;
+ }
+void CRenderTarget::SwitchTarget(RWsOffScreenImageTarget& aNewTarget)
+ {
+ iTarget.Close();
+ iTarget = aNewTarget;
+ iDirectGdiGcWrapper->DirectGdiGc().Activate(iTarget.iImageTargets[iCurrentAspectRatio]);
+ }
+void CRenderTarget::GetPixel(TRgb& aColor, const TPoint& aPixel) const
+ {
+ const TAny* dataAddress = NULL;
+ TInt dataStride;
+ const TInt err = MapReadOnly(dataAddress, dataStride);
+ if(!err)
+ {
+ const TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = PixelFormat();
+ const TInt bpp = SgUtils::MinDataStride(1, pixelFormat);
+ const TUint32 offset = aPixel.iY * dataStride / bpp + aPixel.iX;
+ switch(pixelFormat)
+ {
+ case EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE:
+ case EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888:
+ {
+ const TInt32* dataAddress1 = static_cast<const TInt32*>(dataAddress) + offset;
+ const TInt32 colValue = *dataAddress1;
+ aColor.SetInternal(colValue);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EUidPixelFormatRGB_565:
+ {
+ const TInt16* dataAddress1 = static_cast<const TInt16*>(dataAddress) + offset;
+ const TInt16 colValue = *dataAddress1;
+ aColor = TRgb::Color64K((TInt)colValue);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Unmap();
+ }
+ }
+void CRenderTarget::GetScanLine(TDes8& aScanLine, const TPoint& aStartPixel, TInt aPixelLength, TDisplayMode aDispMode) const
+ {
+ TRect rectSrc(aStartPixel, TSize(aPixelLength, 1));
+ const TRect rectClientArea(SizeInPixels());
+ rectSrc.Intersection(rectClientArea);
+ if(rectSrc.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ const TUidPixelFormat pixelFormatSource = PixelFormat();
+ const TUidPixelFormat pixelFormatDest = SgUtils::DisplayModeToPixelFormat(aDispMode);
+ if((pixelFormatSource == EUidPixelFormatUnknown) || (pixelFormatDest == EUidPixelFormatUnknown))
+ return;
+ aPixelLength = rectSrc.Width();
+ const TInt dataStrideDest = SgUtils::MinDataStride(aPixelLength, pixelFormatDest);
+ if(dataStrideDest <= 0)
+ return;
+ const TAny* dataAddressSource = NULL;
+ TInt dataStrideSource;
+ const TInt err = MapReadOnly(dataAddressSource, dataStrideSource);
+ if(!err)
+ {
+ aScanLine.SetLength(dataStrideDest);
+ SgUtils::TransferPixels(const_cast<TUint8*>(aScanLine.Ptr()), dataStrideDest, pixelFormatDest,
+ dataAddressSource, dataStrideSource, pixelFormatSource, rectSrc);
+ Unmap();
+ }
+ }
+TBool CRenderTarget::RectCompare(const TRect& aRect1, const TRect& aRect2) const
+ {
+ const TAny* startDataAddress = NULL;
+ TInt dataStride;
+ const TRect clientRect(SizeInPixels());
+ TRect rect1 = aRect1;
+ TRect rect2 = aRect2;
+ rect1.Intersection(clientRect);
+ rect2.Intersection(clientRect);
+ if(rect1.IsEmpty() || rect2.IsEmpty() || (rect1 != aRect1) || (rect2 != aRect2) ||
+ (rect1.Width() != rect2.Width()) || (rect1.Height() != rect2.Height()))
+ return EFalse;
+ TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = PixelFormat();
+ if(pixelFormat == EUidPixelFormatUnknown)
+ return EFalse;
+ TInt bpp = SgUtils::MinDataStride(1, pixelFormat);
+ if(bpp == 0)
+ return EFalse;
+ TInt err = MapReadOnly(startDataAddress, dataStride);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ return EFalse;
+ TBool res = ETrue;
+ TPoint startPoint1 = rect1.iTl;
+ TPoint startPoint2 = rect2.iTl;
+ const TInt length1 = SgUtils::MinDataStride(rect1.Width(), pixelFormat);
+ const TInt length2 = SgUtils::MinDataStride(rect2.Width(), pixelFormat);
+ for(; (startPoint1.iY < rect1.iBr.iY) && (startPoint2.iY < rect2.iBr.iY); startPoint1.iY++, startPoint2.iY++)
+ {
+ const TUint8* dataAddress1 = DataAddress(startDataAddress, startPoint1, dataStride, bpp);
+ const TUint8* dataAddress2 = DataAddress(startDataAddress, startPoint2, dataStride, bpp);
+ if(Mem::Compare(dataAddress1, length1, dataAddress2, length2) != 0)
+ {
+ res = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Unmap();
+ return res;
+ }
+void CRenderTarget::CopyToBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, const TRect& aRect) const
+ {
+ const TUidPixelFormat pixelFormatDest = SgUtils::DisplayModeToPixelFormat(aBitmap->DisplayMode());
+ const TUidPixelFormat pixelFormatSrc = PixelFormat();
+ if((pixelFormatSrc == EUidPixelFormatUnknown) || (pixelFormatDest == EUidPixelFormatUnknown))
+ User::LeaveIfError(KErrNotSupported);
+ aBitmap->BeginDataAccess();
+ const TSize sizeDest = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
+ TRect rectSrc = aRect;
+ rectSrc.Intersection(TRect(SizeInPixels()));
+ if(rectSrc.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ if(rectSrc.Height() > sizeDest.iHeight)
+ {
+ rectSrc.SetHeight(sizeDest.iHeight);
+ }
+ if(rectSrc.Width() > sizeDest.iWidth)
+ {
+ rectSrc.SetWidth(sizeDest.iWidth);
+ }
+ const TAny* dataAddressSrc = NULL;
+ TInt dataStrideSrc;
+ User::LeaveIfError(MapReadOnly(dataAddressSrc, dataStrideSrc));
+ SgUtils::TransferPixels(aBitmap->DataAddress(), aBitmap->DataStride(), pixelFormatDest,
+ dataAddressSrc, dataStrideSrc, pixelFormatSrc, rectSrc);
+ aBitmap->EndDataAccess();
+ Unmap();
+ }
+ Helper function to obtain the address of the buffer
+ */
+const TUint8* CRenderTarget::DataAddress(const TAny* aStartDataAddress, const TPoint& aStartPoint, TInt aDataStride, TInt aBpp) const
+ {
+ const TInt offset = aStartPoint.iX * aBpp + aStartPoint.iY * aDataStride;
+ const TUint8* dataAddress = static_cast<TUint8*>(const_cast<TAny*> (aStartDataAddress));
+ return(dataAddress + offset);
+ }
+#if defined(__WINS__) && defined(_DEBUG)
+void CRenderTarget::UpdateDebugWin()
+ {
+ if (iOsbWin)
+ {
+ const TAny* dataAddress = NULL;
+ TInt dataStride;
+ const TInt err = MapReadOnly(dataAddress, dataStride);
+ if(!err)
+ {
+ const TUint32* dataAddress1 = static_cast<const TUint32*>(dataAddress);
+ iOsbWin->Refresh(SizeInPixels(), DisplayMode(), dataAddress1);
+ Unmap();
+ }
+ }
+ }